• Published 26th Feb 2020
  • 1,131 Views, 99 Comments

Jumper - lollipopchica

Chrysalis never thought anything could come between her and her sister. But when threats, secrets, politics and romance threaten her reality, will she ever be able to look at ponykind the same way again?

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Chapter 44

After her appointment, Justinian had taken his daughter to a Froyo shop so they could relax a bit. She’d looked so hollowed out and exhausted. Her shoulders fell with the weight of her self doubt as her eyes dimmed.

He hated to see her that way and asked her how her session went.

“It was tough, Dad.” She looked exhausted. “Dr. Clayhoof takes the term ‘facing your fears’ quite literally.”

“Do you feel like it’s helping?”

A nod. “It’s rough but it’s helpful.”

“We miss you.”

Chrysalis’ eyes watered and she forced herself to take a big lick of her raspberry-flavored treat. “I miss me too. But things are getting better… Aren’t they?” She had so many new friends and a boyfriend that literally jumped off a bridge for her.

“They are,” Justinian agreed. Her confidence was coming back as her anger faded into something more hopeful despite the doubt and cautiousness that lingered.

“What about you and Mom?”

His smile was tight. “That too.” Things with Adelpha were complicated. He loved his wife and he knew she loved him, but between work and their children it was hard to be the support the other needed all the time. Slowly they were finding their way back to the other.

Chrysalis was quiet before speaking again. “I’m sorry all this is happening because of me.”

“What?” The apology felt like a gut shot. There was no way he’d let her take the blame for whatever rough patch was afoot and told her as much.

“I know I’ve been difficult lately,” She trailed a bit before finishing her thoughts. “And I’m sorry I make you and Mom angry. I don’t want you to break up because of me.”

“We are not breaking up,” He stressed. “From time to time we, your mom and I, just don’t agree with how to approach a situation, but we’ve long since made up. As long as we put our family first and support each other, we’ll be alright.”

“You were right about the fights and trouble I’ve gotten in at school. It’s just a lot sometimes, and I felt like there was no one I could really talk or anyone that understood what I was going through. I’m terrified to be myself” tears fell from her eyes. “I can’t help but feel that one day you’re going to disapprove of what you might see…”

Justinian encouraged her to look at him before placing a hand atop hers. His eyes burned into hers as he responded.
“I am one of the few pony persons to ever visit the Badlands and live amongst its citizens. I married your mother despite my family being against it and I literally work for the betterment and integration of Changelings into Equestrian society. You don’t ever have to hide from me.”

She smiled shakily, clearly comforted by his words.

Once they had arrived back to his brother’s home, Cosmo had pulled him into his study to show him a request from the Changeling Collective.

“Justin, do you know anything about this?”

“Anything about what?”

“This came to my office this morning…” He handed him the document and watched with great concern as his younger brother reacted.

Confused as to why the Collective would be corresponding directly with Cosmo and not through his office, Justinian found himself speechless when he read the document before him.

"Her Royal Highness, Princess Adelpha Regina of the Changeling Collective, has formally abdicated her royal title and privileges, effective immediately. In consequence, she has relinquished her rightful claim and succession to the throne. In light of this development, we request that you forthwith surrender her into the custody of the Changeling Collective to finalize this act of renunciation.

Please note that, notwithstanding her renunciation, her offspring, Her Highness's Chrysalis Esmerelda and Cadenza Mi Amore, retain their royal status and rights to the throne. Therefore, we also request that they be relinquished into our custody to facilitate the recognition of a new line of succession.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and will coordinate further instructions through the Changeling Embassy. Please acknowledge receipt of this diplomatic note and indicate your prompt compliance.


Her Majesty, Queen Circe"

He snapped his attention back to his brother. “I… I don’t know what this is.”

Cosmo snorted, “I bet that wife of yours does…” While his family had more or less accepted his choices, it hadn’t always been that way.

“Adelpha wouldn’t do something like this without talking to me first!” Adelpha may be headstrong, but the two of them were a team. She’d never go behind his back like this… Would she?

His brother lacked his confidence as his sister-in-law was known for her tendency to act for the greater good around his own office. “Her Mother couldn’t do this without her consent. I don’t know what she’s up to, but you’d better handle it before I have to.”