• Published 2nd Apr 2020
  • 2,891 Views, 35 Comments

Why Not A Princess Instead? - KingdaKa

It's the hours after the disaster that was the Gala. Rarity tries to pretend her feelings weren't crushed by all of it and fails miserably. This gets noticed.

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Part Two

Rarity sorted through the myriad fabrics she had in stock, searching for the very one her mind had been fixated on ever since she had begun to make her plans. It was here, she knew, somewhere in the midst of the rest of this assorted pile of nonsense- or maybe somewhere with the ones that had been properly put away? Or perhaps the ones in storage?
“Oh, I know you’re in here somewhere, you,” she said, digging through the mess like a diver in search of pearls. “I’ll find you and I’ll make Princess Celestia’s dress even if I have to wring it out of you!”

The whole affair of that strange yet wonderful teatime had been in the forefront of her mind for a few days now; she knew Celestia –no, Princess Celestia- had meant every word she’d said, so why had she waited so long to even begin getting started on it?

Perhaps that was how long Rarity had taken to stop squirming. The whole thing had been one of the most enjoyable, yet bizarre escapades she had ever undertaken. Celestia- Princess- oh whatever-! Celestia had been quite a character, so confident and in control of the situation. So complimentary and vivacious, teasing and playful and warm and beautiful, and- and-

Rarity gave her whole body a great shake and she tried to continue focusing on her searching, wondering where the blasted thing had gotten to. “Maybe I should change it up- not fabric at all, perhaps something else… No, a fabric is the only thing that will do. A soft one.”

Minutes passed and she still came up empty. She was beginning to feel real frustration now, wondering if her mind wasn’t playing tricks upon itself and whether or not she had even purchased the blasted thing at all. She needed this done, such a wonderful client –friend- to have, and here she was struggling with all sorts of silly things. This could be done, couldn’t it?

“Oh, heaven help me, I’ll look for it later,” Rarity muttered, tossing the great pile of supplies aside and laying down in a huff on her work sofa, breathing in the scents of the many varieties of ice cream that had left their mark over the number of years during her bouts of tears and romantic despair- and the names of those she had failed to woo and then sobbed over. Heaven help her, had one of them really been Blueblood? The thought made her want to throw away the whole couch. Sickening to know that she had actually wasted emotion such pointless endeavors.

She gave another huff and sank deeper into the sofa’s recesses, feeling something sharp fall against her thick hair. A hand flailed about and she grabbed it, realizing it was her sketchbook, the page still left bent where Celestia’s sensuous designs lay unattended to. A second one lay next to it, a ballgown design that Rarity had set aside during her work for the Gala. She looked at it. Then for a little longer. A finger grabbed an eraser and slowly began to turn to the simple sketch with a skill that seem sharply contrasted against her lackadaisical movements.

“A little further up… black gloves along the arms instead,” she muttered listlessly, “leggings done the same way… to the thigh? Yes, to the thigh. Sides exposed- cleavage down to the waist, just above the belt, just a bit thrown across the top of the leg…”

She didn’t realize it immediately, but the sketch had taken on quite a life of its own, a stunning work of art to act as a pair for Celestia’s desired piece. Both sensual, revealing, yet retaining their elements of grace from which they had been born. They would be perfect together- but they wouldn’t be together, more likely than not. It was just a fun idea. But with Celestia’s figure in mind, she knew at least the one she would actually be making would be spectacular to see. The other was just purely speculative.

With a sigh that seemed to rouse her at last into action, Rarity threw herself off her couch in a huff and began to look through her materials again, wondering where the thing had ever bothered to end up.

Celestia was very gracious, you know. Lovely through and through. Make sure to give this only your best effort- and such a beautiful woman.

She tried to ignore that.

Work had come along, slowly and steadily. For Celestia, for personal things, for others, and even simple patchwork. The Boutique was the go-to place in town for anyone who needed a proper sewing job, and the amount of it kept the beautiful fashionista busy. Fluttershy was able to help out every now and then, but it wasn’t always enough to keep things from becoming backlogged. Life was frenetic in such a career, and she had known from the moment she had entered into it. If only she could force herself to get enough sleep!

“Oh, drat it!” she fussed, another stitch gone awry as her eyes crossed and sent her vision into a dull glaze. “That is it, I must get another cup of coffee in me, or else I’m going to fall flat on my face!”

As she waited for the percolator to do its work, Rarity took a moment to spruce up her appearance in the nearby mirror; a handy thing, in case she needed to work late hours. Some of her wavy curls had begun to fall flat, and there were rings of black around her lustrous eyes- not terrible, but not wonderful. It was still early afternoon, and it would be some hours before she would be able to lock the door. A little longer, if she could hold it together, and the day would be over. “Then a proper nap, if I do say so myself.”

So of course the bell jingled, indicating that someone had made an entrance. “Be with you in a minute,” Rarity called, trying to set aside the irritation that had come at the sound of it. It wasn’t their fault, really-

“By all means, take all the time you need,” came a voice as pleasant and warm as spring sunlight. “I certainly can be patient for a moment, can’t I?”

“Princess!” Rarity was out on the boutique floor in an instant to see the beautiful symbol of elegance was indeed back in her confines, a clear and brilliant smile shining on her flawless face. “My stars, I’m-”

“Surprised?” Those lovely eyes were twinkling with that same playful light that seemed to turn them into precious gems.

“Apologetic that I’m yet to be finished, Princess,” Rarity admitted.

“Am I still not Celestia to you, Rarity?” the Princess teased. “Tut, tut, ever so formal, even among her friends.”

“Oh- Celestia, please, forgive me, it’s- your dress is not ready yet,” Rarity said, feeling that sudden flush to her cheeks yet again. “I have been quite –erm, well, fairly involved these past few weeks, it has been- I am working on it.”

“Oh, of course you are! I do not doubt you, Rarity.” That same soft smile still had yet to fade. “I merely wanted to drop by, and- well, see how you were doing. Twilight had mentioned to me in her correspondence that you’d become quite the busy woman lately.”

“You- you wanted to see me?” How delightful of her! Concern, I’m guessing?

“I hope I am not intruding.”

“Certainly not! Please, I just made some coffee for myself, would you like a cup? I can close early and we can relax, be girls together. Heaven knows I could use a bit of a break, all in all.”

“I would be delighted to.”

The time began to flow by in a thrum of comfort and gentle feeling, Rarity’s exhaustion allowing her more personal emotions to be loosened up, the ever-professional atmosphere she held tightly to during work hours fading somewhat. Yet Celestia listened all the same, grateful for the designer’s comfortable familiarity.

“Are the flowers your doing?” Celestia inquired.

“The basket next to your door. I assume they’re a decoration.”

“Oh, no, they’re…” Rarity felt a tinge of real embarrassment. “Well- suitors.”

Celestia laughed, not unkindly. “Quite the popular lady, I see. It’s not difficult to see why.”

“Oh, stop,” Rarity replied. “Yes, a few come in every now and then. Some ugly, some handsome, some couth and uncouth, a few genuine- many just want to be known for dating a pretty face, if my guess is correct.” The thought made her feel shamefaced, knowing she hadn’t exactly been one to avoid the same failing of character.

“And you? Do you want to date a pretty face?”

“Oh, I- I don’t know anymore, really,” Rarity admitted. “After the Gala, perhaps my view of love is a bit… broken, perhaps? It certainly doesn’t really feel the same anymore. Maybe what I longed for wasn’t really real in the end.”

Celestia looked upon her lovely friend with sympathy. “Afraid to love the wrong person a second time around?”

Rarity smiled. “Perhaps a bit.”

Celestia smiled, taking the fashionista’s hands in her own and holding them softly, allowing that wonderful warmth to flow through them both and holding the younger woman rapturously attentive. “I hope, then,” she said, “that the next person who catches your eye is worthy of it. I would hate to see someone as beautiful as you spend all their years alone.”

“Thank you, truly,” Rarity replied, feeling a blissful softness well up inside her. “I would- would still greatly desire it, but… I have my friends, my family- if it comes to it, I would be more than grateful for what I’ve been given.”

“That mindset alone makes you more than worthy of any sort of attentions,” Celestia said. “Whoever steals your heart will have something priceless.”

Rarity felt too embarrassed to say much else for a time, turning to her cup of coffee and finding it unpleasantly cold.

“This has been pleasant, Rarity,” Celestia said. “Thank you for letting me spend some time with you during your day. It’s refreshing, really.”

A small bubble welled within her at the remark and she beamed. “I feel the same. Perhaps we would like to continue having drinks together? A weekly tea or coffee?”

“I would be delighted.”

Plans were put in place, preparations set aside, and little notes written down in small planners as Rarity began to see goodbye to her beloved guest-

“Oh my, I almost forgot!” Rarity cried, starting towards the backroom. “Wait here, just a moment, please!”

“As you wish,” said the Princess, as though she wished for no other action.

The young woman went deep into the confines of her own home, knowing she had set it somewhere private. It had been a sentimental journey, one for the mere pleasure of it- but the more she had continued to work upon it, the more its importance began to strangely change-

“And here we are!” Rarity cried, seemingly giving the beautiful Princess a start as she jumped away from the guest counter. “Celestia, I hope you don’t mind… you’ve been ever so kind to me, what with the Gala and our teatime a few weeks back. I wanted to give you this.”

A classical summer dress, light to the touch and marked by a light dusting of gold across the hem- all of it matching perfectly against Celestia’s own sun-kissed features. The elegant woman held it in her hand and marveled. “Oh, Rarity,” she murmured softly, “this is- such a kind act.”

“My thanks to you, for everything,” Rarity said with a smile quite stronger than she had guessed. “You’ve been such wonderful company, I had to do something.”

A gentle embrace as warm arms wrapped around her, Rarity taken by surprise by the caring gesture. “You are too kind,” Celestia said, giving one last small hug of delight before heading out the door, leaving Rarity still-surprised and yet brimming with delight.

She’s so wonderful.

It was done. After all this time. They were done- no, it, the one- was done. Yes, the other one was done, too, but that didn’t matter- did it? Doubtful, only a little. Just a personal side project for her own skill and pleasure. But really, it wasn’t important in the slightest.

“And that’s the end of it,” Rarity said with a forced hardness in her voice. “Let all of this silliness pass you by, you’ve got other things to attend to. Now, breathe, relax, and take a look at the finished product one last time. What did we miss?”

Rarity’s habits, born out of her more amateur days, were her ritualistic habits that had saved her career more than once: one last long look at what was supposed to be a completed work, and see if there was anything her eyes would find- a flaw, a break in the fabric, something, anything at all. Just to make sure. After all, she surely deserves it. Our teatimes and coffee have been so pleasant. A lady could get used to such fine treatment-

“That’ll be enough of that,” she huffed, leaving her work and finding herself both satisfied and immensely frustrated. “Now make sure you’re presentable, Celestia will be here soon and one should always look their best.”

The Boutique looked positively immaculate, if she were ever to admit it. The floor had been swept and cleaned of any semblance of grime, the windows now smudge-free, the standard designs sparkled, the front desk gleamed- the only left to check was herself.

“Not that I need it, really,” Rarity told herself. “Just to make sure. Anything can go wrong, a false eyelash can come free.” She looked wonderful in the mirror, not a wrinkle on her clothes and a beautiful face with fair skin. So of course she primped her hair and wiped away any false wrinkles on her skirt, just in case. Now if she could only get her pounding heart under control-!

Movement outside and she knew exactly who it was, that tall figure and wonderful silhouette unmistakable. Taking one last breath, Rarity forced the nerves away from her smile and found it all the easier when the beautiful Princess Celestia walked through her door with a dazzling smile of her own.

What had been meant to be a bit more formal –a true business transaction, she had told herself- was instead a comfortable meeting between the two, filled with warmth and a deep friendliness. They chatted and gossiped together, letting the afternoon fade by and turn into early evening as the sun began to await the orders of its Princess.

“Good heavens, I surely didn’t mean to keep you waiting this long!” Rarity said, being the first to notice the change of colors through the nearby window. “I must be keeping you from other matters.”

“Perhaps only a little. I am exactly where I wish to be,” Celestia replied. “Excuse me for a moment- would you be so kind as to bring the outfit into the changing rooms for me, please?”

“Gladly! I’ll have everything ready for you, don’t you worry, darling!” She spoke more like herself around the graceful Princess than she ever had before, just a tinge of sweetness in the tone.

A thrill of nerves coursed through her as she set the outfit to hang on the wall- she was certain Celestia would like it, why wouldn’t she? Maybe it wasn’t for her satisfaction that she worried.

“Everything is ready for you, dear,” Rarity said as Celestia walked back inside, the soft colors of moonlight beginning to show on the world outside. “I’ll be waiting in the showing room for you, please call for me if you need anything!”

“I can hardly wait!”

And neither could Rarity, who found herself pacing back and forth in the showing room for reasons both known, unknown, and unwilling. This whole thing was foolish, absolutely foolish. This was a Princess- no, the Princess. Unbecoming, really, and so pointless. There were better endeavors to be had, if she’d just pay attention to them. But no, old habits die hard, apparently, and she couldn’t keep well enough alone-!
“Dear Rarity…” the voice came peeling through the showroom curtains, soft and overflowing with delight. “You have truly outdone yourself this time.”

A lone heel first appeared, and Rarity perhaps felt her jaw loosen at the sight of such a lush figure. Princess Celestia always seemed to be dressed with such regality, such refined pieces upon her sun-touched form; never could she have guessed that such a ravishing, magnificent work of art lay beneath it all. Pure white heels to adorn her feet, moving up to such full, flawless legs that lay perfectly bare all the way up to the thigh, the hips now adorned by see-through lace that draped itself down from the item itself, a beautiful thing of white and gold that accentuated every curve and beautiful thing that was Celestia’s body. A supple chest, modestly exposed down the center and ending just below the navel, with the entire back exposed save for a small golden ring that hung around the neck. It must have been the most beautiful creature to ever be seen, and yet as steamy as a hot summer night.

“I hope I haven’t left you truly breathless.” Celestia was looking down at her, a mischievous grin underneath those twinkling eyes.

She’d been drifting off in her own thoughts! Rarity blushed and tried to right the ship before it was too late. “Enough of me, look at you! How do you feel, how does it feel on you? Do you like what you see?”

“It is glorious,” Celestia said happily, eyeing herself in the mirror with a confidence that Rarity couldn’t help but admire. “To say I feel sexy would be an understatement. I am the definition of the word, thanks to you.”

“Yes, you are,” Rarity said ever so quietly, the words coming out by surprise to even her. “I am so glad you’re happy with it, it seems to fit wonderfully. Does anything need to be touched up on?”

“Not at all. It feels as though you know my every curve and feature by heart.” Celestia continued to strut in front of the crowd of mirrors, letting her splendid form continue to be lavished upon by willing eyes. “Oh, my… this feels glorious.”

She could have stood there all day simply admiring it all. But time came to pass and the two women needed to part, matters bringing them both elsewhere. Celestia returned to her regular dress and Rarity set to work stowing the beautiful piece away in a proper box, tying it with a single lavender ribbon.

“The fee for your services is enough, I hope,” Celestia said.

Rarity giggled and pushed the hefty sum out of sight. “It is more than enough. And they call me the Element of Generosity! Dear Celestia, are you certain?”

“I would have it no other way.”

“Very well, then. Here you are, darling,” Rarity said, laying the precious cargo gently into the beautiful woman’s hands, Celestia’s fingers tracing her own. The touch was sudden, light on the skin, yet somehow more than welcome.

She knew she shouldn’t say anything. Merely let it lie and move on with her evening. It was improper to ask, anyway, especially for a lady. Better to let it lie, or simply let the time fade away. So of course she asked.

“I hope,” Rarity began, forcing the tremor in her voice to lessen, “that this doesn’t mean our teatimes are going to be no more? I’ve come quite accustomed to your company.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Celestia replied, giving the delighted designer a long embrace into which Rarity felt so safe, comfortable, and so alive. “May I leave you a letter for the next one? I’m afraid it is my turn to be busy for a time.”

“Of course, darling! I’ll be waiting!” And whether or not she would ever admit it, she certainly would be.

Rarity had practically torn it open the moment she had found it awaiting her on the front desk. Quietly, discreetly, she had dashed up the stairs whilst giggling so madly that Sweetie Belle took a pause from her schoolwork to make sure everything was even alright at all. With an excessive flourish and the door closed, she wrenched the letter out of the envelope and began to read, only pausing to take note of the woman’s resplendent handwriting:

Dear Rarity,

I hope I haven’t again caught you at a bad time. Heaven knows you’ve been busy with Twilight and friends for a while now. And if that is not enough, your boutique must keep you occupied all hours of day and night! I would be concerned if you’re overworked.

I know it has been a bit of time, but how would you feel regarding meeting for drinks again? I will be rather busy most mornings and afternoons this week, but I do have a free evening this Friday, if you are available. I would be glad of your company- I have a chardonnay from ’46 that would fit the occasion.

The palace gardens are glad to welcome you again, as am I. Let me know as soon as you can.

~ Celestia
P.S. Please bring your dress. The companion piece to the one you made for me, I mean. I would be delighted if you let your hair down for an evening

Rarity wanted to blush. Of course she somehow knew, why wouldn’t she know? It felt like such an obvious, simple idea to believe that Rarity found herself half-wondering if she’d accidentally spoken of it out loud at some point. And of course she’d wear it! Two girls in privacy, no one to disturb them both… it would be magnificent night between- friends. Yes, friends.

The week seemed to tick by slowly, yet before she knew it the Friday afternoon had already passed and Rarity was in the midst of her preparations. It was just between friends, but that was no reason not to look flawless. Besides, it was Princess Celestia, she deserved the very best, didn’t she?

“What are you getting all primped and prettied up for?” Sweetie Belle was looking at her from the doorway, a quizzical look on her face. “You look like you’re going out on a date.”

The possibility of it being such a thing was so preposterous that Rarity didn’t even want to give the thought the time of day, so she merely smiled excitedly. “Just some evening plans,” she said merrily, performing a quick comparison of some earrings. Gold or the coral jewels? Hmm, coral would match the dress

“So, is that a yes?”

Rarity turned to her sister. “If it were a date, Sweetie Belle, don’t you think I’d be behaving with a little more fervor?”

“You seem pretty excited to me. You’ve been sitting in front of your mirror for over two hours now,” Sweetie Belle said, grinning. “I’ll want to hear all about it when you get back, alright? I’m going over to Apple Bloom’s.”

Rarity gave a well-meaning Hmph! and went back to work, trying her very best to simmer down her smile. It certainly wasn’t a date, anyway.

The evening came to the world in due time, and Rarity paused to watch the Princess’ handiwork begin outside, marveling at the beauty of the sunset born from the effort. It seemed everything the Princess did was truly splendid to behold, she thought. “Now, let’s see how it all turned out!”

Rarity stood before a full-length mirror and didn’t even bother to wipe the smile from her face. She was not quite so tall as Princess Celestia, nor did she possess the same timeless beauty that the beloved monarch held within, but she was certainly stunning nevertheless. Flawless skin, its fairness and beauty combined with a lovely face, sparkling eyes and wavy hair that fell down to just above the waist made Rarity a sight to behold; and, tying it all together like a bow upon a priceless gift, was a coral-pink dress that transfigured all of that beauty into a formal sensuality: black gloves that ran up to just beyond the elbow, an bare arrow on the chest that tapered down to a pale-gold belt, and exposed legs that accentuated her features, allowing the back to be fully revealed. She was a dancer, a captivating icon of beauty and loveliness. It was stunning, empowering- “And most assuredly sexy,” Rarity purred, remembering how Celestia had strutted along the showroom floor. “Now I know why she couldn’t have possibly resisted.”

As she made her way down to the door to depart, Rarity felt something in her mind give her pause: she had made this dress as- well, a private affair. Certainly the Princess held the confidence –and sway of opinion- to walk about in such confidences, but did she? A lady’s reputation was important to uphold. If scandal began to creep out…

The door clicked open and in rolled a luxurious red carpet, coming to a halt at the fashionista’s black heels, as though it had been made to seek her out. Hesitant, she dared a peek out and found an alabaster carriage awaiting her, the lovely thing pulled by a team of snow-white horses- and not even a driver to be seen!

“Well, aren’t you all beautiful,” she marveled, taking a moment to come to the sides of the magnificent creatures. “Did the Princess send you to fetch me away?” The lead horse eyed her with an intelligence in its soft gaze, as if assuring Rarity of her suspicions. With a smile and a few more loving pats, Rarity took a seat within the carriage and found herself swiftly taken away. The journey could have taken some time, yet whatever enchantment or hidden strengths the driverless steeds possessed made it flow by all so quickly, the landscape passing her by in a blur. She could have squealed in delight at such things if it hadn’t left her rather awestruck.

A loud, sharp whinny from one of the horses and she felt their journey come to a slow, pleasant halt, the rush and whistle of wind sweeping by the carriage now replaced with the sounds of nature’s creatures and the gentle rustle of a garden under starlight. She had not been taken to the palace itself, but rather directly to the royal gardens: a place of privacy and solitude for its ruler. The carriage doors opened and again the red carpet flowed out, leading into the gardens and out of sight.

“Thank you so much for such a gentle trip,” Rarity said as she descended, taking one last moment to give comfort to the pristine horses. “You’ve been ever too kind to me, dears.”

The horses gave a small snort and seemingly bowed its head, that intelligent gleam again all so evident in its eyes.

She followed the flowing carpet out into the gardens and was unsurprised when she found it coming to a halt at its mistress’ feet, Princess Celestia standing there awaiting her guest and looking just as regal and sumptuous as she had the first time she had worn her gown. “Miss Rarity,” she said, looking upon the elegant designer with a smile that dazzled. “You look even more ravishing than I could have imagined.”

“And I could surely say the same of you, darling!” was the reply, eyeing the beautiful woman with no real restriction; after all, there wasn’t any curve or asset that wasn’t revealed by the form-fitting attire. “It’s wonderful to see you again, and such marvelous horses you have! Such intelligent creatures, they were.”

“They have been my trusted steeds for many dignitaries and ambassadors that have come calling,” Celestia said. “I am glad they were able to be of service to you as well. Please, join me in the gardens. It will be a lovely night.” Taking an eager Rarity by the hand and leading her in, the two women soon disappeared out of sight, hidden away by the garden’s impenetrable walls of verdant life.

When they at last arrived at the heart of the gardens, Rarity felt a gasp escape her lips; it as almost as if it were a fairytale, with small candles and torches dotting the open space where a pair of cushioned chairs sat beside a small garden table, upon it two glasses and a bottle of wine accompanied by small plates of light fare. “You certainly know how to set the scene,” she at last remarked. “Darling, it’s lovely!”

“I was hoping you would like it,” the Princess said. “Think of it as your own personal gala: a second attempt at your perfect night.”

“And I couldn’t have asked for better company,” Rarity marveled. “Oh my…”

Their conversation was light at first, letting the wine be sipped gently and the food only nibbled. It was a delicate, graceful flow, with each step forward taken only in deliberation. But as time passed, and as more the contents of their glass disappeared, their words became more open, smiles and gestures and touches more frequent. Subtly, each chair began to move closer to the other.

“Celestia, if I may be so bold,” Rarity ventured. “I wanted to ask you a question that was, perhaps, rather personal in nature.”

“Feel free, Rarity.”

“Have you ever had any suitors come calling during your rule? You know- any thrills of romance, dear? Longings of the heart?”

Celestia pondered the question, thinking over it slowly. “Many have come to call, certainly,” she said. “But I would say that little was ever of interest to me. Perhaps a fling or two over the centuries, but never anything grand or sweeping.”

“Was no one ever worth the time to you, then?” Rarity asked, leaning in out of interest.

“Oh… sometimes. It is a strange thing, really. A woman’s touch was typically preferred, if I am to be honest. And, as you might guess, even ones I held strong feelings for would be more interested in the fame and notoriety that came from being romantically attached to me. It was better to be solitary than to allow oneself to be used.”

“How awful!” Rarity immediately bit her tongue, but Celestia’s expression wasn’t of the offended kind, but instead curious. “I mean- just to misuse love like that, for such selfish ends! What a disgrace to the word, really.”

“You certainly have some strong feelings on the matter,” Celestia chuckled. “Ever the romantic, I see.”

“And… perhaps a bit of a hypocrite, truthfully,” Rarity added, somewhat shamefaced. “Blueblood might have been a bit of that, if I am to be honest. Attraction to just a pretty face, at least at first.”

“Think you’ve been cured of the affliction?” The tone was cheeky, playful.

“Perhaps not fully,” Rarity replied with her own brand of mischief, “I still do have a weakness for beauty, darling. But good character adding to it is… incredibly alluring.”

“I could not agree more.”

They were incredibly close now, their faces only inches apart. Had it happened on accident, or had they intentionally been creeping closer to one another? Rarity’s heart was aflutter and she wondered how long she would be able to hold herself together. The very personification of beauty and perfection was there next to her, what was she to do? It would only be a matter of time before-

“Would you join me for a dance, dear Rarity?”

Her tumultuous thoughts were suddenly silenced. “Pardon?”

Celestia was upon her feet, offering Rarity her hand alongside an alluring smile. “Would you please join me for a dance?” she asked again.

It was too good to be true. “I would be delighted,” Rarity whispered, rising to her feet and taking the Princess’ hand in her own. As if on cue, the slow, harmonious tones of a gentle waltz began from the nearby phonograph, a song more typically played for a last dance when couples would finish the evening together. Rarity was brought especially close to the Princess, the two held tightly together as they moved in pleasant pace. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, almost as if rushed to some great conclusion. It had all been such a perfect night, surely it could be better than this?

“Do I make you nervous, Rarity?” Celestia asked.

“And what makes you ask such a thing, darling?”

“You can hardly look me in the eye as we dance,” the Princess replied. “Surely you don’t think I’m ugly, do you?”

“Not at all! You’re nothing short of magnificent, dear!” Rarity protested, at last looking into those resplendent magenta eyes and finding herself immediately lost. “I- you do not make me nervous at all, just very, very… excited.”

Celestia laughed, not an unkind sound of mockery but rather a warm, satisfied thing. “You find me beautiful, then?”

“Inside and out, darling,” Rarity whispered, letting the words fiercely held back begin to be freed into the open air. “I hope you don’t mind such a thing.”

They were very close now. “And I could only find myself feeling the same,” Celestia replied. “I know you looked for a prince at first- but I hope you’ll take a Princess instead.”

They danced slower and slower until at last the music came to an end, the two holding one another as they gazed into each other’s eyes, Rarity deeply lost in that lustrous view that was more glorious than any jewel she had ever seen or hoped to discover.

“Well, Rarity?” Celestia asked.

“Well what, darling?”

Celestia’s gaze held that playful gleam yet again. “Aren’t you going to kiss me?”

She froze. It was there for the taking, the moment she had tried to avoid and claim for herself for so long now that she hadn’t even realized she had desired it in the first place, thinking it was merely simple instinct and reaction, not something much more. And now she couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, couldn’t do a thing-!

“Well, then. Seems I’ll have to make the move,” Celestia whispered, leaning down and gently pressing her lips against Rarity’s, allowing a soft initial gesture to grow in warmth. It was Rarity’s first kiss from a woman, and never had she imagined such an exquisite softness could ever be found in such an act; soft, perfect lips that pressed against her own with such precise pressure, allowing for gentle contact that seemed to electrify her very being. It was timeless, wonderful, beautiful to behold and be part of. So taken was she by the kiss that she could hardly bear it when the moment ended, knowing that she had kissed Princess Celestia, the most beautiful woman in the world.

Celestia relinquished her lips from the elegant fashionista, looking at her beloved with delight. “And how was that?” she asked.

“Oh my…” Rarity could hardly find words to describe how she felt now. Ecstatic felt too weak. In love, perhaps?

“How do you feel?”

Rarity could still feel the kiss, and wanted in its absence. “Hungry!” she declared, throwing her arms around Celestia and embracing the Princess in a fervent barrage of kisses.

Celestia took her in her arms, the two women intertwined in a great undertaking of passion, romance, and desire, each kiss they beheld together only driving them further into the fire. So great was their feeling that they at last fell upon the ground, still connected together as their hands wove across fabric and bare flesh alike, neither willing to break the long string of kisses-

Rarity gave a small start as she felt her mouth pressed open and then a most wondrous sensation as the pleasant, forceful pressure of Celestia’s tongue came in and fell upon her own, the two beginning that wonderful dance of inner movement until it could not be contained and fell out into the open, both lip and tongue dancing together in a frenetic, passionate display-

Hands reached down into her gown and Rarity squealed with, feeling them move and send electric currents down her body. Celestia at last broke apart the kiss and let the thin filaments of saliva hand between them- only to add one last peck upon Rarity’s lips for good measure.

“Good heavens, darling,” Rarity gasped. “That was- that was magnificent.”

“I’m glad you think so,” Celestia said, holding Rarity ever so tightly. “I’ve wanted your kiss for so long now, Rarity.”

“And you’ll have plenty more- whenever you ask for one!” the beautiful woman cried, gracing the Princess’ lips with kisses as if to prove it. “Oh, my…”

“The night is still young,” Celestia said, rising to her feet and taking Rarity in her arms like a bride. “Shall we retire to the castle?”

“Darling, whatever for- oh.” Her eyes found the upper parapets where the Princess’ bedchambers awaited their arrival. She couldn’t suppress her giggles now. “Well then, my dear Princess- shall we?”

One last kiss and Celestia snapped her fingers, the two disappearing from the gardens and to much more private quarters, where no sight nor sound of them could ever hope to be found.

Author's Note:

Common shipping is done to death. Crack shipping is where it's at.

This was stupid. Whatever.

Maybe I'll do more crack ships for the hell of it.

Comments ( 30 )

'Tis a good crackship

I don't know. Tagging a character that doesn't actually appear seems a little misleading, to be honest. Blueblood is tagged but he makes no appearance and the fic is already finished.

Figured his influence was strong enough to warrant it. Fair enough.

What's this? My favorite ship has appeared. You have great taste my friend.

I know what I like.

To the author - I don't ship this (i'm more into m/m stories...hope ya don't mind that!) if there's a fic pops out at me with an interesting concept i'll read it. really good story none the less:)

Perfectly fine.

I personally don't find it a crack ship, but I friggin' love it! I love it so much. It made me warm and fuzzy inside. Weird that I can see the love between two folks and feel the happiness that results so fully, but I can't tell when it's directed at me or from me..... I guess I have a blind spot in my love sense! lol

It's an uncommon pairing, but that's the fun.

This is more than just a crackship, this is a........ (What is an adequate description of a princess and a lady)........... A solar flare. A bright flash of beauty amongst the stars. Well written story, I enjoyed it. Rarity and Celestia getting together seems to fit. :raritystarry:

I try.

Common ships are boring. New and different is fun.

I agree, common ships are boring. One of my favorite ships is unfortunately one that doesn't crop up a lot. My favorite ship is Lunashy. They just seem like they would fit, the shy introverted Pegasus and the awkward out of Time princess helping each other grow by bringing one out of her shell and teaching the other about modern day society. But alas, no one really writes that pairing anymore so.... :fluttershbad:

Not written anymore, you say?

I search up fluttershy's name every chance I get to see if there's any new well written stories but the last Fluttershy Luna romance I came across was written in March and the one before that shows up way back in 2017 and it was cancelled. There's probably some I'm missing because some authors don't use the individual tags they just lump every main character together under the mane 6 tag, but I haven't seen many new ones of those two in the last few years.

Well, how about that. Sounds like a fixable problem.

That was such a great read! Love the way you write!
Every description, every image that comes out from the story, is so beautiful. And I just love your interpretation of the characters!

Finale got around to reading this an it truly did not disappoint. I loved every moment, and my ultimate weakness for fancy clothes only makes this better.

Really hope this gets a sequel at some point, maybe revealing their relationship to the world or maybe even a wedding. I dunno, great work either way

I try.

Wedding sequel doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

In the pipe. Have other things to attend to right now. Got in a bad way for a bit.

Only joking, do what you gotta do. Hope everything works out okay

This was really sweet! Thanks for the fic!

No fic is crack of done right. Nicely done.

I'm trying to work on it's sequel, I swear.

Ok fine. That's one way to get a follow:rainbowwild:

This story was well written in my opinion. And I’ve kinda wanted this pairing, believe it or not. I think Rarity and Celestia would make a really cute couple. And you did NOT disappoint with that concept at all. Definitely getting a favorite on this one from me :pinkiehappy:

Celestia didn't just lay it on so thick as to pave a path, she paved a completely level, 2 lane road with beautifully maintained flowers and shrubbery lining it. Then had her magical, driver-less, horse drawn carriage, with destination locating red carpet, bring Rarity strait to her bed chambers. All while Barry White, Marvin Gaye, and any other cheesy "sexy time" song artist playing in the background

This was wonderful!

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