• Published 3rd Mar 2020
  • 2,422 Views, 96 Comments

The Beginning and the End - bdoubleowo

Right before she sends the letter to Celestia that will end in her being sent to Ponyville, Twilight accidentally time travels. To the future.

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School Is In Session

Ponies trotted by, not even noticing the two unicorns staring at each other by the school. Starlight stared at Trixie, who stared at Twilight, who stared at Starlight. Lots of staring, yes.
“What.” Starlight uttered.
“Uh… hi?” Twilight asked. She was really confused now.
Starlight’s mind could not process this, and all she said was “What? What? What?” like someone had randomly and unexpectedly teleported into her nonexistent police box spaceship. Twilight trotted over to her and poked Starlight, confused.
The pink unicorn suddenly jumped, freaked out. Twilight stepped back, afraid that she had scared her new acquaintance. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to… are you okay?” Twilight asked.
“Oh, yeah…” Starlight said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. “I’m fine. Just wasn’t expecting to see… well… don’t take this the wrong way, but… I wasn’t expecting to see you.”
Trixie trotted over to her friend and put her hoof on her shoulder. “It’s alright, Starlight. We already talked! What, you think she’s some sort of perverted changeling or something?”
Twilight facehooved. “Why does everypony assume I’m a changeling? Seriously! Rarity’s the only one who didn’t assume anything!” Starlight and Trixie looked at each other, then turned back to Twilight and shrugged.
“Well, anyway, I should get to why I’m here. I think we may have gotten off on the wrong hoof, so I’m going to redo my introduction.” Twilight stuck her hoof out. “Hi, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m here because I accidentally changed a spell that I wasn’t supposed to edit, and this is where it sent me. I was look-” She was interrupted suddenly when something crashed into her hindquarters - something alive!
“Aah!” She jumped, levitating the mysterious thing into her line of sight. To her surprise, it was Spike, who waved.
“Sorry about that, Twilight. I had been looking all over for you!” Spike said to her. He nodded politely to Starlight and Trixie.
“I apologize for running off, but this is really important.” Twilight turned back to the two mares and spoke up again. “I was looking for you, Starlight Glimmer, because Applejack told me you run the School of Friendship, and apparently it’s the only library in town?”
“What?” Starlight looked confused for a second. “Oh, right! The Tirek incident. Yeah, we’ve pretty much got the only library in Ponyville. Mayor Dinky Hooves has been trying to get funds to build a new one, but as of now, she’s still a few bits short.”
Twilight smiled. “I hope she’ll have the amount soon. Anyway, do you have any books on time travel?” she asked.
Starlight looked at Twilight in confusion. “Time travel? What for?”
“Well, that’s why I’m here. You see, we – Spike and I – live in your past. I had just been about to send a letter to Princess Celestia about the status of Nightmare Moon returning, and Spike wrote my dictation on the back of a piece of parchment that contained a spell I was supposed to examine for the Princess,” Twilight explained. “However, once Spike tried to send it, his dragon fire caused the spell to… change, somehow, causing both me and him to travel here, into our future.”
Trixie’s eyes went wide. “Wait, then that means…”
“…Nightmare Moon wasn’t stopped?” Starlight finished. “No, she apparently was. If she hadn’t been, our world wouldn’t exist right now. Somehow, someway, Twilight Sparkle is returned to her original time period, and without memory of her future.”
“If Trixie didn’t know better, Trixie would say the Doctor had a hoof in it…” Trixie muttered, just loud enough for Twilight and Starlight to hear. “But she’s not here right now.”
“Who’s the Doctor?” Twilight asked.
“Earth pony mare, tan coat, blond mane, hangs out with Minuette a lot. She usually wears a coat over a shirt with three stripes on it, and has an hourglass cutie mark. She helps out with time issues occasionally.” Starlight said. “I’m still not sure how an earth pony is so good with time travel, as they can’t do magic… I mean, magic like spells. Of course, they’ve got their own magic too.” Starlight facehooved. “That came out wrong. My apologies to any earth ponies nearby.”
Twilight blinked. “Well, anyways, do you have any books about time travel? Magic books perhaps?”
“Trixie will go check!” Trixie said, and bounded up the stairs to the School of Friendship. She unlocked the doors using magic and ran inside, leaving Starlight, Twilight, and Spike standing outside.
There was an awkward silence.
“So… uh… I’ll go help Trixie?” Spike said, then ran after the blue mare.
The silence continued, until suddenly Starlight sneezed.
“Bless you.” Twilight said in response.
“Thanks…” Starlight said, rubbing her nose with her hoof. “I’m really sorry about earlier. I just wasn’t expecting to see a younger version of my mentor in front of me.”
“Wait… your mentor?” Twilight asked, surprised. “I end up mentoring you?! How?! I don’t know enough to be a teacher!”
“Well, it occurs about eight years after the defeat of Nightmare Moon, so…” Starlight chuckled. “And in case you’re wondering, you were a great mentor.”
The two stood in silence for another minute, until that silence was suddenly broken by Trixie slamming the school’s doors open. “Trixie found one!” she shouted happily. Spike, who was sitting on her back, waved a book in the air.
“Awesome, Spike! Thanks, Trixie!” Twilight said, and levitated the book over to her. Starlight, Spike, and Trixie looked over Twilight’s shoulder as she read.
“Starswirl the Bearded’s Time Travel Spell – Edited by Starlight Glimmer?” Twilight turned to Starlight, who blushed a little.
“Oh, yeah. I used to be a dictator of a town at the edge of Equestria that we called ‘Our Town.’ Not the most creative name, I know, but I digress. The philosophy was about cutie marks and special talents being evil, and that life would be better if we were all equal. Anyway, a future version of you caused my rule to end, and I wanted revenge, so I decided to stop Rainbow Dash from performing her Sonic Rainboom, therefore ending the link between your cutie marks and your friendships.” Starlight rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed at her past self’s actions. “However, it turned out that each time I tried, a new version of Equestria resulted from it – an alternate timeline that was worse than the original, and each was worse than the last. Future Twilight ended up bringing me to an Equestria that was a total wasteland, and it showed me what my actions were doing.”
“Wow…” Twilight said, a little sadly.
“Then I ended up showing Future Twilight why I was so against cutie marks – my friend Sunburst got his cutie mark, and his parents sent him off to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. I never saw him again. To past me, Sunburst’s cutie mark had ruined our friendship.” Starlight said, then sat down and sighed. “The point is, the spell I used to go back to the Rainboom is right there in that book. You would insert the time and place you want to go to where the spell says ‘Sonic Rainboom, Cloudsdale, year 979 AC – Age of Celestia.’”
“Yeah, that’s the year that I’m from. Year 999 AC is my time period.” Twilight replied. “It would have been year 1000 AC at midnight on the next day. That day would have been the Summer Sun Celebration, the longest day of the thousandth year since Nightmare Moon’s banishment.”
“Cool!” Trixie said. “Trixie remembers where she was on that day… Trixie was in Manehattan, getting ready for her performance… when the sun didn’t come up, she had to improvise a bunch. However, it was probably one of Trixie’s best performances.” She looked up, and noticed Twilight’s confused expression. “Trixie used to be a magician. Now she’s the counselor here at the Friendship School.”
“Nice!” Twilight smiled.
“It was fun, but apparently Trixie was a braggart.” Trixie shrugged. “Talked in the third pony, and whatnot. Trixie still talks in the third pony; she never broke that habit.”
“That answers that question…” Twilight muttered under her breath. “Anyway, this spell is perfect! Thanks, Starlight!” She hugged the light pink mare, then hugged Trixie, then levitated Spike onto her back. “See you later!” Twilight then ran off.
Trixie turned to Starlight. “Trixie thinks that we should write to Princess Twilight. She should know about this.”
“Agreed.” Starlight said, and levitated a piece of parchment and a quill pen over to them. “Do you want to write it, or should I?”
“You can write it. Can Trixie dictate?” Trixie asked, and Starlight nodded in response. “Alright then, Trixie shall begin.” She cleared her throat.
“Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle…”