• Published 10th Feb 2020
  • 1,392 Views, 170 Comments

Spellscribe - Solaris Vult

Harry Potter is living is life when he finds a portal to Equestria, a classic story, but this time with a twist, as the world he finds himself in is one far worse than his previous life... Welcome to the Equestrian Wasteland.

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Chapter 15: A Letter from Hogwarts

Was this, death? She sat, floating around, as nothing, but something… A paradox, a void, a soul without a host but not dead. She had closed her eyes, she had dreamt of a world where everything went perfect, but she knew the reality, and no matter how she tried to turn her eyes away she could still feel them, she could feel their pain, their wrath, their horror, their fear. And then, there was a flash of light… And now this, this half-life, this strange abyss… Were she a lesser being she would have simply floated around the nothingness, as a spectre in a world beyond the physical. Part of her wanted to join that grand nothingness, but something, some force beyond just simple magic, had pulled her back together, the strands of her being, the tethers of mind and magic, being wrapped back into a united whole. Her existence was tied to the stars, as long as a single light shone in the void, she too would shine bright, one form or another… A blessing and a curse. She had been so wrapped in sorrow she had not seen the obvious solution, it was horrible, but to end pain and suffering, something drastic must need to be done, she hardened her heart, and she burned.

She didn’t expect to run into a local so quickly, “Umm, well, my name is Harry Potter, nice to meet you, Luna.”

“Harry Potter, that's a good name, there was this one famous kid named Harry Potter, he was a boy though,” Harry was confused, she knew about her, well, the old him, back when he was living with the Dursleys, did she know them, was she going to try and bring him-her, whatever, bring Harry back to them? She couldn’t have that, she was dangerous, if she really did know about her- Harry’s mind was racing, and she nearly drew her pistol and shot the girl right there as mindless panic took hold, but she got control of her mind and body before she did something that would blow their cover. “What’s wrong Harry Potter, you look scared, I think I said something wrong…”

“N-No, it’s not that, I’m fine, seriously,” She was probably talking about another Harry Potter anyway, the chances were pretty high that there were at least a few people named Harry Potter in the world… The words of her Elder came back to her, “I don’t believe in random chance, I believe in probability.”

“Did you say something?” Luna asked.

“Oh, just, nothing,” Shit, she said that aloud, she cannot say things like that aloud, she doesn’t know who is listening in at this very moment.

“Well, you should come and visit me and my father, we live just over there-” She pointed to the stone tower on the side of top of the hill. Weird place to live, Harry thought to herself, this wasn’t a normal suburban neighborhood at any rate, she would need to be extra careful.

“Perhaps, we’ll see,” She didn’t want to go into potentially hostile territory without backup, she would need to bring the other fillies, perhaps one of the adults, not too many though, that would make them stand out too much, perhaps place two or three on perimeter guard while she was visiting, just in case anything tried to sneak up on them.

With that, she walked away, a new mission appeared on her pipbuck titled “A Dangerous Dinner” with the notes “Join Luna for dinner.” Weird how that worked, must be those divination spells Sparkweld had been talking about. She moved her hand to tap the screen and she realized she had her hand gripped tight around her pistol without realizing. She started to shake with the realization of how close she had come to killing a human.

She made it back up the hill, the ponies were busy plotting out where they were going to place the shielding spells to keep the area safe while building, whatever it was they were going to build here. As she arrived Lightning Striker, aka Mac Kriegsworth, announced “This location is unsuitable for a permanent outpost, not enough cover and too close to civilization, we’ll be moving the portal talismans!” As he said that, Sparkweld, in pony form, arrived though the portal, wearing a pipbuck with a strange boxy protrusion.

“Sparkweld, what are you doing, you’re going to break our cover!” Harry said.

“Stealthbuck,” he said, pointing to the boxy attachment, “One hour of an invisibility spell before it needs to be recharged,” With that, he loaded the talismans into a saddle bag and activated the stealthbuck, shimmering for a second before becoming mostly invisible, you could still see a very slight shimmer as he moved but you wouldn’t be able to notice unless you knew what to look for, and from a distance he would be completely undetectable, “Alright,” It was weird having his voice come from seemingly nowhere, “I’m moving it out east, I saw another forest on your maps, your pipbucks should automatically update locations of interest once I’m finished resetting the portal, only one of you should follow me, too many may seem suspicious.”

“Alright,” Lightning said, “I’ll go, I’m the highest ranking here.”

“Good idea,” Harry began, “I’ve made contact with one of the locals,” Her voice shook as she remembered nearly killing a human child, “She invited us for dinner, it’s in all likelihood not a trap, but I would still want some cover, just in case, facilitating good relations is an important step in our mission.”

“Yes, that would be advisable,” The invisible Sparkweld said, before he started marching off.

A few minutes later, when they thought the time was right, and they were done surveying the area and testing out their pipbucks, Harry, Lambent, and Victory, in their aliases of Harry, Lucius, and Vicky, moved toward the strange tower-house as the afternoon was slowly turning into evening, outside, hidden behind some shrubs, was Rosemary, alias of Lance, was waiting, ready to give covering fire should the dinner prove to be a trap. The house was surrounded by a lush garden, the radiation meters on their pipbucks, completely unmoving, ticked up ever so slightly as they approached the house “Magical radiation,” Whispered Victory, “Still much lower than radiation levels in Equestria, but higher than the surrounding area.” That made Harry cautious.

“Oh, these your friends?” Luna began as she opened the door.

“Yep, Lucius Kriegsworth,” Pointing to the human Lambent, and “Vicky Themorre,” Pointing to the human Victory.

“Nice to meet you Lucius Kriegsworth and Vicky Themorre, my daddy is cooking, I told him we have guests, I could see you walking up down the road, from the top of the tower… Be careful in the forest, the place is full of nargles.” This made Harry and the other fillies concerned, was she watching them? Good thing the portal location was being moved, but it would be prudent to figure out just how much she knew. They trotted inside, Luna had them sat at the table, the house was strange, every surface was coated in paper, odd trinkets, and strange little devices, the walls were coated in tacky wallpaper and bright colors that made Harry think of images of pre-war Equestria, before anyone could notice they pulled their sleeves over their pipbucks so they wouldn’t be noticed save for a small bulge.

A tall, middle-aged, slightly effeminate looking man marched up the stairs, “These your new friends Luna? I’m afraid I can’t talk, I need to finish cooking the firemelon.”

“What’s a firemelon?” Harry asked as casually as she could, something about this place wasn’t adding up.

“Oh, not heard of them? I guess that makes sense, they’re from Ireland, daddy imported a few of them from the wizards over there.”

Wizards? Harry was sure that magic didn’t exist on Earth, at least not in the way it did on Equus, there were a few other possibilities, Wizards being the name of a company or organization, but the way the magical radiation meter danced around, nowhere near enough to be dangerous, but enough to confirm that magic was present here, put doubt on those counterpoints… Never trust in random luck, trust in probability.

As Luna left to talk to her father, the three foals turned human silently agreed to tell the truth if magic came up in the discussion, as long as it didn’t give away any details of the rangers or their mission. It did, “I assume you’re muggleborn,” Luna’s father came down and sat with everyone, carrying trays of all sorts of weird looking food, there was some meat on the piles, Lambent was clearly hesitant, but Harry, being a former human, and Victory being a wastelander who was used to bloatsprite and radroach meat, started eating… It tasted good, better than most wasteland foods, it was fresh for once.

“Yeah…” Harry didn’t know what that term meant, but it was clearly the response they hoped to hear.

Glory stood over the patch of dirt, it was easy to find, with the skies clear and the radiation for the most part gone, not entirely, but mostly, it was far easier to spot the enervation fields, grass didn’t grow. And here, right in the middle of this circle of death, was a small pile of dirt, it was a grave, an unmarked grave, but Glory had been there when it had been dug… She cried, she cried, and she cried, she pleaded, she wanted Blackjack back, she couldn’t have been dead, even with her leg missing, her flanks rotted away, her throat torn out and blackened by the dark magic, she couldn’t have been dead… But she was, and there wasn’t anything she could do about it… That moment, when P-21 finished laying the last pile of dirt, Glory wanted to be in that grave too, it was lucky she was a pegasus, not a unicorn, else she could have floated her beam rifle and just ended it. She tried to, but Rampage’s hoof had taken care of that, a smack to the jaw, hard enough that she coughed up blood, snapped her out of it… Even now though, a little over a year later, she still hurt inside on seeing this grave, her eyes pricked with tears.

“I wish you could see me now, Blackjack… From a scared little filly just branded dashite, to, well… Hero… Hero of all the ponies of Equestria, I’m leading us away from the wasteland, I just wish you could be here to help me… I need to go now, I have important work, but I just wanted to come by and say… Thank you…”

Glory pulled herself together and marched up toward Flank... The town was in ruins, after Deus and the bounty hunters swarmed the place, they simply fought to the death, Deus was probably the only one who survived that battle, and in the end, everyone in the town either ran or got killed. Littlepip and Steelhooves were standing together, along with a few dozen Rangers and at least three scores of NCR volunteers, dressed in blue-painted uniforms, carrying makeshift pipe guns. "Are we ready to make our move on the Hoof," She said, the NCR had been rapidly expanding, most of Old Equestria was now under their command, but there were many factions who didn't want to join and many places too dangerous.

"We-" Littlepip began, but then she paused to pull out a napkin and started coughing, she continued for a few minutes, Glory caught bright red stains on the napkin as she pulled away, "I-I'm fine. Yes, the Collegiate, Pecos, Harbingers, Steel Rangers, and Crusaders have joined us already, but the Zebra Remnants, Reapers, and Society Ponies have been actively hostile, negotiations have broken down, they're currently in control of the Hoof, but not for long."

"I've sent my rangers to deal with the Reapers, with luck they'll be pacified soon enough, Rampage is leading the charge," Steelhooves said.

"If things get bad enough with the Reapers we can have the NCRAF bomb the Hoofington Stadium, and I am going to have last-minute negotiations with King Splendid, hopefully, we won't have to arrest or kill the Society, but with their beliefs that's unlikely, I'm bringing two companies of Regulars with me."

"Then," Glory continued, "With the NCRAF we'll be able to breach the core."

Harry had put together a picture in her mind of these… Wizards… From careful questioning she had deduced that magic was indeed real on Earth, these wizards had their own society, hidden from everyone else for fear of the non-magicals, the muggles, the name sounded like an insult. They were an enclave, much like the Grand Pegasus Enclave, but instead of hiding in the clouds, they hid in plain sight with careful spellcraft. A Grand Unicorn Enclave, if you would. Dealing with these wizards was going to be quite the political balancing act.

Then, something unexpected happened, an owl flew through the window, again, Harry kept her hand tight around her pistol just in case, but the owl didn’t attack, just dropped a letter on the table in front of Harry, from the envy in Luna’s eyes, she clearly hoped the letter was for her, she pulled it out and read.

Author's Note:

I need to take a quick break after this one, kinda got burnt out a bit, and I feel my writing skills are degrading a bit, I'll rewrite this chapter a little better later on someday.

Comments ( 18 )

You know sometimes I forget just how much of a unifier blackjack was and how much she progressed to the story and ec1101 existing

I still hope the NCR doesn't neglect contacting the British government just because they found wizards. The Muggles would be so much more helpful when it comes to rebuilding, and the wizards would probably just be racist at best, try to control the ponies at worst.

Harry would just had to deal with the fact that she chose to keep her old name without too much aggression.

Haven't even read this and I liked it just for existing.

You know what character I would like them to make a fanfic based on the universe of fallout equestria and to reach this chaotic universe it would be ben 10, many will complain that as he is a character of masido op all wolf asulucinar with the alien x but I think that if ben I recured to use the alien x it would be at the end of fic after his trip through hell on earth that are the stop them and after meditating for a while he traveled to use his ass under his sleeve the alien xy with his great power to fix the damage that It was decided to use the megaspells for 200 years since only the power of an omnipotent god like alien x could repair such damage, that if I suggest that it would be a very powerful ben 10 bersion like ben 10 ultimate alien or ben 10 5 years later to give a few examples and oh what to give him a good arsenal of powerful transphoners such as sayayin, kryptonian, asgardians etc it is also obvious that ben unlocks pony transformations and other species I would like to see transformed in an alicorn seeing that the alicorns seek at all costs to continue with their lineage and that they are all mares that would be very interesting if they understand me wink wink this is just an idea that took my head a good time if algen read this and is interested in getting a fanfic of this idea I only ask you one thing that you leave a url link of the page where you can put this fic and I can read it I repeat it is only an idea that I have

I would suggest pacing yourself as much as possible, when writing. That is, write ahead be several chapters, and release them once a week (for example) rather than willy-nilly with some coming the next day and others in a couple of weeks. Readers, I have found, like a steady flow of chapters. That is, they would rather have one a week for a month than three in five days and then nothing for three weeks.

That also gives you a chance to reread what you wrote several days later, and catch some of your typos and logical errors.

For example, this last scene has an owl flying into . . . where? Is he visiting the Lovegoods for breakfast (because that's seems to be the standard for when owls deliver Hogwarts Letters)? Or is she visiting him? If it's the former, why would an owl deliver a letter when you are visiting somewhere for a few minutes and not where you are sleeping? Plus, how many days has it been that they've been here?

This all can't happen at that one dinner. The owls wouldn't even have been given the letter for him at Hogwarts, yet, otherwise.

Also, shouldn't they be noticing that magic is a bit more scare here than in Equestria? After all, if magic were as freely available here as there, then there wouldn't be muggles.

Yeah, I know, I should really re-write the whole story at this point, I was kinda rushed, I wanted to put out a chapter per day so I didn't do any proofreading or think ahead all too far, and I'm not really the best at writing, the grammar rules are so convoluted that I never really understand when I should be using a "." "..." or ",", let alone any of the others. Not to mention I was kinda losing interest in MLP and HP, and I was trying to force myself through writers block by just writing and not really thinking about it.

I don't really know, I never read past Chapter 19 of Project Horizons. I really liked Glory, I got spoiled that she dies, and so I didn't really want to continue.

Well, I can understand that! As for period, comma, and "...", those are failry simple. Periods are for the end of sentences. Period. However , , , if your character is talking in a conversation, when s/he ends the conversation, instead of a period you use a comma if there is a conversation-qualifier the follows that end of sentence. That is, if the next thing after the conversation period ISN'T a new sentence but describes what the character said or was doing while speaking, then you use a comma!

"Look," he said quietly, "I know this is confusing." He waved his arms erratically, "But unless you end the sentence, you use commas!"

Using a comma makes whatever action is indicated included in the sentence by association.

By the way, ". . ." is usually used to indicate a pause in someone's speech pattern. Whether that pause is for emphasis, to indicate hesitation, or interruption, is up to the writer. That's all.

Oh, and if the pause is at the end of a sentence, as if the character is unsure if they want to say more or they were interrupted mid-sentence and the sentence is not continued, then you use four ellipses, ". . . . "

Btw, don't try to redit what you wrote all at once. It will bog you down and be discouraging. Instead, just do one chapter at a time, and post new chapters in-between. Or do several new chapters before trying to edit a previous one.

It's never too late to fix an error in a previous chapter. As long as you don't change something that requires rewriting a crap-load of stuff that follows. That's a real pain and usually not worth the effort.

Keep up the writing, I want to see where you take this.

The only thing I saw that desperately needs fixing is that time-scale where a year goes by in a what seems to be one evening. That's really confusing.

Please don’t be canceled🙏 Please don’t be canceled🙏 Please don’t be canceled🙏

Not really cancelled per-ce, none of my projects really are, it's just hard to write when you lose interest in a setting... I would eventually like to rewrite most of my stories but I kinda just don't really care about MLP anymore, having moved on to different settings... Perhaps someday I'll revisit all of the stuff I've written.

Harry had put together a picture in her mind of these… Wizards… From careful questioning she had deduced that magic was indeed real on Earth, these wizards had their own society, hidden from everyone else for fear of the non-magicals, the muggles, the name sounded like an insult. They were an enclave, much like the Grand Pegasus Enclave, but instead of hiding in the clouds, they hid in plain sight with careful spellcraft. A Grand Unicorn Enclave, if you would. Dealing with these wizards was going to be quite the political balancing act.

they're not. they do not take advantage or kill the muggles.
see how many wizard families are broken financially?

that feels like the final step before cancelation but cant really blame if you've left this part of the fandom (long as you remember you are always welcome among us). I do hope you are still writing though, cause you have done a great job with this universe.

One day you will update and I will be there. If I am not there I am dead there is no in between

Then, something unexpected happened, an owl flew through the window, again, Harry kept her hand tight around her pistol just in case, but the owl didn’t attack, just dropped a letter on the table in front of Harry, from the envy in Luna’s eyes, she clearly hoped the letter was for her, she pulled it out and read.

Why leave the story here, of all places?
Could you just let us see the invitation and how he responds?

Then you could choose to either finish the story, or continue.
If the story ends after the invitation, you could always start with a sequel!!

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