• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 2,750 Views, 100 Comments

Guitarist in Equestria - Superswag420

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Chapter 1 - Plane ride to Equestria

Guitarist in Equestria

Chapter 1: The plane ride to Equestria

“Well today is the day...” I unhappily exclaimed as I was packing away the one thing that I cherished most, my gi0 Ibanez guitar with a green body.

This guitar was practically my lifeblood; I never went anywhere without having some sort of pick or guitar book with me especially on a day where I would be moving from Rochester, MN to Beijing china. Playing on the streets and working in translation for a few years to hone my inner guitar skill, practice Chinese, and then come back to America and form a band.

Guitar was something I had practiced all my life; there wasn’t a day I didn’t play it. In fact my parents could hardly get me off it. Muse was and would always be my favorite band. I would hum their songs when ever I was bored.

And of course there is my special talent, in fact two actually. The talent I was most well known for was my skill with a guitar. Whenever I play I can feel the notes on the strings and just let my fingers and brain take over the rest. And my other talent, the one that only few people knew about was Chinese. I always had a knack for learning new things. I change between interests all the time; one day it will be writing the next it will be a different language, My main quirk .

However one thing was standing in the way of this dream... My fear of flying.

“Come on Sam, You’re gonna’ be late!” yelled my childhood best friend George.

“Yeah, I’m coming” I said.

George and I both spoke fluent Chinese. However he didn’t play guitar. The one thing I always made fun of him about was his Shanghainese accent, and him not playing guitar. I met George in the 6th grade while neither of us really had good friends being I had moved to Rochester when I was in 4th grade, as it is very awkward when you join a class in the middle of the year and dont know anybody. After 2 years of mind numbing, boring, easy classes we finally got to go to middle school where the classes would be more challenging and the teachers cooler. It’s funny now that I think about it. I did terrible in the 6th grade while he got straight A’s. Ah good times...

As we exited my house, with all of our luggage packed in our car we drove to the airport to get on the flight to get to China the fastest. To think that this day in June I would get to move to China and work my dream job while playing guitar all on a scholarship? How awesome is that?

After getting our luggage situated, we boarded the plane 5 minutes early so we could get in our seats before it was impossible to even more down the aisle without being tripped or stepping on someone’s carry-on bag...

“Um, George?”


“What is it like in Beijing?” I asked, mind still running through thoughts of my future life and my future home.

“Well... You will see when you get there” he said with a smirk on his face, Which earned him a hard punch to the shoulder.

As more people began boarding the plane it kept getting louder and louder until everyone got what they needed to do done. As we heard the speaker system turn on the pilot of the plane spoke up and said “The plane has finished boarding. We will now be taking off”. After that we finally started making our way to China...

30 Minutes later...

As I’m looking outside the window I odd-shaped figure rocketing towards the plane’s left wing.

“What the buck?” I exclaim with a questioning look out the window.

“Stop using those My Little Pony expressions...” obviously becoming annoyed with my constant use of them while he is around.

“You know that’s not possible, and I could’ve sworn I saw something coming towards the plane.”

”Meh, you must have been hallucinating or somethi-”


As that very thing I saw had conected with the plane and went right through the wing leaving a small hole.
Everyone on the plane is screaming like their lives are about to end. There were adults cursing, children crying, and a whole lotta’ screaming. I have my guitar in a case next to me while George has an Ipod touch. My life flashing right before my eyes I think of all the good times in my life like when I got my first guitar, or when I learned my first song. Praying for my life not to end so soon I grasped onto my guitar, both arms shielding it. I try to find a way so that if the plane exploded on impact I would still be alive, so I get under my seat like it’s a school tornado drill with my guitar and hope for the best. So bucked...


As soon as the plane hits the ground I can feel my flesh burning as fire races through the plane front to back. After the onslaught of flames engulfed the the cabin I opened my guitar case to find that the mini-amp is safe while my guitar has a lot more dents then it used to have but is still in good condition being that I just survived a bucking plane crash.

I manage to make it outside with the guitar gear that I had with me and take one glance at the surrounding forest and realize it looks... familiar almost cartoonish...
As I pass out from mental and physical exhaustion, I feel a weird sensation almost changing my body while I begin to fade into the blackness. Guitar gear in hand. Friend Dead.

End of chapter 1
This is my first fanfiction, so I would be happy if I could get some constructive criticism on either my style of writing or some format issues please let me know!
Thank you.