• Published 1st Mar 2020
  • 1,406 Views, 12 Comments

"Pure" Blood - Wolftamer54

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Chapter Three: Pure Blood

And so the coming months began to blur together, with the usual trials and tribulations of pregnancy. Twilight experienced morning sickness, mood swings, unusual cravings, sleep deprivation, the works. Of course, as predicted, her friends were nothing but supportive. Although some were a bit curious as to why she waited so long to reveal her pregnancy, and why she kept the father’s identity a secret, they were all there for her. At least, as much as they could be with their careers taking them all over Equestria. Still, they made it a point to check up on her and keep her company as often as possible. Shining and Cadance even took a leave of absence from the Crystal Empire, moving to Canterlot with Flurry Heart for the duration of Twilight’s pregnancy.

Twilight herself was extremely grateful for all this, for even an experienced princess didn’t endure a pregnancy completely unaffected. Constantly tired and hungry, she often became highly irritable, and even more neurotic than usual. One would think the world was ending when she burst into the castle kitchen declaring a state of emergency, only to end up demanding a triple-decker sundae with pickles and hot sauce, prepared to the most exact specifications.

And yet, despite all the difficulties, she couldn’t help but be excited. Soon she was going to be a mother. The fact terrified her and enthralled her at the same time. She would be the ultimate teacher. Her foal would learn everything from her, look to her for guidance and support, and she could guide them through life to become an incredible pony. Twilight hoped her foal would have the same affinity for learning as she did. She already began writing lesson plans in her head, spells from novice to master level, history, science, and more. And yet, despite all attempts to stop such thoughts, she still had creeping doubts about her abilities. What if she failed? What if her child turned out poorly because of her bad parenting? These thoughts tugged at her conscious as she lay awake at night, unable to sleep with a near constant need to use the bathroom and cramps up and down her body.

At regular checkups, she became obsessed over being as sure as possible that her unborn foal was still healthy. Every monitor, test, and reading was checked and double checked under her rigorous screening. The doctors and nurses were too scared to refuse her access, not wanting to end up on the emotional matriarch’s bad side.

And so it was with some trepidation that Twilight’s head doctor, a stallion by the name of Rapid Pulse, reported the results of the most recent ultrasound and batch of tests.

“Umm…” he stuttered, shrinking back under the intense gaze of the princess, who was seated on an examination chair and staring at him as though her life depended on his every word. “We found some, uh, anomalies” Twilight started in surprise, “in the most recent tests.”

“And what does that mean?” She scrambled up from her seat and leaned forward desperately. “Is there something wrong?”

Pulse leaned backwards as far as he could to be out of her way, his eyes nervously shifting from side to side, mouth trembling, and answered “W-we’re not %100 sure actually. It’s just that some of the readings are a bit different from foals we’ve seen in the past. The blood work in particular gave us some interesting results. But there isn’t anything that should be of concern for the child’s health. You have nothing to worry about.” He gave a reluctant smile, hoping to put the patient at ease.

The display seemed to work, and Twilight collapsed back down into the chair, relieved.

“Oh thank Faust. You almost gave me a heart attack. Now, what else did you want to tell me?” she inquired.

“Well, uh, would you like to know the gender of the foal?” Pulse offered, shifting the paper on his clipboard to a new page.

Twilight immediately perked up, “Yes, I’d love to. I want to know as much as possible so I can be ready.”

With a small smile, Pulse read off the paper: “Well, it’s a girl. Congratulations, you’re having a daughter.”

Eventually, the fateful day arrived. For all the preparation, the stress and sleepless nights, nothing could have prepared Twilight for the excruciating pain that suddenly struck her as she was writing at her desk. The sudden, sharp pain caused her to cry out in anguish. The noise quickly alerted Spike, who immediately knew what was happening, and acted accordingly. He summoned all necessary help, and Twilight was escorted to the castle’s makeshift maternity ward, attended by Doctor Pulse and nurses. While she began the long and arduous process of labor, Shining Armor, Cadance, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, and the rest of the Mane 6 were alerted.

They began to arrive at intervals, whether by flight, carriage, their own hooves, and even a convenient portal courtesy of Discord in the case of Fluttershy. Soon, the waiting room was crowded with multicolored coats and the air filled with anxious but hushed discussions as the assembled ponies talked to reassure themselves that everything was okay and Twilight was in no danger. Shining in particular was exceedingly jittery and tense, unable to be with Twilight lest he give away his part in parenting their child.

Meanwhile, in the delivery room, Twilight’s cries of pain only increased as the hours wore on, and her suffering increased. In all her years of protecting Equestria, she had faced her fair share of deadly and dangerous situations, but nothing as drawn out and torturous as this. Although there were some spells to ease the pain, they couldn’t completely cancel it out, and they could only be used sparingly. Still though, the birth slowly but surely moved forward, and Twilight was eventually being instructed to push as her foal finally entered the world for the first time. At this point, the pain became so intense that she saw spots flash before her eyes, and she briefly blacked out.

Just a few moments later, however, she was struggling back to consciousness. Her vision swimming back into focus, the pain dying down from a white hot burn to steady ache, Twilight lay on the bed recovering. Dimly, she heard the doctor mutter

“I thought there might be defects,” which piqued her curiosity and trepidation.

She slowly and painfully sat up, eager to see her foal. As the nurses swaddled the crying infant in blankets, she stretched out her hooves, and they brought her child to her. Fur matted, sticky, and red, but Twilight didn’t care. Her daughter was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Through the blood and gunk, she could just make out a violet coat, dark blue mane, tiny ears, hooves, nose and mouth, and not even the slightest hint of a horn.

Twilight Sparkle, alicorn, Element of Magic, looked down at her earth pony daughter with wonder, and a whole host of new questions.

Author's Note:

And that's my story. I hope you liked it. Any and all comments are welcome, especially reviews. I'm still learning, and any feedback is appreciated, just as long as everyone's civil. Have a nice day!

Comments ( 10 )

We didn't do anything wrong!

She didn't get the memo yet, huh?


a triple-decker sundae with pickles and hot sauce

I expect to encounter some disturbing imagery in My Little Pony incest fan fiction, but this is just too much.

Well, thank you for reading my story. I hope you liked it.

Having not read the prequels, I think the idea is fundamentally good, but you didn't get what you could've out of it. There are various hints of drama and conflict that might happen, and then none of it materializes. What if it leaked out to the public that Twilight's baby-daddy is her own brother? What if Cadance found herself much less comfortable with her brother fathering somepony else's child than she had been with the extramarital sex alone? What if one of these characters had wanted an abortion? What if the kid was none too pleased when she learned for herself who her father was? Etc.

True. I guess part of me wanted to show that the incestuos relationship could still work and function, so I didn’t want to go into a ton of drama. Mostly it’s just concerns of what could have happened. I might do a sequel down the line that does address the kid finding out her parentage, but I probably won’t have it be a widely known thing. Though I do get what you’re saying. There’s a lot more I could do with drama and stuff, that just wasn’t the direction I wanted the story to go in.

First, I wanted to note how odd it was that there was no political or news type shit over Twilight being pregnant from an unknown lover.
But second and most importantly... did you seriously just imply that being born an earth pony is a DEFECT?! That has to be one of the most racist pony things I've ever heard. I would understand if she was a unicorn without a horn or a horn that was unstable. But calling her an earth pony... a defect...

Thanks for reading the story.
In response to the feedback, yes I figured that there would be backlash over the father being unknown, that just isn't so much the focus in this particular story.
And secondly, I in no way believe that being an Earth Pony is a "defect", but a high-class unicorn might. The views expressed by characters in my stories are not necessarily my own views.
Anyway, thank you for the feedback.

:rainbowderp: Amazingly prompt reply.

Ah, I hadn't even considered that it was just the doctor being racist. (Doctors aren't supposed to say anything even when the baby comes out looking nothing like the parents)

I am enjoying your lil incest saga though.

Oh. I had no idea that doctors were supposed to remain so silent. Shows my lack of research I suppose. But I am glad that you're enjoying these stories, that's always nice to hear.

Yes, All of the Above. Though the sequel bit is part way through the story.

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