• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 5,099 Views, 105 Comments

The Wub That Blinds - Shadowswipe

Vinyl Scratch offers you a position singing for her. You haven't sang for years. What could go wrong?

  • ...

The Date

Just as a little side note for this chapter, I would like to thank everyone who've supported me this far.

Thank you to everyone who wished me well when I was sick. I would like to give a huge thank you to Mic The Microphone who wished me well on Twitter, that was an amazing feeling.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Your eyes shoot open only to be greeted by the sun, you groan and quickly shut them.

“How long did I sleep?” You ask yourself, slowly opening your eyes you look for a clock. When your eyes adjust to the light you focus on the wall clock, it read 11:19 AM.

You look around your living room, looking for something to do until tonight. You notice the book you were reading on the floor. You lazily stand from the couch and pick it up with one hoof; you place it on the coffee table.

You trot around your house looking for some form of entertainment until tonight. Boredom quickly taking over, you decide to rummage through some old boxes in your basement. The boxes were given to you by your parents when you moved out. They mostly contained stuff from you foalhood, old books, toys and games. About half an hour of searching through boxes you find one labeled “Video Games”. You look at the box, curiosity overwhelming your brain.

“Let’s see what kind of crap I liked as a kid.” You say to yourself with a chuckle. You balance the box on your back and trot up to the living room. You place the box in the middle of the floor. There is a thick layer of dust coating the box.

You take a deep breath and blow the dust off, a grey cloud of dust shoots from the box. You sneeze after you blow the dust off. You open the box and peer inside. You’re amazed at what’s inside.

Inside the box was a stack of old games, beside the stack was a game consol. You reach inside and pull out the consol. You look at it with a smirk; you place it down beside you and look at the games. The game sitting on top of the pile catches your attention. It’s solid black and in big bold letters it reads “DOOM”. It doesn’t take a second before you start hooking the console up to your TV.

After a few seconds of fiddling with the console the game finally starts. Amazingly it still works; you take a control in your hoof and trot over to your couch. Surprisingly your save games are still there, but you decide to start a new game, just for the hell of it.

The second you press New Game a familiar and awesome tune starts to play.

“Awwwww yeaaaaaaah! This is going to be the hypest thing ever. Of all time.” You say out loud, the song pumped you up.

“Oh buck right off!” You yell at the TV. “Man, younger me was way better at this.”

A few hours of cussing and swearing later you manage to beat the level.

“ARE YOU BUCKING KIDDING ME?! That was only the first level?!” You have a minor rage quit. You look at the clock, it reads 4:32 PM. “What the buck?! Five hours?”

You scramble off the couch and you run to the bathroom. You hop into the shower and turn the taps.

“Cold, COLD!” You exclaim. The water quickly becomes warmer. After your shower you groom further, brushing you mane so it doesn’t look like a mess.

With only an hour until you had to meet Vinyl Scratch at Sugarcube Corner, you started to freak out.

“What if I say something stupid, what if I act stupid, what if I’m late, what if she’s late.” The scenarios played out in your head, none of them ending in a good way. You head started to pound.

“Okay, calm down. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” You reassure yourself. You pace through your house to kill time. Finally the time has come, the time for you to make a fool of yourself. You head out the door, locking it behind you.

As you walk the streets you can’t stop thinking about all the bad scenarios that could play out, it’s plaguing your brain. Your nerves begin to kick into overdrive; your head is pounding just a little bit harder now. Finally you make it to Sugarcube Corner.

You step inside and spot Vinyl sitting at a booth in the far corner, her mane was gelled forward and her glasses covered her eyes. She looks over to you, smiles and waves you over. You nervously trot over and sit across from her.

“H-hey.” You stutter.

“Hey, sup?” She replies.

“Nothing much, you?” You reply, trying to make small talk.

“Same. Do anything fun since yesterday?” She asks.

“Yes actually. I found some old games from when I was a kid, I started to replay them.” You say, thinking back to earlier that day.

“That’s cool, what games?” She asks.

“Well, I was mostly playing Doom today, but I found some Final Fantasy games.” You say, think back to what was in the box.

“Doom eh? We should play sometime.” She says. What she said shocked you.

“You play? I didn’t take you to be a gamer.” You say.

“Meh, I don’t play that much, once or twice when I was a teenager. But I did play a ton of Doom; the music in it is awesome.” She says.

“Agreed, that’s why I played it today, just for the music.” You say.

A bouncy pink pony came up to the booth. You look at her, her mane and tail looked as if they were made of cotton candy and her cutie mark was three balloons.

“How are you two doing? Great I bet. Do you guys want something?” She chirps. Her voice was squeaky and annoying. You look over to Vinyl, she’s shaking her head.

“No thanks, we’re good.” You say.

“Okay! Have fun!” She says and bounces away.

“Well, she’s… Different.” You say, you look back at Vinyl. She had a little smile on her face.

“Yeah, that’s Pinkie for ya. Hey, you wanna go walk?” Vinyl asks.

“Nothing better to do, let’s go.” You say. You stand and wait for Vinyl to accompany you.

She stands and walks ahead of you. As the two of you leave Sugarcube Corner you hear Pinkie talking to another group of ponies, her voice really didn’t help your headache.

The air was cold outside and a slight wind didn’t help that fact. Winter was fast approaching and the weather proved it.

“It’s cold out now; it wasn’t on my way here.” You say. You trot a little faster to get beside Vinyl; she slows down to a walking pace.

“Yeah, I like the cold though.” She says. Her horn starts to glow and her glasses float up and rest on her horn. Her red eyes still entranced you. You looked at her as you walked.

“I’ve never been a fan of the cold.” You say.

“Hey, I want to show you something.” She says, enthusiasm laced in her words. She happily trotted towards the park. You happily followed.

When you reached the park there was nopony in there, either due to the time or the weather. You look around; almost all the trees were naked, only a few trees had leaves left.

Vinyl’s horn began to glow again. There was suddenly a warm breeze, you look at her, and she’s looking back at you. Your eyes meet, she quickly looks away. You can see her cheeks turn a light red. She walks forward towards an opening in the trees. You follow her. Through the opening you see a bench; the bench is surrounded by trees. It was a completely secluded spot.

Vinyl’s horn started to glow and the trees started to get their leaves back. You looked up in awe, your mouth agape. Vinyl turns and looks at you.

“Thought you might like that, I love coming here. It’s so quiet and peaceful.” She says. You look at her.

“But I thought you liked noise?” You say a little confused.

“Hey dude, just because I make it doesn’t mean I like it.” She says with a chuckle.

“Well then. It’s a nice spot, I bet everypony comes here.” You say.

“Nope. During summer all the trees and bushes hide this place, and in the winter it’s covered in snow.” She explains.

“I see.” You say, patting your chin with your hoof.

Vinyl walks over and sits on the bench. She looks over at you and gestures for you to sit as well. You trot over and sit beside her. She sighs and looks around.

“Something on your mind?” You ask.

“Just thinking.” She replies.

“About?” You ask.

“How we got here. We met three days ago at a bar, now we’re on a date.” She says with a sigh.

“I call it chance, or fate.” You say with a smirk.

She looks over at you and scoots a little closer. You look at her and smile. She rests her head on your shoulder.

“I like you.” She says.

“I like you too.” You say, your heart pumping adrenalin through your veins. Your head stops hurting and your limbs go numb. Am I dying? You think.

You just sit in silence with Vinyl; you wouldn’t have it any other way. You feel her stir a little, but she quickly settles. The last remnants of light escape the sky, the air grows colder. A breeze blows past you and you shiver. Vinyl looks up at you.

“Wanna go?” She asks.

“No, I’m good.” You say.

“I kinda wanna go, you still owe me that game of Doom.” She says with a smile.

“You’re right let’s go.” You say. Vinyl stands and starts to walk away. You stand and walk beside her. She trots closer to you.

A few moments of walking, you finally reach your house. You take the key from its usual spot and unlock the door. Upon entering you turn on the lights. The living room was a mess, wires and games everywhere.

“Sorry about the mess, I didn’t really have time to clean.” You say rubbing the back of your head.

“It’s no problem, I’m used to messes. You saw The Pit.” She says.

“True enough.” You say. You walk over and turn on the console. Vinyl plops herself down on your couch. You look over and she’s laying across the whole couch.

“I guess I’ll get the chair.” You say. You hand Vinyl the control.

“I guess so, or you can suck it up and sit on the floor.” She replies with a chuckle. You shrug and sit on the floor. The familiar tune starts to play again.

A few hours of back and forth victories you and Vinyl had enough of that game.

“So what do you want to do now?” You ask, turning the console off. Vinyl looks out the window.

“Well it looks too late for me to walk home, so I might have to stay here for the night.” She says. Your cheeks instantly light up.

“Oh, well I’ll go get a blanket and some pillows. I don’t have a guest room so you can take my room.” You offer.

“Sounds good.” She says.

You stand and trot upstairs, you come back down with a blanket and two pillows on your back. Vinyl is still prone across the couch. You drop the stuff on your back beside the couch. Vinyl sits up and gestures for you to sit. You sit beside her.

She leans on you and wraps her arms around your chest. You wrap one arm around her. She looks up at you and smiles. You look down at her and return the smile. She sits up and looks you in the eyes. You stare back at her, her eyes entrancing you once more. She slowly leans forward. Watching her get closer, your heart nearly explodes. Your mind is racing, and your thoughts are coming and going at light speed.

You feel her breaths on your coat, you’re breathing heavily now. You start to feel dizzy, so you close your eyes.

Suddenly you feel a pressure on your lips. You open your eyes to see Vinyl kissing you. Her cheeks were glowing red and yours were too. You closed your eyes again and enjoyed the moment. She broke the kiss for air.

“Vinyl, I-” You were cut off when Vinyl put her hoof on your lips.

“Shhhh. You don’t need to say a thing bro.” She says. She kisses you again, this time more passionately. She was on top of you now. You had your arms wrapped around her. She broke the kiss and looked down at you.

“So, where’s the bedroom?” Her voice was playful and seductive.

“Top of the stairs, first door on the right.” You say back.

“Let’s go.” She says. She stands and heads for the stairs. You just lie on the couch staring at the ceiling.

“Is this really happening?” You ask out loud before standing and following Vinyl.

You follow her up the stairs and into the bedroom.

“This is it, nothing fancy.” You say.

“It’ll do.” She says. She walks over and sits on the end of the bed. She looks at you and shakes her head. Her mane loosens and falls over her face. She brushes it out of the way and smiles. You trot over and sit beside her. Her horn glows and her glasses hover over to the night stand. She wraps her arms around you and kisses you again.

She rolls you onto your back and lies down on top of you, still kissing you deeply. You run one hoof down her back and the other through her mane. She breaks for air and smiles down upon you. Her horn starts to glow and the lights in the room turn off.

You swear you hear something in your head, it sounds like a victory.