• Published 5th Mar 2020
  • 6,467 Views, 40 Comments

To Be Comforted by the Night - DivineRoyalty

The Princess of the Night has a chat with you in your dreams.

  • ...

Of Dreams and Princesses

...Hmm… we could have sworn that--oh!

There thou art! Thou art certainly a difficult creature to find in the astral planes of the Dreamscape, but nevertheless! We have found thee now!

Oh, come on! Stop making those silly, surprised faces! Thou hast seen us before, yes?

...Ah… thou wert intimidated by the appearance of a Princess into your life… we see…

...And thou thinkest thyself not of the necessary importance to hold an audience with one such as us?

Dearest human… thou thinkest of thyself too lowly. Equestria is not like the traditional monarchies or diarchies of thy old world and life. Where the monarchs of your land were despots, and stood mostly uncaring for the needs of all, our sister and we care for all creatures, great and small; and thou art no exception.

Here… have a seat. ...Thou lookest surprised. Oh! This is the Dreamscape, silly! Here, we may conjure practically any image or scenario we like. The room thou now seest before you was crafted entirely of our imagination.

...We may also have the ability to… gaze upon dreams that thou hast had previously, and we thusly know something of what thou enjoyest of comfortable settings. That is why there exists a fireplace and dark and quiet ambiance--it is thus that thou enjoyest the most, no?

Make thyself… we really should be using more informal language here, should we not? Forgive us… modern language is something we have had difficulty learning in full since our return to Equestria from exile. Make yourself comfortable, dearest human.

Likest thou… no… Do you like tea? We are aware of our sister’s propensity to drink it, and also the propensity of many of our subjects to indulge in its consumption as well. We personally prefer coffee, actually, but… oh, you do as well? Splendid!

...Here. Take this. Given that this is the Dreamscape, after all, we… or is it I, nowadays? I have the opportunity to share with you a coffee that I enjoyed very much in my more formative years. It is quite dark, however--is that alright? ...Good! My, how many similarities in taste do we share!

...So… how art thou? I mean… how are you?

Your answer is unsatisfactory. “Fine” does not describe how you have been thinking of yourself lately.

You truly are your own worst enemy, you know.

Don’t look at me like that--I know how you have thought of yourself in recent weeks. The self-flagellation you have effected upon yourself threatens to compete with the Tantabus I created for myself.

Dearest human… I know you may have heard it from many… and I know that you may hear it several times more. But… I would like you to know this:

You are loved. Cherished. Worthful--and do not try to tell me in this moment that you are not.

I love you. And… I would cherish you, care for you, comfort you, embrace you, hold you closely and tightly through all that may come… if only you would have me…

Yes… it is true. I… well…

...I would like to tell you a story.

When I was much younger, and had just ascended to the throne, I thought that it was my golden ticket to appreciation. I thought surely that being a Princess would mean once and for all that I would command the total respect of all around me, that I would possess unparalleled affection from all I led, and… that I would finally be wanted.

Well… to make a long story short, I was wanted, but… for the wrong reasons. The number of suitors I received on a weekly basis was astounding; a great number of noble stallions (and even a few mares, believe it or not) soon began to approach me, asking for my hoof in marriage. It was gleefully exciting, for I finally thought that this was it: that I would finally know the embrace of another pony as I had so dreamed of for so many moons…

...Except, my sister prevented any of those marriages from coming to pass. For a time, I was confused, furious even, that she would dare deny me the happiness I had so dreamed of for so long. I could not for the life of me understand why she turned away every suitor that would come, and for awhile, I was in a place where I perhaps hated my sister almost as much as I did when I was overtaken by Nightmare Moon.

What I did not understand at the time, however, was that my sister was protecting me.

Every one of the suitors who approached me did not love me as I thought they must have. All of them only played the part for their own prospective gain. My sister saw this within them--younger me, however, did not. I believed that being a Princess meant that everypony loved me, that everypony wanted the best for me, and that everypony truly cared about me. What I discovered, however, was that many ponies care only for themselves.

Needless to say, when I discovered this, I was… well, I suppose the word “heartbroken” does not even fully encapsulate what I felt. I was angry, bitter, depressed, anguished… I was many things. The truth I had held sacred and dear for the whole of my life was not, in fact, truth at all… it was a beautiful fantasy I had pulled across my eyes to distract myself from the reality that not everypony would have my best interests in mind… even if I had their best interests in mine.

It was under this idea that I operated upon for a long while. Too long a while… and it is one of the ideas that actually led to Nightmare Moon… and my own exile.

When I returned, and Nightmare Moon had been cast out, I was overwhelmed by the love and care my sister, who I once thought to be my worst enemy, lavished upon me. I was surprised… and it is one of the most wonderful feelings I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. To be loved after feeling as though you are hated for a thousand years...

...Which now brings me to you.

You have suffered through so much, dearest human… and you are more like me than I think you would care to admit. When I first laid mine eyes upon you, I thought for certain that you were just another creature, just another wanderer to look after in the Dreamscape like the so many millions of ponies all throughout Equestria. But you… you turned out to be very much different than they.

I often times ponder how your kind even retains a shred of sanity at all. We ponies know our destinies from the moment our cutie marks appear on our flanks. It is written in stone what we are to be, what we are to do, what we are to be good at, and for most, this brings a serene sense of comfort… but for you?

You do not know like we do. You are never told by the stars above what it is you are destined to be skilled at. Your future is never secured--not by the leaders of your nations, by markings that appear upon you, nor by the circumstances of your birth, usually. You must find and forge a way for yourself… always. And that, in and of itself, must be terrifying.

And yet… here you are. You have stood the test of time thus far to be sitting here in front of me. In the Dreamscape, of course, but still! Despite all uncertainties, despite all obstacles that life has put in your path, despite every hardship you have suffered, despite all of your failings… here you are. The very fact that you are here before me is a testament to the fact that you are strong. You have kept on, and have kept seeking that purpose that you so desire, despite all the times you have failed to find it.

You are a warrior, in the truest sense, dearest human… even if you might not think it yourself.

And that… well, among other reasons… is why I fell for you.

Yes… it is true. I love you…

I care not what mistakes you have made. How many times you have fallen. How you have been hurt. What you have done, thought, or said. Because the mistakes you have made have created the human I so dearly love. You have grown and learned from every experience you have had… and that is more than many can claim for themselves.

When I was younger, I fell for every suitor who approached me because I thought that they loved me. Now… I have fallen for you… not because I think you love me, but because of who you are.

Do not ever think that you are not loved. Do not ever think that you are not cherished, held in high regard, worthy of affection, or deserving of a bright and hopeful future. Because if by no one else… you are loved by me.

Your dream is fading. You will awaken soon. Please… promise me that you will be easier on yourself today? I don’t expect you to be perfect… but choose to love yourself today in some way… whether it be in a big or small way is up to you. Do that every day, my dearest human. And when the night comes anew… I will wait for you.

I love you.

Comments ( 39 )

Well. That hit close to home. Timing of this has been spooky. Thank you for sharing it.

I wouldn't call it hypocrisy, more a cry from inside of yourself, a projection onto others to genuinely wish for them what you deeply wish also for yourself.

I love you.

No, she doesn't love me

This was beautiful. Definitely going into some folders. :)

fimfiction, y u no luna emoji??

Was my story used for inspiration?

This was adorable.

What's not adorable is how you feel about yourself. Bud, there are millions of people who'd have given up on life by now with what you've gone through. But you're still here. You're still fighting? And y'know what? I bet many people are thankful for what you've done.

So in the words of Princess Luna...

You are loved. Cherished. Worthful--and do not try to tell me in this moment that you are not.


What this needs is more views, join a crap ton of groups and add the story ;)

:pinkiesad2: you have no idea this helps me right now in my life.

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Well, time for somebody to do a YouTube reading on this, because this ABSOLUTELY deserves it.


I used the idea of ponies talking to you as inspiration again, but this was mostly born of large fits of inspiration I had really late at night/early in the morning. However, if you would like, I will happily place a link to your story in the author’s notes!

As someone who has spent most of their life dealing with feelings of inadequacy, anger, sadness, depression, self-loathing & even thoughts of suicide from being shunned and hated by society for being born disabled & for being so poor that I'm make Kenny McCormick from the animated Sitcom South Park seem wealthy by comparison, this story is exactly what I needed to help pull me out of that, even if just temporarily. So thank you.

I’m very glad!! Thank you for giving it a read!

10117192 *Boops your snoot* /\ /\

I hope you have a wonderful day!

You too m8! Thanks for another great story, and hope everything gets better for you, your friemds, and family!

I am so, so sorry to be the 1 person who nitpicks, but it should be "astral planes," not "astral plains" in the 1st paragraph. D&D has warped me. :twilightsheepish:
Anyway, on to more important things!
This ... whoa. :pinkiegasp: The fact that you can write something this amazing when you feel at your worst, and be confident enough to share it is very impressive. I'm yet another comment saying "this is exactly what I needed to hear today" because it is! The world needs more small encouraging stories like this. It's not being hypocritical, you're telling a part of yourself these things by telling us. Thanks for recognizing how important each individual is, and acknowledging that life is a battle we often feel we are losing, even though we never really are. I wish I could upvote this twice, it deserves it.
Luna trying to adapt to modern language was adorable, thank you. :rainbowlaugh:
Best of luck with your trials, and keep on fighting, the world needs your viewpoint.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I suppose you are correct there, but this is also a problem within myself that I do need to correct. I am at most times these days absolutely confident that everyone is deserving of love--everyone, except myself. I am getting better, and things do look to be evening out, but really, anxiety and depression just flat sucks. Thank you for taking the time to comment--I really appreciate it!

How darest thou contest the words of the Night Princess!

In all seriousness, though, do know that I believe you worthy of love--including her love.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you for reading it!

Yes, it is true I am still here, and know that I'll keep fighting 'til the end. Thank you for your kind words--I truly appreciate it.

I'm very happy that you think so!

I am unspeakably happy that this story has helped you in some way! Thank you for reading it!

Thank you for thinking so!!

Thank you for catching that!

I'm very happy that you enjoyed this, and thank you deeply for your kind words. My hypocrisy with my belief is something that I am working to fight, and it is something that I am getting better with. Nevertheless, however, thank you again--truly.

I know the feeling all too well. Been a shocking time of late and am only now just starting to trudge my way from some deep shadows.

Stay strong. We walk beside you.

And you as well. May you grow ever stronger as you tread down the path of life. Peace be with you.

No. Thinking so is a mind-wave of thoughts that come together that can result in a number of potentially infinite different results.

Knowing so, is following the one you know for sure is true no matter what. I’m knowing so.

(Sorry for all the words, I’m feeling a little Sparkly today :twilightsheepish::twilightsmile:)

I don’t think of you as being a hypocrite, because you are using what you say to help others rise from the same negative feelings that you might be facing, not just to better yourself or take advantage of others.

Heh... Oh, how I wish...

this one was really good I felt like she was crying one my shoulder I'm a bit jealous over how good you can write

and what does encapsulate mean I have never seen that word before

These self-insert/second person fics really hits me to my core, this is golden as well as your Celestia one :heart:
It is just astounding to see your fics as the prime example for making something of yourself, what you go through in life for both positive and otherwise into something good for other people. Which of itself is the beauty in writing that I aspire to have as well. Your work is deeply appreciated and I hope you endure in whatever troubles you in life. Cheers mate!

I'm so glad you enjoyed! Cheers to you too, mate!

Princess Luna: I love you!

You: Blushes the deepest red in existence.

*wakes up*

You: Man what a dream...

*you get out of bed, only to nudge something. You look behind you to see Princess Luna looking at you from under the covers with a big smile.

Princess Luna: What Dream?

You: ...

What a great story!

Do you plan on doing any more stories like this?

Proooooobably--I like writing them, so I don't see why not. I've just not been very good about writing too terribly much, recently, and I really need to get back on that.

Randomly found this this morning. I think it fits this story quite well.


I often times ponder how your kind even retains a shred of sanity at all. We ponies know our destinies from the moment our cutie marks appear on our flanks. It is written in stone what we are to be, what we are to do, what we are to be good at, and for most, this brings a serene sense of comfort… but for you?

"God is dead, God remains dead, and we have killed him." - A qoute that sums this question up exactly, because that's what this quote actually means.

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