• Published 2nd Mar 2020
  • 777 Views, 14 Comments

Applejack's Trial - Dreadnought

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Chapter 1: The Arrest

Sunday mornings were usually pretty quiet in Ponyville. That’s not to say that they didn’t see their fare share of mayhem, with a monster attack or magical mishap or changeling invasion happening from time to time. Though, if folks were to be honest, those incidents paled in comparison with the destructive power unleashed by the three little fillies known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Tensions, and insurance premiums, tended to rise anytime they were out crusading. But on this Sunday morning those three were thankfully no where to be seen and the town was peaceful and mostly deserted. Some ponies had gotten an early start to take advantage of the beautiful fall weather while many would have been just as happy sleeping until late afternoon.

Golden Harvest fell in with the former. She had come to the town market to sell her produce. Sunday wasn’t a busy market day, with most stands closed, but there were typically a few vendors who would always come. Burnt Oak never missed a day. He said folks needed firewood no matter what day of the week it was. The Flower sisters had the same view; they were always ready to sell a bouquet to a stallion for an important date or an unlucky husband who had forgotten his anniversary. On the other end of the scale, there were those who couldn’t afford not to be open, willing to work long and hard for every bit they could earn. Then there were others who just couldn’t stay away. Perhaps they didn’t have anything else to do, or maybe they enjoyed the company too much, or possibly they found that the market was the perfect place to give and get gossip.

Golden Harvest came because she fortunately had too much produce and needed to sell it before it started to rot. Her farm, just on the other side of Sweet Apple Acres, yielded bumper crops every year. Onions, beets, and potatoes grew in abundance. Then there were the carrots. Not only did she cultivate a vast field of them, they grew to enormous size. She was so well known for her carrots that folks had taken to calling her “Carrot Top.” Golden Harvest really didn’t care for it, but once you acquired a nickname, it was hard to get folks to stop using it. Just ask “Big Mac.” She, at least, still called him by the name he used when they were classmates at Ponyville Elementary: “MacIntosh.”

But before she could officially open and sell her produce, she had to get her stand ready for customers. At the moment, she was fiddling with her canopy. Though it was a cool fall morning, the afternoon promised to be quite warm. She wanted to have her canopy set up to shield herself and perusing customers from Celestia’s burning sun. It was the same canopy she used every day. Just a simple canvas awning supported by four wood poles. But no matter how many times she had set it up, she always struggled with it. Thus far she had managed to stretch the canvas over three of the vertical poles. Now she attempted to get the final corner secured. She pulled, the canvas awning going taught. She pulled harder, the canvas fighting her every inch of the way. Just a little farther. With one final yank, she got the canvas over the final pole. Success! Smiling with triumph, she wiped her brow. Then she turned, only to let out an exasperated groan. The canvas had popped off the opposite pole!

“Need a hoof, sugarcube?”

Glancing over, Golden Harvest’s smile instantly returned. “Applejack!”

The farm pony ambled over to the opposite pole. “Now just hold yer side, and Ah’ll get this end on.”

Nodding, Golden grabbed her corner with her mouth. As Applejack worked to get the awning over the far pole, Golden could feel the pull of the canvas and she dug her hooves into the ground. A moment later she was happy to see her canopy all set up. Somehow, it was always easier with two ponies. And usually, that second pony was Applejack.

“Thanks,” she said earnestly.

Applejack chuckled, “Anytime.” She returned to her chosen spot. Awaiting her was a simple wooden cart with a large painted apple for a sign to denote its goods. She pulled out baskets of ripe red apples and... that was it. She was ready and open for business.

Golden shook her head. It was so easy. Maybe she should invest in getting a fancy cart? Well, not today. She hauled her produce to her stand and busied herself with adjusting the displays. Twenty minutes later, she was ready. Bushels of potatoes, beets and onions ringed the inside of the stand. And in the middle, the main attraction, stood a table with a veritable cornucopia of large mouthwatering carrots.

Golden took her position outside her booth and awaited customers. Currently they were the only two vendors in the market, so they shared a monopoly. But unfortunately business appeared rather slow today, even by Sunday morning standards. Oh well, she could strike up a conversation with her friend to pass the time. “So, how are you today?”

“Just fine,” replied Applejack.

“How’s MacIntosh doing?”

“Oh, he’s out of town at the moment. Took Granny and Bloom to see Sugar Belle.”

“That’s his marefriend who lives quite a distance away?”

“Yeah. Takes most of the morning just to walk there.”

“He does seem happier lately.”


“Still, it can’t be easy. I’ve heard long distance relationships are really difficult.”

“Ah reckon they can be. But if’n yah really love somepony, y’all will find a way to make it work. Still, it would be nice fer her tah live a little closer.”

The conversation took a momentary break. Golden watched enviously as Applejack made a sale of a dozen apples. As the mare walked off, Golden began, “You haven’t been around here much lately.”

Applejack shook her head. “Not nearly as much as Ah used to. Ever since Twilight opened her School of Friendship, Ah’ve been busier than a termite in a lumber yard.”

Concerned, Golden asked, “That bad?”

“Well, no pony’s ever done what we’re doin’ at the School. At first, we tried tah follow the EEA – that’s Equestrian Education Association – rules. But things were terrible. Finally, Twilight had the sense to throw them out and run the school right proper. But with the semester started, we had to scramble and create our own syllabuses on the fly. And all that on top of my chores at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“It can’t be all bad.”

“No. It’s plenty of fun at times. ’Cept this past Friday.”

“What happened?”

“Well, it was time to lead a field trip. And Rainbow Dash and Ah were in charge.”

“Uh-oh.” Golden could tell where this going.

Applejack nodded. “Well, we butted heads as usual, and we got right lost in the woods.”

“Oh no!”

“We got every creatures back safe and sound. And the funny thing was – ” She had a hard time controlling her laughter. “ – they all thought Rainbow and Ah were trying to teach them a lesson in being bad friends! They said it was the best field trip they ever went on!”

“Well, it all worked out in the end.”


“After all that excitement, Ah’m ready for a nice, quiet day at the market.”

Golden shook her head. “Not me. I’ve got all this produce to sell.”

“Well, if ya weren’t so good at growin’ it....”

“It’s a nice problem to have,” she admitted. She turned to address a trio of official-looking ponies walking through the market. “Good morning gentlestallions. May I interest you in some carrots?”

They ignored her and marched directly to the neighboring stand. Of course, everypony wanted apples this morning. When would they want her carrots!?

“Howdy,” greeted Applejack.

“Are you Applejack?” asked the tall blue pegasus in a no-nonsense tone.

“Yes sir. Would you like to buy some apples?” She swept a foreleg out over her awaiting produce.

Intantly a hoofcuff was latched around her leg.

“Hey! What’s the meaning of this!” she protested.

“You’re going to have to come with us,” said the imposing black earth pony.

“What for!?”

“You’ve got a trial starting tomorrow in Manehattan.”

“A trial! Manehattan! What are the charges?”

“You know what you did,” said the third pony, a grey pegasus.

“Help!” cried Applejack.

Golden Harvest protested. “You can’t just drag somepony off like this!”

The black pony pulled out a badge. “We have every right. We’re with the Royal Bureau of Investigation. She is wanted for a string of crimes in Manehattan. She skipped town and we tracked her here.”

Golden stood there shocked for a moment before quickly snapping out of it.

Applejack loudly protested as she was being hauled off.

“If you’re taking her, then I’m coming too!”

The black stallion eyed her suspiciously.

“She’s my friend and I’m not going to stand idly by while she’s dragged off to jail.” A hoofstomp let it be known that there was no room for argument.

“Lady – ” he began.

The blue earth pony cut him off. “If she wants to come, she can just buy a ticket. There’s no law against her riding the train with us.”

“Fine,” the black stallion gruffly conceeded.

Author's Note:

This is my entry into the contest. I will publish the remaining chapters over the coming weeks.

I should note that this story takes place between "Non-Compete Clause" and "The Mean 6." As Rainbow Roadtrip has no explicit spot in the show's chronology, it is assumed that that special takes place prior to the events of this story.

