• Published 25th Mar 2020
  • 7,432 Views, 136 Comments

A Changeling Life - SleepyBear

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Welcome to the hive!

After the clash that Bob and Masrur had, both changelings found themselves at the hooves of the sadist doctor the hive had, with him even the bandaids were painful.

“When you said this was going to hurt, I thought you were joking,” Bob said with a dry chuckle.

“Oh no, I don’t approve idiots fighting each other,” Orux smiled giving Bob and Masrur a cold glare, “If I ever get you two back here... for something so stupid so ridiculous as a macho contest I will personally make you two females... without any sedatives.”

Bob gulped before nodding with a somewhat scared smile, feeling that every word coming out of the medic being nothing but the absolute truth.

Masrur while hiding his fear better than Bob opted to turn his back at the doctor, muttering something to himself, ‘Don’t make... me...c...you...’

“What was that, Masrur?” Orux asked, holding a knife on his hoof.

“Nothing, sir!” Masrur saluted with a wide and obviously fake smile.

After a few more minutes of an overtop painful treatment, Masrur, and Bob left the medical ward walking together back to the training camp.

“Alright, I’m gonna go out and say it, that doctor is creepy and scary,” Bob said, trying to break the ice.

Masrur looked at Bob before he started to laugh, it took him a couple of seconds to regain himself, “Ok, I think we both can totally agree on that.”

“So, we good?” Bob asked.

“Sure, is a nice change of pace... to have someone who won't break or back down from a good fight,” Masrur said with a smile, “I still don’t like you, but you seem capable enough to not slow me down so, congrats.”

“Meh, I’ll take that,” Bob smiled.

“Pff weakling,” Masrur grunted happily.

“This weak hiveless almost kicked your butt,” Bob retorted.

“Wanna go again, small stuff!?” Masrur glared at Bob.

“Why not, ladybug?” Bob glared back at him.

The tension was building up again, both changelings were ready to charge at each other, but someone stopped them, with a loud cough.

*Fake Cough*

Masrur and Bob turned around to find Lorax standing upside down on a wall, with his usual smile, “Sorry to stop your wiener measurement contest, but the Queen wants you, B..ob hahaha, it never gets old.”

“Next time, small stuff,” Masrur said before taking his leave.

“Alright, lead the way, Lorax,” Bob said turning to Lorax.

Lorax and Bob arrived at the training camp in just a few minutes; the Queen was waiting for him with a warm smile.

“Today, we all gather, to accept this brave changeling into our hive, to be part of our family,” Chrysalis said in a soft tone.

Bob looked at the Queen with awe and admiration; he didn’t know why maybe his changeling body was biologically inclined to do so.

“Come forth, my child,” Chrysalis extended her hoof, inviting him to come closer.

He stood up and stepped forward into the sunlight that was pouring through a hole in the hive; the warmth felt good on his sore muscles.

“Are you ready to be part of the hive, to be our family?” Chrysalis asked.

Bob lifted his head proudly and looked at the changelings that were in front of him. This time no changeling made comments about his hiveless status or argued about how weak and useless he would or could be.

And how could they he had shown everyone that he was a dependable changeling and a worthy opponent in battle.

“Yes, I am,” Bob smiled, looking at the Queen.

Chrysalis approached Bob and said, “You have fought well, and you have proven that your heart is on the right place.” Then she turned to the Hive and announced, “From this day forward, he will be known as Ragnarok!.”

She stepped back with a smile as the changeling cheered and rushed to embrace their new family member.

“Hm,” Masrur could be heard grunting in the crowd in a somewhat happy way.

“Finally, the name Bob was super dumb,” Lorax said, probably speaking for all the trees.

“How does it feel?” Chrysalis asked with curiosity on her eyes, “It’s such a joy to name a changeling, but it’s my first time naming one like you.”

“It feels nice, and to be honest, the name is awesome, so thanks!” Ragnarok smiled.

“I’m glad you like it,” Chrysalis chuckled, “It’s good to know that I haven’t lost my touch, even after name twenty five thousand changelings.”

“And you still had Ragnarok available?” Ragnarok asked.

“I suppose your the first one to ever look like a Ragnarok,” Chrysalis chuckled, “After the initiation ends, please go to my quarters; you still have to meet your princess.”

“Princess?” Ragnarok asked he didn’t remember seeing a changeling princess in the show.

‘A princess? I don’t remember seeing one in that episode... but then again, this Chrysalis doesn’t look exactly like the one I saw in the show, so I guess same universe different stuff,’ Ragnarok thought.

“Yes, my daughter, princess Chrysalis the third,” Chrysalis answered.

“As you wish,” Ragnarok said as he saw the Queen leave.

“Hey, Ragnarok!”

Ragnarok heard Lorax’s friendly voice behind him. Ragnarok such a mighty sounding name! A thrill of pride surged through him at the sound of his new name as he turned around to see the changeling approaching him.

“Great fight, and great name!” Lorax said with a smile, “Who would’ve thought you had it in you!?”

“Thanks,” Ragnarok replied. “He put up quite a fight, though! and I’m sure he would’ve won but hey! I stand up to him”

“Hm!” Masrur appeared out of nowhere just to grunt.

“You even made a new friend awww,” Lorax said, crying.

“I will kill you!” Masrur glared at Lorax.

“What little ol me not good enough,” Ragnarok said with a smile.

“Hm!” Masrur grunted, glaring a the duo before taking his leave.

“Come on! there are hundreds of changelings that wanna say hi!” Lorax grabbed Ragnarok and once again dragged him across the hive.

Changelings of all paths welcomed Ragnarok into the hive with open hooves, with any hesitation or doubts they had about his presence in the hive gone for the most part, after the fight he had with Masrur.

He had proven he was a warrior, a dependable changeling.

‘Masrur is still being an asshole, but it looks like he doesn’t want to bully me anymore, he’s more interested in fighting me... Ragnarok... What a cool sounding name I got, I think I can get used to this.’ Ragnarok thought.

“So, how do you like the hive so far?” Lorax asked.

Ragnarok wasn’t sure how to answer that, he liked the hive because it made him feel safe and it would give him a better understanding on how to be a changeling, but he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to sexually harass ponies just to eat, “Awesome so far,” he answered putting his thoughts aside for the moment.

“Great!” Lorax squealed with delight.

“By the way, why do the Queen and the princess share the same name?” Ragnarok stopped on his tracks, remembering what the Queen told him, that she wanted him to meet the princess.

“Is a tradition,” Lorax answered, “All Queens and future Queens must be named Chrysalis.”

“Huh, so how is the princess?” Ragnarok was curious; the Queen seemed nice enough.

Lorax switched his mood from happy to uncomfortable like someone had turned his lights off, “Let’s just say she’s not that popular around the hive...”

Ragnarok sighed, “That bad, huh?”

“Worse, but we barely deal with her, the commanders, though... they have to see her daily!” Lorax shivered at the thought of having to deal with the princess on a daily basis.

‘Well this answers the question... they don’t have a hive mind... or their tolerance for talking bad about their rulers is quite high,’ Ragnarok thought.

“But I guess I have to be fair... she’s not that bad... she really wants the best for the hive...” Lorax concluded, scratching the back of his head uncomfortably.

“One more question, what can you tell me about the hive mind?” Ragnarok asked he wanted to make sure his mind was not being probed like a turkey in thanksgiving.

“Oh that old thing,” Lorax chuckled, “well, as far as I know, only those who form a link can do such thing, like the Queen and her commanders, or Meredy and Rok, is usually a thing between close friends, family or mates.”

“So is kinda like a special bond,” Ragnarok said.

“Yeah, for the most part,” Lorax said, “You connect to someone, and you’re never alone, is the most sacred bond we have in the hive, not many changelings make such deep connection, but those who do are definitely happier.”

“Sounds like marriage...” Ragnarok chuckled, “anyways can you guide me to the royal quarters, I have a princess to meet,”

Lorax stopped on his tracks once again, and with a low tone, said, “Nope, smell your way there.”

“Fine, Jesus... how bad can this princess be?” Ragnarok asked himself, leaving Lorax behind as he started to sniff the area getting the trail that would lead him to the Queen.

“Jesus?” Lorax tilted his head in confusion as he saw his friend leave the party, sniffing around like a dog.

It took him a couple of minutes to catch the scent that would guide him to where he had to go, but that was just the first part of the equation, the second was being able to figure out how to move within the hive.

Nothing stayed the same in the hive; the building seemed to be alive to an extend.

He already knew where to go; now it was a matter of if the hive would let him go, after a few minutes and a lot of shouting he managed to arrived at the Queen's quarters.

Knocking on the door twice, he waited to be invited in.

“Come in, Ragnarok!” Chrysalis voice could be heard behind the door, inviting him to come inside.

Ragnarok slowly pushed the door open, with his left hoof, taking a few glances around the room as he did.

“Ragnarok meet my daughter, Chrysalis, the third,” The Queen pointed with her right hoof to a chair across the room, where the princess was sitting.

“The honor is yours,” The princess said, clearly looking down at him.

’Fuck me sideways!’