• Published 4th Feb 2020
  • 712 Views, 45 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 8 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, the Equestria Girls try to enjoy a relaxing luxury cruise, but Rainbow Dash is convinced there's evil magic on the loose that must be stopped.

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Baltimare, like every other City Region, had its own LEGO Team Headquarters building, each uniquely designed to reflect its appropriate theme and setting. In the case of a port city like Baltimare, the building’s massive main room of operations was an indoor docking area with three large docks, each with a large door that could be retracted to gain access into or out of the building. At the moment, two of these ports were empty, while the third was occupied by a police patrol boat. And as is the case for the massive main room of any LEGO Team Headquarters building, there was a Jump-Gate located in a secluded corner of the room.

And on this late afternoon, the head of Baltimare’s branch of the LEGO Team watched from the sidelines as over a hundred passengers and crewmembers from a luxury cruise ship passed through the opened Jump-Gate from some deserted island. Although weird things were not unheard of throughout the LEGO Team, this was definitely a first for this particular branch of the worldwide organization.

As the last of the petting zoo animals passed through the Jump-Gate, Captain Bluffbeard checked them off the manifest and smiled as he announced, “Alright, that’s the last of ‘em! Everyone’s accounted for! Shut the gate!”

“I don’t need to hit the emergency close button,” Twilight pointed out as she and her friends stood beside the Jump-Gate’s console. “It’ll close on its own if no one else passes through after a few seconds.”

Sure enough, just after Twilight finished speaking, the Jump-Gate doors slowly came together and gently closed shut, followed by the machinery automatically powering down.

As Bluffbeard placed the manifest back into his trunk full of papers, he spoke up, “Well, now that we’re all safely back in civilization, I’ve got some good news fer all of ya!” He had a smile on his face as he pulled out a rather tall stack of papers. “I was able to recover all of the paperwork from my quarters, which means I’ll be able to honor my money-back guarantee to all the passengers.” As he started passing out those sheets of paper to everyone, he explained, “Just fill these out an’ mail ‘em in, then the insurance policy should take care of the rest.”

The Equestria Girls were among the first people to receive their compensation papers. Applejack glanced over the contents printed on that white 1x2 tile and remarked, “At least it’s good to know he’s a man of his word.”

“Indeed,” agreed Rarity as she packed away her paper to fill out later. “But while the compensation for lost luggage is rather favorable, I am simply relieved that we were able to recover all of our belongings before the ship went down.”

“You mean I recovered all of our stuff,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “It was my idea to grab all that luggage while the rest of you were busy saving everyone else. I wanted to do something nice to make up for all the dumb things I did to ruin your vacation.”

“When you put it that way, that does seem like a nice act of goodwill,” noted Twilight. She then sheepishly admitted, “That, and getting the opportunity to personally explore an alternate universe is enough for me to forgive you.” Her expression turned serious as she added, “But I’m not the only one who was affected by your dismal behavior. You’ll have to speak with each of the others to find out if they’re just as willing to forgive you.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and sadly acknowledged, “You’re right…” She turned first to Sunset.

“I personally wasn’t affected that much,” admitted Sunset with a shrug. “I was more concerned for the rest of our friends as a group. Seeing as everything turned out okay in the end, I’d say we’re cool now.” She smiled as she held up a fist.

Rainbow Dash smiled and exchanged a fist-bump with Sunset. She then turned to Pinkie Pie.

“It’s your fault that two perfectly good Triple Choco-Berry Blasted Butter Biscuit Bunt Cakes went completely to waste,” said Pinkie sourly, “not to mention getting me unfairly kicked out of the buffet for the rest of our time on that yacht.” She thought for a brief moment before she stated, “I want you to purchase two of those cakes and deliver them to me to make up for the ones that were lost.”

Rainbow Dash was initially apprehensive, but knowing that this was to make up for her stupid actions, she conceded, “All right, I’ll get you those cakes.” After a brief pause, she hesitantly asked, “And the part where you got kicked out?”

Pinkie shrugged and replied, “Puffed Pastry took responsibility for that bit of poor judgement. She even offered to bake me a fresh bundt cake to thank me for saving her life.” She then suddenly gasped and excitedly exclaimed, “I just realized this means I’ll be getting triple the Triple Choco-Berry Blasted Butter Biscuit Bundt Cakes!” She squealed loudly. “All that hurtful suffering has been totally worth it!”

Rainbow Dash awkwardly chuckled in response before she turned to Applejack.

Applejack crossed her arms and simply requested, “Next time we go out on a boat, you’re payin’ for mah seasickness medication.”

“Done,” agreed Rainbow Dash with a smile. She next turned to Fluttershy.

“Those poor petting zoo animals were so terrified for a long time after what you said to them,” stated Fluttershy in disappointment. “It took me so many hours to assure them they could trust me. Any longer than that, and I could’ve had a lot of difficulty trying to help them escape the sinking ship.” She paused for a moment before she continued, “You need to learn to respect the sensitive feelings of such small critters, so I’d like for you to do some volunteer work at my pet shop. I’ll let you decide however many hours over however many days, but I’ll be expecting an overall total of at least twenty-four hours.”

“I’ll check my schedule at the airport and we’ll make arrangements,” assured Rainbow Dash, even though she wasn’t looking forward to that kind of work. She next turned to Spike.

“That three hours of solo hot tub time you robbed me of was a rare opportunity,” grumbled Spike. “To make up for that, I’d like you to find me a spa that offers a hot tub, and I want two three-hour solo sessions. And yes, I expect you to pay for them.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and reluctantly agreed, “All right, I’ll get you your hot tub time.” She finally turned to Rarity, dreading what kind of immense compensation that diva might demand.

“I was upset that you so rudely cut short my time with Ragamuffin, and thus I swore vengeance against you,” scolded Rarity.

Rainbow Dash winced, preparing for the worst.

“However,” continued Rarity more softly, “I have since come to realize that Ragamuffin was not the charming young lad with a lovely accent that he had led me to believe he was, so there is no longer any point in being upset over some lost time with him.” She then smiled. “Therefore, I hereby take back my threat of future vengeance against you. We are now what you might call… even.”

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh of relief and replied, “Thanks, Rarity.” She smiled as she turned to the rest of her friends and continued, “All of you, thanks for forgiving me. I’m really sorry I messed up like that, and believe me, I’ve totally learned my lesson. From now on, let the bad guys try and strike the first blow against us, and when they do, we’ll be ready to strike back even harder!”

Twilight smiled and remarked, “Now there’s the Rainbow Dash I can be proud to call a good friend of mine.”

“Yup!” agreed Pinkie as she suddenly pulled out a chocolate pudding pie with whipped cream from seemingly out of nowhere. “Looks like you’ve finally earned your humble pie!” She then suddenly threw the pie at Rainbow, causing it to splatter all over her face.

Spike couldn’t help but snicker at that slapstick moment, but stopped when he saw Twilight glare at him, to which he shamefully looked down at his feet.

Rainbow Dash removed the pie tin from her face and wiped away the filling from her eyes. After a few seconds of awkward silence, she suddenly burst out laughing and happily responded, “Good one, Pinkie!”

With Rainbow taking the joke in stride, the rest of the girls quickly joined in the laughter. While their vacation on a cruise ship out at sea may have been cut short by yet another magical threat from Equestria, they were all happy to still have each other and their shared bond of friendship. Although they would continue to hope that someday they could enjoy some relaxing time off from always saving the day from magical threats, they were no longer so hesitant to embrace their role as one of the greatest teams of heroes the Lego World had ever seen.

Author's Note:

And that concludes another story in my LEGO Equestria Girls series. One thing I couldn't figure out how to include in this epilogue is that Princess Twilight knew to go after Rocky and Mugsy because Sunset had alerted her via the magic journal, with Flash Sentry confirming their return to Canterlot City by receiving a call from his fellow police officers. Anyway, I'm very relieved to have this particular story done, mostly due to how much I've struggled to stick to my schedule after losing half of my available time right from the start. Although I'll begin writing the next story in only a couple weeks, I won't be posting the first chapter until the beginning of June, so hopefully this much-needed reset will allow me to better manage my time spent writing that next story.

Comments ( 4 )

Congratulations on completing another story. nice to see this one finished up with tidying up instead of leaving everyone stranded like the origional, although Im sure Discord wouldve got a real kick out of the chaos happening?

Take it easy and try and ride out events. :pinkiehappy:

And here's the end of another story even though it's turned out similarly to the original, more logic here makes it better, waiting for Sunset's backstage pass, take a time to think about something we'll wait I'm one of the best at it.

So much better than canon. Not that the bar was set high but good job nonetheless.

10192241 I've got almost all of the next story already planned out. The difficult part for me is simply taking the time to actually write it all out. That's why I always start writing a whole month before I post anything on this site, because I recognize that I'm a rather slow writer, not to mention the extra time I always take to read over multiple times what I've written to make sure I've corrected any errors or added any improvements I could think of.

10193015 When the bar is set rather low, you're pretty much obligated to exceed it. Even so, I'm glad that people still enjoy the latest stories of this fanfiction series (with at least enough upvotes to be visible to everyone).

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