• Published 3rd Nov 2020
  • 995 Views, 113 Comments

Barn Notice - totallynotabrony

My name is Octavia Melody.  I used to be a spy.

  • ...

Chapter 12

I was actually not pleased to see Vinyl. I didn’t personally dislike her, and yes, this was a direct connection to the company that I sought, but Scarlet’s records had also given me that. I felt a little standoffish, having gotten to this point on my own only for a handout to come my way, as if my effort had been wasted.

But maybe she was only here because of what I had done, and I wasn’t going to look a gift pony in the mouth. I raised my eyebrows to her, giving her the go-ahead to speak. Wouldn’t want to get our stories mixed up.

“You guys ever heard of a black site?” Vinyl asked the room. “It’s fine if you haven’t. You’re about to find out. Come on in, boys!”

The room was swarmed by troopers with armor and weapons. Everypony in the middle of the standoff was thoroughly disarmed.

“Wait, is that one with you?” I made sure to say, pointing out Rainbow. Vinyl glanced at her and made a subtle gesture to one of her soldiers. I’d been following Vinyl's gaze, and she’d already focused on Diamond, who had been held in a headlock by Stapler before being pulled apart.

“As for you,” Vinyl said, walking over to me as my weapon was taken and I was cuffed, “we have so much to discuss.”

I wasn’t sure if this was an act for the benefit of PY-12 or if, knowing her, I would eventually have to play as if we were in a relationship. Vinyl was not my top choice for romantic cover, but we’d done it before.

Hoods started going on, including on me.

Being hooded and dragged around is never fun. The whole ordeal is made to disorient you, to confuse you, to keep you guessing and unable to put a story together to try to fool anypony. It’s psychological warfare that is designed to make you feel alone, make you think that nopony knows where you are, and that no help is coming. Though if you have been on both sides of this particular situation before, you know the reason why they are hooding you is because they don’t want you to remember things like where you are going and who took you there, meaning they care if you remember and are probably going to keep you alive and let you go later. Probably.

There were the sounds of clicking cuffs and gangsters protesting. I was jostled around a little. After a moment, though, my hood came off again. It was just me, Vinyl, and one of the balaclava-wearing roughnecks. It seemed that we were behind Scarlet’s place.

“What’s up?” she said, slipping off my cuffs.

I stood up and shook myself out. “The filly and the multicolored tactical one are both with me.”

Vinyl started to nod to her assistant, but I held up a hoof. “Could you...wait a minute. I’m not yet sure how I want to handle this.”

“Okay.” She tilted her head. “For being unsure, though, you sure went home and got busy.”

“You didn’t plan this, did you? Putting me out to pasture and everything?” That would have been just like the company.

“Nope, not me. We have a decent source back in Prance. When a report came across that somepony had submitted a request for information related to Jazz Apple, we knew you were up to something.”

So they had come here in response to me stirring up the hornets. “The one who was already tied up when you arrived, I think it’s La Panthère Fuschia.”

“No kidding?” Vinyl laughed. “Only you, Tavi, could get kicked from the company and then take down a foreign agent that’s been a thorn in our side for years.”

Scarlet, or Panthère, or whatever her name was, had been looking for something called Granny’s pantry. I wasn’t yet sure if I should mention it, particularly if that turned out to be related to the Apple family.

Vinyl dismissed her assistant and he went around to the front of the building. Soarin was still unaccounted for, but knowing him I guessed he was probably waiting and watching. Vinyl seemed to be letting me go, but I still wasn’t quite sure if I could trust her. I let that show in my body language, assuming Soarin was watching from a distance.

To attempt to gain advantage, I suggested, “Why don’t we go back to my place and have a talk?”

She agreed and we started walking.

On the way, I asked, “So what does this mean for me and the company?”

“Good question.” She shrugged. “I have no idea.”

I was still rather cross about the whole affair. In fact, after the backstabbing, I could say that I was double-cross. I considered Vinyl a friend, or I had, but there were still too many unknowns here.

“You know, Scarlet Sunrise - or rather, La Panthère Fuschia - told me a few interesting things you might like to know,” I offered.

I tried to spin it as positively as possible, while not actually revealing anything. I also didn’t want to imply that I had learned dirt about the company that might make me a liability.

We were still dancing around the subject when I let her into the loft above the turnip barn. Her nose wrinkled at the smell. Good, now she knew how far I had fallen.

“Can I get you anything?” I asked. “I’ll warn you, all I have is turnips.” And some yogurt, but that was for me.

Vinyl declined. We sat down on the meager furniture I had managed to scavenge and I told her my story up to this point. Well, not all of it. I might not have even told her all of it even if I hadn’t been kicked out. Nopony knew better than I how information could be dangerous.

So I didn’t mention Soarin or the Apples, minimized the role of Rainbow and Diamond, and skimmed over the other odd jobs I had done. I also made sure to emphasize that I had uncovered a Prench agent in my attempt to rejoin the company, whether I had meant to or not.

She likely knew, or guessed, that I wasn’t giving her the whole story, but didn’t call me on it. Never give the full story, unless in exchange you’re getting full immunity.

“That’s a heck of a tale,” she said when I was finished. “I’m glad that you didn’t just go die in a ditch somewhere. You’ve really become one of the best. Honestly, you definitely surpassed me on the professionalism aspect.”

“Don’t...use that word.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot who your mom is. But it’s true. I remember that one time you beat the hell out of some guy because he called you a music donkey. You’ve definitely learned to control yourself, Tavi. Like I said, better agent than me.”

“So it makes even less sense that somepony put me out to pasture.” I shifted my posture from compliant to expectant. “Do you have any information about that? Did somepony...perhaps order me banned?”

“No, I don’t have anything concrete. I did ask around. It didn't make any sense to me, either. But listen, Tavi, I’ll take what you have back to the office and maybe it’ll tip things back in your favor with the bosses or whoever did this. For what it’s worth, I want you back.”

She hugged me, and I let her.

Being a badass international mare of mystery was lonely. Ponies are social creatures. Sometimes, touch was just what the doctor ordered after a hard mission in a place you’d rather not be.

A laser dot appeared on Vinyl's back.

I looked out through the window, to the rooftop next door. Nopony would actually use a laser on a sniper rifle, so that told me it was just Soarin letting me know he was ready. I gave him a barely-perceptible shake of my head and the laser shut off.

“Just like old times, huh?” said Vinyl. She'd either not realized I had backup, or was nice enough not to bring it up. “Speaking of that, I bet it’s been hard dealing with your mom after coming back here. If you want, I could go introduce myself as your fiancé so her head would explode.”

“I…” A long moment of hesitation, punctuated by an exhale of amusement. “...appreciate the offer, Vinyl, but I've been managing the situation on my own.”

She chuckled. “Well, hang in there, Tavi. I’ll see what I can do for you back in Canterlot.”

I showed her to the door and she stepped out into the night. I had no idea if I would actually see her again. There was no telling how this unsanctioned yet highly effective mission would be viewed back at headquarters. One thing at a time.

I left the door open and walked back to get some yogurt. Always good to have a snack to recharge after a strenuous day. Soarin had stepped inside before I was finished eating. He’d brought a cold six-pack, somehow. I personally wouldn’t have taken such a thing along with the weight of a rifle on a mission, but priorities. I had a sip of water to settle my stomach, and then accepted a beer from him.

“That didn’t go so bad,” he said. He gestured with his can towards the door. “You going to tell me who that was?”

I filled in my backstory with Vinyl and we discussed a little. I was still talking when Rainbow stumbled in. She seemed a little ruffled, but in one piece. Soarin gave her a beer.

The three of us held a quick debrief. It’s always good to learn from a mission, even when it went well. I was getting just about finished with my side of it, and thinking about having a nice evening of rest, when Soarin said, “So what are you going to do about Diamond?”

Damn.” I sighed. It wasn’t that I had forgotten, I was just reluctant to address the topic. “I don’t know. I had thought about just letting the sight of me being taken away in a hood be her last memory of me. Nothing like making a dramatic exit. But, she deserves better. I need to go see her. I can still spin this as a cautionary tale, though.”

“You aren’t thinking of teaching her to be a spy, are you?” Rainbow said, grinning.

“Absolutely not. At any rate, she wouldn’t be any good at it; she has at least one parent she likes.” I sighed and finished my drink. “And speaking of parents, I will regret it if I leave that thread hanging, too.”

Well, maybe I could hang around Ponyville just a little longer.

I glanced at Soarin and Rainbow. “Well, that's one job done. What's next?”

Author's Note:

Here's how it went down:

I'd been a fan of various other Burn Notice crossovers on this site and always kind of wanted to do one. The stars aligned recently and we got it done. Big thank you to the partners in this venture, Captain Unstoppable and Jake the Army Guy.
And thank you for reading.

Comments ( 13 )

Wait, what? That's it? No reveal of what's going on, who put her to pasture, no conclusion on pretty much anything? Does the series end like that?

The story was good, but this ending is really, really unsatisfying. Like a series whose money ended but they wanted to fish for more but y not resolving anything.
Is this really it?

I think it's more the equivalent of the end of the first season. Things have changed, the story has advanced, and while the plot isn't finished yet, the characters have gotten a handle on it and are moving forward.

So, season 2? Hopefully.

Basically a non-ending, but I guess the story was entertaining anyway. Made me wish Banishment Decree had finished.

Good story, and yeah, really captured the feel of the series.

Mind, I will echo the complaints about the ending, I kinda get what you were going for with the characters only just starting to get a handle on things but the ending could have felt more 'concise', a bit more complete.

Operator Vinyl and her LRAD bass cannon

Poor Octavia... all this time running around on missions and she never got her yoghurt.

As far as the ending goes, I am a bit torn. The story is nice and compact and does not overstay its welcome, but I am left wanting more. I also echo the sentiments for more episodes of Octavia in the MLP Notice universe

I love reading between the lines of spy mysteries just to find those little half truths and whole lies. Scarlet knew way too many personal details about Octavia from enquiring about her alias. If the Prench had that kind of Intel on her then it might be a reason for her going to pasture, that or she gathered it from local knowledge or maybe a combination of both. Then there is Vinyl coming in like she did. It is possible that she provided the information to Scarlet as a double agent with the Prench and this was an extraction with Octy's alias as a convenient excuse or she was being legit. However when she made that offer to her in the loft it could have been in jest or could have been a not so subtle hint to wanting a different kind of relationship that went completely over Octavia's head, or it could have been a way give Vinyl a cover so that she could keep a close eye on her.

PSSSSSSSSSST! I love this! I hope there is a season two! I loved this!

I'm putting your guy's story into my list!

Interesting little short. If you do a Season 2, etc. look forward to it.

Plot Twist: This is the Equestria at War Equestria.

That was fun, and I kind of like how open ended it was. Clearly there's more story to be told, regardless of whether or not it eventually is.

I wouldn't exactly call this a "Crossover," but I would call it entertaining.

I enjoyed the bits where Octavia 'explains' the features of television showing up in her personal interior experience.

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