• Published 11th May 2012
  • 14,969 Views, 1,928 Comments

Breaking Barriers - chief maximus

Rainbow Dash finally has her chance to try out for the Wonderbolts!

  • ...

21. Preparation

Chapter 21- Preparation

"You sure this is somethin' she'll want?" Mac teased.

"Heck yeah!" Scootaloo replied happily, hovering above Mac's head. "She's been trying to teach me to fly for years! She'd probably be all like, 'Oh my gosh, Squirt! You can fly!' and I'll be all, 'Yeah, thanks to you and your lessons!' then she'll be all—"

"Ah think Ah get it, Scootaloo, thank ya," Mac said as Scootaloo's mother re-entered the living room with a pot of hot tea. "Thank ya again for the snacks and such, ma'am." He nodded.

"It's no problem at all," Featherlight answered, setting the cups down between Macintosh and herself as Scootaloo fluttered around the room. "It's the least I could do after Rainbow spent so much of her free time keeping Scootaloo from killing herself on that scooter of hers." Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "You know dear, your wings need just as much rest as they do exercise."

Scootaloo lowered herself back to the floor as Mac smiled. "Ah understand you started flight school a month or so ago?"

"You bet I did! My instructor said I was a natural!" Scootaloo said proudly.

"That's good ta hear. Rainbow always told me you'd be flyin' one day." Mac paused, recalling the reason for his visit in the first place. "Now, Ah understand Rainbow likes playin' music on her record player, but Ah can't for the life of me remember what kind a music it is she likes," he remarked, taking a bite of the hoof-sandwiches Featherlight had prepared. "Ah just know it ain't country-western."

"Well, she likes a lot of stuff. Probably too much to fit on a list... Oh! What if I went with you to the record store?" Scootaloo suggested happily. "I could help you find some records she'd like!"

Mac thought for a moment. "Well, Ah suppose it would be better than me tryin' to remember which ones she would want." Mac turned to her mother. "You wouldn't mind if Ah borrowed her, would ya?"

"Not at all. It'll be good to get Scoots out of the house so I can do some cleaning."

Scootaloo and Mac set out down the sidewalk to the suburban record store. As they walked, Scootaloo couldn't help but lament Apple Bloom's good fortune at having her idol becoming a part of her family. "Apple Bloom's so lucky!"

"How's that?" Mac asked.

"She gets to be Rainbow's sister-in-law! That's so cool! I wish I'd had an older brother for Rainbow to fall in love with..."

Mac wasn't sure whether to be flattered or offended, so he went with neither. "Well, Ah suppose you're right about Apple Bloom bein' lucky," he replied. "Scootaloo, if ya don't mind my askin', where's your father?"

"In jail!" she chimed with a smile.

"No, not him. Ah mean your real father."

"Oh..." The light in the normally rambunctious filly's eyes faded somewhat. Mac nearly withdrew his question before she spoke up. "Mom says he left before I was born. She said he was a military pony, and it was his job to protect the princess."

It didn't take long for Mac to figure out what had happened. Though there hadn't been a serious conflict facing Equestria in over one thousand years, assassination attempts on the monarchs were not unheard of. "She said that's why he had to leave, 'cause he had to do his job," she added, maintaining her irreverent tone, as though her real father would come back any day now. "Here we are!"

Mac looked at the sign above the shop.

"Vinyl Scratch Records," he read aloud. Once inside, a racket that was most definitely not country music attacked Mac's ears. He flattened them instinctively as he followed Scootaloo into the aisles. The store's walls had been plastered with posters of bands he'd never heard of, and most certainly would never want to hear of by the looks of them. The other ponies in the store seemed to be too zoned out to even know what they were listening to, much less where they were. How Rainbow could stand going inside this place was beyond him.

Scootaloo hovered amongst the record jackets, scanning row by row until she came upon a few she'd recalled Rainbow mentioning she enjoyed.

"You should get this one, this one, and... this one!" she said, flinging the records over her shoulder as Mac did his best to catch them. The images on the covers were decidedly not something he could see himself listening to. Must be a pegasi thing, he thought.

"That should be good for now," Scootaloo said, turning back to Macintosh.

"Alright then, let's head to the register."

A unicorn with a shaggy black mane over his eyes and an electric guitar cutie mark rang them up as Mac laid the appropriate amount of bits on the counter.

"Sweet taste in tunes," he commented, levitating Mac's purchases back to him.

"Oh, they ain't for me, partner. Have a good'n," he said as he and Scootaloo left the store, Mac finally returned his ears to their normal position. "Thanks for helpin' me pick these, Scootaloo. Ah'd have never figured it out on my own without spoilin' the surprise."

"No problem, Big Mac!" she said happily.

"Let's g'head and get you home," he replied, starting back down the sidewalk. "Oh, and Rainbow want's ya ta keep the fifth open. Seems she got you and your mother special tickets to the openin' Wonderbolt show."

Scootaloo buzzed her wings excitedly as she hovered in front of him. "Really?! Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou!" she shouted, hugging Mac's muzzle with all four legs. He gently shook her off as they approached her street.

"You're mighty welcome, but it's Rainbow ya should be thankin'. Your friends'll be there too." Mac put a hoof to his chin. "She arranged for a private section for all of y'all, if I remember right."

"Wow! That's aweso—wait. All of y'all? Aren't you gonna be there?"

Mac nodded. "Eeyup. But Ah'll be busy till the very end of the show."

"Busy? With what?" Scootaloo demanded. "Rainbow is gonna be pretty upset if you miss her first show!"

"Don't worry, Ah'll still see it. Just not from where y'all are," he replied, stopping in front of Scootaloo's house. "Thank's again for the help, and tell your Ma I said goodbye."

Twilight's heart was in her throat as she heard the hoofsteps approaching the door. Thinking quickly, she sprang to her hooves and pretended as though she was about to knock, her foreleg raised in anticipation of somepony answering the door. As soon as it swung open, she sheepishly greeted the owner of the cottage.

"Oh! Hi, Fluttershy!" She smiled. Except it wasn't Fluttershy that answered the door. It was a different, off-yellow pony. One wearing a stetson and vest, his calm green eyes seeming to bore right through her. Twilight's ears drooped, though she managed to keep her jaw off the floor.

"I see you were expectin' Ms. Fluttershy?"

"Braeburn? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I got a letter a day or so ago from Ms. Fluttershy askin' how I've been since y'all solved the dispute between the buffalo herd and our town. I didn't have any more harvestin' to do, so I figured I'd stop by and see her on the way to cousin Mac's farm."

It took Twilight a second or two to process what he'd revealed. While she gawked, Fluttershy strode up behind him.

"Hello, Twilight," she said softly.

Regaining her wit, Twilight blushed as before. "H-hi. Listen, I didn't mean to interrupt—"

Braeburn waved a hoof. "Nonsense, there was nothin' indecent goin' on, I can assure you." He looked to Fluttershy, now just as embarrassed as Twilight. "In fact, I was fixin' to ask Ms. Fluttershy if she wouldn't mind accompanyin' me to the Apple house for supper this evenin'." If Braeburn was one thing, he was quite the smooth operator.

"Uhm... I'd love to," she replied, fluttering her wings in excitement before settling them at her sides.

"Well then, it's a date." Braeburn tipped his hat to both Twilight and Fluttershy as he began to take his leave.

"Wait!" Twilight called, halting his departure. "While I've got you here, there's something you should know."

Braeburn turned back to face the mares he'd just left, a gentle breeze swaying his blonde mane from beneath his hat. "And that would be?"

"Remember Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked.

"The brash one with the mane?" He nodded. "I seem to recall."

"Right. Well, she's pregnant." Fluttershy gasped, covering her mouth with a hoof, though Braeburn didn't seem to grasp why this was important.

"Okay... any reason I had to know this?"

Twilight put a hoof to her forehead for not considering that Mac hadn't told his cousin about his marefriend. "Oh! Because it's Mac's foal."

Braeburn cracked a smile before bursting into a fit of laughter. "Princesses have mercy!" he laughed. "Old Mac went and got himself in big trouble this time!" He caught his breath after a few good chuckles, straightening his hat to address the two mares. "Well, I'm certainly proud of him! I'll have ta tease him a bit at supper. Y'all have a pleasant afternoon," he said, tipping his hat once again and departing down the trail to the apple farm, briefly laughing to himself until he was out of sight.

After he left, Twilight turned back to Fluttershy, whose embarrassment still had not subsided. "So, you and Braeburn, huh?"

"Uhm... yeah..." Fluttershy mewed, as though it was a bad thing she'd found a love interest.

Twilight smiled. "Well, I'm happy for you, Fluttershy."

Her cheeks began to return to their normal color. "Thanks Twilight. I guess I better get ready for dinner."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "It's only five."

"I have to feed all the animals before I can eat," she replied. "You're welcome to stay if you want..."

"Oh, no, thanks," said Twilight. "Spike's probably wondering where I am. Goodbye, Fluttershy!"

Twilight decided to forgo teleportation so she could have some time to herself on her walk home. First Rainbow, now Fluttershy... who's next? she wondered glumly, keeping her eyes on the road. While Twilight rarely forgot why she had been sent to Ponyville, she would be lying to herself if she didn't admit she often wondered about feelings that lay beyond friendship. It seemed like all around her, everypony was making meaningful connections with other ponies. Everypony except her.

Try though she might, Twilight was still very much petrified by the thought of rejection. The very idea of putting herself out like that only to be denied was the stuff of her nightmares. No matter how many books or articles she read about the easiest and best ways to approach a potential 'more-than-friend' (as she liked to call them), they all had one thing in common. Confidence was a must.

Twilight chuckled to herself as she thought about how absurd her situation seemed. She could confidently take on Discord, Nightmare Moon, Dragons, Hydras, even Cerberus himself. Yet, the thought of initiating conversation with another pony with the end goal being a date was simply terrifying. How could she live a full life being surrounded by nothing but books? Sure, she had Spike, but he would eventually grow up, and need to start his own life's journey.

Twilight certainly didn't want to end up a barren old spinster with a collection of owls, but without the confidence to put herself out, she feared that's all that fate had in store for her.

Twilight sighed as she came upon her doorstep, using her magic to open the door. The library was quiet. Spike must have gone to Rarity's or out looking for gems. She shut the door and trotted to the couch, flopping down on her back as she stared blankly at the ceiling. With a flash of her horn, she levitated a spell book towards her, and began another pointless search for a confidence enhancing spell.

"... well, I answered your question, now I've got one for you, Rook," Spitfire said, dabbing her mouth with a napkin.

"Shoot," Rainbow replied with her mouth full.

"Your purple friend with the horn, she seems familiar."

"Yeah, she's only saved Equestria like, four times last year alone," Rainbow said, not bothering to look up from the food she was busy devouring.

"Right, well, what's her story?"

Rainbow glanced up at her instructor, expecting a blush, but seeing the ever-stern expression Spitfire normally wore. "Uh... well, she runs the library in Ponyville, she's the princess' personal student or something... she's kind of a nerd." Rainbow shrugged, reclining in her seat once she'd emptied her plate.

Spitfire smiled, but Rainbow would have missed it if she'd blinked. "Uh huh. Tell ya what, Rook. Here's the V.I.P. tickets you wanted, but I couldn't get them all. The others will come in tomorrow, but I think I can save you some time by delivering them myself." Spitfire slid an envelope across the table towards Rainbow. Examining the tickets, Dash noticed a set for all of her friends except Twilight and Spike. It didn't take long for her to connect the dots.

"Oh, sounds like somepony's got a—" Spitfire's harsh gaze closed Dash's mouth before she could finish her sentence. "—Never mind. Thanks for the tickets, Captain," Rainbow said sincerely.

"That's what I thought," Spitfire answered. "Now get out of here and get some rest. Firefly's turns and descents are still sloppy. I want them pristine by close of business tomorrow. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am," Rainbow replied.

"Good. Now beat it."

Rainbow returned home, wondering how her cloud home would fare hovering over the windswept fields of Sweet Apple Acres, should it come to that. She supposed she could have it lowered to ground level, if she didn't mind having a house made of fog.

Just as she entered her bedroom, the creaking of the rope ladder Macintosh used to reach her house greeted her ears. She turned around in time to see her handsome red stallion sauntering into her living room, his saddlebags bulging with his recent purchases.

"Hey Mac," she yawned, laying on her bed as he entered her bedroom.

"Howdy darlin'," he replied, removing his bags and placing them on the bed beside her. She rolled over to examine them.

"What's with the bags?" she asked.

"You forget what day it is?" Mac teased, undoing the clasp and allowing the record jackets to spill out onto her bed.

"Poison the Trough, Parkway Trot, A Mare To Remember?" Rainbow gasped. "You even got the ones with the bonus tracks!"

Mac smiled. He loved seeing Rainbow happy. Rainbow's joy faded a bit as she looked to her calendar on the wall. "Oh crap! It's our sixth month anniversary already?" she moaned, having completely forgotten.

"Eeyup," Mac sighed.

Dash had to think quickly. Macintosh had more than likely gone into alien territory to even get those records, so she'd have to do something for him that she may not necessarily enjoy. "I guess we're gonna have to go out then, huh?" she asked. Mac shook his head.

"We ain't got to," he insisted.

"Horse-apples. You pick the place, and we're there," Rainbow replied, putting a hoof around Mac's broad shoulders and pulling him onto the bed with her.

"Hm..." Mac scratched his mane while Rainbow waited for his decision.

"There's a place in town where Applejack and Ah would take Apple Bloom and Granny when we didn't feel like cookin' supper. They make a mighty fine dandelion casserole."

"Then that's where we're going," she said, giving him a peck on the nose. "But we can't be out all night, I've got practice tomorrow."

Mac smiled. "Don't worry granny, Ah'll have ya home before ten."

Rainbow shoved a hoof into his chest as she rose from the bed to head into the bathroom. "It's a good thing you're cute, you know that?"

"Ah've heard it before," he said calmly, earning a flying manebrush from the bathroom as Rainbow brushed her teeth.

He's getting better at the jokes. I must be rubbing off on him, she thought.

After a brief moment to rinse away the day's dirt, she was ready to go. Following Mac down the ladder, they set off towards Ponyville. As they walked, Rainbow voiced her earlier thoughts involving her house.

"So, I was thinking about what I'm gonna do with my place after the foal is born."

Mac flicked an ear in her direction. "Mhm."

"Yeah well, I built it myself, ya know," she mumbled

"So Ah've heard. Ya did a pretty good job."

She smiled. "Yeah. I was guessing I could just drag it over the farm."

"Well, that's one thing you could do. Ah can't really just leave the farm to Applejack," he said. "Ah know Ah might have to sometimes once Zap is born, but Ah don't think Ah'll have to put out any fires if Ah miss a day or so ta spend with our little one."

"I don't think a few days of paying somepony to work your farm would put a dent in my bank account," Rainbow chuckled.

"It ain't a matter of money, and you know it," he chided.

Dash rolled her eyes. "I know that. But what are you gonna do if I decide to?" she teased.

"Ah'll... uh..."

She put a hoof over his mouth. "Save it. This is the place, right?" Rainbow asked. Mac had gotten so preoccupied with their money argument, he'd failed to notice they'd arrived at the Hay Barrel Country Kitchen. Rainbow raised an eyebrow. If the rustic old sign was any indication, there'd be old farm tools mounted on the walls, and obese ponies shoveling fried foods and biscuits into their mouths as fast as the waitress could bring them out.

Mac opened the door for her and she stepped inside, expecting the worst. Much to her surprise, the dining room was sparsely populated, and the smell of fried foods and comfort food did more for her than she realized. Over the past couple of days, fancy food and expensive takeout had been her staples. Very rarely did she get a chance to eat at Mac's house, and she was certainly in a mood for a change of pace.

Her stomach rumbled loudly as they approached the stand where a young mare waited to seat them. They sat down and ordered their food as Dash took in their surroundings. "Other than the fact that this place looks like the inside of your barn, it smells pretty good in here."

"This's been one of Apple Bloom's favorite restaurants since she was a filly," he recalled. "She likes the mac and cheese."

Dash stared at him blankly. Was that a joke or not? "Well, I hope the fried okra is just as good." Rainbow had been doing well to cut out fatty foods from her diet, but she certainly didn't mind cheating just this once. Besides, it wasn't as though she had a choice; nearly everything on the menu was fried in some way! Sometimes even double-fried.

As their waitress brought their food, she couldn't help but ask if Rainbow was the Rainbow Dash. As though there were other ponies with a mane like hers.

After a quick autograph (that she was more than happy to give), she started to notice ponies gathering at the window near their table.

"You alright?" Mac asked, noticing her distraction.

Dash groaned. "It's these jerks at the window!" she snapped, signaling her waitress. "Is there any way you could close those curtains?"

"Sorry ma'am, the curtains are sewn open; we can't close them."

Dash slumped back in her chair. "Great..."

"Can Ah go ahead and get a box for the two of us?" Dash looked at their plates. Neither had eaten very much, and she knew for a fact Mac could put away almost as much as she could.

"You not hungry or something?" she asked.

"Naw, Ah just figured you might want ta go someplace more private."

"Listen, I'll have to get used to fans following me around eventually. I'll just ignore them until we're done."

Mac leaned over in his seat, glancing out of the window directly behind her. "Ah think that may be easier said than done." He pointed a hoof towards the crowd that had formed. Dash turned around in time to be blinded by camera flashes.

"Can we hurry it up with the boxes!" Rainbow growled. After paying their tab, they took a deep breath before exiting the restaurant and heading straight into the sea of flashbulbs. Rainbow knew they wouldn't be able to walk out of this. Thinking quickly, she hailed a cab and shoved Mac into the back before climbing in herself.

"Where to, miss?" the driver asked from the front of the coach.

"Sweet Apple Acres." She sighed. It was their first anniversary, and they barely had any time to celebrate it without Rainbow's fame getting in the way.

The ride back was silent as the smell of their still hot food filled the cabin. It was all Mac could do to keep from continuing to dine right then and there. After all, nosy cameraponies were no reason to let his food get cold, right? Sensing his marefriend's mood, he wisely decided against it. The cab came to a halt outside the familiar farmhouse as the two filed out.

After paying the cabbie, they found themselves bathed in the moonlight of high moon. "Ah know you're still hungry," Mac whispered. Dash nodded; he knew her well.

"I just can't believe we can't even eat dinner in town by ourselves anymore," Dash lamented.

"C'mon, Ah know a good spot not too far from here where we can finish eatin'." She smiled and followed him up a small hill near their farmhouse overlooking the orchards. The grass made a welcome seat as they set what was left of their food between each other, and hungrily finished what they'd started. Once they'd emptied their doggie bags, they laid next to each other underneath the stars.

"Ya know, after my chores the other day, Ah had time ta borrow a book from Twilight Ah thought you might like."

Rainbow turned to face him, rolling onto her side. "The next Daring Do isn't due out for months."

"Oh it wasn't for you to read. It was for me to read, about you," he clarified, her rosy eyes shining in confusion. She'd only been a Wonderbolt less than a year! Somepony had already written a book about her?

"About me?"

"Well, not you specifically. About pegasi. And how their wings can get sore," he replied. "and what to do in case that happens," he whispered suggestively, his voice taking on more of a low growl than a whisper. Rainbow bit her bottom lip slightly.

"Really? What'd you learn?"

Mac smiled. That was exactly what he'd been waiting for. "Lay on your stomach and Ah'll show ya."

Dash complied, rolling onto her belly as Mac stood up. "Okay, now stretch your wings out for me." She did as she was told, showing Macintosh her impressive wingspan. She couldn't deny a lingering soreness ever since she'd started training intensely. She heard the grass rustle beneath Mac's massive hooves as they took positions on either side of her. Falling to his knees, he kept most of his weight off her back as he sat down, ready to put what her learned into practice on her most delicate appendages.

"Ready?" he asked softly.

"Mhmm..." she replied, more than willing to spend some intimate time with Mac after a long day of practice.

"Alright, well, first thing ya have ta do is start at the joint. It said ya gotta really dig in there to get the knots out." Dash felt Mac's hooves begin to rub small circles where her wings joined her shoulder blades. For being as big and calloused as they were, she found them incredibly soft. Rainbow let out a small groan as he began working deeper into her back. Her feathers began to flex to their limit, the tips of her primaries standing straight out from her body. "How's that so far?" His voice nearly startled her. He'd leaned in close to her ear as he worked, giving it a playful nibble before returning upright.

"Amazing..." she moaned. Mac smiled. He lived for making her happy.

"Then it said, ya have ta move outward, but slowly." He began to drag his hooves over the interior of her wings, eliciting a sharp inhale as he began caressing an extremely sensitive spot.

"Oh, Mac..." she hissed softly. She'd never allowed anypony to get this close to her wings before, and she was truly sorry she hadn't. He simply smiled above her, continuing to push his way outward as he worked out the knots in her wings.

"Then, ya work the outside edges, but ya have to be careful, cause the leading edge is the most sensitive." As if to accentuate that word, he lightly drug his rough hoof across both leading edges at once. Mac could only recall hearing Rainbow make a noise like that after... well, during their intimacy was more like it, but he knew how sensitive pegasus wings could be, thanks to that book he'd checked out.

"Looks like Ah found your spot, huh?" Rainbow couldn't take another second. Not that she didn't appreciate Mac going through the trouble of learning her kind's anatomy, but he'd started a fire that could only be put out by one thing.

"Stand up a second," she commanded, her faculties now back under her control. Instinctively, Mac raised his hind legs. She took advantage of the freedom and pushed him over, assuming a seat on top of him as he lay on his back. Against the background of the night sky, Rainbow was easily the prettiest mare he'd ever seen. With her wings at full mast, Mac could hardly process the vision of beauty sitting on top of him against the backdrop of a million luminous stars. "So, you think you can just get me all worked up by reading some book and not pay the price, eh?" She smirked, leaning down as she put all of her weight on his belly. A firm love bite at the nape of his neck drew a deep chuckle. He knew he might have to explain the mark in the morning, but he'd cross that bridge when he came to it.

"Or was that your plan all along?" she asked, raising her head after a few more bites to his ears and neck, peppered with a few kisses.

"Oh, no, ya caught me," he answered, returning her smile.

"You know, you aren't the only one who knows how to give a massage," said Dash, rubbing his chest with both forelegs. "Remember that one I gave you on the cattle drive?"

"Ah do."

"Of course you do." She leaned back down to give him a few more pecks. "You were putty in my hooves."

"Somepony's awfully confident about that," he teased.

Rainbow chuckled. "Well, it's not just sore rattlesnake bites I can massage. I can do legs... forelegs... flanks... a few other places..." The sinful smile on her face was enough to drive Mac as wild as he'd driven Rainbow only minutes before. He loved how sexy she could be for him when she wanted to be.

"Ah don't seem ta recall. Ah think Ah need a demonstration."

Even in the heat of the moment, Mac kept his cool. That was one of the things that drew her to him in the first place. His level-headed nature balanced her hot-headedness perfectly.

"I think we can figure something out..."

Author's Note:

So at first, this chap weighed in at about 2700 words. Then I decided to add some sauciness, and boom! 5100. The longest Barriers chapter ever! Many gravy covered biscuits shall be sacrificed to Cynewulf for his editing help, and another food related thanks to Razed, for once again taking a break from his work to edit mine.

Also, I know I said I wasn't going to pony-up band names, but I decided to stick with the theme. Respectively, they are: Poison the Well, Parkway Drive, and A Day To Remember. Personal headcanon states that Fluttershy listens to hardcore and actually introduced it to Rainbow in flight school. The idea of Fluttershy owning a mosh pit makes me giggle more than a grown male twenty-something should.

Also, delicious ponified Cracker Barrel for the southern fried win!