• Published 4th May 2021
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Cinematic Adventures: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six, Spike, and Sunset Shimmer are whisked off to a galaxy far far away in this out of the world adventure. Follow them as they help the Rebel Alliance battle the evil Galactic Empire in this action packed adventure.

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Battle Rages On

Inside the Death Star, Governor Moff Tarkin and a Chief Officer stand in the control room surveying the scene.

“We’ve analyzed their attack sir, and there is a danger,” The Officer warned. “Should I have your ship standing by?”

“Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?” Tarkin questioned. “I think you overestimate their chances!”

Tarkin turned toward the computer readout screen. Flames move around the green disk along the center of the screen. Numbers read across the bottom.

Rebel Base, three minutes and closing…” A voice spoke.

One way or another, Tarkin was seeing this battle all the way to the bitter end. But there was no doubt in his mind that victory was at hand. Soon the rebellion will fall, the Empire will rise, and the entire galaxy will be in the palm of their hands. No one in the universe will stop them now…


Meanwhile, the battle heats up along the Death Star, as the Rebel fighters go head-to-head against the Empire. The Gold team recently perished in their attempt to reach the exhaust pole leaving very few of the Rebel fighters left. Red Leader looked over at his wingmen.

“Red group, this is Red Leader,” Red Leader spoke.


Listening from the War Room, the Equestrians anxiously hear the commotion while Dodonna moved toward the intercom fiddling with the computer keys.

Rendezvous at mark six point one,” Red Leader instructed, over speaker.

This is Red Two,” Wedge answered. “Flying toward you.

“Red Three, standing by,” Biggs spoke, over speaker.

“Red Leader, this is Base One,” Dodonna reported, over headset. “Keep half your group out of range for the next run.”

“Copy, Base One,” Red Leader responded. “Luke, take Red Two and Three. Hold up here and wait for my signal… to start your run. Element Three provide covering fire.”

“Roger Red Leader!” Rainbow Dash nodded.

The X-wing fighters of Luke, Biggs, and Wedge flew in formation high above the Death Star’s surface. Luke peered from his cockpit as two x-wings move across the surface of the Death Star. Red Leader’s X-wing dropped down to the surface leading to the exhaust port.

Red Leader looked around for TIE fighters, as he began to perspire.

“This is it!”

Red Leader roamed down the trench of the Death Star, as lasers streak across the black heavens. A huge remote-control laser cannon fired at the approaching Rebel fighters, who narrowly evaded the Imperial laser blasts. Red Ten looked around if any Imperial fighters showed up.

“We should be able to see it by now,” Red Ten spoke.

From the cockpits of the Rebel pilots, the surface of the Death Star streaked by, with Imperial laser fire shooting toward them.

“Keep your eyes open for those fighters!” Red Leader instructed.

“There’s too much interference!” Red Ten called.

Three X-wing fighters move In formation down the Death Star trench.

“Red Five, can you see them from where you are?” Red Ten’s voice asked.

Luke searched the Death Star surface below.

“No sign of any… wait!” Luke spotted.

Red Ten looked up and saw the Imperial fighters.

“We got fighters coming in point three five!” Rainbow Dash reported.

“I see them,” Red Ten confirmed.

Three TIE fighters, Vader flanked by two wingmen, dove in tight formation. The sun reflected off their dominant solar fins as they looped toward the Death Star’s surface. Red Leader pulled his targeting device in front of his eyes, applying several adjustments.

“I’m in range!” Red Leader reported.

Red Leader’s X-wing moved up toward the Death Star trench.

“Target’s coming up!”

Red Leader looks through his computer target readout screen, gazing through the device.

“Just hold them off for a few seconds.”

Meanwhile, Vader adjusted his control lever and dove toward the X-wing fighters.

“Close up formation,” Vader instructed.

The three TIE fighters move in formation across the Death Star surface. Red Leader lined up his target on the targeting device cross hairs. Vader and his wingmen zoomed along the trench, Vader rapidly approaching the two X-wings of Red Ten and Red Twelve. Vader’s laser cannon flashed below the view of the front porthole. The X-wings showed in the center of Vader’s computer screen.

Red Twelve’s X-wing fighter was struck by Vader’s laser fire, exploding into flames against the trench.

“They’re getting killed down there!” Rainbow shouted, through the headset. “We gotta do something—”


Laser fire zipped passed Rainbow’s ship, drawing the Equestrian to look up. Additional TIE fighters were approaching their formation, firing toward the group. Rainbow Dash was not having it.

“Oh you did not just try to shoot at me!”

Rainbow Dash quickly broke from formation and furiously punched the button on the stick, sending a wave of fire power toward the TIE fighters. Most of the fighters exploded upon impact, the rest split off to avoid the mad fighter as Rainbow Dash pulled back trying to rejoin her squad.

Meanwhile, Red Ten furiously worked his controls, trying to avoid Vader’s fighter behind him.

“You’d better let her loose!” Red Ten called Red Leader. “They’re right behind me.”

Unfortunately for Red Ten, Red Leader’s focus was on his targeting device.

“Almost there!”

“I can’t hold them!” Red Ten panicked.

“Just hang in there Red Ten!” Rainbow called.

Vader and his wingmen whipped through the trench in hot pursuit of the Rebel fighters. Vader coolly pushed the fire button on his control stick. Darth Vader’s well-aimed laser fire proved unavoidable, striking Red Ten’s ship. Red Team screamed in anguish and pain, as the ship exploded and burst into flames.

“RED LEADER, TAKE THE SHOT!!!” Rainbow shouted.

Grimly, Red Leader took careful aim and watched his computer targeting device, which showed the target lined in the cross hairs. He took fire.

“It’s away!” Red Leader shouted.



An armed Imperial stormtrooper was knocked to the floor due to the attack explosion. Other troopers scurried about the corridors, knocking against the wall and losing their balance.


In the war room, Leia and the others stare at the computer screen.

“They hit it!” Pinkie shouted.

“But did he hit the target?!” Spike asked.

“Negative,” Red Leader spoke, over speaker.


Red Leader looked back at the receding Death Star. Tiny explosions are visible in the distance.

“Negative! It didn’t go in. It just impacted on the surface.”

“Red Leader! Vader’s on the prowl!” Rainbow shouted. “Six o’clock!”

Darth Vader peeled off in pursuit, as Red Leader’s X-wing passed on the Death Star horizon. Vader swung his ship around for the next kill. Luke tried to spot Red Leader, scanning around the Death Star surface.

“Red Leader, we’re right above you!” Luke informed. “Turn to point o-five, we’ll cover for you.”

“Stay there!” Red Leader ordered, over headset.

A wary Red Leader looked about nervously.

“… I just lost my starboard engine.”

Luke looked excited toward Red Leader’s X-wing.

“Get set to make your attack run,” Red Leader concluded.

Vader’s gloved hands contact the control sticks, pressing their firing buttons. Just as Red Leader fought for control of his ship, laser bolts flung from Vader’s TIE fighter. The blasts connected with Red Leader’s Rebel X-wing fighter. Red Leader screamed as the ship zoomed toward the surface below.

Luke and Rainbow looked out their X-wing windows as a tremendous explosion ignited far below. For the first time, they could feel helpless of the situation.

Celestia help us…” Rainbow prayed.


In the meantime, Grand Moff Tarkin cast a sinister eye toward the computer screen.

Rebel base, one minute and closing,” The intercom spoke.


In the war room of Massassi outpost, Dodonna, Princess Leia, and the Equestrians, with 3PO beside them, listen intently to the talk between the pilots. The room’s grim after Red Leader’s death, as Princess Twilight Sparkle paced around the room.

“They’ve just lost both leaders,” Twilight panicked. “They’re on their own out there! What’re we going to do?!”

“Calm yourself Twilight,” Storm advised. “We’re not out of this fight just yet. All we can do is hope our remaining pilots can pull through.”

“Biggs, Wedge, let’s close it up!” Luke ordered, over speaker. “We’re going in full throttle. That’ll keep those fighters off our back.”


The horizon twisted as Wedge pulled out.

“Right with you, boss,” Wedge confirmed.

The two X-wings peeled off against a background of stars, diving toward the Death Star.

“Luke, at that speed will you be able to pull out in time?” Biggs asked.

“It’ll be just like Beggar’s Canyon back home,” Luke replied.

The three X-wings moved in, unleashing a barrage of laser fire. Laser bolts returned from the Death Star. Luke’s lifelong friend struggled with his controls.

“We’ll stay back far enough to cover you,” Biggs spoke.

“I’ve got you boys covered,” Rainbow Dash spoke, looming over. “Those TIE fighters are not getting passed me this time.”

Flak and laser bolts flash outside Luke’s cockpit window.

“My scope shows the tower, but I can’t see the exhaust port!” Wedge spoke, over headset. “Are you sure the computer can hit it?”

The Death Star laser cannon slowly rotated as it shot laser bolts. Luke looked around for the Imperial TIE fighters. Thinking for a moment, he moved his targeting device into position.

“Watch yourself!” Luke warned. “Increase speed full throttle!”

Wedge looked excitedly about for any sign of the TIE fighters.

“What about the tower?”

“You worry about those fighters!” Rainbow shouted. “I’ll deal with the tower!”

Rainbow’s X-wing streaked above the trench, firing lasers.

Luke broke into a nervous sweat as the laser fire returned, knocking one of his wings close to the engine.

“R2…” Luke called. “… That, that stabilizer’s broken loose again! See if you can’t lock it down!”

R2 worked to repair the damages. The canyon wall rushed by in the background, making his delicate task seem more precarious. Two laser cannons fire toward the Rebel fighters. While firing at the towers, Rainbow looked up and spotted the TIE fighters.

“These guys don’t know when to quit!” Rainbow muttered.

Luje’s targeting device marked off the distance to the target, while Vader and his wingmen zoomed closer. Vader adjusted his controls and fired laser bolts at two X-wings flying down the trench. He scored a direct hit on Wedge.


Leia and the others grouped around the computer board, watching anxiously.

“I’m hit!” Wedge spoke, over speaker. “I can’t stay with you.”


“Get clear, Wedge!” Luke advised. “You can’t do any more good back there!”


Wedge pulled his crippled X-wing back away from the battle. Vader watched the escape but issued a command to his wingmen.

“Let him go! Stay on the leader!”

Luke’s X-wing sped down the trench; the three TIE fighters, still in perfect unbroken formation, tail close behind. Biggs, growing worried, looked around at the TIE fighters.

“Hurry Luke, they’re coming in much faster this time!” Biggs panicked. “I can’t hold them!”

The three TIE fighters moved ever closer, closing in on Luke and Biggs. Luke looked back anxiously at little R2.

“R2, try and increase the power!”

Ignoring the bumpy ride, flak, and lasers, a beeping R2-D2 struggled to increase the power, his dome turning from side to side. Stealthily, the TIE formation crept closer. Vader adjusted his control stick. Rainbow saw the TIE fighters approaching Biggs’ ship. Luke looked into his targeting device. He moved it away for a moment, pondering its use. He looked back into the computer target system.

“Hurry up, Luke! Quick!” Biggs shouted, over headset.

“Hang on Biggs!” Rainbow said loudly. “I’m coming!”

The cyan girl quickly turned her ship toward Vader’s direction, pushing full throttle speed toward him. Vader and his wingmen raced through the Death Star trench. Biggs moved in to cover for Luke, but Vader was gaining. Biggs saw the TIE fighters aiming at him.


Vader squeeze the fire button on his controls. Biggs’ cockpit exploded around him, lighting him in red. Biggs’ ship burst into a million flaming bits, scattering across the surface.

“BIGGS!!!” Rainbow yelled.


Leia and the others stared at the computer board. The girls, Spike, and Storm were all in shock that Biggs was blown sky high. Fluttershy sobbed as she hugged Rarity closely, the latter trying to comfort her. Pinkie’s hair deflated once again, as her somber nature took over. Applejack hung her head low as she tipped her hat in respect.


Luke, stunned by Biggs’ death, felt his eyes watering. But also, anger growing.


Grand Moff Tarkin watched the projected target screen with satisfaction.

Rebel base, thirty seconds and closing,” The intercom announced.


Vader took aim on Luke, talking to the wingmen.

“I’m on the leader,” Vader informed.

“Oh no you don’t!!!” Rainbow yelled, turning the ship.

“Dash, what’re you doing?!” Luke asked. “It’s too dangerous.”

“No way I’m losing another friend to that big-masked moron! YAH!!!!!!”

Rainbow Dash furiously pressed the button on the stick, firing lasers toward Vader’s ship. Somehow Vader expertly dodged every shot, as Rainbow kept the ship in range. Eventually, Dash had no choice but to pull up to avoid crashing into Vader’s ship struggling to regain formation. While Dash kept Vader distracted, Luke’s ship streaked through the trench of the Death Star.


Princess Leia returned her general’s worried, doubtful glances with solid, grim determination. 3PO seemed nervous.

“Hang on, R2!”

“They’re gonna make it!” Storm spoke nervously. “They have to make it! C’mon…”


Luke concentrated his targeting device, as the three TIE fighters charged away down the trench toward Luke. Vader’s fingers curled around the control stick; Luke adjusted the lens of his targeting device. Luke’s ship charged down the trench as he lined the yellow cross-hair lines of the targeting device’s screen. He gazed through the targeting device, ready to take his shot.

Use the force, Luke,” Ben’s voice spoke.

As the Death Star trench zoomed by, Luke looked up after hearing the voice. He started to look back into the targeting device but was having second thoughts.

Let go, Luke…

Grim determination swept across Luke’s face, as he closed his eyes and started mumbling Ben’s training to himself. Rainbow could see Luke’s fighter streak through the trench.

“What’s he doing?” Rainbow thought.

“The Force is strong with this one!” Vader thought.

Vader followed Luke’s X-wing down the trench. Luke looked through the targeting device, then away trying to decide what to do.

Luke, trust me…” Ben’s voice insisted.

Finally, Luke’s hand reached for the control panel… and pressed the button. The targeting device moved away.


Leia and the others stand watching the projected screen.

“He turned it off!” Twilight gasped, in shock. “Why’d he do that?”

“Luke, you switched off your targeting computer,” Base voiced, over speaker. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Luke’s voice answered. “I’m all right.”

Unable to take it anymore, Applejack grabbed a headset from a nearby technician.

“Rainbow! Can y’all hear me!” Applejack called out, distressed. “Why did Luke switch off his targeting device?”

“You tell me! I’m as confused as you are!” Rainbow answered, over speaker.


Luke’s ship streaked ever so closely to the exhaust port, as the Death Star surfaced streaked by. R2-D2 turned his head from side-to-side, beeping in anticipation. Rainbow could see all the action from above.

I hope you know what you’re doing old man…” Rainbow voiced her thoughts.

The three TIE fighters, manned by Vader and his two wingmen, followed Luke’s X-wing down the trench. Vader maneuvered his controls as he looked at his doomed target. He pressed the fire buttons on his control sticks. Laser fire shoots toward Luke’s X-wing fighter. A large burst of Vader’s laser fire engulfed R2. The arms go limp on the smoking little droid, as he made a high-pitched sound like a scream.

“R2!!!!” Rainbow shouted.

Luke looked frantically back over his shoulder toward R2, as smoke billed out around the droid and sparks began to fly.

“I’ve lost R2!”

And R2’s beeping sounds slowly died out. Rainbow, bearing witness to it, felt tears streaming down her face as she slammed her fists on the controls in frustration!

“VADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Rainbow screamed.