• Published 16th Oct 2021
  • 461 Views, 11 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusader Cardcaptors - Hotspot the 626th

The Clow Cards have been unleash! It will take some brave, and reckless, fillies to gather them all before they bring wanton destruction to Equestria

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Draw 4

On a warm night in Ponyville, there was an unusual event happening over at Saddle Lake. Despite the heat, the entire lake was frozen. Frost covered the beach and foliage around the body of water, making the area like a winter wonderland. This unnatural occurrence would be something wondrous to view, but no pony was around.

That is except for the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

On the frozen surface of the lake, a chase was taking place. Sakura, dressed in a red rabbit-eared coat, used her staff to speedily fly away from something. That something soon appeared from beneath the ice. It had the appearance of a giant Veiltail Goldfish with a blue gem on its forehead, and it was keeping with the flying pony as it swam behind her. Attempting to catch the filly, the giant fish leaped through the ice letting out a screech as it neared its target. The Cardcaptor quickly saw it, panicked, and sped up to dodge the fish. Missing entirely, the creature sailed back into the ice but continued swimming after its mark.

On the shore, the other Cutie Mark Crusaders were freezing. They all were even wearing their winter wear – being prepared – but were still feeling the bitter cold. Tomoyo was determined as ever to record her dear friend's exploit. Even as her own Transponder Snail shivered along with everyone else, its eyes remained steadily in place.

"S-S-S-S-S-S…." Scootaloo tried to speak, but her shivering hampered her.

However, Apple Bloom had enough concentration to say what her friend wanted to say, "S-Stupid F-Freeze c-card!"

"Yeah!" shouted Scootaloo, finally managing to speak.

Sweetie Belle spoke, "B-B-But S-S-Sakura is having a t-t-tough t-t-time g-g-getting t-t-this c-card. We n-need t-t-to d-d-do something!"

Between the three mares, they pulled out the cards Sakura had given them earlier. They only had three, and they were the Windy, the Wood, and the Jump. With the plants in the area nearly frozen, the Wood card would not be viable. None of them needed to jump high for any purpose. That left the Windy card as their best option.

"Oh!" said Scootaloo in realization. "I have an idea!"

After telling her friends her plan, they agreed to try it. They flagged Sakura to come over to them, and the young Cardcaptor trusted whatever her friends were going to do. She led the chase towards the group with her pursuer hot on her tail. The others got ready, with Scootaloo taking the lead with her Clow Card ready. As Sakura and Kero neared the shore, the Freeze fish attempted to catch the filly one more time. It jumped high into the air and opened its maw as it sailed down to gulp the pony. Both Sakura and Kero saw the frightening sight and panicked.

"Windy card!" shouted Scootaloo immediately. "Capture the Freeze card!"

Absorbing her magic, the card began to glow. Streams of magical wind flowed and traveled towards the fish in mid-air, avoiding the Cardcaptor and guardian. It surrounded the creature and formed a swirling whirlwind that kept it from falling. The animal struggled but could do nothing.

Sakura swiftly acted and flew over to the immobilized fish. She announced, "Clow Card! Return to the form you were meant to be in, Freeze card!"

Swinging her staff, Sakura made contact. Her magic enveloped the flailing fish, and, at the same time, the winds dissipated around it to return to its card. The aquatic animal froze in place before cracking then breaking like ice. As the pieces fell, a glowing card floated over to Sakura's hoof from the center. She watched as the light vanished away to show the image of the whole card. The Freeze card was captured.

"I got it!" declared Sakura happily.

The rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders cheered, "Yeah!"

As Sakura joined her friends to celebrate, the surrounding area began to melt and thaw as the heat was no longer held back. The lake would take longer, but cracks were already beginning to form. Nowhere more so than in the center, curiously. As more cracks grew, a soft glowing figure of a creature could be seen. It appeared like a pony but with a fishtail hindquarter, and it was starting to awaken.

"Water Seven"

When the sun rose on the next, no pony could tell that Saddle Lake and its surrounding area had ever been a wintry wonderland. It was just another sunny and hot day. Many ponies were heading for the lakeside beach to cool off and have fun to beat such heat. Schoolteacher Cheerilee thought the same while also adding a little education to it. Her students would learn to swim and what to do in aquatic emergencies. That did not mean the kids could not enjoy themselves between practice.

At this moment, it was one of those times. Everyone in Cheerilee's class was splashing and swimming in the shallows. The rest of the lake was roped off. A lifeguard – a light blue Earth pony stallion named Lifesaver – was on duty keeping a watch. Every pony was having a good and safe time. There were some fillies on the beach, and among those were the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The group was focused on making an impressive sandcastle, no doubt for a potential cutie mark.

"You know," spoke Sakura, "while this is fun, I'm not sure if I really want a cutie mark for building sandcastles."

The others of her group agreed. "But that could mean you can live on a sunny beach for the rest of your life, carefree and relaxed," figured Scootaloo half-jokingly.

A quick thought and Sakura then let out a content sigh. "That would be nice…."

"What's really nice," said Apple Bloom, "is that the lake thawed out before anyone noticed anything."

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Imagine everyone's shock if they saw it frozen!"

Tomoyo chimed in, "They may have wanted it with how hot it is today."

"How to explain it, though…" the porcelain white unicorn said thoughtfully.

Scootaloo scoffed. "Ah, who cares," the little Pegasus then stood up with excitement.

"The water is nice and cool thanks to last night! Let's start swimmin'!"

Everyone agreed. The Cutie Mark Crusader's castle was left incomplete as the fillies raced into the cooling waters of Saddle Lake. Tomoyo and Sweetie Belle kept close to the shore while the others swam out a little farther in a race.

"Ah!" A scream drew everyone's attention. The Cutie Mark Crusaders saw frantic splashing at the other side of the area.

Without hesitation, Sakura propelled forward with all haste. She arrived as her classmate sank beneath the water. She dived immediately after the pony, a periwinkle unicorn filly with a grayish gold mane named Dinky Hooves. Sakura could see her trying to swim up. When the pink filly reached her, she attempted to pull her up, but something was pulling them down. Sakura caught sight of something around the pony's leg; it was a small whirlpool. The Cardcaptor reached out to the phenomena, and when she connected, the spinning water released the filly and surrounded Sakura. She was helpless against the force, and she blacked out from lack of air.

Luckily, the lifeguard arrived in time. The mysterious whirlpool disappeared immediately, which allowed the stallion to rescue the fillies. Once on shore, Lifesaver performed some quick CPR on Sakura and returned her to consciousness. The beach day was over, and all the school ponies returned to the beach. No one was in the mood anymore after what the drowning filly told everyone.

"I felt something grab me," spoke the filly frightenedly. "I couldn't see anything, but it felt like something was dragging me down."

The other young ponies were becoming anxious until Diamond Tiara spoke up obnoxiously. "What? A 'ghost' tripped up Ditzy Dinky. Like, yeah, right!"

Silver Spoon then added, "She probably just got her hoof stuck on some lakeweed or something."

Both fillies then together said nastily, "What a ditz!"

Distressed, Dinky shouted at the two, "No, I'm not!"

"Yeah, ha-ha…" said the goofy unicorn Snips though nervous. "There's no such thing as a ghost. It's just Dinky."

Snail was shaking anxiously despite agreeing, "Y-Yeah…."

Despite how condescending the fillies spoke, the rest of the class readily accepted the reasoning and laughed off like Snips and Snail. No one teased Dinky further, but she was not looking any happier either. Cheerilee attempted to calm her class. She had decided to have everyone return to the schoolhouse. While she did, the Cutie Mark Crusaders separated from the others to discuss what had happened.

"Are you okay?" asked Tomoyo worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," said Sakura with a smile.

Scootaloo said, "But that was surprising that you nearly drowned. Sports is what your good at!"

Sakura gave her Pegasus friend an indignant look. "Maybe nearly drowning made me forget that I was going to make sweets for four of my friends…."

"But I'm glad you're okay!" the orange Pegasus said quickly and nervously.

Apple Bloom asked, "What did happen, though?"

"Well, I saw something around Dinky's ankle, and when I reached out, it started surrounding me instead…."

Sweetie Belle commented, "That sounds spooky."

"I don't think it was a ghost, though," stated Sakura, surprising the group. "It didn't feel scary. It felt…familiar."

"Like a Clow card?" asked Apple Bloom.

Tomoyo stated with alarm, "Another one at the lake. I wonder why it wasn't active last night with all the commotion."

"We better ask Kero…."

Once everyone returned to Ponyville Schoolhouse, the rest of their time was spent studying. When the school day finally ended, everyone left for their home. Most of the Cutie Mark Crusaders went to Golden Oaks Library, but Sakura had to return home. She was going to tell Kero about what happened, and she had chores to do that today. Her father and brother were out for today working, likely not to return much later in the day. It allowed Kero to move about the house freely, as Sakura explained to him what happened earlier. Everything she told him made the plushy concerned.

"That's definitely a Clow card and a very dangerous one at that," explained Kero grimly.

"It's the Watery card. Watery's one of the elemental cards like Windy, so she won't be able to help capture her. She'll be difficult to catch in general because any source of water near her she can escape and use. Watery also has a mean temper and specializes in attack magic. You're gonna have a tough time with this card…."

Before discussing anything further, both heard the door open, and Kero rushed up to Sakura's room. Sakura returned to her duty in cooking pancakes. It was her brother, Toya, coming off another hard day's work.

"I'm back," said Toya dully.

"Welcome home!" greeted Sakura cheerfully.

Toya trotted into the kitchen. The young stallion took note of Sakura's cooking, "Oh yeah, you're cooking today. I hope it's edible for ponies…."

"Hey!" shouted Sakura indignantly. "I'll have you know—"

A cheerful voice interrupted Sakura coming from Yukito, "My, that looks yummy."

"Yu-Yu-Yukito!" said Sakura embarrassedly.

"I hope you don't mind me joining you for dinner, Sakura…."

"Of course not!" Sakura said invitingly.

Toya told his friend, "I'll bring up our meal to my room. You go rest."

"Thanks." Yukito then told Sakura, "See you later."

Sakura nodded and hummed, too starstruck to speak. However, once the white unicorn left, she soon found her voice and attitude as she glared at her older brother. She began flail-punching her brother as she expressed her embarrassment, "You jerk!"

Of course, Sakura's attempt at retribution was only light and unaffected Toya. He eventually left, and Sakura continued her cooking. She began to think about what Kero explained to her. It certainly sounded like this capture would be her most difficult and dangerous one yet. How to do so was already an arduous task on its own. The little filly figured she would ask her friends later.

But first, Sakura had to deliver the pancakes to Toya and Yukito. She carried both plates using her inherent magical telekinesis of light yellow but was quickly losing her balance. Nearly at the door to her brother's room, the filly was about to fall over. The door flew open, and Yukito caught the plates using his hoof and leg. He used his body to stop Sakura's fall. Her magic dissipated as she became flustered with warm emotions being so close to her.

"That was a close one," said Yukito courteously.

Toya came to the door next and took one of the plates before commenting. "Funny how you were there just in the nick of time…."

"Well, I felt that she might need some help…."

Sakura blushed and squeaked out a reply of gratitude, "Thank you!"

After informing her brother, Sakura left with Kero joining her outside. They hurried through town to reach Golden Oaks Library, where her friends were currently home-sitting. A quick explanation of the situation was given before everyone worked on a plan.

"What about using the Freeze card?" asked Tomoyo. "It froze the lake with it in it…."

Kero shook his head. "Probably because Watery allowed it. Freeze is a card under her domain, so her power will be negated."

"Well," said Apple Bloom worriedly, "we gotta try! Or else more ponies might drown."

Everyone agreed, and so, under cover of night, they locked up the library and rushed over to Saddle Lake. Before leaving, Tomoyo had them all change into new outfits. They were all waterproof with a jester theme. It was a white leotard with a tassel neck collar, but Kero only had the latter. The fillies had an additional item, a jester's hat. Each costumed member had a different color, along with the first: Apple Bloom was green. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were red and purple, respectively. Finally, Sakura was blue.

By now, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were experts in navigating through Ponyville at night. They reached the lake, a beautiful scene with the waxing moon reflecting on its glistening surface. After checking the surroundings, the group moved onto the beach. Tomoyo remained behind as she recorded the sight with her Transponder Snail. Sakura gave the others with her a card. The Wood, the Jump, and the Shadow were issued to Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. The main Cardcaptor herself was ready with the Freeze card. Kero floated near her on guard. All of them were ready to take on the dangerous Watery card.

Except, the group was not prepared for someone else to be on the lake.

"Who's that?" asked Sweetie Belle.

The group looked over to the side. A small boat was little ways out on the lake. In it, thanks to the light from the moon, everyone could see a unicorn filly trying to do something.

"Is that…" Scootaloo peered closer before realizing with astonishment, "Dinky?!"

Apple Bloom saw the same and asked, "What is she doing there?"

None of the group had an answer as they watched their classmate do her task. Dinky appeared like she was fishing, yet she was keeping an eye on the waters. As the group watched, something began happening around Dinky's boat. The water was stirring and swirling around her, shaking the dingy. She lost her pole to little regard as she focused more on holding onto the seat, most likely, for dear life. On the beach, everyone gasped in shock.

"Watery is making her move!" Kero was fearful of what such a powerful card could do to the boat and filly inside.

Sakura took off immediately. "We gotta help Dinky!"

"I'll go!" Scootaloo held up her card. "Let's go! Jump!"

The card began to glow, and streams of golden magic flowed down like fireflies until it reached Scootaloo's hindlegs. Little wings formed from the aura placed on her heels. She wasted no time and jumped with excellent distance. The filly landed right in the dingy and next to Dinky. Her arrival did not go unnoticed.

"Scootaloo?!" Dinky was flustered, both by her situation and the Pegasus' arrival. "How…?!"

Quickly grabbing her, the orange filly told her, "No time!" She then jumped again, carrying the other pony.

Without the extra weight, the small boat was soon tossed out of the vortex. Scootaloo landed next to the others on the beach with Dinky still in her grasp. They, along with the others, looked back at the whirlpool as it rose into a spiral torrent. Something began swimming up the current, and once it reached the center, it dispersed the water to reveal itself. It was a feminine creature and a pony but with a scaly fishtail that made up the hindlegs. Not only there, but she had finlike ears and sapphire circlets that adorned her forehead. Her mane long was deep blue like the open ocean depths with an aqua blue coat like the shallows off the coast. As a fountain of water kept her in the air, the creature glared towards the fillies on the beach.

"That's the Watery card…." Sakura looked intimidated.

"Uh," spoke Sweetie Belle nervously, "she looks mad…."

"Scatter!" shouted Kero warningly.

Watery attacked immediately. She sent a wave of water hurdling towards the beach and the fillies. Quickly, the group reacted; Scootaloo used Jump's power to get herself and Dinky away. Sakura summoned Fly and flew with Tomoyo upon her staff. Kero was right by their side. Apple Bloom swiftly used the Wood card to lift herself and Sweetie Belle with a large tree. Everyone kept above it, with Scootaloo landing on a tree branch further inland. The mini tsunami crashed into and flooded the beach.

"That was close!" Scootaloo was relieved to have such a handy card in hoof.

As Scootaloo set Dinky down, the grayish unicorn looked between her rescuer and the others of her group. She was looking confused.

"How are you guys doing that? I've never seen any of you use magic before…."

Apple Bloom answered, "It's a bit complicated…."

"Watch out!" Kero warned the group as Watery attacked again.

Controlling more water, Watery commanded two streams and fired them upon the group. One was aimed for Sakura, Tomoyo, and Kero, but the pink unicorn and plushie moved away in time. The other went for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Before the Earth pony could react, the torrent hit both fillies. They held their breath, and the branches as liquid rushed over them. It was not hurting them, but the force was slowly pushing them off. The two ponies would not be able to hold on for long.

"Sakura!" Scootaloo noticed her friends' situation and was quick to inform her other friend.

Having brought Tomoyo to the same branch to land, Sakura quickly turned around to see the situation. She deactivated the Fly card and swiftly brought up another.

"Freeze card…!"

Kero tried to warn her, "Wait! Sakura!"

"Freeze Watery in her place!" The young Cardcaptor used her wand and activated the new card.

From the tiny piece of paper, the same magical Veiltail goldfish materialized. A cooling breeze was felt by the group as it dived into the water below. The liquid froze instantly and continued as the fish creature moved through the lake. It traveled over to where Watery stood and attempted to adhere to its master's command. But upon Watery noticing the icing, she ceased her attack and melted the ice around her back to the water.

"I told you," spoke Kero, "Freeze is under Watery's domain! She'll just turn it all back to water!"

Scootaloo commented, "But at least it stopped her!"

The Pegasus then jumped again and soared over to her friends in the other tree. She landed easily and grabbed them while they were recovering quickly as possible. Scootaloo leaped away as Watery fired another waterspout. They all made it to the tree the others were perched on safely. At the same time, the magic of Wood, Jump, and Freeze returned to being cards.

"What are we gonna do now?" Sweetie Belle was getting anxious.

Sakura was getting frustrated as she looked at the Freeze card. "If only we had a little more power…."

"Um," Dinky spoke up, "could I see your magic cards."

Before anything more could happen, Apple Bloom jumped in suddenly. "Watch it!" She immediately used the Wood card.

Another tree rose and blocked another blast of water created by Watery. It was a large tree, and Apple Bloom looked exhausted. The magical being kept the pressure upon the structure stubbornly.

Apple Bloom looked to Sakura tiredly but urgently. "Hurry!"

Sakura was hesitant at first, and Kero was advising against it. The others, however, convinced Sakura that they needed to at least try. Even Kero had to admit they were out of options. With everyone in agreement, begrudgingly for Kero, Sakura and the others showed Dinky the Clow Cards. It took only a second for the grayish unicorn to study each one. She then got an idea.

"What if we used this 'The Windy' card to power up the Freeze card." Everyone blinked with surprise at the idea. "I think if we empower it with a different elemental magic, it may just be strong enough to ice that thing!"

Kero thought about it. "It might work, at least, long enough for Sakura to capture Watery."

"Let's try it then!" Sakura felt her confidence return. She then offered Dinky the Freeze card for Dinky to use.

The grayish unicorn filly was surprised. "R-Really?"

"I trust you." A smile was on Sakura's face, brimming with faith.

Feeling the encouragement, Dinky accepted the card. The other felt the same determination and were ready to face Watery once again if need be. After Sakura quickly told Dinky what to do, both fillies looked forward with their cards in hoof.



And together, the two fillies spoke, "Work together to stop Watery!"

The cards began to glow. Again, the Freeze fish splashed out of its card while Windy appeared behind the group, summoned up by wind. She then headed her master's command and soared over the fillies harmlessly. Joining with the magical aquatic creature, the two started to flow around each other until becoming like a chilling gale heading towards their target. Watery did not notice until the combined force came from around the tree she was attacking. Shock overcame the hybrid, and she faltered for a moment. It gave the Cutie Mark Crusaders' gamble a chance. The swirling gale quickly warped around Watery like a tornado. Around the massive gust, the waters were freezing up, which gave the group hope. It was a moment later when moving air finally settled. A spectacular sight stood in the center. The being known as Watery was now a beautiful ice sculpture capturing the moment of her defeat at this moment.

When the cards' magic ended, Sakura was quick to retrieve the card. She used Fly to hurry over to the statue. As the waters receded back to their natural border, the young Cardcaptor landed on the saturated ground, returned Fly to a card, and rushed over to capture the card.

"Return to the form you were meant to be…." Sakura lifted her staff and lowered it upon the ice statue, "Clow Card!"

Her magic covered the frozen Watery. All the ice disappeared as Watery became a card. The card's physical being began to break down and reform into a smaller shape at the point of Sakura's sealing wand. Once completed, the item floated over to Sakura's hoof. As the young filly finally relaxed, her friends descended from their tree and rush over to her excitedly. Tomoyo continued filming with Dinky and Kero standing near her. All the Cutie Mark Crusader members gathered around Sakura, and they together celebrated.

"High-hoof!" All of them clapped their hooves.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Cardcaptors!"

To Be Continued...