• Published 27th Feb 2021
  • 891 Views, 11 Comments

Late Night Encounters At The Gas Station - Barracuda cyborg

Late night adventure in a Convenience store in the middle of nowhere.

  • ...

Last Second Purchase

It seemed as if history was repeating itself for the clerks when this new pony came in. However unlike Pinkie Pie; this one was able to fly, it was like having their own personal tornado come in. Unlike their time with Pinkie, the two decided to assert the situation and tried to make sure not to knock over any of the shelves and just let the pony burn themselves out. Anything to save themselves from enduring another migraine from cleaning up the store.

After what felt like hours the pony started to slow down and landed on the ground. She began to look around frantically, but at a more reasonable speed compared to when she first came in.

“You need something?” Mark asked.

“Of course I do, if I didn’t I wouldn’t be going around this fast!” The pony quickly replied, she continued to dart around the store like a squirrel trying to find its stash of nuts.

“Do you know what you need exactly?” Mark continued as he began to slowly walk around where the pony was at.

“That’s the annoying part, I forgot what I came in for!” The pony exclaimed as she rubbed the sides of her head with her wings. “Do you ever get that feeling when you are trying to remember something, despite repeating what you were going to get in your head?”

Mark scratched his chin and nodded as the pony went on and on about her thinking process. “Yeah, I have those sorta days all the time.” He replied, “it gets really annoying when you are in the middle of something, and you really can’t drop what you’re doing.”

The pony sighed, “Yeah, that gets really irritating. My name’s Rainbow Dash by the way.”

“I’m Mark.” The boy looked back at his friend, “Man the register Derrick, I got this one covered.”

“Thanks for the help.” Rainbow said, “Even though I’ve completely forgot what I was gonna get.”

“Anytime.” Marke replied, “try retracing your steps, that might help jog your memory.”

Rainbow began to take a deep breath and began to think over what she was going to buy, “Okay… I was doing some stunts outside to help me coordinate my moves in the dark.”

“Weird but okay.” Mark stated, “Wouldn’t that be a bit dangerous?”

“Well Wonderbolt Practice can be unpredictable from time to time, so I gotta train in weird ways.” Rainbow replied, “Like one time we were going over weather dangers and how to get through it better, so I decided to practice my swerving in the middle of a thunderstorm.”

“Cool, that kinda reminds me when I was riding my bike when it was raining.” Mark replied, “I totally crashed bad, but that’s what I get for trying to do wheelies in a mud pit.”

“I crashed badly once too.” Rainbow said, “I was testing my wind resistance by flying around a tornado.”

Mark’s smile grew wider from what Dash was saying, “Sounds pretty badass!”

“Yeah, until you get a cramp in your wing and crash into a tree.” Rainbow’s eyes grew wide, “THAT’S IT!” She exclaimed with glee, “I flew over to get some energy drinks.”

“Well do you need the ones that keep you up, or the ones that rehydrate you more?” Mark asked as he walked over to the section of the store that sold that kind of drink.

“Anything that helps get rid of cramping muscles.” Rainbow replied.

“The sports drinks, got it.” Mark opened the fridge and let Rainbow look in. She pointed at the flavors she wanted and Mark grabbed them. Soon enough they had grabbed eight bottles.

“Yeah...I needed a lot.” Rainbow sheepishly said.

“I think you need to focus on your stretching more than just using these all the time.” Mark stated, trying to keep the bottles from falling out of his arms.

The two made it to the counter and let Derrick scan the drinks, “Alright, you’re total adds up to ten dollars.”

“Really?” Rainbow asked, “I thought they’d be more.”

“Well they’re on sale, so you’re saving around five dollars.” Derrick replied.

“Cool, give me a sec.” Rainbow reached into her bags and grabbed her bits, “Thanks for the help.”

“No problem, just remember to stretch before you actually do anything.” Mark said as he watched Rainbow flay out of the store, bags in her fore hooves.

“Seems like you got your own pony friend.” Derrick said with a smirk.

“Well you’ve seen me when I forget stuff.” Mark replied, “I mean, remember that time we went to that Christmas party, and I couldn’t find my sweater?”

Derrick chuckled, “Of course, you nearly made me spill that cheese dip onto my clothes when you were rushing around.” His voice now having some spite in it.

“I didn’t want to lose the ugly sweater contest.” Mark replied.

“You did anyway.” Derrick stated, “Then again, who really could top a bedazzled Santa, and Christmas light reindeer?”

“At least I tried.” Mark said, “Not like you’re one to talk; I mean you totally struck out with that one chick.”

“The feelings were mutual, and we both agreed to see other people.” Derrick replied, the light roasting and jokes turning into hostility.

Mark rolled his eyes, “Yeah that’s what everyone says.”

“Why did you even bring up that night anyway, we agreed to NEVER talk about it again.” Derrick exclaimed.

“That’s the first thing I could think of alright, get off my back about it!” Mark shouted back.

“Really? Like there isn’t any other time that thick head of yours?” Derrick asked, “Like that time you lost my bus pass, and you forgot where you left it.”

“Oh like you ever used that stupid thing.” Mark said.

After their little skirmish, the two friends refused to talk to each other until it was time to leave, unfortunately for them it came around faster than what they had expected. The two looked at each other and silently finished their nightly duties and locked up the store. They got into their car and drove off back to their place in complete silence.

“We should probably think about getting another car.”