• Published 13th Mar 2020
  • 1,721 Views, 15 Comments

My Cup of Tea - CousinBraeburn00

  • ...

Jacket and Humor

Author's Note:

My random prompts for this one were "jacket" and "humor." Thanks for reading!

“Oh, no way!”

Twilight looked up from her reading at Sunset Shimmer’s sudden exclamation. The redheaded girl was currently rummaging through Twilight’s closet, searching through her collection of Shining Armor’s old hand-me-down t-shirts. The nerd assumed Sunset had found one emblazoned with something she liked, maybe PostCrush or Ogres & Oubliettes. Admittedly, her girlfriend and brother geeked out over a lot of the same things. But just as Twilight had decided to return to her book, Sunset exited the closet carrying an article of clothing that sent her reeling with utter embarrassment.

...Oh no.

“Please tell me this is really yours.” Sunset said with a laugh.

She thrust forward a letterman jacket. It was the official colors of Crystal Prep, and also had a patch of said school’s crest on the front. As Sunset waved it in front of herself almost like a flag, Twilight just slowly slid her book up to cover her blushing face.

“What is this? How did you get this? You’ve gotta tell me!” Sunset was very much enjoying her discovery.

Twilight mumbled something unintelligible from behind her book.

“Don’t even try to pass this off as Shining Armor’s, because….” With a snort, she flipped the jacket around to reveal its backside, which contained the word ‘Sparkle’ across the top. “It’s got… got….” Sunset could hardly speak through her laughter, but managed to get her joke out in a breathless, high-pitched squeal. “It’s got your name written all over it!”

The tanned girl collapsed in on herself, howling with unbridled laughter. Even Twilight, now peeking over the top of her book, couldn’t help but to crack a smile of her own. It was a beautiful thing to watch Sunset laugh, even if she was currently the butt of the joke. The redhead could rarely ever make a joke without first laughing at the mere thought of it, although her jokes were bad, horrendously bad, worse than Pinkie Pie’s. Twilight thought it was a truly endearing quality anyway.

When Sunset finally settled down, wiping the tears that had leaked from her eyes, she looked back down at the jacket in her hands questioningly.

“No, really, why do you have this?”

Twilight sighed; there was no escape from her fate. It was too bad she hadn’t burned the jacket when she had the chance.

“It’s from the debate team at Crystal Prep.” She muttered.

“What?!” Sunset somehow held back another bout of hysterics. “Oh man, I’m getting serious Mean Girls vibes here.”

She then slipped the jacket up her arms and over her shoulders with a quiet, “Ooh, cozy,” and gripped the collar lightly. She turned to Twilight expectantly.

“How does it look?”

Oh hell, oh hell, oh hell….

The hem of the jacket fell a little past Sunset’s hips due to Twilight’s taller frame. It didn’t cover the redhead’s denim short shorts, but it sure as hell brought attention to her long tanned legs. The nerdy girl slapped the book back up over the lower half of her face, almost knocking her glasses off. Her violet eyes raked along her girlfriend’s form almost fervently, which didn’t go unnoticed by the redhead, who grinned mischievously, teasingly.

“Oh, that good, huh? Maybe it’d look even better when it’s, uh…” She shrugged dismissively. “On your floor?”

Twilight fidgeted nervously. But Sunset wasn’t done yet. She sauntered closer.

“Or how about…” She let the jacket pool around her elbows. “Around our waists?”

Twilight choked on her spit and sputtered stupidly; why could Sunset Shimmer get her so easily flustered? She tried to answer the questions with a yes - a hardy, resounding yes - but found herself squeaking pitifully when she opened her mouth. Sunset was close now, and leaned herself over the edge of the bed Twilight was perched on and between her raised knees. She reached for the nerd’s book and carelessly tossed it to the side, finally revealing that sweet blush in all its glory.

“Or what if I had…” Her eyes snapped up to meet Twilight’s. “Nothing on under it?”

Okay, take me now.

Twilight surged forward to capture her girlfriend’s lips in an eager kiss. Sunset lost her balance at the suddenness of it and fell forward further into Twilight’s lap, straddling her, but this didn’t bother either of them in the slightest. When they finally parted, the redhead smirked triumphantly down at her favorite nerd.

“Still so easy to rile up.”

Twilight didn’t answer, just simply looked at Sunset as she easily trailed her fingers up the back of her tanned thighs until she hit the hem of those tight denim shorts. Then a roguish smile of her own crossed her lips.

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “Twilight…?”

The nerd brought her palm down in a good, heavy slap on her girlfriend’s backside. A startled yelp split the air, followed by an astonished laugh.

“Holy hell?! What was that for?”

“You brought this on yourself. You made fun of my debate team jacket.”

Sunset giggled again at Twilight’s pouty voice.

“I’m sorry, you’re right. I mean, to get this awesome jacket, you must have been….”

Twilight braced herself for the inevitable bad joke.

“Quite the master debater.”

Again Sunset let loose with unchecked laughter. Twilight shook her head and rolled her eyes good-naturedly.

“Jeez, enough out of you!”

With surprising dexterity, Twilight flipped the two of them over so that Sunset was flat on her back and she herself was hovering just an arm’s length above. She kissed the redhead again, feeling the vibrations of her yet-to-die laughter through her lips. It was but a moment before Sunset had settled down and wrapped an arm around the girl’s neck for a deeper kiss, swiping her tongue along warm skin. Her other hand came to rest comfortably on the small of Twilight’s back so as to draw her ever closer.

The kiss was broken when the need for air arose, but the nerd simply moved her lips to the underside of Sunset’s jaw. The tanned girl slid her leg along Twilight’s side until she could slip it up to hook around her waist. Meanwhile, Twilight’s hands roamed shamelessly across the plane of Sunset’s stomach, around her ribs to her back and down again to her irresistible thighs, where her fingertips slipped under the bottom of her shorts.

Just as Twilight was coming back to reconnect their lips, a pounding knock sounded at the door. The sudden noise startled the girls apart, Twilight recoiling off the edge of the bed but catching herself before she could fall. Shining Armor’s voice came from the other side of the door.

“Yo, girls! Dinner’s ready when you are!”

“Okay, cool! Be right there!” Sunset answered quickly, for Twilight was breathless from the scare and current activities.

Sunset sat up and ran a hand through her colorful locks in agitation. “Man, just when things were getting good.”

Twilight was eyeing her slowly up and down in silence, unmistakable want still darkening her gaze. Sunset cocked her head to the side, inviting her favorite nerd to say what was on her mind.

“I think I really would like to see you in nothing but my jacket.” Twilight whispered in her best sultry tone.

“The debate jacket?” Sunset questioned a little too innocently.

“Uh-huh.” She answered, still distracted by her own dirty thoughts to notice the obvious deception in the air.

The tanned girl stood and pushed herself against her girlfriend and dropped her own voice to a whisper.

“Good. I hope you don’t get….”

Twilight came down from her high as see watched a shit-eating grin easily take over Sunset’s face. She felt her own face immediately deadpan.

Talked out of it.”

A full three seconds of silence ensued before Sunset erupted into a fit of bubbling laughter, falling back onto the bed as Twilight crossed her arms.

“You’re friggin’ incorrigible, Shimmer!”