• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 675 Views, 4 Comments

The Return of King Nixel - Adam Nofal

The Main 7 has returned, and this time, they’re dealing with King Nixel and Major Nixel. They need to stop them with the help of Mixels group. Can they stop them from taking over or will it be too late?

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Chapter 3: A talking guitar

Sunset walks to the janitor room to see what’s going on, and who’s in here.

"Hello?" said Sunset.

"Shh! Get in here, quick!" quietly said the mysterious Mixel.

Sunset went inside the janitor room, and close the door behind her.

"Hey what’s going on? Why did you write a note on my locker?" said Sunset quietly

"Look I’m sorry that I make you uncomfortable, but I need your help now." said the mysterious Mixel.

"Why? What’s going on?" said Sunset.

"It’s Major Nixel. He must’ve thought that you guys are have a Mix Festival." said the mysterious Mixel.

"A Mix festival?" said confused Sunset. "What’s that?"

"It’s an event were we celebrate the power of the cubit, and he thought that y’all are having one." said the mysterious Mixel.

"Before I continue, who are you and how did you get her?" Said Sunset, who was confused by the jacket and hoodie he’s wearing.

The mysterious Mixel pulls its hoodie down to reveal himself.

"My name is Jamzy, and I somehow got here by some sort of portal." said Jamzy

"A portal? You mean like a magic mirror?" said Sunset, questioning him.

"No, but whatever that is weird. Anyway, I came to this world by an unknown portal. While I was going to Mixel School, I look at my watch and realize that I was gonna be late for school, so I took a shortcut to get there until I ended up in the strange world. Before I knew what happened, I went inside the school and discovered that the weird creature y’all are don’t have cubits with them. Everyone was staring at me with my look, so I hid in the janitor room, and wear a jacket to disguise myself, so people won’t notice me. Until I saw you talking to him about the upcoming festival that y’all are having, he thinks that y’all are having it." said Jamzy.

"That’s crazy. Why didn’t I think of that? Mr, Jamzy sir. Is there anything I can do for you?" said Sunset, offering to help Jamzy.

"Thanks, Sunshine. You know there’s only one way to stop him from getting your festival." Jamzy said happily.

"Really? What?" questioned Sunset.

"The cubit. I brought it with me to school for mixing, but somehow I lost it somewhere. If I don’t find it, it’ll be too late." said Jamzy.

"Do you think my friend will help you out?" said Sunset.

"Sure. It’s somewhere around the school. It could be anywhere." said Jamzy.

"Okay. We’ll meet you after school. That way, we can find it." said Sunset.

"Thanks, Sunshine." said Jamzy "See you around!"

Outside of the janitor room, Major Nixel overheard the conversation between him and Sunset about everything. Before Sunset open the door, Major runs back outside of the school without being notice. Sunset runs outside to talk to her friend about everything.