• Published 12th Feb 2020
  • 374 Views, 6 Comments

Give 'Em Hell, Kid - The Red Parade

It’s us against them, them against us. There’s no good, bad, or evil: just two sides who think the other side’s wrong.

  • ...

Fast Cars and Big Guns

“Fuck me!”

She flinched suddenly at the voice. She threw her eyes to the speaker, a male, dark green pegasus in a brown uniform coat. The jacket patches indicated that this officer wasn’t a regular Sheriff’s pony, but instead a Deputy Marshal.

The deputy shivered, taking a sip from a styrofoam cup he held in his right hoof. “Why’s it got to be so damned cold at night and so damned hot during the day,” he spat.

“Right,” replied another voice. The second deputy was a very large brown earth pony with a comically small hat. “Thought you pegasi liked the cold.”

“We’ve been over this,” replied the pegasus. “When they made me, they forgot to insulate. I’m fucking freezing out here.”

As the two continued to bicker, they passed the turquoise pegasus who had frozen in her tracks. The turquoise pony gulped and held her breath, hoping they didn’t stop or turn around. Instead, they veered off to the right, where they climbed into an idling Chevorneigh Speedmaster.

The turquoise pony exhaled in relief, then felt her eyes wander up the side of the car. The sides were clearly marked with the words ‘Equestrian Marshal’s Office: Police.’ Her eyes traveled further up the side and came to a stop at the tinted windows of the patrol car.

A turquoise pegasus with a brilliant amber mane stared back at her. She took a deep breath, adjusting her mane slightly. Satisfied, she turned away and trotted back down the road. As she left, she cast a wayward glance at the cruiser. A sailor and a giant, she scoffed. What a joke.

She knew what the Marshal’s Office did. Everypony in Dodge Junction did, after all. They roamed the streets, with their fast cars and their big guns, and ‘kept an eye on things.’ Held themselves to a higher standard, hid behind their badges and sunglasses, and acted like they were better than the scum who worked with the Sheriff.

That made her blood boil. In the desert, it was a fact that the sheriff and their lackeys did whatever they wanted. Sure, maybe some were better than others, but it was all the same in the end. They would get out to make ponies pay. Ponies like her.

The turquoise pony became so wrapped up in her thoughts that she failed to realize she was being watched. Two sets of eyes stared at her through the tinted windshield of the police cruiser. A green hoof reached for the radio.

“Heads up, tango is on the move. Passed us heading northbound up Baker,” reported the pegasus. “Passing it up to you, Sky King.”

“Roger dodger,” came the reply. “Hang back and keep your ears on me, I’ll tell you when to roll.”

“Copy.” The pegasus nodded and took a sip from his cup. He shot a glance at his partner. “Hey, Clyde? This shit ever bother you? Just sitting around and waiting?”

Troubleshoes Clyde shook his head and chuckled. “Waitin’s our job, Cover Story. It’s our lot in life.”

Cover Story shrugged and took a sip from his cup. “Still, we had her right there. Now we risk losing her.”

Clyde glanced out the window at the shops that lined the dusty desert road. “Maybe, but Ah got faith. We’ll get her. We always do.”

“Yeah,” grumbled Cover Story. “Until we don’t.”

Down the road, the pegasus continued walking. At the street corner she paused, watching as several cars drove up and down the roads. She glanced back to see that the Speedmaster was still idling at the curbside.

She scowled. Why can’t they leave us alone? Her ear twitched and she glanced up at the sky. A black and white Baise 47-D was patrolling in the air, flying its regular patterns. She frowned at the helicopter, watching as it lumbered its way across the sky. Probably paid for from our fucking tax bits. Fucking pigs. She spat on the ground in disgust. The light turned green and he crossed the road.

Miles above her, a pink earth pony was helming the controls of the chopper, maneuvering it on its path around the city. She wore a pair of aviator goggles and a white safety helmet, marked with the words ‘Marshal’s Office’ over the brim. A sticker of the Equestrian flag was also stuck on the side of it. She turned to the passenger, a navy blue unicorn. “You got her?”

The unicorn had levitated a pair of binoculars up to his eyes. He trained them on the orange pony far below. “Got her. Crossing from Baker to Terrance. Looking around, kinda nervous. Cove, give it like five more minutes before you move.”

“Copy that, Wire Tap. Five minutes.”

Wire Tap turned to the pilot. “You think she’s made us, Cherry?”

Cherry Berry shrugged, not taking her eyes off the controls. “Doesn’t matter if she does, she’s got nowhere to go.”

“She’s not alone in that,” grumbled Wire Tap absently.

On the streets below, the pegasus wandered through the sleeping city, barely glancing at the shop windows or cars that passed her by. Her eyes flicked from side to side, scanning the streets and skies for threats. Her eyes fell upon a billboard, which depicted the city in a cartoonish manner. A pony was painted in the foreground, rearing up on his hind legs. “Come to Appleoosa,” the sign said, “Where every day is a new start!”

She blinked and frowned. It was that very promise that drew her out here. That gave her hope for something different, when everything else had failed her. Offered her protection when society shunned her.

But in a way she found it. Just not in the way she wanted. The pegasus growled and shook her head. Focus, no time for that now. She pushed forwards, down the dusty sidewalks of Dodge Junction, and further into the night.

She walked past a bus stop, where an old, gray maned stallion sat. He wore a dark suit, and a briefcase sat next to him. The stallion didn’t react as she passed him, instead focusing on his newspaper. She passed him without a second glance.

After the pegasus disappeared around the corner, the stallion gathered his things and stood up. He adjusted his tie and set off across the street. This movement was noticed by Cherry Berry, who keyed up her radio. “Alright, mark just passed Clockwork, turned right on main street. Cove, Clyde, you guys rolling?”

“Affirm, we’re rolling up on Clock now,” Cover Story replied. The police cruiser slowed in front of him, letting the stallion pass. Briefly, Clyde and Clockwork made eye contact and gave small nods to each other. Once he passed, the car continued down the street.

Clockwork made his way into an alleyway between two shops, where two vehicles and several figures were waiting. He turned his attention to the first, a yellow earth pony in a brown hat and duster. “Brae. Confirmed visual, it’s her.”

Braeburn Apple nodded. “Armed?”

“Not from what I could see,” replied Clockwork. “No visible holsters or weapons, and no clothing to conceal.”

“Well, that doesn’t mean anything,” countered the second pony, a blue-white pegasus. “She could have a wing blade, or a concealed wing holster, or any enchanted weapon.”

A flicker of magic overcame Clockwork’s form. The image of the stallion shimmered and fell away, revealing his true form as a dusty brown changeling. “I’m aware, and given what we know, I think we should expect that she is armed in some way.”

“I agree,” chimed in the third voice. Little Strongheart sat on a stack of boxes nearby, an intricate rifle in her hooves. “I am never one to put violence above peace, but I do not think that our suspect has peace in mind.”

Braeburn keyed his radio. “Alright, all units be advised, we have positive visual contact. Unknown if suspect is armed, proceed with caution. Heavy gear on when we roll.”

“You got it boss!”

With that, Braeburn turned to the pegasus. “Alright, White Lightning, take Clockwork. Follow me and light ‘em up when Ah tell you.”

“One more thing,” Clockwork added. “I detected a very strong sense of anger within her. This mare is out for revenge.”

“Then it’s up to us to stop her,” White Lightning said confidently.

Little Strongheart rubbed the necklace she was wearing and nodded. “Spirits be with you all.”

The group exchanged nods and headed to their respective vehicles: Braeburn and Strongheart to a gray and black National Show Senator, and White Lightning and Clockwork to a red and white Calabrese 62.

The two cars pulled out into the streets, following the marked cruiser and the pegasus. “Remember,” Braeburn said into the radio. “This is our only shot at gettin’ this right. Buck this up and there’s gonna be a lot of blood to clean.”

Far past them, the pegasus continued to stalk through the night. She shivered as a cool blast of wind hit her. She scowled as memories flashed through her head. The academy, her expulsion, the bar fight, fleeing to the desert…

Then it hit her. The one memory she was trying so hard to forget. The rain falling down around her as she screamed. The blood pooling on the ground and staining her hooves. The tears streaming down her face. And the voice in her ear, the breath stinking of alcohol and cigarettes, telling her they had to leave.

He promised her safety. He promised her money, food, a place to stay. And then he killed the only hope she had left for the world. Her face hardened at that. Enough is enough. It’s time to make this right. For Fiddle.

Suddenly, the blade hidden under her wing felt heavier. The pegasus chewed her lip in thought. Fiddle. What would she say if she could see you now? She violently shook her head. No. This is no time to doubt yourself, girl. You’re the fiercest mare in Equestria. Do it for her.

She stopped. Looking up, a large brick warehouse stared back at her. Most of the windows around were broken and boarded, and loose tarps blew in the wind around them. It was in the heart of downton Dodge, and for awhile it was her home. Not anymore.

Squinting, she saw the flames of a few cigarette lighters. A few laughs ripped against the night. She pushed forwards. After a few steps, several ponies stepped out of the shadows. “Well, well, well. If it ain’t the kid,” remarked a red earth pony.

She froze at the voice. The red pony walked towards her, a cocky grin on his face. Behind him, four other ponies stepped out, glaring and scowling at her. “Didn’t think you had the guts to show your face around here again,” he remarked.

“Chain Link,” spat the pegasus. “You know why I’m here.”

The pony raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t you humor me, kid?”

She narrowed her eyes, glaring at the pony in front of her. “I’ve had enough of your shit, Chain!” She shouted. The pegasus took a step forwards, and instantly two other ponies stepped in to block her.

Chain Link laughed. “You stupid mare. I gave you that second chance you were looking for, and this is how you pay me back?” He stepped over her as the others wrestled her to the ground. From his pocket he drew a pistol, a small Colt M1911.

Up in the sky, Wire Tap’s squinted at the group. He quickly conjured a spell that gave his binoculars a green tint, which made it easier to see in the dark. “Be advised, I have eyes on multiple tangos in confrontation with the suspect, at least one is armed. Hoofgun, unknown model. Possibly more in the building.”

“Copied all. Ah’ve got some county deps comin’ out to lend a hoof. Standby.”

On the ground, the pegasus struggled against the other ponies holding her down. Chain Link was standing over her, tauntingly waving his gun in the air. “You killed her,” she snarled.

“She was weak,” he retorted. “She didn’t understand what we have to deal with! She never can! I’m trying to save you!”

“Save me?! From who?” The pegasus snarled as Chain stepped closer. In a flash, she made her move. She twisted her right arm free and seung a punch at the thug on her left. Then, she grabbed the switchblade she had hidden under her wing and dropped her stance defensively.

The other ponies shouted and drew their own weapons, but Chain didn’t react. He simply stood there, chuckling. “You fool. You really want to kill me? You’re not gonna live.”

“Don’t care,” replied the pegasus. “As long as I take you down with me.”

Chain Link laughed again. “You? Kill me? Girl, I’d like to see you try.” He locked eyes with the pegasus, smirking again. “I’ve seen you. I know you, and I know you ain’t got what it takes.”

The pegasus frowned, but her trembling hoof gave her away. Damnit, damnit, damnit!

“Do it, pussy!” Chain Link shouted. He aimed his gun at her head. “Kill me!” He threw his head back and laughed a horrible, barking laugh. “That’s right. You can’t!”

Up in the helicopter, Wire Tap cursed. “They’ve got a gun to her head!”

“Brae, we gotta roll now,” Cherry Berry shouted.

“Copy that. All units, execute, execute, execute!’

Suddenly, the pegasus and Chain Link froze as a bright white spotlight flicked on. The warehouse was suddenly bathed in light, which made all the thugs recoil. The helicopter had veered towards them, its light shining like a laser in the night. “MARSHAL’S OFFICE,” Cherry Berry shouted from the helicopter’s loudspeaker. “NOPONY MOVE!”

Then there was a whooping of sirens, as a parade of cars sped out from around the corner, converging on the warehouse. Car doors flew open, and more deputy marshals swarmed out. “Check your targets, get her alive if you can,” Braeburn shouted before crouching behind his Senator.

“Fucking browncoats,” one of the thugs shouted. He drew a hidden revolver from his pocket and fired a shot, which hit the door of White Lightning’s Calabrese. That gunshot seemed to snap the rest of the ponies out of their stupor, and they drew their weapons.

“Shots fired, shots fired!” Cover Story shouted. He gripped his Colt tighter and fired off a few rounds.

The thug screamed in pain and fell to his side, clutching his bleeding shoulder. “Mother fuckers shot me!” Chain Link dove to his right, hiding behind a metal dumpster, while the pegasus went left to hide behind a stack of bricks.

The other thugs began moving, diving behind crates and boxes for cover as they returned fire. Chain Link scowled and glared at the pegasus. “You brought the cops?!”

“Fuck no! They ain’t with me,” she replied, blade still in hoof.

Chain Link snarled. “You fucking snitch!” He raised his gun and aimed at her.

The pegasus’s eyes widened. “Ah, fuck!” Immediately, she spread her wings and shot up into the air. Chain followed the movements and fired off a few rounds. The pegasus banked quickly to the right, and the bullets flew past her.

The helicopter’s spotlight bathed her in a bright white light, blinding her momentarily. “Suspect is airborne, say again, suspect is airborne!” Wire Tap called out.

“Check fire, Ah want her alive!” shouted Braeburn as he pulled out a Brumby automatic rifle from his car. From the passenger’s side, Little Strongheart raised her custom M1 Grand. She took a deep breath, and a few symbols carved into the stock and barrel lit up.

Strongheart tuned out the chaos around her and focused. She heard the wind whispering in her ear and felt the dust shift underneath her hooves. A pale light began to glow around the thugs, outlining them in red. She took aim at the closest one and pulled the trigger.

The thug screamed in pain and fell to the floor, clutching his hoof. The aura around him turned blue. Satisfied, Strongheart turned her attention to Chain Link. The stallion raised his pistol to the sky and fired, the shots whizzing by the pegasus’s wings.

The pegasus maneuvered herself so that she was directly in front of the helicopter’s spotlight. Chain Link squinted against the light, but couldn’t see her. He fired blindly, the shots whizzing by the helicopter. “Hey, we’re taking fire up here,” Cherry Berry announced calmly.

Chain Link scowled, ducking back down to reload. “Kill that bitch,” he shouted at two other thugs near him. “I want her dead!”

They nodded and raised their Trotter submachine guns to the air. Cherry Berry scowled as a hail of bullets flew by the helicopter. “Brae, anyone, get this fire off of me!”

“Copy that,” Cover Story shouted. He shot a glance at Clyde and raised an eyebrow. “Clyde, are you fucking kidding me?”

The large stallion had a small revolver in his hooves, which looked paled when compared to his body. Clyde blinked at him. “What? Gets the job done.”

Cover Story slammed a hoof to his face. “Fuck’s sake. Get your shield out.”

Clyde nodded and holstered his gun. He opened the Speedmaster’s trunk and pulled out a heavy metal shield. Sticking his arm through the sleeve, he turned to Cover Story and nodded again.

“Let’s go! On me, we’re pushing the fuck up!” Cover Story shouted. He ran behind Clyde and tapped him twice on the back. Clyde began pushing forwards with the other deputies crouched behind him.

The two thugs armed with Trotters turned their attention to him, firing away. The bullets ricocheted off the shield and flew in either direction. The runes embedded into the shield pulsed with each hit, but Clyde pressed on.

The pegasus seized their distraction and dove sharply, her eyes locking on Chain Link. The stallion turned at the last second and tried to get his gun up, but he was too late. The pegasus slammed her hooves into his jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground. The gun clattered out of his hooves, landing a few feet away.

Chain Link snarled, but the pegasus landed another blow onto his head. He glanced around, but scowled after seeing that his allies had scattered to take cover. The pegasus gripped the knife in her hooves and raised it above her head. Before she could lower it, Chain Link delivered a sharp kick to her ribs.

The pegasus stumbled backwards, dropping her knife, and Chain Link seized the opportunity to continue his attack. He punched her hard, landing the blow right on her right eye. The pegasus raised a foreleg to try and block, but Chain Link went low instead, jabbing her in the ribs again.

Reaching into his jacket pocket, the stallion produced a small switchblade. He lunged at the pegasus, forcing her to duck. The blade passed inches from her face. The pegasus reacted quickly, delivering an uppercut to Chain Link’s jaw.

“You bitch,” Chain Link swore. He turned and sprinted back into the warehouse, the pegasus chasing after him.

The helicopter spotlight followed them. “Suspect engaged in combat,” reported Cherry Berry. “They’re heading into the warehouse.”

“Clock, Lightning, go!” shouted Braeburn. The two nodded and broke out from behind Clyde. They took off into the air while the others provided suppressing fire and dove towards the warehouse.

One of the submachine gunners looked up, distracted. Little Strongheart noticed this and took aim. She fired, and the stallion cried out and fell to the ground. The other gunner stopped firing and ran over to his friend. The auras around them turned from red to blue, and she lowered her gun, rubbing her necklace again.

Without the pressure from the submachine guns, Clyde was free to push forwards. He closed the distance between himself and the remaining thugs with alarming speed. The thugs fired blindly, but they couldn’t do anything before he was right on top of them. The large stallion swung the shield outwards, making good contact with the head of a thug.

From behind him, Cover Story jumped out, shotgun in hoof. He levelled it at the thug Clyde had knocked down. “Your move, fuckface!” The wide-eyed thug tossed his gun aside and raised his hooves in the air.

“Outside is almost secure,” Braeburn reported. “Anyone have eyes on the pegasus?”

Meanwhile, the pegasus skidded to a halt at the entrance, her eyes struggling to find Chain Link in the darkness. She detected a bit of movement form the corner of her eyes, from behind a shelf. Slowly, she began to walk towards it, heart still pounding in her ears. Why are you still trying? Just leave.

She shook off the thoughts and pressed on. Several towering shelves occupied the floor of the warehouse, although most of them were empty. Crates had been stacked around arbitrarily, mixed in with folding chairs and tables. A few sleeping bags also dotted the floor.

The pegasus shivered, her eyes darting in between the shelves. Gunfire from outside made her ears twitch and she gripped the knife tighter in her hoof. She walked along the edge of a shelf, headed into the heart of the warehouse. As she rounded the corner, she froze. There was something hiding in the shelf.

Suddenly, the form lunged at her, and in a panic the pegasus stabbed at it. The form screamed as the blade penetrated its skin. The pegasus threw the other pony off of her and sent them tumbling to the ground. A pistol flew from their hooves and landed on the ground.

Recovering, the pegasus glanced at the other pony and realized it was a purple unicorn, not Chain Link. Then, she felt a cold piece of metal pressing into the back of her skull. “You fucking idiot,” Chain Link spat.

She tensed. She could smell the alcohol and cigarettes on his breath as he laughed in her ear. Her knife was still stuck in the body of the unicorn, and the unicorn’s gun was too far away. “You scared now, bitch?” Chain Link taunted. “I fucking told you. I tried to help you. To fucking save you, and you just threw it away.”

“You could have left her out of this,” she whispered.

“She was a weakness!” Chain Link barked. “Your weakness! She was holding you down! Can’t you fucking see? Or are you as blind as her?”

“She had nothing to do with this!” the pegasus shouted.

Chain Link spat on the ground. “No. No, no, no. Nopony in this fucking city is innocent! It’s us against fucking them, and she sure as hell isn’t one of us.” He pushed the gun harder into her head. “We’re a family. We stick together. Look out for each other. Because nopony else will. If you can’t see that, then you don’t deserve to be here.”

The pegasus closed her eyes. Don’t cry. Don’t let him see you scared. If you’re going to die, die with honor.

“I think I’ll kill you slowly,” Chain Link said. “Bullet in each knee, maybe. Cut off your wings. String you up, leave you to die…”

As he trailed off, a teardrop trailed down her face. I’m so sorry, Fiddle. I failed you.


Both ponies jumped as another pony ran into the warehouse. The pegasus recognized him as one of the thugs from outside.

“What?” Chain barked.

“We gunned ‘em down! They pulled back, and their helicopter’s gone. We can escape!”

Chain Link’s eyes lit up. “Hell yeah! Tell Cinder Block to start the trucks… if he’s still alive.” He didn’t see the white pegasus hidden in the shelves up above him, body tensed and waiting.

“Fine, but we gotta go before they come back with more ponies,” the other pony urged.


Chain Link shifted his gun away from the pegasus’s head, and White Lightning smirked.”Bingo.: She dived down towards him, shotgun in hooves. At the last second, Chain heard her and tried to turn around, but it was too late. White Lightning swung the gun, and the butt made contact with Chain Link’s head.

As the stallion crashed to the floor, White Lightning leveled the gun at him, a maniacal grin on her face. “Howdy! Don’t move, or I’ll blow your brains out!”

The other pony’s form shimmered until it disappeared completely, leaving Clockwork behind. Chain Link’s eyes widened. “W-what the hell…”

As White Lightning wrangled him into hoof cuffs, Clockwork stepped towards the other pony. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s over. We’re here to get you out.”

The pegasus blinked and looked around the warehouse. Her eyes fell onto the unicorn she stabbed, who was still groaning on the floor while clutching his wound. The knife was still stuck in his chest. Clockwork gently grabbed her face and guided her eyes back to him. “Hey, don’t worry about him. Look at me. You’re okay, alright? Let’s get you out of here.”

She nodded, and let herself be guided out of the warehouse. “Brae, we got her. Chain Link’s alive and in custody, we also have one down with a stab wound,” White Lightning reported.

“Copy, we’re secure out here.” Two paramedics and a sheriff’s deputy passed them as they left, heading for the injured unicorn. Outside, the thugs had surrendered, and were currently being processed by deputies. Blood and guns were scattered across the ground, and the helicopter still hovered overhead.

Clockwork led her over to the Calabrese and opened the back door. “Here. Sit.’ She did, and as the adrenaline wore off she felt a stinging sensation on her cheek. She held a hoof to it and felt something wet. Her mind flashed back to when Chain Link slashed at her with his knife.

White Lightning noticed this and offered her a towel. “It doesn’t look too bad, just press this against your cheek,” she said.

She nodded again, and White Lightning disappeared. A yellow stallion in a brown duster then approached her. Braeburn smiled at her before taking off his hat and setting it on top of the cruiser. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. “Want one?” he offered.

“Don’t smoke,” she answered automatically.

Braeburn nodded. “Good for you you. Wish Ah didn’t.” He lit one and put it in his mouth, his eyes focused on the pegasus. “You Lightning Dust?”

“Yeah,” the pegasus answered, still staring at the back of the headrest.

“Name’s Braeburn. We’ve been lookin’ for you.” He paused, shifting the cigarette in his mouth. “Mind tellin’ me what happened?”

Lightning Dust blinked and turned to look at him. She searched his expression for any hint of hostility but failed to find any. Surprisingly, all she could see was a weariness beneath his eyes. “I was new in town,” she said carefully. “Chain Link offered me money. Place to live. Food. Just had me deliver some things for him. Didn’t know what, didn’t ask.”

“But you found out,” Braeburn said. “From Fiddlesticks?”

“Yeah,” Lightning answered. “She didn’t like it. I thought she was wrong. Slipped up though. Mentioned it to Chain Link and he killed her. Then I got mad, ran away.”

Braeburn held up a hoof. “Now Ah dunno what he told you, but Miss Fiddlesticks is still alive and well.”

Lightning’s eyes shot up. “What?!”

“Yeah. Through and through bullet wound. She survived.” He took a puff of his cigarette before continuing. “She was mighty worried about you too.”

The pegasus considered this. “Can I… can I see her?”

Braeburn shrugged. “Sure. We gotta take you to the station first, get your statement. Then you can see her.”

“Oh. Okay,” she answered, still cautious.

“Miss Dust… Fiddle is a friend of mine,” Braeburn said. “She was real worried about you. Told me you were a good pony gettin’ in bed with some bad apples. Ah was real angry when she got hurt, Ah can tell you that much. Ah reckon you were too. That tells me a lot about you.”

Lightning Dust locked eyes with him again, searching for any sign of emotion in his face, but she couldn’t pierce through his mask. “I don’t want to hear it,” she said. “I don’t want you to just tell me that I’m better than this, or that I just have to go chase my dreams or what-fucking-ever. I’ve heard enough of that shit for a lifetime.”

Braeburn studied her carefully and shrugged. “Alright, Ah won’t. Ah think you and Ah both know that dreams don’t always come true.”

She raised an eyebrow at that.

“Ah know you just think of me as just another cop, who goes around treatin’ ponies like dirt just cuz Ah got authority,” he continued. “And that Ah think of you as just another junkie. As some pony who don’t know any better. So Ah won’t tell you what you don’t want to hear. But, Ah still do think that you’re a good pony.”

He took another puff from his cigarette before continuing.

“A lot of ponies who end up joinin’ gangs like Chain Link’s, they’re lookin’ for shelter. Because society has wronged them in a way they can’t recover. Because cops beat ‘em and jail ‘em, because politicians slam ‘em and drive them out of the streets. They ain’t got anywhere to go. So they band together, say they’re gonna stick together cuz ain’t nopony else gonna look out for ‘em. Cuz ain’t nopony gonna believe in ‘em.”

Braeburn fell silent at that. A far away look formed in his eyes. “A lot of good ponies die every single day. We ain’t gonna save all of ‘em. That’s just a fact. But we still gotta try.” He shifted his attention back to Lightning Dust. “Now Ah don’t think you’re the type of pony to stay in a gang the rest of your life.”

Lightning Dust hesitated before shaking her head. “No. But… we can’t always get what we planned.”

He cracked a smile. “Ah understand.”

“Do you?” Lightning hissed. She sighed and closed her eyes. “Sorry.”

Braeburn shrugged. “It’s fine. But yeah, Ah do understand. Ah’m an Apple, Miss Dust. We’re farmers by trade. Ain’t nopony in my family who wore a badge before me. Ah sure as hell wasn’t born to do this. And y’know what, Ah don’t think any pony in my team would say they were born for this. But it’s like you said, we can’t always get what we planned.”

“Yeah,” Lightning said. She looked at Braeburn again carefully and saw the bags under his eyes. She saw the mask slip away for a second to reveal an exhausted pony, driven by sadness and anger. A pony who was almost broken and defeated, but who kept pushing onwards.

“Now that don’t mean you don’t have a choice,” he continued. “It don’t mean that you’re alone. It don’t mean that nopony believes in you. Because damnit, Ah’ll believe in you, if that’s all it takes for you to make the right choice.” He sighed, taking the cigarette from his mouth and staring at it. “Ah won’t tell you what you should do or how to live your life. Ah know you probably got a lot of enemies and ponies you’re angry at. So Ah’ll just tell you to get out there and give ‘em hell.”

Lightning cracked a smile at him. “I think I can manage that.”

Braeburn chuckled. “Than Ah guess that’s all Ah gotta say. You’re gonna go far, kid. Trust me.” He stepped back and grabbed his hat before gently shutting the door. The stallion dropped his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out before turning back to his team.

“We got a few ponies en route to the hospital for their wounds,” Clockwork reported, “but looks like we’ve got no fatalities.”

White Lightning shrugged. “Well, we got Lightning, we got Chain, and nopony died. I think that’s a success.”

“Yeah, but think of all the paperwork,” Cover Story grumbled.

“That’s just our lot in life,” Clyde answered.

Little Strongheart chuckled. “I’m afraid that is right, my friend. It seems you ponies can not survive without documenting everything multiple times.”

Braeburn smiled at that. “Hey, complain about the bureaucracy later. Whitey, Clock, take Lightning down to the station and get her statement. And get that cut checked out.”

The two nodded and headed for the car. The helicopter circled above them before finally flying off towards the city.

“Braeburn, are you alright?” Little Strongheart asked, putting a hoof on her friend’s shoulder.

He nodded. “Fine. Meet you in the car.”

She nodded, and the buffalo walked off. Braeburn looked up at the sky and sighed, recalling his conversation with Lightning Dust. He turned as White Lightning’s Carabrese drove past and waved at it. A smile formed on his face. “Heh. Give ‘em hell, kid.”





Comments ( 5 )

Great work on this.

You're welcome.

Good stuff! I can see that this was just a prototype for some of the ideas you mentioned to me previously, but for a one-shot story, you did a great job! I particularly enjoyed how you managed to introduce everyone and give us enough of an idea of their roles without bringing in too much effort.

A couple things did strike me. For one thing, you called it a "handgun." Ponies don't have hands, and you had me wondering if this was an anthro story for a second.

Second, while I know about Strongheart's rifle from your PMs, others might not, so if you were going to put this into a full story, I think a bit of exposition on that part might help.

All in all, though, I really enjoyed this!


Did I? Huh, definitely a mistake on my part, although I have reached some rather interesting dilemmas with words like 'marksmanship' 'personnel' and 'shaman' (who isn't a shapony because they're a buffalo), so it'll be... interesting to see how it works out.

Agree on more exposition on Strongheart's rifle. As you already know this piece was experimental so I didn't have many details locked in when I first wrote it. I'll go back and add the extra parts.

Thanks again!

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