• Published 19th Feb 2020
  • 491 Views, 13 Comments

A Dragon in Equestria - Teraunce

Teraunce, a traveller of many places, accidentally stumbles upon Equestria.

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Chapter 1: Welcome to Ponyville

Teraunce awoke to something poking him in the ribs. He slowly opened his eyes to see a cyan hoof poking him in the shoulder, shaking him, as he heard a brash voice asking why something so lame had to come from such an awesome and cool looking hole in the sky, said voice slowly coming to a halt as he turned his face and head to follow the blue hoof up to the creature and realizing it is a horse...wait, are those wings? Scratch that, a Pegasus talking. A blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane? What sort of land did he land into? Anyways, time to get some information. And figure out what changed about himself. He says, “Hello miss…?” as he looks around and spots that he is still at the base of the crystal tree.

“Rainbow Dash, soon to be a member of the Wonderbolts and don’t you forget it. Your teleport portal was totally cool but your landing wasn’t. You’re lucky I was flying around and spotted you falling so I could attempt to save you. I don’t know where that weird rainbow aura came from but it was pretty cool as well. So, Dragon-pony thing, what were you trying to do? Come to steal some gold and gems?” During all of that Ter was looking over himself and making a mental checklist while listening. Mane and tail? Check. Fur? Check. Belly Scales? Check. Front paws/hands capable of fine manipulation? Check. Back Legs ending in Hooves? Che….Ok, that can be dealt with. Explains the pony comment. Wings? Check. Handy Haversack? Che...oh, it became a pair of saddlebags. Gotta check the enchantment still works. Sword and Longbow? Still where they belong. Random Mark of half a yin-yang symbol on his Flank? Check? Wait, that wasn’t there before. Horn on head? Check? Wait, a horn on his head? Was he a unicorn-dragon hybrid? Ok, no time to faint. No time to faint.

Oh, she stopped talking, better respond, “The name’s Teraunce. I don’t remember much else about myself. I crashed pretty hard and hit my head on the tree I think.” Oh hey, she has a mark on her flank, “What is that mark on your flank? And I have no desire to hoard gems or gold beyond what I need to buy books. At least, I don’t feel the need. Do unicorns talk here as well? And what are the Wonderbolts?”

Dash looked pretty outraged at that last question as she says, “The Wonderbolts are only the coolest stunt fliers in all of Equestria! They are personally sponsored by the Princess! I am so gonna let be in when I can repeat what gave me my Cutie Mark, the Sonic Rainboom. And you must have really hit your head hard to not remember one of your parents. Yes, Unicorns are real here and use magic. I am the weather manager for Ponyville, the most awesome Pegasus in town! The ones without wings or horns are known as Earth Ponies. They’re kinda lame but they are really strong. And the awesome Princess has both wings and a horn and is known as an Alicorn. She lives in Canterlot, the Capitol. Do you at least remember what your cutie mark is?”

Ter looks back at his mark, realizing what the Tree of Harmony meant when she said emblem as he responds, “My mark is for my skill with White Magic, even if most of the spells have been knocked out of my head beyond a light spell and telekinesis. It is also for knowing every Light casts a shadow, and it sure is getting dark out there. Is this Ponyville close? I remember my mom was a unicorn and my dad was a dragon now.”

“It is getting really dark out there. And the Everfree forest at night is a little too dangerous for even Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash. Think you can light up your horn and keep up with me?”

In answer Ter lights up his horn providing a very bright white light and says, “I think I can if you can lead the way,” before standing up and taking off.

“I should find a prism for you to put your horn into,” Rainbow says before leading the way out of the gorge and into ponyville.

Once in Ponyville, Rainbow looks only slightly winded while Ter lags a bit further behind, much more winded. She lands on a fairly big fluffy cloud and when Ter moves to land beside her she says, “No! Don’t! Only Pega...,” before trailing off in shock as he actually stands firmly on the cloud and then flumps down beside her resting. “You! You shouldn’t be able to stand on clouds. Dragons don’t have those abilities nor do Unicorns.”

“Maybe I have some Pegasi heritage?”

“That...that may be why? Or do you have something enchanted on you with a cloudwalking spell. Or did you cast one on yourself?”

“What’s a cloudwalking spell?”

“Ok, so maybe not. In any case, you should be safe here tonight provided a pink earth pony doesn’t find you. I’m going home and tomorrow you can explore Ponyville. If you need any of my awesome help you’ll find me in the cloud house with a rainbow fall. Goodnight Teraunce.”

“Goodnight Rainbow Dash,” Ter said as he mentally asked himself, Rainbow Falls? This I have got to see...Tomorrow. Yeah, Tomorrow sounds good. Ter then lays down on the cloud and goes to sleep.

Oww was the first thought Ter had as he woke up, something slamming into his belly and flipping him onto his back and then that something landing on his belly on four hooves, bouncing up and down making him grateful for his belly scales as it...she says, “I knew there was a new pony in town. Well part pony. I’ve been searching for you all night long,” and with that Ter finally cracks an eye open and sees it is indeed morning, and that there is a pink pony with bubblegum mane and three balloons as a Cutie Mark balancing and bouncing on his front. She also lacks wings or a horn. Ahh, so that means she must be an Earth Pony. What has she been blabbering on about.

“Err, miss. Sorry to interrupt but I kind of didn’t hear much after you said you’d been searching for me all night. Are you the Pink Pony that Rainbow Dash warns about? And do you need some help getting down from this cloud? How did you even get up here anyways?”

“Oh, I was just talking about what kind of welcome to Ponyville party I’d throw you. And Dashie warned you of me? I’m Pinkie Pie and I know everypony in Ponyville. I also throw the best parties in town. As for how I got up here, well, I used a trampoline to get up here. As for getting down…,” and with that she reaches into her mane and pulls out a parachute which she then straps on.

“Buh, where, how were you hiding that Parachute?”

“Oh, in one of my emergency Skydiving I have around Ponyville,” and then, while his mind is still boggling at that last statement, she somehow manages to flip him while staying on top before pushing him, and by extension, herself through the clouds, grabbing hold of him with her forelegs as she pulls the parachute cord once far enough down, gliding into the park while he looks stunned, him only opening his wings to help soften the landing at the last minute.

He then lets himself be pulled along slightly bemused as Pinkie Pie pulls him along through a tour, only managing to get his own name across because she pauses her ramblings long enough to let him say his name to the ponies he is meeting. The first place she takes him is to the Sugar Cube Corner, although he has no clue how she got him there so fast. She explains where she works and sleep while also introducing him to her employers. The cupcake he got out of the deal was pretty tasty, even if he had no idea they had chocolate ones filled with Bavarian cream inside. Or how they had one with his Cutie Mark on it. Oh well.

After that, and a literal run in with a wall-eyed pegasus who said she was a mailmare and that her name was Ditzy Doo. He was also surprised when she pulled a muffin from her bag, handing it to him and saying it was a special delivery.

Next on the list of places she pulled him was a shop run by someone named Bon-Bon who made amazing candies. He also got to meet her wife, Lyra, and Bon-Bon’s very shy twin sister named Moth. He also got told they had an adopted daughter, but she was at school. As far as Moth goes, when he looked at her there seemed to be something off with what he saw and she scrutinized him back. The same offness also seemed to lie on the next person they met, the operator of the Inn in Ponyville, Junebug, where he would probably end up staying. He hoped the gold he brought would be worth something.

After that was a whirlwind tour through Ponyville with him being dragged along in ways he couldn’t fathom. First up was Rarity’s Carousel Boutique where Pinkie mentioned she got some of her costumes from. Then with a shot cut he was somehow across town and a cottage was pointed out that contained, well, basically the local pet rescue and vet, being where he should go if he wanted to stay in town and get a pet.

The tour then continued with him being dragged past the entrance to a farm named Sweet Apple Orchards. “Where I get my baking stuff and where you could maybe make a bit or two if you ask nicely for honest work,” according to Pinkie. Following that was a trip through the Marketplace where Pinkie stopped to greet someone named Applejack briefly, him getting a free very delicious apple from the farm for being new.

The last stop on the tour was the Mayor’s office. Pinkie also pointed out the local Library for him if he wanted to read something and then told him to go to SugarCube Corner at 8PM and that he’s lucky he caught her on one of her free days, as in a couple days time there’s gonna be the Summer Sun Celebration, a major holiday. With that, she leaves and he is left to his own devices.

With nothing left to do he goes into the Library and is surprised there is no Librarian. Shrugging the strangeness off, he looks though the library looking for info on this Summer Sun Celebration and also finds an Encyclopedia so he can look some things up like bits.

It is time to stop reading and get to that party, his thoughts went as his internal clock went off and he looked up and saw it was almost time for the party. Sure, may as well go to it. It’ll only be a few people. Nothing to worry about at all. With that, he left the books on the table after several productive hours of study.

After a short gentle flight he stopped in front of Sugarcube Corner and landed. Gently opening the door the first thing he noticed was how dark it was inside. The next was how quiet it was. Shrugging and thinking the place was probably closed, he stepped inside when all of a sudden the lights came on blinding him while several someones shouted in his face “SURPRISE!” That, the sudden flare of emotions he could practically feel, and a bit of reactionary instinct, caused him to jump quite high while flapping his wings, and causing a very very sudden very bright flash of light to spark out of his horn blinding everyone temporarily. He then, rather ignominiously bonked his head on the ceiling and then landed rather heavily on a rafter.

He came to a few seconds later, putting on a pair of sunglasses from his saddlebags, to hearing what sounded like a certain Pink Pony asking over and over again if he was surprised. When she finally paused to breathe he answered, “Yes, yes I was very very surprised. Where’s the bathrooms? I need to wash my face and paws.

With her pointing him to them he quickly washed his face and paws under very cold water to wake up some more before stowing his sunglasses away, hoping noone was able to see him between the flash and now. Shrugging, he heads out of the bathroom to mingle and greet those who came to meet him. Also, he came out to enjoy some delicious cake, not sure how Pinkie Pie found out he enjoyed cheesecake so much.

All in all, it was a good party and he flopped back up onto a cloud after meeting what must have been a very good chunk of Ponyville. Shrugging in tiredness, he still decided it was a good idea to figure some stuff out, and given his apparent abilities to handle clouds...well, no time like the present to mold them into a box for him to practice in, and practice he did until he fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Wow this took way longer than expected. Maybe I should have cut this in two.
Edit: Updated to add what happened to his equipment.
Name: Teraunce
Race: Dragocorn?
Gender: Male
Powers: Light Magic, Cloudwalking, Telekinesis, ???
Cutie Mark: the white half of a yin-yang symbol representing his understanding of light and that all lights cast shadows.

Comments ( 7 )

Moth? Junebug? Are you borrowing characters from other stories?

Maybe? or maybe other things? Don't wanna spoil anything.

Going great (even if a bit fast) so far. But what happened to the equipment possessions and weapons he was carrying when he entered the portal? Are they lost does he carry some bags that weren't mentioned or are they still at the tree?
What I am missing is a bit of internal dialogue worries and thoughts of the main character. Adding something like that would also make the speed at which the story develops feel a bit less rushed.

Right. Updated to add what happened to his equipment.

Liked this, gonna track and I look forward to more

thanks for the compliment.

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