• Published 15th Feb 2020
  • 7,802 Views, 365 Comments

A Brush With Fate - RadBunny

"I just want to help." It was a simple voicing of concerns about the Lunar Princess. Steel Heart had no idea such a request would turn his life upside down in more ways than one, let alone almost give him a concussion.

  • ...

Chapter Three: Rubik's Cube of Life

A dozen charred bodies being covered with blankets, ash still falling around them. Frantic shouts punctuated the air as the living huddled together, medical teams tended to them. The smell of smoke still lingering in the air as the building smoldered, the upper stories still burning. His view was then obscured by a pony in a respirator, the stallion’s eyes wide in horror as the responder looked down at him.

White lights.

Horrified gasps.

The smell of hospital antiseptic as the doctors began to try and restore flesh and hair.
The constant, never-ending ache of re-growing nerves and sinew.
The numbness of painkillers as he moved limb and bone to retain their flexibility.
The nightmares.
The fear.
A shocked and then caring gaze as a Princess directed her calming magic sooth his mind.

Was it worth it though?

Yes, that answer hasn’t changed, not in four years, and it never will. Who can put a price on what was saved?
…that question I shouldn’t delve into. I know that answer;

because someone did.

Semi-lucid dreaming was a skill passed down by his Thestral great-great-grandfather, a family talent if you will, along with an ease of nighttime living. Unfortunately, such a dreaming skill was only somewhat helpful with memories as Steel had long since discovered.

Steel felt the dream-memory shift however, a familiar voice causing the disturbing scene to flee as shadows did before the sun.

“I promised you, Steel. And I don’t break those,” Luna declared as her magic punched through the insidious thoughts that threatened to send his mind down a darker path. “Now sleep.”

Steel couldn’t remember the rest of the night’s dreams, only the last few moments and the feelings. Luna was the only one who knew of the dream, at least in general that is. It was an unspoken secret between the two, she having helped tease out what would help him most during the darkest hours a few years ago.

When the lights had been turned off in the hospital.

When the only ponies present were the night shift.

The constant ache and anxiety from being bound in a hospital bed, limbs wrapped and secured.

Friends and family having to go on with their lives…

The guard woke up to a tear stained pillow, the memory of two loving hooves wrapped around his body urging him onwards. Even now, he didn’t know who it was that nuzzled his neck and pulled the stallion close. He never saw her face or heard her voice, as much as he wanted to.

A dream or not, the warmth and comfort from such was enough to make Steel put on his armor without complaint as his alarm sounded, the pony getting ready for the night shift.

For now, a faceless mare. A comfort amid the fire; literally in one case.

Until that changes, onward I go.

Looking at himself in the mirror, the stallion took a deep breath as the scars peeked out from underneath his fur.

Onward. Always onward.

Grabbing a crossbow from the wall, the stallion began the trot towards the training grounds. He had an appointment to keep.

“Where is Private Heart?” Luna asked Celestia as they ate an early dinfast together, Celestia’s ears perking up.

“He’s at the training grounds. I was going to tell you after we ate, but I think you may enjoy his demonstration.”

“…his what?”

Celestia grinned, quite happy to know something about Luna’s assistant she didn’t.

It was the small things when it came to sister one-upping. Nothing critical, just a ‘I know something you don’t.’

And yet both Alicorns would deny being petty to a fault.

“He trains Unicorns in the manual use of crossbows when magic suppression is active, or when they are out of mana. They’re holding the training before I lower the sun in about two hours.”

“As an Earth Pony? Fascinating. I expect his rank to not stay static for long if that’s the case. I think I’ll take a look. Isn’t it supposed to rain though?”

“Do you think that’d stop him?”

Luna couldn’t help but smile slightly at that, her head shaking slowly.

“No, I imagine it wouldn’t.”

“Now then, recruits! Private Steel Heart will conduct the next portion of the training,” the drill instructor barked, horn igniting to arrange the firing line with various long-range implements. Crossbows, throwing knives, short spears, and a few other, lesser-used weapons.

“The reason you have been separated from your usual squads is because you are unicorns! That gives you an advantage in terms of loading a crossbow or any other more complicated implement. However, you are also at a disadvantage for when your magic runs out, your enemy will not care that you have never used hoof and mouth on your weapons!” the bright green unicorn said, then filling his impressively-large lungs once again as a light drizzle began to patter against the armored recruits.

“And the weather is to be no obstacle! You will learn and practice in rain or shine! To begin, give it a go without any direction. You completed crossbow training last week, as well as emergency use without magic for a single shot. However, now you must now try it without your magic for continuous fire! Private Heart will show you the golden standard for reloading speed and accuracy. Fire your bolts as fast as you can, or more if you can manage it. Now take the line!”

The dozen recruits trotted up to look at their weapons on the table, Steel Heart taking his place in the center of them. He didn’t seem to notice the recruits, nor the Alicorn teleporting to the side of the firing line and watching with interest.

Like the other recruits, he had a 5-bolt quiver strapped to his right forelimb, the crossbow itself laying on the long wooden table. It was identical to the other guard’s except Steel’s had his cutie mark etched into the metal near the base, a shield and barely-hidden heart.

“Begin in three...two...one…Load and fire, recruits!”

The unicorns began a mess of scrambling, each balancing the weapon a slightly different way. Steel Heart immediately snatched the weapon and loaded it, angling his forelimb to expertly notch a bolt and draw the crossbow in a single, fluid motion. He fired, the bolt zipping through the air and hitting dead center of the target.


“Come ON recruits, you haven’t even drawn back the string! If all else fails remember the steps! Draw. Load. Fire! FASTER! Teeth or hooves!”

Half of the recruits now notched their bolts, another sound ringing out.


The other half now figured it out, the dozen or so unicorns all firing in a staccato of bolts that hit the targets.


As they put on their second bolts, Steel Heart sent another bolt soaring through the air, a rather tense grin now edging onto his face as the rain began to intensify, the slight spatter of water now quickly turning into a soaking deluge.


The recruits began to slip with their motions as the water complicated things. The drill Sergeant fell silent with a smile as each of the ponies now turned to watch the Guard continue, abandoning their efforts to watch and learn. It was clear that had been a teaching goal of the sly instructor.


The downpour continued, Steel slamming in the final bolt onto his crossbow.


Picking up a stray bolt with his teeth, Steel drew back the string with his hoof, notching the projectile without the use of the quiver and then sending the extra bolt down range.


Another object was picked up this time, a large throwing knife. Balancing it in his hoof, Steel torqued his body and sent it zipping towards the target, the weapon thudding into the packed straw.

Luna’s eyes narrowed as the recruits stared, the Guard’s sides heaving as the unnatural scars were now starkly visible against his soaked fur. Not hidden by fur or armor, it was as though a foal had drawn a stick figure up and down the stallion’s body, straight grey lines marking up his limbs and up across Steel’s barrel. It was a youngster’s interpretation of a skeleton, only now visible as the rain continued to fall.

“Thank you, Private Heart. Now then, recruits….RECRUITS!” the instructor roared, making all of the unicorn’s snap back to attention.

“That is the standard to which you must hold yourself. That is why we are taking three days of training for non-magical use of weaponry. Now, let me show you the steps in greater detail.”

As Private Heart trotted off with the crossbow slung across his back Luna could see a few of the ponies letting their gaze drift back to the scarred stallion.

Natural, but obnoxious. They should know better.

Would I have known better years ago though? Perhaps not.

Luna’s curiosity got the better of her, the alicorn putting on her royal ‘mask’ as she trotted around to inspect the royal training grounds. Nodding to the various recruits, her presence wasn’t a huge surprise, since both she and Celestia had tried to be more involved in the goings-on in their guard as of recently.

The alicorn stopped when she saw Steel sitting on a hill overlooking the training grounds, just outside the limits of the actual camp. A pang rang through her chest as the stallion subtly looked down at his scarred forelimbs, head shaking slowly as he then stood tall to watch the various recruits training.

A quiet, introspective pony? Aren’t you quite the enigma, Steel Heart. One would hear your name alone and pass quite a few incorrect judgements on you. I most certainly was guilty of that for a brief moment.

Luna bit back a wince as Steel’s eyes drifted to her, the pony locking onto her gaze for a good, long moment, letting the Princess know he fully well saw her. A slight nod, and then he went back to surveying the camp.

Quite an enigma indeed.

The Princess walked around the camp a bit more, then vanishing with a *pop* of magic to return to the castle in time for Night Court. What she didn’t see after turning away however, was the faintest of smiles dawn on Steel’s face.

Luna let out a groan, flopping onto her half-couch-half-beanbag-half comfy thing.

I know there aren’t three halves. But ugh. I’ll take a dozen disillusioned changelings over five nobles trying to squeeze bits out of every royal coffer imaginable.

At least the captured changelings have been polite. Totally brainwashed, but polite. But that’s all on Thorax to fix.

Hmm, I wonder if Steel will talk today?

It had been almost a full week since Private Heart had been assigned as Luna’s personal assistant, and he still hadn’t spoken a word to her.

Clearly, he was milking the ‘payback’ offer as much as possible. The stallion was cheeky though, and that was something Luna had quickly begun to appreciate, if not look forward to in a rather endearing way.

He still wore a small, cream-colored pillow with a small blue moon pattern on his helmet every day. It was rather adorable, an interesting contrast to the rather handsome and fierce image he had struck on that training hill.

Handsome? Adorable? That’s a new combination and though. Or is it? I mean, he is, can’t ignore that fact. Not that I’d want to ignore-

The Princess’s amusing thoughts were derailed by the pain that shot down her neck and spine. She must have slept wrong, anxieties tweaking muscles in a counter-productive gesture of relaxation. It had started yesterday as a twinge, but now was a full-blown ache.

A knock at the door signaled Steel’s arrival, Luna’s ears perking up slightly.

“Come in.”

He was a welcome addition to a day usually filled with drudgery, and she was quickly learning that the usual formalities were tossed out the window on the third day. It was relieving in quite a few ways, having less of a guard and more of a friend. Perhaps that was Celestia’s intention- no, not her sister.

Celestia only came up with the idea on the spot out of care, Steel offered to help. I won’t go down the path of thinking my sister is operating behind my back. Maybe he had the idea originally? I’ll have to ask him…whenever he decides to talk. He has a nice voice, ‘tis a shame that it has lacked this week.

“Steel, are you going to talk today?” she asked as the stallion trotted in, a smug grin on his face as he shook his head.

“…what about after the weekend?”

A nod, and Luna couldn’t help but smile.

“Ah, so my penance is over? I have to say, the strong, silent type suites you rather nicely. What do we have on the to-do-list tonight?”

Steel grinned, passing over a parchment and standing slightly awkwardly, ears swiveling as Luna let out a hiss, pain shooting up her back.

Hmm. Should I suggest it?

I don’t…

Steel sighed internally, torn between what was appropriate, and what may help.

No harm in asking. I suppose my relationship with Luna is odder than most. Not sure if she trusts me enough though.

Trotting over to the simple desk and mirror on the side of the Princess’s room, Steel scanned the contents and located the preferred item in question. Luna blinked as he slid on a hoof-latched brush, gesturing to the Alicorn. The fact her ears continued to remain perked up was a good sign.

“I’m not sure a brush is going to help, Steel, but that’s nice of you to offer,” Luna replied, clearly not entirely convinced of her own words, judging by the tone.

Steel shook his head, pressing a hoof against his other forelimb and maneuvering it in a circle.

“You know, if anypony other than my assistant offered this, I’d smack them with my…brush….erm…” Luna’s words trickled off as Steel began to snicker, gesturing to the pillow on his helmet.

“Oh, quiet, you,” she grumbled, sighing and settling down with a flop. “I suppose it can’t hurt any more than it already does. Just not the wings.”

Steel nodded, slipping off the brush and placing it back. Wings were a sensitive matter for Pegasi and it would appear, Alicorns. That was both in a literal and metaphorical sense.

Trotting over to the prone Princess, the Guard pushed the slight absurdity of the situation out of his mind. This entire thing wasn’t exactly normal, so…

Frowning, Steel massaged the massive knot in between Luna’s shoulders, the Princess letting out a sigh of relief.

Stars above, Luna, you’re more stressed than I am. Then again, a bit more pressure for you to deal with. Giving a Princess a massage…what a way to end the week.

I’ve always seen her as more of a friend though, even in a distant sense, ever since the incident. Maybe that’s why this isn’t odder.

The Guard couldn’t help but smile as Luna relaxed, the knot fading under his hooves.

Well, I imagine that was a bucket list for a few guards. Give a Princess a massage. Probably with a few different motives though.

Not that Luna isn’t extremely attractive in quite a few ways. Those eyes-
Focus. You’re a guard. Professional distance.

“Thank you, Steel,” Luna mumbled as she shifted, the Guard standing to the side. “That feels much better; I would not have guessed that you would be so adept at a simple massage…” her eyes then narrowed playfully, the Princess reaching over to gently ‘boop’ the guard on the nose with a hoof. “But I think there’s a lot more to you than meets the eye, hmm?”

The stallion’s eyes crossed briefly at the gesture, cheeks heating up at the comment.

Don’t over think it don’t over think it don’t over think it.


“I am just teasing. You don’t get to monopolize the payback after all,” Luna added with a cheery grin, clearly stifling a giggle as the stallion let out a sigh. “Perhaps I am pushing my luck with the ‘less-formal’ conduct though.”

Steel only shrugged, not entirely sure how to respond to that. It was nice to have another friend, especially one he held in such high regard. While many ponies may not be sure of how to treat a Princess in an informal manner, the Guard found it rather endearing that they trusted some with glimpses into their genuine personalities. He just happened to be getting a larger look than most.

Heh. Larger. Alicorn pun.

“Hmm. Well I think I need to go address a few things throughout the castle. If you could run to the general commissary and pick up some items, I’d greatly appreciate it,” Luna remarked as she levitated a scroll over to Steel, the guard looking over it curiously.

Such an interesting pony. If things were different, perhaps…no, I’d certainly–

Could I?

Dare I?

I still am coping with-


Steel’s concerned tone snapped the alicorn out of her thoughts immediately, the stallion looking at her in genuine worry.

“Hmm? You’re speaking now?” Luna asked, blinking at the Guard.

“You looked troubled. You haven’t said anything for a solid minute or two.”

His words caused the Princess’s wings to slump, Luna shaking her head.

“I…thank you, Private Heart, but it’s nothing to concern yourself with.”

Nothing you could possibly understand, as kind as you are.

The switch to the more formal address caused the guard to nod, making his way out of the room with the scroll tucked into a side-satchel.

“Steel, I’m sorry. It’s-I’d rather not speak if it,” Luna admitted, a pang of regret coloring her thoughts at the abrupt dismissal of the caring stallion’s actions as the Guard didn’t respond immediately.

“I’m not asking you to. I’m just saying there’s somepony to listen,” Steel said softly, slightly bass-colored tone filling the brief moment of silence. “And that’s outside any orders or assignments.”

The stallion then trotted off to complete his errands, leaving Luna to slump into some pillows.

“Luna, you idiot,” she whispered to herself in a pillow, “he wants to help, and you smack him. He wants to help, and you blow his concerns off. Celly was right; I do have quite a stubborn streak.”

Stubborn enough to push it all aside?

She did, and found somecreature.

Luna wrapped a pillow up in her forehooves, taking a shuddering breath as the alicorn ensured the door to her room was closed.

You’re seeing General Seaspray. After a thousand years, you’ve somehow dealt with the looming issue, even with the revelation about Twilight and Cadence. And Flurry Heart? There’s so much we don’t know.

Will it take me a millennium too, dear sister? I don’t know if I’m strong enough to wait that long.

Or did the General agree to that which few can fathom?

Have you asked him?

Do I have the courage to ask somecreature to make that choice someday?

In the privacy of her own room, Luna let a few tears stain her pillow, the Princess hugging it close as she cried.

And then the start of all this; is this what you dealt with, Celly? Losing friends over and over again? Enjoying lunch one minute, and the next…

I don’t know if I can do it.

I already miss her.

Author's Note:

A bit more insight to what is bothering a certain stallion and Lunar Princess....and some adorableness of course! :rainbowkiss: