• Published 16th Feb 2020
  • 1,087 Views, 6 Comments

Fear & Loving In Sweet Apple Acres - Alicia Van Hammer

"Often it's not what is said but things left unsaid, which break our hearts". These words come home to roost as Rainbow Dash opens up to her oldest friend and a furious AppleJack must do the same.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The living room door slammed open with a violent crash.

It had been a fairly calm and typical afternoon on the Apple family farmhouse. The youngest sibling, Apple Bloom had sat herself down for a late breakfast of pancakes and syrup. Apple-bucking season had already wound down and her chores for the day could wait until later in the afternoon so she had decided to sleep in a bit for once and have a nice relaxing morning.

That was until now.

Startled, Apple Bloom looked up from her stack of pancakes to see her elder sister, Applejack angrily stomp her way into the kitchen.

The orange earth pony stared dead ahead, her brown stetson low on her brow as she plowed forward like a wounded bear trailing the hunter what done it.

From the living room came a familiar, high-pitched, raspy voice, shouting in strained tones.

"Applejack Wait!" shouted Rainbow Dash. The sky blue pegasus trotted briskly, catching up to her friend. Her brow was knit in confusion. Repeatedly, she called out to her friend. "I said Wait!" "A.J.?" "A.J.?!"

Apple Bloom looked up with fearful concern. She had never seen her sister in such a state- and considering the myriad of strange and scary adventures they'd shared over the years, that was really saying something. She set down her forkful of pancakes. "Applejack? What's goin' on?"

If her elder sister heard her, she gave no response, glaring away to some HIGHLY offensive unseen presence and furiously thumping a hoof against the floor.

"Applejack?!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Come On... Please?!"

Apple Bloom looked from the familiar pegasus to her sister and back again. The air between the two old friends was generally so warm, caring, almost loving. Even at their most competitive, their rivalry still held an air of joviality, akin more to siblings or maybe schoolyard one-upmareship. Now it felt alien and very cold, dangerously so, as if any moment something unthinkable might erupt. Apple Bloom felt a pang of fear building in her gut, like something sharp and venomous. Whatever had happened, her sister was clearly beside herself with fury.

"Sis? What're ya doin'-"

Applejack turned to her sharply, like a cornered animal. Her glare cut into her little sister like a choppin' axe in her growling voice.

"Stay OUT of it, Apple Bloom! This ain't none a'yer bizness!"

Apple Bloom visibly shrank under the baleful shouting, cowering into silent submission. As siblings, they had fought, to be certain. On the right topic, the whole Apple clan might tussle into an old-fashioned slobberknocker. Such in-family brawls, sibling rivalry and good-natured airing of grief was pretty average fare on the farm but Applejack had never rounded on her like that before, never with such anger, such hate in her eyes. It very nearly brought her to tears.

Rainbow Dash was in the kitchen with them now, her eyes pleading with her best friend holding all the same desperation of her cracking voice. The cyan pegasus was panting, catching her breath. "Applejack?!"

Applejack didn't respond. She only stood still and leaned against the counter of the sink with a heavy, exasperated sigh.

"A.J.? What'd I do?!"

Applejack didn't turn to face her friend. She hung her head, lips pursed in a stiff, angry frown, framed by the hanging locks of her mussed blonde mane like a lion brooding over it's kill.

"A.J...." Rainbow stopped, standing cautiously by the breakfast table, several feet away from her friend. With a tremble, her own lips began to quiver as she pleaded. "Please..."

Applejack's hoofs balled up like hammers on the countertop as her voice came out in a whispered growl. "Why'd you have to go and do that..."

Rainbow's brow knit in anguish and fearful confusion. "What did I DO? What did I SAY? PLEASE, A.J.?"

Applejack banged her hoof on the countertop, shaking several plates and causing a few pieces of silverware to clatter and clang in a hazardous tumble to the kitchen floor. "You know DURN Well Whut you done SAID, Rainbow."

Rainbow Dash's lips worked up to the empty shape of a "W". She was too shaken to form the "what?" she desired. The best she could manage was to mouth the word helplessly as she stared at her friend, fighting back the tears as they desperately clawed from the insides of her eyelids.

Applejack glared at Rainbow Dash. Her normally pleasant, down-home cordiality was nowhere to be seen. She was nothing more than a bubbling cauldron of frustration, outrage and barely-contained anger. She began to speak but the words got caught in her throat, descending into a growl of frustration and finally exploding outward. "Just.... RrrraAAUGH!!" She threw up both hooves, shaking in her restrained fury.

All the commotion seemed to have finally drawn in the Apple Family's eldest sibling, "Big" Macintosh. The large red earth pony tromped down the stairs with the heavy hoofbeats of his massive frame. His normally impassive expression was now as much a mask of panicked confusion and familial concern as anything. "Now, whut in cousin Apple-Bottom Jeans' jambalayah is goin' ON down here? I could hear ya'll shoutin' clean upstairs while a'hammerin' on th'ROOF!"

Applejack whirled on her brother, lips curled into a snarl, her green eyes once more as sharp as a boot-knife. "YEW stay out a'this, Big Mac!"

The red earth pony was shocked into silence. Moments ago he had been atop the Apple family home, hammering away at repairing some damage done during the last particularly raucous Apple-family "Cider-fest and Watermelon-hunkin' Competition" when all the shouting had caught his attention. With the Element of Honesty for a sister, he was accustomed to some degree of insanity in his life, so he'd learned to take the strange and often other-worldly parts of her life in stride. Monsters, curses and evil magics had all become almost the norm for him. He wasn't sure what he had expected to find when he came downstairs but this was definitely not it. He looked to Rainbow Dash as she stared helplessly, eyes silently pleading with his younger sister. "Rainbow, did y'all two get into a faight r'sumthin?"

Applejack stomped at the ground hard enough to cause Apple Bloom's breakfast plate to clatter and toppled the salt and pepper shakers from their cozy perch in the middle of the family breakfast table. The middle Apple sibling was not only the Element of Honesty but also the inheritor of the ancient Element of Strength- a fact which was frighteningly clear at the moment. Apple Bloom whimpered and scooted back in her chair at the display.

Applejack pursed her lips and lowered her tone. "Mac, it ain't yer oats ta stir... Keep yer snoot outta it or I swear, I'll buck you so hard Sugar Belle will be pickn' yer rump outta my hoofs till next week!"

Mac gasped, aghast, horrified. He and his sister had had their squabbles and spats before as any family is want to do but this was something else entirely. "Applejack! There ain't NO call fer that kinda talk! What the HAY has gotten inta you?"

Something in his tone seemed to quell her rage. "Big" Macintosh was known for his stoic, calm, good-natured demeanour and reserved character. He was a source of stability and an anchor for his family at their hardest of times. Meeting the disappointment in his eyes as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, Applejack took a deep breath and relaxed her baleful glare. With a disdainful snoft, she turned away to rest on her elbows against the counter again, giving only a sidelong glance to the others in the room.

Rainbow Dash took a step forward. "A.J., Please... Can't we just talk about this?"

The orange mare was silent, giving no response but the air of ice and ancient war hammers in every breath, turning the cozy country kitchen into something which felt every bit as dangerous as a minefield.

Rainbow took another few steps forward. "A.J.? Look, I'm sorry, okay? I... I didn't mean to-"

Applejack cut her off. Her voice was low and even, but every bit as powerful as the stomp which shook the room mere seconds ago. "Why'd you have to go an' say that...?"

Rainbow Dash stopped, now only a few feet from her friend. "Say WHAT? ... That I LOVE you?"

Applejack's brow creased. She stumbled as if stabbed through her chest by an invisible spear, tightly shutting her eyes and biting on her lip to contain the pained response.

Rainbow continued, touching a hoof to her chest, as if in a gesture of promise "Because I DO, A.J.!"

Apple Bloom rallied, trying to mount a cheer and bring some levity back into the room. Her spunky optimism and joyful smile had often brightened the darkest hour. Tentatively, the little mare pumped a hoof in celebration of the announcement. "Yeah! I knew it! Right on, Sis!"

Her elder sibling spun about on her with a snarl. "Apple Bloom, I told you ta shut yer dadburned fool MOUTH!"

Apple Bloom cowered back into her chair again, her lips curling and quivering. She was now on the verge of tears.

Big Mac stepped forward and puffed out his chest, his massive frame made even more imposing by the yoke harness he was almost never seen without. The roan stallion was easily as large as any guard in Princess Celestia's private forces and he let all the bass in his barrel of a chest out as he barked at his sister "APPLE JACK, that is ENOUGH!"

The siblings bristled at each other like two angry dogs on opposite sides of a fence. "Now what is this all about?"

The two ponies traded eyes for several tense seconds of silence. Finally it was Rainbow Dash who broke the chill in the air with a tentative step closer to her best friend. "Applejack, please... Why won't you just say it?"

"WHY?!" The indignance in her voice was practically tangible in the air. "Yew wanna know wh-" She cut herself off mid-sentence and pursed out her lips again with a heavy exhale before continuing.

"Because I DON'T!"

Rainbow froze, seemingly cut through her very heart. The normally proud, puffed-up and pompous pegasus, pride of The Wonderbolts was little more now than a marionette, clinging to the last of it's strings in a struggle to remain upright. The rest of her frayed support cables invisibly crashed to the floor around her.

"Ah DON'T love you, Rainbow. There, ya happy? I said it."

Applejack glared at Dash, her best friend since foal-hood. Her green eyes were rimmed in stinging redness. "NOW will yuh just shut up an leave me be?!"

The room was silent as Rainbow's eyes teared over. She made no noise. She made no motion. Something inside her had clearly stumbled and staggered, crumpling up like discarded paper and tumbling to the floor but the lithe muscles of her cyan body had yet to catch up with it. Her ruby eyes were wide as each one produced a single tear, loosing them to trickle along her cheeks like tiny blades of ice, melting away from a dying winter scene.

Apple Bloom and Big Mac were both silent, stunned, incapable of words or motion. The two siblings stood helplessly, unable to conceal the pity as they watched the unstoppable Rainbow Dash collapse inside.

Rainbow lowered her head and slowly shut her eyes. The wet pressing of her lashes cut free several more tears which plummeted to the tile of the kitchen floor. In the silence, their impact was audible, the same soft patter of a cat alighting upon a windowsill, or a heart breaking into a million jagged, irrepairable fragments.

There are moments in some lives- moments of extreme duress- in which silence can actually be described as 'deafening'. It was in one of these moments that they now stood, a roomful of hearts too raw and ready for war to do a damned thing.

Seconds passed in this accursed moment.


They were all transfixed, frozen in the morass of emotion without reason or name.

Finally, it was the most bizarre and out of place sounds which cut into the tension of the air-

A snicker.

From beneath the disheveled mass of of her spikey mane of brilliant colours, Rainbow Dash gave a chuckle. Her lips turned slightly upwards and she sniffled back the ice-wind pain of her tears. She coughed, sputtered and looked up with an almost wicked expression, tainted only slightly with what might be the expectation of triumph...

"Eheh... Y- ...you're a terrible liar, A.J..."

Applejack's eyes went wide. She set her chin as some of the colour drained from her freckled cheeks. "Ah AIN'T Lyin'!"

Apple Bloom whispered in agonized disbelief "Applejack..."

Her elder sister pounded a hoof on the countertop, sending a glass to tumble to the floor and shatter. "AH DON'T LOVE You, Rainbow!" Her voice cracked around the edges, losing some of it's baleful outrage in a trade for something only slightly less confident. "I DON'T!"

Apple Bloom spoke up, her voice a tiny, frightened thing, barely more than a whisper but it carried with it the strength and purity of the kind of truth only a child could ever muster the courage to speak. "We all know that ain't true, sis... Why'd you say that? ...lookit how yer hurtin' her..."

Applejack looked from one face to the other. Rainbow's spiky mane of many colours was a mess, even moreso than usual. Her red eyes were fiery, somehow as defiant as they were tired, the whole of her tear-streaked face, that face she'd known since foal-hood was... "No. No, I DON'T." Her bottom lip hinted at the motion of curling inward, if only for a fraction of a second. "I... I don't... Know. No. No- I..."

Something inside her returned to it's seat and gripped the reigns firmly once more. She stood straight, bowed up and resolute. Digging in her hooves, she glared at Rainbow, wheeling about on her. "Git out!" pointing a hoof at the door. "Just... go. Git outta mah house."

Big Mac looked between the two mares. He was about to speak up again when Rainbow Dash cut him off. Jaw set, she turned up to look back to her friend. In a firm, even intonation of her gravelly voice she spoke.


Applejack staggered as if she were a giant, forehead struck by the sling-stone of legend. "Whut?"

"NO." Rainbow matched her friend's stance, back firm and strong, bowed up and ready for the fight.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why!"

Applejack stomped towards her, her earth pony element of strength was showing as her hoofsteps shook the walls and caused two family portraits to loosen and clatter to the floor. "Git... OUT..."


Rainbow Dash did not move.

Applejack stopped a hoof's-reach away from Rainbow Dash, eyes narrowed and ferocious. "Ah sed... git OUT, Rainbow."

Rainbow Dash did not so much as flinch.

Applejack's lip began to quiver. Her voice was becoming more of a steely whispered threat now. "Giddout..."

Rainbow remained resolute. Her ruby-red eyes returned every inch of the intensity of her best friend's fury.

Applejack's voice began to crack, her cheeks visibly heating up. "Rainbow..." The orange earth pony's breath began to become laboured.

"Applejack...?" Rainbow Dash uttered- the intensity and defiance in her voice replaced with concern as she watched her dearest friend begin to crack and fray at the edges.

"W- whah'd you have to say that...?" the redness around the edges of the apple-farmers eyes began to gloss with wetness.


Applejack visibly recoiled, as sure as if Rainbow Dash had struck her.

"I love you, A.J."

"STOP IT!" With a shout, Applejack pushed her friend away, slamming the much lighter pegasus into the wall. Apple Bloom shrieked and leapt out of the way. Rainbow Dash groaned, staggered and rose to her hooves.

"No... I... I love you..." Rainbow Dash took a few staggered steps towards her lifelong friend.

Applejack shook her head as if in total disbelief and began to sob. "no..."

Rainbow Dash approached her with an increasing confidence, struggling to contain her own tears. "I love you."

"Shut up..."

"I love you. Applejack..."

"Shut UP..." There was no longer anger in her voice- only pleading now, desperation. "No... no..."

Big Mac and Apple Bloom watched the old friends in stunned silence, neither knowing what to do. As the two mares made their way across the kitchen, Big Mac made his way to Apple Bloom, hugging her close to the shield of his protective strength.

Rainbow approached Applejack with hooves outstretched, beckoning and open. The scene was almost a mirror-opposite of the vicious intensity of mere minutes ago as Rainbow moved with a slow, steady confidence. Applejack was now almost whimpering, backing away from her dearest friend since school-filly days, shaking her head and sobbing. "I love you, Applejack..."

"Shut UP, Rainbow... PLEASE just shut up..." The tears made muddy trails down her face, small streams between the rocky soil of her freckled orange cheeks.

"I've always loved you..."

As Applejack backed into the kitchen counter Rainbow reached out to touch her oldest and best friend's cheek.

"I've always loved you... and..." She swallowed hard, adjusting the angle of her neck to meet the bleary sobbing eyes of her friend. "...and... you've... you've loved ME ...too..."

"No!" Applejack's sobs shook her entire body. "no... no... no..." She nuzzled into the cyan mare's touch and squeezed Rainbow Dash's hoof with her own in a vice-like grip which sent arcs of pain along the whole of the weather-mare's spine. She bit her lip and rode out the pain. Applejack covered her face with her free hoof beneath the bedraggled mess of her blonde mane and the brim of her ever-present stetson hat. Seeing her beloved in such duress, Rainbow Dash was barely managing to contain her own tears as she continued.

"I love you A.J... Why won't you say it?"

"No... Rainbow..." Applejack's voice was a tiny shrill thing, squeaking out between her tears.

"Why, A.J.?"



Finally, at long last, the dam seemed to break, her words coming out as a tidal wave of violent, raw emotions she could no longer contain. "BECAUSE! Because if yew love me like Ah've always loved yew then Ah'm gonna hold yuh- and ah'm gonna kiss yuh- and we'll get married... and I'll only love yuh more and more every day because yer the most beautiful mare ah've EVER seen and the ONLY mare I've ever LOVED!"

Apple Bloom wept quietly for her sister now, gently sobbing into the strong arms of her elder brother. Big Macintosh stared, taking in the scene in wide-eyed shock. He did his best to choke back his own tears for his sister.

The room remained respectfully silent except for the racked sobs and shrill screams of Applejack's cries.

"And we'll have a MESS of adorable little babies and Ah'll love'em AWL 'cuz they'll awl be beautiful, just like yew an' Ah'll be happier n' happier ev'ry day Ah come home from buckin' the orchard just tah see yew in owr home- ev'ry day... until the day Ah find yuh- and yer GONE!"

The gathered ponies were stunned into a cold, numbing pain.

"Just like MOM and DAD..."

Applejack rubbed at her eyes, wiping the drizzle of snot from her face. "... an' I'll have to tell awl our little babies Why yer... why their momma is gone... n' y'ain't naiver comin' back... "

Applejack's tears came like rain as she gasped for breath between sobs. "Or even worse..." She looked up to meet Rainbow's own teary eyes with shameful remorse. "Ah'LL be th'one ta go, an' leave YOU awl alone ta carry on without me..."

Applejack choked and coughed, her body wracked with the agonizing effort of fighting back her sobs. Slowly, she shook her head, meeting her friend's teary-eyes at long last in an honest, loving gaze. "Ah... I couldn't live with myself... knowin' I'd hurt you like that... Rainbow... not you..."

Almost as one, the two mares reached up with their free hoofs to stroke at each other's cheeks. The tender touch drew a smile from both of their faces which trailed into a gentle, if nervous, moment of shared laughter. They each studied the vision of tears and genuine, emotion uncovered and unabashed, before them now, as if finally seeing their friend for who they truly were for the first time in their lives and being amazed by the beauty of what was before them.

Applejack looked sidelong to her brother and sister with a spark of shame. She had behaved horribly and she knew it.

However, as she made motion to speak her apology Big Macintosh raised a hoof to shush her into silence again. Their eyes met in the wordless communication of siblings. No words were needed. Big Mac understood. They were family. They all knew what had been done and there would be time enough for apologies later. Right now, this was a moment between them- her and her marefriend- one that had been a LONG time coming.

Applejack gave a small noise of surprise as Rainbow Dash applied a gentle push to guide her friend's gaze back to her. "A.J.... You know what finally gave me the guts to tell you how I feel?"

Applejack looked to Rainbow's big, imploring, rose-red eyes. She had finally recovered enough to offer up her usual smirk, if a bit of a tired one. "Twilight?" offered the farm-pony with a wet sniffle. "It's always Twilight."

"Nope." Rainbow Dash shook her head with a grin. "Pinkie Pie."

"Pinkie?" She laughed, a little incredulous. "Whut's that sweet little goofball have ta do with anythin'?"

Rainbow held her gaze with a far more earnest and open expression than Applejack had ever seen from her dear friend. "I... I told her that I was afraid of telling you what I've felt all these years because I was afraid of..." Rainbow choked on the words, struggling through the final lingering remnants of her decades of fears to at long last give them form.

"Maybe it would be getting BLASTED by Tirek... or maybe getting eaten up by The Smooze... or maybe it'd just... be some accident in a Wonderbolts air-show... but whatever it would be... one of us would be gone... and then whoever was left behind would be all alone again... only they'd be hurting in a way like they'd NEVER hurt before." The blue pegasus gave her best friend's hoof a squeeze. "No matter how badly I wanted... THIS... I couldn't imagine hurting you like that, A.J...."

It was Applejack's turn to be shocked into momentary silence now. It had never occurred to her that not only could Dash feel the same about her but also that she might share in her fears. She blinked a few times before clearing her throat and continuing. "So...whut'd she say to that...?"

"She laughed."

In a single, sharp, crisp-cut motion, Applejack's voice dropped an octave as a single eyebrow raised.


Rainbow sniffled and coughed out a nervous chuckle at her friend's display. "She LAUGHED at me... told me I was being silly." Rainbow Dash raised a hoof in pantomime. "She said that being sad because the party would have to end was the WORST reason to EVER miss out on a party... but it was the BEST reason to make sure you DIDN'T miss out on a party."

Applejack's eyes scanned away, drinking in the surprising wisdom Pinkie was capable of. Her drying cheeks warmed up again into a soft blush. "...yeah... I s'pose thet's true..."

Rainbow drew her attention back again. "A.J... I don't want to miss out on this anymore... on US. I LOVE you..."

Something about her touch, the way she held Applejack's hoof felt different now. The way Rainbow Dash held her friend's hoof was no longer the touch of a friend. There was something tender in it, yearning yet giving. This was the firm, yet gentle, caress of a lover.

"A.J., could we PLEASE start over and have another try at this...?"

Applejack smiled sheepishly and gave a tentative nod. Looking into Rainbow's face her eyes were somehow bigger and greener than they'd ever been.

"Applejack... I love y-"

"Rainbow, would yew just shut up and kiss me?"

Rainbow smiled brightly and leaned forward.

Taking the orange farm-pony in her hooves, she pulled her close. Applejack offered no resistance, clasping her own hooves around her friend as their lips finally met. It was an awkward kiss but what it missed in technique and experience it more than made up for in the depth of passion. The two friends were finally giving each other the physical expression of what they'd hidden for years and it was positively electric, burning streaks of pure, fiery joy down the backs of their necks, along the lengths of their spines and blazing trails through the pits of their stomachs, each holding a curious new hunger and an unspoken promise that they would soon explore further.

After several warm, wet, wonderful seconds of their lips dancing together, kneading and tasting the sweet joy denied for FAR too long, they parted, pulling away only far enough to rest their foreheads against each other and look deeply into the eyes of their love. Almost immediately, the tears came once more. These were not the icy-hot daggers of anguish from before. These were the strange and silly tears of joy, finally allowed to run free from two caged hearts, their love set loose to find it's twin in the partner they'd always dreamed of.

"I love you Apple Jack..." Rainbow chuckled, swallowing as she said the words. It felt good to say them, as good as it did to hear herself saying them and to see the smile on her paramour's face upon hearing them. She looked deeply into Applejack's eyes- her lifelong friend, now, her beloved. The soft yet robust tones of sweet summer grass had taken on a deeper, lush emerald hue as the two mares held each other. She could spend all day in those eyes- and now, she had every intention of doing so.

"Ah love yew too, Rainbow..." Applejack licked her lips and beamed, her freckled cheeks growing almost as rosy as the ruby eyes of her dearly beloved pegasus. It felt good, so very good, to be honest again and say what she'd truly needed to. "Awl Ah've ever wanted, Rainbow... was a sweet little farm to call our own... and you tuh share it with..."

She sniffled back her tears before pressing another tender kiss to Rainbow's lips.

"And a few dozen little'uns runnin' 'round underhoof tah love on..."

The two mares laughed and kissed again. Rainbow Dash hugged her dearly beloved Applejack tightly with an ear-to-ear grin and draped her wings around her like a feathery halo.

"MAYBE we can start with just the one, okay? After we see how bad we can screw that one up, we'll talk..."


Author's Note:

I hope this story gave you a happy. I've always seen these two as such a beautiful couple. As far back as season one, they really reminded me of so many relationships I've seen form between gals.

Many would call them stereotypical of the lesbian experience but as I'm often compared to Applejack or Rainbow myself, I can't say much on that.

For those expecting something VERY different by the title, a bit more "Hunter S. Thompson-ish" don't be too upset. I've actually got another story coming down the pipeline along THOSE lines which I hope you'll all enjoy.

Thank you for reading. Love yourselves and love one another, everypony.

Comments ( 6 )

That was cute and heart warming. Wonderful story.

I think you might've gone a bit overboard with the Apples' accents, but other than that this was nice.

Comment posted by Alicia Van Hammer deleted Feb 16th, 2020

That was a real master class in how to take both your characters and readers through the full range of emotions. It felt fantastically overdone but completely real at the same time.

Comment posted by Kodiologist deleted Feb 22nd, 2020

the fanfic was great

Will you do another appledash story?:pinkiehappy:

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