• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 28 minutes ago


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".


This story is a sequel to That Morning I Woke Up With an Alicorn Princess

One week after they had been the victims of a prank that made them think they kissed and...more after getting drunk, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Eric Reed came up with a prank of their own. The two told the four friends that stuck them in bed together, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike, that Twilight's pregnancy test came up "positive".

After that, mayhem ensued.

Special thanks to TheHardie-Boy for proofreading this story.

Enough will be explained to not require reading the predecessor story to enjoy this story, and laugh.

This story also takes place after the events of A Giant Adventure to Equestria, but it is also not required to read it first, other than to learn how and why the human character Eric Reed is in Equestria, and how his bonds with the other characters formed.

Edit: Featured through 04/05/20-04/07/20!!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

This was a pretty good story.

Gotta admit, you had me there for a second. i honestly thought it backfired...

During that second half, I was guessing there was chaos afoot.

And I was wrong! :rainbowlaugh: Double-twist!!!

That was a good revenge prank. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:






While I was writing the story, I was wondering if I did my little double subversion well enough, with this being the first story I wrote that uses a double subversion. Sounds like I did something right! :rainbowlaugh:




I like to think so too! Those four learned their lesson.

What a genius sequel. 😂👏🏻

Top 10 Unexpected Plot Twists.

Man, I really didn't expect this to go that deep. :rainbowlaugh:

a Double Subversion! Nice one! :rainbowlaugh:




Me neither when I first thought of this story idea:rainbowlaugh:


Thanks! I try.

Ya had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


In that case, I did my job.


I'll say go for it.

DAMN, this story went places. Nice job on it, you had me chuckling the whole time.

“Uh, well, look at it this way: Twilight’s a princess, so if this makes you have to marry her, you’ll become a prince!” With a smile, Pinkie hopped beside me and poked me on my side. “Huh? Doesn't ‘Prince Eric’ have a good ring to it?”

"Da sea weed is always greena when-"




"Da sea weed is always greena when-"

Yu-Gi-Oh! abridged reference?


Oh, why you gotta show a image of that face? It's so hard to say "no" to!:raritycry:

But as for that idea, as much mayhem that would do, I couldn't. For the sake of readers that haven't read my other Eric Reed spin-off stories, I left this fact out of the story. But in this story's continuity, Eric and Sunset are a couple (it happened in "When Dating a Sunset...") so I couldn't have Eric and Twilight have a foal for real. That would have made for a fun triple subversion though!

no. Prince Eric was the prince from The Little Mermaid. That line is me trying to type in Sebastian the crab's accent.

*Sniff* :pinkiesad2: It's okay. I hate it when established stories suddenly change their lore, so I'd be a hypocrite for trying to get someone else to do it. I'll have to read your other stories as I enjoyed these two extremely. :pinkiehappy:

I'm ashamed that my mind went to that damn movie when that came up. :ajbemused:

My brother's name is eric ENTIRELY because of that movie. According to my father, my mother was watching it with him while I was at preschool one day, and they'd been thinking of names for several weeks. Then Ariel gazed at Prince Eric from the side of the boat, and mom said "How about Eric?" My father gave her a 'really?' look and said "You want to name our son after Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid?" Mom shrugged and said
"Why not? It's a nice name." And thus, my future little brother had been named after a Disney character.

If I were in your dad's shoes with a third son on the way, I'd name him Red for that 70's show just to get even. :rainbowlaugh:

Fun fact is Trixie did go to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.


I heard about that being mentioned in the comics one or twice, but it slipped my mind when I was writing and editing this story. I usually don't have the comics "canon" in my stories unless it's otherwise stated in the story (ironic, because it's the exact opposite with the canon show) since I'm only familiar with a very few comics, like the holiday special with Anon-a-miss.

Even so, I did a edit, so no one simply doesn't know Trixie is a former student of Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns.

I didn't pick the info up from the comics but From a Tweet from Lauren Faust.
Just random web trawling for information about a Character with potential.

Now I really want a story showing the upcoming prank war between Buggie, RD and Pinkie maybe even have Discord join in seems like something he’d be up for (and drag Fluttershy along for the ride probably)

Twilight and Eric calling each other "big sis" and "little bro" make me think you don't actually have any siblings. It just feels like the relationship is being awkwardly forced.

Only the two of us, with our folks in their 50s. However, at no point since I have been 5 years old have I NOT had a little cousin. My father and mother had kids first. Then her sister did, and that's when the Tide of Family began to come in. A few years later her brother had two kids, and for the longest time it was us five. Fast forward about 8-10 years and one of my uncles on my father's side got married. He now has 2 kids, both of which are in their teens now, with the younger of the two only becoming a teen a month ago. My third uncle got married about 5 or 6 years later and he now has 3 kids, all of which are under the age of 10. My youngest uncle (all but one of these on my father's side) got married about 4 years ago, and he has two as well, one a toddler, and the other still a baby. I also have several second-cousins on my mother's side (all girls save for one guy who graduated a year ago and two I've never met to my knowledge. Their mom is a using-bitch who last I heard was pan-handling by a highway. Couldn't happen to a nicer person.) Most of my youngest cousins think it's the funniest thing that most of them are around the same age (or at least height) and my brother and I are adults. This has also led to me occasionally becoming a human-jungle-gym.


I have a older brother, and we talk to each other like that sometimes, and I've seen other siblings do it too.

Admittedly, I don't see it that often, so in hindsight, I could have taken into account when I was developing their relationship. It really can feel forced if you haven't seen it like I have. Glad you bought that up for me to take into account more often.


If you haven't read it, I have a story, "to prank a Glimmer" that have Eric, Pinkie, and Rainbow in their monthly prank war, though it's a one-on-three prank war with Starlight.

That was a hypothetical statement.

Convoluted, executed to perfection, and a double down to seal in the deal. *Italian Chef Kiss* Magnifico! :rainbowkiss: I award Eric and Twilight...

The Blessing of the God Himself!


They will happily accept:rainbowlaugh:

Though I’d be cool if it’s somepony that’s only a jerk sometimes , but is otherwise nice and truly cares about them. Thus I’ll be fine if Starlight ever asks out Trixie or vice versa and be done with it.


I'm surprised Discord didn't pop in to at least absorb the fun. Ye got me, btw.


moar plz

Better yet, I'll take a sequel where Twilight gets some harmless, unrelated cold that mimics pregnancy symptoms.



I have plans to write a prequel to this story's predecessor, but not a sequel to this one. Though a sequel with Twilight catching something that act like pregnancy symptoms, like morning sickness, is appealing, This story did well enough where I may do sequels.

“Oh, pleaaaase, Eric! We all know she used her magic to make it ‘positive’.”

Then that leaves five options: Twilight used her hooves to make it appear 'positive', Eric used his hands, Eric used magic (...somehow), somepony else 'in' on it used magic, or somepony else used their hooves.

I admit you even had me fooled

good sequel

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