• Published 11th Mar 2020
  • 3,306 Views, 74 Comments

There's a Pony In My House! - WhispersInTheDark

The new aliens have made themselves at home. My home.

  • ...

Bolt and Butterfly

I came cautiously down the stairs the next morning, expecting to see her still sprawled out on my couch, but she was gone. I went all the way downstairs and looked around. Everything seemed to be in order, though my downstairs bathroom door was ajar. I grit my teeth as I slowly opened it, expecting to see a horrendous mess, but that was fine too. The seat was down, so she'd obviously used it. I was afraid ponies didn't know how human bathrooms worked.

When I went into the kitchen, I did see a bowl with some milk and cereal still floating in it, so it looked like she'd helped herself to some breakfast before she'd bounced. I shook my head at her presumption, put the bowl in the sink, and went back upstairs to get showered for work. All during the shower, I was simmering with the thought she hadn't even bothered to say 'thank you.' Not that I would have understood her, but some sort of gesture would have been nice. Still, there was no harm done, and I figured I'd seen the last of her.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

About a week later I was sitting in my usual spot watching TV when I heard a scratching at my door. I got up to open it, curious as to what could be making that noise, then froze. There, on the step, was not one, but two ponies! The one with the weird multi-colored mane had apparently brought a friend. The new pony was scrunched down, hiding behind the first one, so it was hard to get a good look at it, but what I could see was a yellow coat, and long pink hair. Or mane, I think it's called. It peeped up at me through its mane, and I could see one bright blue eye staring up at me.

"I suppose you both want to come in?" I asked as I pushed the door wide. First pony smiled up at me, then turned to her friend and spoke in their language. Second pony shook her (?) head. Then First pony sighed, grabbed her friend under her forelegs and bodily lifted her while flying, then deposited her on my couch. I distinctly heard an "eep!" while she was lifting her. Once there, she curled herself into a ball and shut her eyes. I looked at her butt and could see another one of those tattoos, only hers was a trio of butterflies. I shut my door and gazed at them. "Now, what am I going to call you both?" Based on their tattoos, I decided to call the first pony "Bolt" and the second one "Butterfly."

I seated myself on the couch, and Butterfly scooted as far away from me as she could. Bolt sat herself next to me, between me and Butterfly, looked up at me and made a drinking motion with one of her hooves. "Sure, why not?" I said as I got up to get the beers. I got three, opened them all and set two of them on the coffee table. Bolt immediately grabbed hers and threw it back, while Butterfly opened her eyes and watched her. Bolt paused in her drinking long enough to encourage her friend to try one. Butterfly looked at her friend, looked at me, then looked at her beer. She got up and took it in her hooves, then took a sip. Immediately she spit it out and went "blehh!" No beer for you, then. She set the can down and wiped her mouth with one hoof. Then she turned and glared at me, then put her back to me, nose in the air, and went "hmph!" Now, what did I do? It was her friend that wanted her to try it, not me!

Whatever the case, that incident seemed to make her get over her fear of me, for she got down from the couch and started nosing around. Bolt, however, finished off her own beer, then reached for her friend's discarded one, but I leaned forward and snatched it before she could. She glared up at me, but I shook my head. The last thing I need is her passing out on my couch again, and now there's two of them! I honestly don't mind company, but I prefer to know beforehand when they're coming over, and how long they'll stay. This one stuck her bottom lip out, sat back against the couch and crossed her hooves. Now I guess she's mad at me too.

Meanwhile, Butterfly had made her way into my kitchen and I heard her open my refrigerator. I got up to see what the hell she was doing. As I stood there and watched her, she finally found the milk and took it out. What is it with these ponies and just helping their damn selves? She brought it to my kitchen table and was apparently having trouble opening it with her hooves. I grunted my own "hmph!" and took it from her, she watching me the whole time. I got a glass, as she was apparently going to drink directly from the jug, (something I hate doing, even though I live alone) and poured her some. I actually got a smile from her as I placed it in front of her, and she lifted it with both hooves and finished it off. At least I wouldn't have one of them passed out. I smiled myself as I looked down at her, and absently reached down and gave her ears a good scratch. She gasped and her eyes grew wide, then she closed her eyes and leaned into my scratching, making "mmmm" sounds as I did so.

This must have attracted the other pony's attention, for she came in to see what was happening. She looked at her friend, then up at me, then walked forward and slowly pushed her head into the same hand I was scratching Butterfly with, displacing her. I complied and started scratching her ears, and the effect was immediate. Butterfly crossed her hooves and began pouting, but Bolt was too much in rapture to notice. Her eyes rolled up in her head and she began moaning, so that's when it got weird and I stopped. Bolt stuck her bottom lip out and pointed at her ears, but I shook my head and went back to the couch. They both followed me and hopped up on either side of me, but I'd made up my mind: no more ear scritches!

So that's when Bolt lay back on the couch, put her head on my lap and pointed to her belly. I stared at her. She pointed again. "Alright, so long as it doesn't get weird." I reached down and gave her a good belly scritch. She closed her eyes and smiled, then her leg started kicking as it did before. Butterfly watched this, then did the same, lying on her back and pointing to her own. I sighed, then started on her belly.

"Oh, that's good!" she sighed. I immediately stopped and gazed at her in amazement.

"You can talk?!"