• Published 29th Mar 2020
  • 1,400 Views, 17 Comments

Learning to Fly - Bernard

Cadance has a lot of learning to do and is enjoying every second of it.

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Learning to Fly

I am Cadance. I wasn’t a few days ago but now I am absolutely, irrevocably, for the rest of time, Cadance. It’s a big step. The official story is that I was suffering greatly the from the after effects of the torture I experienced while being held captive by Chrysalis and underwent a radical magic procedure to cure me that also resulted in losing most of my memory. That’s very close to what really happened if you just ignore the import of a completely different personality from another universe.

She had chosen to swap minds with an individual as different as possible from herself with the idea that I would be eager to swap back when the chance came. What she wanted was to avoid some personal ‘unpleasantness’ and return after it was over. What she didn’t take into account was that the different part worked both ways. She messed up and killed my human body so now I’m Cadance, period. The good news is that I’ve become an eternally young magic Pony with goddess powers. The bad news is that I know just enough about those powers to clean and dress myself. I mean, I have wings and all I know about flying with them is that it really hurts if you do it wrong.

Please don’t get the idea that I’m unhappy. All of the Royals in Equestria are in on the plan and are nothing but kind to me. I am married to the finest stallion on the planet and expect to be dropping him a great foal in about eleven months. Shiny is so happy I have to pull him back down to ground level every now and then. I’m at least as happy myself but there’s a healthy dose of fear in there with it. I can feel the tiny spark growing inside me and it’s the ultimate wonder but it’s also the ultimate responsibility and there are so many things that I don’t know.

And that’s why I’m sitting here brooding. Twilight is coming soon to make a lesson plan for me and I need to have some sensible answers for her when she gets here. What do I need to learn? That’s easy, everything. In what order? That is going to require some negotiation. And she also wants to spend some time on learning about the world I just left. I’d do that just as thanks for all she’s doing for me but it’s a good idea too. I might not be the last ‘immigrant’.

Control of my magic is probably the most important thing but Shiny is already helping me with that. Being completely past the heat is helping a lot too. At least I don’t have the wild emotional swings casting involuntary spells. But then there will be more mood swings in my future so my time to get it all fully under control is limited. What I really want most is to learn how to fly. The very idea of floating among the clouds, free of everything but the wind, is just so incredibly appealing.

And so I hear, “Wakey, wakey, Cadance.” Twilight is here.

Looking embarrassed, “Sorry about that, I was lost in dreams of wonders to come.”

Twilight nods, “You have a lot to look forward to. How are you adapting to daily life?”

I grin, “You mean other than a passionate craving for all things sweet? Pretty good. Between Shiny’s teaching and some late night practice, I’m fairly safe in the kitchen and bathroom. I’m soaking up a lot from the books but some of it just has to wait until I have a context to hang it on.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much about the sweets. You’re a Princess. That means you need energy far beyond an average Pony. Your talent doesn’t just drive a farm or business, it drives this entire nation. Just be sure that you get other nutrients too, for your foal,” Twilight explains.

“Oh yes. I’m adjusting to the diet quite easily. I just want different tastes now but I do need to learn what foods give me what important vitamins and such because my old diet just isn’t in the game anymore. And I’m curious, Twilight, now that we know the details, have you thought about a foal yourself?”

I’d rate that blush about a three out of five. “Not right now. I’m missing one of the essential elements,” Twilight relates.

“I know you know about this built in mood meter I have. Well, it goes off the scale whenever your name is mentioned around one of my guards. He’s a very young but sincere Pegasus and everything that I’ve been able to find out about him makes him sound thoroughly lovable.”

Upgrade that blush to a four, “Cadance, you’re forgetting our immortality. I can’t just commit myself to somepony who will be gone in a few years,” Twilight states grimly.

With force, “No, Twilight, I’m not. You’re forgetting that I was recently mortal and eyeball to eyeball with death myself. My second biggest goal in life is to get a pair of wings on Shiny. But even if I can’t have that, I’ve got him covered with my first goal. He will live as long as the Pony race does in the bloodline we are founding. You should have had a chance to confront your own mortality before you lost it. Then you would understand that love and loss is better than no love at all.”

I know I shouldn’t torment the poor filly like that but, dammit, she should have been allowed to experience some of what life has to offer before she was placed on the untouchable Princess pedestal. She’d be a better Princess and a lot happier for it. But now she’s just glaring at me and it really is my fault.

“I’m sorry, Twilight. You came a long way to help me and here I am dumping my doubts all over you. Would you believe that I’ve had a lot of changes to sort through lately?” with a hearty chuckle.

Twilight grins back at me, “Yeh, I’ve spent most of my life thinking about it and still haven’t fully accepted some things. You got what, three minutes warning? I think you’re adjusting better than anypony could expect. So what do you want to start with?”

With mock seriousness, “That’s because you don’t know how much is me talking and how much is the magic. But I have thought about it and I think I want to learn to fly first. Shiny still has a lot to teach me about magic before we get to the parts I need you for and I want any possible crashes out of the way before the foal complicates things too much.”

Twilight agrees, “I think you are right. Your magic training will be more about practice than advanced theory for a while yet. And we can talk about Princess subjects between flying lessons. Let me go get a practice field ready.”

Twilight teleports out leaving me to wonder what exactly a ‘flying practice field’ is. I don’t have long to wait, though.

Twilight is back and, “Are you ready to go?”

I nod and brace myself. I’m getting used to Twilight’s lightning teleports but this one is even stranger than usual. We come out standing on a plain of fluffy white. The surface feels spongy but it doesn’t cling like mud so I can see how it would be better to fall on. Twilight runs me through a whole series of wing exercises. . . wings forward! . . wings back! I didn’t tell her I’d already done a lot of that in my chambers and even got in some short hops.

“All right. Now comes the part where you learn how to kiss the ground. Don’t let it bother you, it’s part of the experience. Extend your wings straight out and down until they support your weight. Good. Now fold your legs under you so only your wings are supporting you.”

This is easy, I mean this is how I learned to walk on four feet.

Twilight has made it to full teacher mode, “Very good! Try to angle your wings just a little so your body tilts with your nose up.”

I do and suddenly I’m slipping backwards. I’ve got good reflexes so I immediately correct and see nothing but white as I faceplant.

Raising my head up, “Is this the part about kissing ground? Because if it is, I’m glad we’re here. This ground tastes like water.”

“That’s why we’re here alright. Balancing on your wings is tricky and until you master it, you will taste dirt when you try to take off and land,” Twilight laughs.

I may have a small advantage from balancing on two legs for years but anyway, I master that part and we move on to hovering. ‘Summon your magic and let it fill your wings.’ ‘Feel the air and let it lift you.’ I quickly learn not to go too high because biting ground is a regular thing. Hovering is hard work so I’m ready for a break after just a little while. Twilight and I get comfortable for some talk.

Twilight confides, “The other reason we are here specifically, is because it is private and your Guard is making sure it stays that way. We are Princesses and to most of our Ponies, that means goddesses. We are perfect and we don’t ever want them to see anything that might contradict that. That’s why we have to be careful how much we let them see of your education. This nation is safe because an immortal goddess protects it. If too many of your Ponies got an idea that you might not be fully able, it would cause a panic. If any of our enemies caught on, they would take advantage. Of course Celestia, Luna, and I would be here to help but it’s so much easier to avoid problems than fix them.”

With an easy smile, “So that’s why you agreed so quickly to flying lessons. You want me out in front of my Ponies looking like a Princess on the job.”

“Yes, we’re going to fly back and land on the big balcony and I’ll make sure you look good doing it, if you need the help,” Twilight elaborates.

I’m happy, “You mean I’m finally going to get some altitude? I can’t wait.”

We talk a little more about the life of a Pony Princess then it is time for the next step.

Twilight instructs, “Hover up to well over my head then just balance on your wings and lean forward a little. You should glide with almost no wing motion until you are about to hit the ground. Just before that, do a quick hover and drop with your legs bent. You’ll land a little hard until you learn to judge your height but that’s okay.”

We do that a few times and I’m getting pretty good at it so Twilight is flying with me as we go a little higher each time. I get to flap my wings a little in flight then learn to bank and turn. Before long I’m flying in circles and figure eights.

I’m feeling good, “Come on, Twilight. Let’s get some altitude and have fun!”

Twilight is watching me carefully as we cruise along a dozen meters over the white field, “Are you sure you’re stable? Can you feel the air on your wings and adapt to it without fail?”

Grinning like a loon, “Yes, I like this! I want more!

Twilight gives me a big smile and says, “Then just follow me.”

We fly for nearly a minute across the field at no more than twenty meters altitude. I’m about ready to ask Twilight why we are going sideways instead of up when I see what appears to be the edge of the field. As we fly over the end of the white, I look down and see small piles of shiny rocks arranged in neat geometrical shapes. There are very small ants moving in the gaps between the rocks. Then my depth perception kicks in.

“Twilight . . . .”

“Yes, Cadance?”

“Those itty bitty things moving around down there, those are Ponies, aren’t they?”

“Yes they are. Are you alright?”

“I thought so. WHEEE E E E E E!” and I dive for speed.

Several loops and spirals later, Twilight catches up with me. It looks like a squad of Guard is also coming up to meet us and I can feel a certain individual in it.

With a little extra smile, I ask Twilight, “Will your plan tolerate a little sight seeing around the city? I’d like to see it and I would certainly be seen in the process.”

Twilight has this big guilty looking grin, “Go ahead. Just be careful not to tire yourself out too soon.”

Grinning back, “The muscles of this body are used to it so I’m not worried. Besides, one of the Guardsponies in that squad is really loving the sight of your wings. He’s got such a crush on you that I can feel it from here so I’m going to let him watch you fly for a while.”

The level three blush is back, “Cadance, don’t you dare. . . .”

“Don’t I dare what? Do my job? Use my talent? I wouldn’t if I wasn’t very sure that it could be the best thing that ever happened to both of you.”

Twilight is puffing, “Cadance, just how much experience do you have with this kind of top level magic? Don’t you think you should ease into it a little at a time?”

I look Twilight dead in the eye, “One of these days, I want you to bring a very large lunch and we will let Shiny run the country until you and I have decided if I am using this magic or it is using me. Remember that it stayed in Equestria when our personalities moved and that this cutie on my flank hasn’t changed one iota.”

Twilight takes a deep breath and prepares her answer carefully but our escort has caught up with us.

“Sergeant Straight Spear reporting for escort duty, Your Majesty.”

Returning his salute, “Very good, Sergeant. We are going to make a quick circuit around town and land back at the Castle.”

By the time the circuit is complete, half of the Empire is following us and the half without wings is on the streets looking up. I am literally feeling their love and Twilight is grinning from ear to ear. Lining up on the big balcony, I prepare land, but . . . there’s no room. The balcony is packed with Castle staff watching me fly. We back off and hover for a few seconds then I decide to try out the Royal Voice.

Make room for us to land, NOW!

I swear several of them look over the rail and think about jumping. Anyway, they make plenty of room in the center of the balcony and I land with a thump in a perfect three point superhero stance and my right forehoof upraised. Twilight stumbles a little as she lands next to me because she’s laughing so hard. I turn and return salute to Sergeant Straight Spear.

Turning back to Twilight, “Let’s go get some lunch. I could eat a farm.”

Twilight agrees so we walk down the stub hall from the balcony to the main hall and, “Uh, Twilight, I don’t remember where the dining hall is.”

Shaking her head, Twilight says, “Left to the first stairs, down one level, right off the stairs, and second door on the right.”

There is a difference that becomes apparent as we travel the stated route. The halls are crowded and the Ponies are looking at me. That shouldn’t sound strange but yesterday the halls were deserted except for the sound of hooves and doors in the distance. I could only conclude that my Ponies were hiding from me which makes this a refreshing change.

When we get to the dining room, I send one of the staff to let Shiny know that Twilight and I are going to be having a long lunch and talk that he would be welcome to join if so inclined. Then we get comfortable with a big bowl of veggie stew each and a shared bowl of small fruit for dessert.

We’re just getting started when Shiny comes sailing in, “Oh ho. I see you just couldn’t wait. Hi, Twilight.”

“Your taskmaster sister has been exercising me all morning. We need this food but you can sit next to me and share it until my bowl arrives.”

Turning toward the kitchen door, I behold four pairs of eyes in a neat stack peering through the barely open door, “We need another bowl of stew, quickly!”

After several thumps and most of a minute, a young Unicorn mare walks out floating a full bowl of stew in front of her. Placing it on the table in front of me, she curtsies and smiles. When I smile back and thank her, she positively skips back to the kitchen.

Shiny is looking at me with undisguised admiration, “When I received your invitation, I was taking a report from one of my sergeants about your flight today. He says you are a very solid flier and is quite smitten by your Royal Presence. I think Twilight will confirm that we are seeing a day and night contrast between the morale and attitude of your Ponies today versus a couple of days ago.”

“Shiny, Twilight and I have been dancing around a closely related subject. I would like your input too. I just learned to fly from scratch and you know how far I have to go to master this horn. BUT, love magic, the kind relating to my cutie, seems to be built in. I don’t even think about it, I just get this overwhelming feeling that something is right and should be done. It’s making me wonder if I’m using the magic or it’s using me.”

After a few false starts, Shining Armor states, “Cady, your cutie is a crystal heart. Your talent is as much about this nation as love. Are you telling us that something is directing you to act this way?”

I have to think about that for a few bites, “It’s not exactly that. Like my fancy landing on the balcony, it just felt perfect to me but I couldn’t say why.”

That brought out Twilight’s attention, “I’ve been wanting to ask you, where did you get the idea to land like that?”

Laughing, “That was a human thing. I just felt so good right then.”

Twilight is frowning, “It certainly impressed a lot of Ponies but I thought humans didn’t have wings or magic.”

Oh, this is going to get complicated, “They don’t but they can fly faster and farther than Ponies using technology. That’s one of the reasons I say ‘using’ me instead of ‘controlling’ me. I’m making the decisions using my ideas but I’m getting strong hints.”

Shiny looks like he’s having a major case of mental constipation, “Are you suggesting that you were brought here for a purpose?”

And Twilight has a firm hold on a very interesting new toy, “Are you saying that you know how to fly without wings or magic?”

“Shiny, welcome to my nightmare. Twilight, I have a rough idea how to make a cloth wing that even an Earth Pony can strap on and glide for hours.”

Shiny is making the trip from shocked to understanding and back again as the various ramifications of my revelation hit him.

Twilight, on the other hoof, is focused with extreme prejudice, “Are you claiming that you can make clothes that turn an Earth Pony into a Pegasus without magic?!?!”

“No, Twilight, but I can make cloth wings that an Earth Pony could put on and jump off a mountain to glide for hours with just a little skill at catching updrafts. Even more useful, he could be towed by a Pegasus anywhere a Pegasus could go. Who knows what could be done with a little magic enhancement. You could get teams of Pegasi towing trains of Earth Ponies and Unicorns to places without roads or tracks.”

Thump!! Both of Shiny’s front hooves hit the table, “Cadance, if you can do anything like that, Your Guard wants it first. Unicorns that can teleport a squad are in very short supply. Pegasi are not. Being able to fly in re-enforcement and have them arrive fresh and ready to fight would be invaluable.”

“Shiny Darling, I’ve already decided that and I even have the first Guardspony picked out to try it.”

I have to give Shiny credit, it didn’t take him a full second to figure that one out, “NO. NO. NO! This Unicorn likes life on the ground!”

“Shiny Honey, there is no way I’ll take any chances with hurting you. I just want you to know the freedom of flight like I do. Twilight has shown me an ideal place to try it out and she will even help me assure your safety. . . . . I think?”

That’s when I realized that Twilight is nowhere to be seen. Surely I would have heard a teleport? Then I look down, following the sound of some strange thumps. There is a blue and purple tail sticking out from under the table.

Speaking very sweetly, I ask, “Twilight, did we lose something?”

The only response is more thumps and a gurgling noise.

I’m beginning to become concerned so I look to Shiny, “Does Twilight have any sort of seizures?”

Shiny is wearing a very uncharacteristic frown, “No.”

So I walk around the table and drop to my knees on the other side, “Hello, Twilight.”

Twilight has her chin flat on the floor and her left foreleg over her face. The thumping is her right foreleg flailing as she struggles not to laugh out loud.

“Twilight, you know that I’ve never actually used my magic on another Pony so I guess it’s good that I’m going to start on the Pony best able to protect herself.”

I start tickling Twilight with my magic and she comes shooting out from under the table.

“Okay! I’m coming,” looking across the table at Shining, Twilight says, “I’m sorry. When she said she wanted to put wings on you, I never imagined that she would sew them on herself.”

“Twilight, shut up!” I glare at her as I rush back around the table and rub cheeks with my husband, “Shiny, my love, what I told your confused sister privately was that one of the most important goals in my life is to get a set of wings like mine on you. I want you beside me forever and I will use any and all means I can find to accomplish that goal.”

Shiny is trying his best to be shocked and loving at the same time, “Cady, I understand but I don’t know if that’s even possible . . .”

I cut him off, “If I can’t make it possible, what’s the point of having all of this magic?”

Shiny grabs me in a hug and we just nuzzle and share breath for a few minutes. I can feel the love billowing around us like a cloud. Then the sound of multiple hooves distracts me and I look up to see the entire kitchen staff lined up near the door to the kitchen. They all have rapt expressions and are focused on Shiny and me.

I whisper in Shiny’s ear, “We have an audience.”

Shiny chuckles and whispers back, “I know, this is what I was talking about. Your magic is strong enough to be felt throughout the Empire and everypony is happy with it.”

“Uh, excuse me,” Twilight interrupts, “You know that you are going to have to learn to control that or you are going to have a major population explosion?”

On that note we return to the table and I observe, “Our stew has gone a bit cold, I’m afraid.”

Whereupon half of the kitchen staff rushes to the table to collect the cold bowls and the other half rushes to the kitchen for fresh bowls. I make it most of the way to the bottom of my new bowl before taking another run at my idea.

“Shiny, the original reason these cloth ‘wings’ were invented was as a safe way to escape a failing flying machine. The worst thing that can happen is that you will have to teleport to the ground. That’s why we will teleport to altitude for testing. Once you’re over about five hundred meters up, the speed you fall doesn’t change so by going up, we get more time to react if something does go wrong. It’s why Cloudsdale exists.”

Shiny is nodding but Twilight has a new mystery, “How did Cloudsdale get involved in this?”

“Oh, Twilight,” I sigh, “It’s obvious to every mother on the planet. You have winged foals that must get feathers, muscles, magic, and flight skills all in order at the same time before they can fly and they don’t want to wait. So the first thing you do is make your walls soft to keep them from having frequent concussions. Then you get them high enough for adults to have time to catch them when they really mess up. And you incidentally keep them safe from predators and enemies. How could anything else make sense?”

Shiny is smiling at me, “You’re already thinking about raising a foal.”

I nod, “Yep, and we need to find a couple of experienced Pegasi and Unicorn nannies to coach and help me.”

And now Twilight has a new focus, “So you’re sure it’s going to be an Alicorn?”

Still nodding, I reply, “Yeh, pretty much. It’s one of those things that I just know.”

Twilight is not satisfied with my non-explanation but since I’m not giving her any more, we move on with the parachute discussion. I end up making a toy out of a silk handkerchief, some string, and a rock. She has to follow it down from the top of the palace three times before she can accept that flight really could be that simple. Shiny becomes a believer after I release it into an updraft one time and it goes up before it goes down.

We spend the afternoon making a plan. We will stick to the simple, round, goes straight down kind of parachute to get started. Shiny says it would help plenty delivering supplies to both battles and disasters. We’ll just not mention delivering Earth Ponies until as much later as we can get away with.

In the coming week I’m going to practice magic and flying with a side order of business organization. I’ll get a warehouse large enough to stretch our ‘wings’ out with tables and several Unicorns with some sewing skills. Twilight will come back in a week with a train load of silk and sewing necessities.

What a week it’s been! I have two squads with me at the railroad station waiting for the train bringing Twilight and our supplies. That’s what the extra squad is for, to get the supplies to the warehouse. It’s ready to go with utilities, workspace, and a few comforts.

I’ve got a surprise for Twilight, I talked Shiny into teaching me some shields for one of my magic lessons. It turns out that a simple ‘stop’ spell is easy. All that requires is power and I have plenty of that but shapes are much more complicated. You have to have a thorough grasp of the geometry involved if you want it to come out anything like the size and shape you desire. The good news is that you can work out a shape to suit and memorize the spell to reproduce it quickly.

The fun part was spending time with some of my Pegasi to learn weather control. They were so thrilled that I had taken an interest in their craft that I ended up having lunch and dinner brought to us so we didn’t have to interrupt my education. I left there knowing how to make any weather I wanted, anywhere, any size. Combining wind with a cylindrical shield makes a scalable wind tunnel for easy testing of our designs.

Finally, the train is pulling up and Twilight is not alone. There’s an off white Unicorn with a well styled purple mane standing with her at the door. Could this be? . . . When they step down, I see three diamonds. It is! Now I know the sewing is going to be right.

“Hello, Twilight and welcome to The Crystal Empire, Miss Rarity Belle, I’m so happy to see you here.”

Rarity bows deeply to me, “You’re too kind, Your Majesty. I’m happy and excited to be here. Twilight can’t stop talking about a strange new kind of flight you have invented and I’m eager to see just what I can do to help with it.”

With a laugh, “I suspect Twilight is giving me more credit than I deserve so why don’t we unload the supplies then we can go to the warehouse and talk about it.”

Twilight explains, “They are going to park the last boxcar on a siding for us to unload. It’s all ours.”

Turning, “Sergeant, did you hear that?”

He nods, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

I order, “Detail as many Ponies as needed to help the porters and get it all into our warehouse and please be sure that their luggage makes it to the rooms adjacent to mine in the castle.”

The three of us start back up the platform but I stop next to one of the guardsponies, “Twilight, what do you think about a snack? We could find a restaurant or go on to the the kitchen in the warehouse.”

As Twilight turns to face me I can feel the emotions surging behind me.

“I don’t know of any restaurants around here,” Twilight replies.

Turning to the colt, “Do you know of any?” I ask.

He stutters, “I. . I . . I don’t know. Your. . Your Majesty.”

Twilight is feeling sympathy for the colt caught in the glare of royalty so I give that emotion a little push and am rewarded by a light blush. That’s enough for now.

I sigh, “I guess the warehouse kitchen will be a little more private anyhow.”

A short walk and brief inspection later we are settling in around the table in the warehouse kitchen. I start getting out tea fixings when Rarity jumps up.

“Your Majesty, let me do that!” she exclaims.

Smiling, I say, “Only if you’ll consider our observances done let us be simply Cadance and Rarity.”

Smiling back, “Only in private. Certain proprieties are simply necessary in society.”

Twilight, meanwhile, is boiling over, “Okay, that’s it! Cadance, you are not going to get away with ‘I just know’ any longer.”

As sweetly as I can, “Why, whatever are you talking about, Twilight?”

Twilight is glaring back and forth between me and Rarity and poor Rarity is just confused.

So I say, “Seriously, I’m going to tell her anyway because she can help me with all the protocols of being Royal. And there is a part of it that only feels safe to tell you just now.”

Rarity leaves the kettle on the stove and settles across the table from me, looking expectant. Twilight just growls quietly.

“Rarity, I’m Cadance 2.0. The original Cadance was seriously harmed by what Chrysalis did to her and refused help. Instead she cooked up a scheme to swap personalities with someone else to avoid the consequences of some of the things in her private life. She opened a portal to another universe and found me. Twilight, what I haven’t told you is why I was so easy to persuade. You, meaning all of the Princesses, the Elements, and a lot of common Ponies are part of an elaborate fantasy in my former world. When I first found myself a permanent resident of this universe, I was scared to death of what kind of disruption my knowledge might cause. I know just enough about multiverse theory to fear paradoxes.”

Rarity is just shocked speechless but Twilight is fully focused, “So why do you suddenly feel safe revealing this knowledge?”

“Because I have seen enough of this world now to be sure that it isn’t the timeline that I remember so my knowledge is not a threat. All I really have is some extra information about some of you like Rarity’s full name and Element. And I feel it’s only fair to reveal this, especially to somepony I need to work with as closely as you and Rarity.”

Twilight is nodding but Rarity is confused, “Let me get this straight, you came from another universe and just dropped right into Cadance’s life without a bobble?”

I explain, “Pretty much. Cadance 1.0 chose my universe because there is no magic there. She said that she thought I was ignorant and would be unable to do anything significant with her body. What happened was that I realized that Shiny and most of the Empire were victims just like me and resolved to be the best Cadance I could for them while I was stuck in her body. Now what happens when a Pony with very strong magic and not a clue how to control it has a strong desire for something? Yep, I spelled myself into being the Pony Cadance 1.0 should have been and got love for Shiny in the bargain. What we haven’t decided is whether this is all the luckiest accident in history or some higher power is using me to solve a problem.”

Rarity is no fool and has a question, “What kind of problem could Cadance have that a foreign replacement would cure?”

Watching Twilight carefully, I reply, “She was willing to do whatever it took to avoid having a foal by Shiny. I was supposed to be so disgusted about it that I would fight Shiny and either harm him or provide grounds for a divorce. And that brings us to the other thing I need your help with. You see, once I had decided that I wanted to be what Cadance should be, it took me two days to become pregnant and I don’t have a clue what the protocols are for a Royal birth announcement.”

Luckily, Twilight knows what to expect and catches Rarity before she hits the table. The tea kettle whistles loudly about then and Rarity jumps back up to take it off the stove.

As she is pouring the water to make the tea, Rarity asks, “When is this foal due?”

I reply, “In about eleven months.”

Rarity just stares at me over the teapot.

I try to explain, “I haven’t been here a month yet. But one of the first things I learned was that Alicorn reproduction requires a very specific kind of magic. Shiny and I made the foal possible in the usual way but then I had to make him actual with our magic. I witnessed the exact moment of his conception.”

Rarity blinks once, twice, and asks, “You want me to make the announcement?”

I smile, “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble. I’d like the uproar to be pretty much over before I come to Canterlot for the Summer Sun Celebration. Otherwise I’ll be showing enough to be noticed by somepony and steal Celestia’s and Luna’s celebrations. You’re close to Canterlot and know all the right Ponies.”

Once again Twilight is on the ball and catches Rarity. Glaring at me, Twilight asks, “You know exactly what you're doing, don’t you?”

I just shrug, “If she’s going to do a big favor for me, I’m going to do one for her and we’re both going to get happiness out of it. Besides, I really don’t have a clue what the customs and protocols would be and I’m already asking too much from you.”

Rarity sits back up and fans herself then asks, “You don’t know anypony in Canterlot, do you?”

Shaking my head, “Just Celestia, Luna, and a couple of Guards. If you would be able to be my friend/confidant/guide to Canterlot society, I would be eternally grateful.”

Rarity is fanning herself vigorously and obviously thinking hard about my request. Twilight is still fuming.

So I add, “Rarity, I want you to understand that I am not trying to hire you but I cannot ask for two gifts of this magnitude without offering something in return. I have already planned to give you a twenty percent share in the parachute project to cover your lost time from your shop while you help me. We have two large customers pre sold and from my experience in my previous life, I am certain that it will become a major industry for the Crystal Empire. You can even makes draws against future profits if you need them.”

Comprehension is sneaking up on Twilight. She asks, “There’s more to the ‘wings’ project, isn’t there? You know more than you’re telling!”

I answer, “I told you last week but we decided to start with one simple idea first. Rarity, if you could safely fly using your Unicorn magic, would you? Because it isn’t that hard or expensive to make the wings. How much would Ponies pay for something like that?”

Rarity shakes back her manes and says, “I’m not sure how much I would like playing in the wind but I am sure I know some youngsters that would give everything they had for the chance. How would something like that work?”

I reply, “You make a lightweight wooden frame to a specific shape and cover it tightly with cloth. Strap it to your Unicorn and let her teleport a thousand meters straight up. This wing will fall back to the ground but it will travel fifteen or twenty meters forward for every meter that it drops. The wings need a minimal ability to shift and tilt for purposes of steering and that’s all. When she gets close to the ground, just teleport up again or when she sees where she wants to go just teleport the last few meters to the ground.”

Rarity is plainly putting some brainpower to work on this idea. Finally, she suggests, “You would want to give them style and color to sell for a premium price to the bored rich of Canterlot.”

I smile broadly, “Of course. We would make plain military models here and you would open a shop in Ponyville to decorate and customize them. Each would be a unique design and I’ll split the profits fifty fifty with you as the designer.”

Rarity is smiling just as broadly as she states, “Deal.”

Twilight is glaring at me, “Cadance! What are you up to?”

Rarity and I look at each other and grin then I answer, “Making us very rich and popular.”

We’re coming up on my fourth month here and life is fun. We’ve got twenty four Ponies working full time cranking out ‘cargo chutes’. At the current rate we need three years to fill existing orders. At five bits profit per, we are happy and financing the next stage. Shiny has the prototype ‘Hopper’ and isn’t turning loose of it. I’m going to steal it from him when he sleeps tonight and ship to Rarity in Ponyville so she can style it. We’ll let Shiny have it back for the Summer Sun Celebration in two weeks. Rarity predicts enough presales to open our own bank.

I look like I’ve got a mild case of grass belly (like a Princess ever could) and my teats are getting obvious from behind. And I’ve got seven months to go? I’m gonna be huge!

I’ve made several ‘shopping trips’ to Canterlot with Rarity. We’ve had lunch with the ‘right Ponies’ and I’ve been warned about the dangerous ones. The hardest part for me to accept has been all the outright worship when I walk out in public. Respect is one thing, homage even fits, but some Ponies fall on their face and become flat out useless when they see who I am. Twilight tells me it’s my fate but I just wish they’d tone it down enough to get on with business.

And if I’m such a goddess, why is Rarity so much better than me at magic. That mare can walk, chew gum, read a book, darn socks, and make dinner at the same time. I’m proud that I can make a wind and a tunnel at the same time. Speaking of which, after Rarity showed me where I was wasting magic in that spell I almost blew the roof off our building. I think Rarity is a better teacher than Twilight.

But no matter what the day has been like or what troubles have found me, there is one sovereign remedy. Every night I crawl in bed with Shiny and the rest of the world can just bug off and die. I may be the pillar that supports a whole nation of Ponies but Shiny is the bedrock that supports this pillar. When we nestle together in the bed I like to stick my nose into his fluffy chest and just drink in his scent. I’ll say silly things to him just to listen to the rumble in his chest when he answers.

Do not get the idea that Shiny and I are nothing but hearts and roses. Shiny is the Pony that is making a Princess out of me. The others help but Shiny is the one doing it and our late night talks are how he does it. We need absolute privacy because I have to ask things that Ponies should grow up knowing. And Shiny can feel the things I can’t figure out how to express. A fine example would be ‘why do some of my Ponies suddenly hate me?’”

I had finally attained control of my love magic. I could nuzzle with Shiny and not shut the Castle down. The staff seemed a little disappointed but took it in stride. Then I went out to our warehouse and some Ponies smiled and some ran and hid. These are the same Ponies that were following me around with a dreamy expression yesterday. I thought it was just an aberration at first but after several days, I was shaken and upset.

“Shiny, what is going on? My Ponies loved me and we were happy. Suddenly they fear me again and I didn’t do anything!” I cry on his shoulder.

Shiny hugs me tight then pulls back, “Cady, did you think it was hyperbole when I told you that your talent drives this nation? That cutie on your body and giant gem in the holder below us aren’t symbols, they are literal world shaping magic. Controlling and directing that magic is what a Princess does, what you do. The easy parts, like the weather shield will just continue as long as you have your connection to the Crystal Heart. The more complicated parts are going to require some supervision and you have to learn those yourself. I know what they do but I’m not a Princess so I don’t know how they do.”

That’s not as bad as I thought, “Okay, I can just ask Twilight and get instruction.”

But Shiny is a wet blanket, “I don’t think so, Darling. If Twilight knew how to use the Heart, she wouldn’t have needed to risk herself and Spike to get it to you when Sombra attacked, she would have just blasted him herself. I think you are going to have to rely on that mysterious internal adviser of yours. I know that you hadn’t even seen the Heart before that day and you blew Sombra away like a leaf in the wind even though he did know how to use it.”

I snuffle Shiny’s mane and let his scent calm me. This is why I love my Shiny so much, even delivering bad news, he finds good things for me. I’d be in deep trouble without him.

“Cady, I think Sombra is the problem, not personally but his past influence. You and your Ponies have a two way connection with the Heart and each other. Your love magic is felt across Equestria,” touching my chest with his hoof, “your heart comforts lonely Ponies and gives lovers the confidence to open up to each other all over the land. That’s how Celestia knew you had changed even before I did. When Sombra had the Heart, he used it to control the Ponies and draw them into his madness.”

Looking Shiny in the eye, “Are you saying my Ponies are afraid that I’ll drag them into madness like Sombra did?”

Shiny closes his eyes and nods. Opening them, “Sombra started with the best of intentions. He loved his Ponies until the madness crept in. By the time they understood, it was too late. You showed up and rescued them from Sombra. You loved them and they knew it. Then you drifted toward madness. Suddenly you deluge them with love forcing them to love you back. Then you cut them off. I know that you’re just learning to control your magic. The castle staff that can see you every day know that you are still the same kind, loving Princess. But the mass of Ponies that have never been closer than a hundred meters for three seconds are frightened. They’re afraid of Sombra Two.”

This makes entirely too much sense for me to be happy about it, so, “Alright, what do we do about it?”

And as always, my Shiny comes through, “Have you noticed that Your Guard and Staff don’t have this problem. There’s nothing wrong with you and the Ponies that have interacted with you know it. We need more interactions with more Ponies, starting with reopening your Court. It will take time to reach all the Ponies but seeing you being the kind of Princess that you naturally are is exactly what they need.”

I have my misgivings but Shiny promises to stay by me and catch my mistakes. We send out notices that morning telling everypony with a pending audience to show up tomorrow.

On the fateful morning the Throne Room is clean and polished, all four acres of it. Shiny looks like a perfect uniform model standing at attention next to My Throne. There are Guardsponies at the Door and around the Room all looking almost as good as Shiny. I’ve got my full regalia and I’m shined and poofed to perfection. We are the very essence of Royal. And it’s nearly lunch and not even crickets have shown up, just a few echoes.

I am not happy, “Captain Shining Armor, what are my options for sending a squad to round up a few of the absentees?”

Shiny looks like he’s having massive gas pains, “It would not be hard, My Princess, but I fear it would completely contravene our purpose. I am afraid that they are just being Ponies and nopony wants to be first”

Sighing, “I’m sure you are right, Captain.” Raising my voice, “I need my Scribe.”

‘pop’ and I have an elderly Unicorn mare with a quill in an aura cutie and table loaded with blank paper right in front of me.

“At your service, Your Majesty.”

After composing my thoughts for a few seconds, “I want invitations sent to every school within a short travel distance. The students are invited to compose a mock case to be heard in Royal Court by their Princess. They will present their case and afterwards I will explain my decision to them and they can ask any questions they like. Snacks and drinks will be served. RSVP soonest.”

I continue, “Make it ornate and official. I’ll mark and seal it. Captain Armor, have couriers in full dress deliver them and make it as public as practical. I’m betting they’ll put the letter on display and the students will go crazy over it.”

Shiny is having another of those head splitting grins, “Your Majesty, that is brilliant. There is no way the foals will want to miss a day out of school with treats. The teachers get a great civics lesson that they don’t have to teach. And the parents will hear how much fun their Princess is over and over which should smash the first curse to tiny bits.”

Shiny and I have a leisurely lunch and head back to the Throne Room to sign and seal the invitations and dream of somepony, anypony showing up for business. Our dreams are answered but not like we had envisioned.

As we walk in the door, we behold My Royal Scribe with a Proclamation and a short stack of invitations to be signed plus a group (class?) of foals with three adults.

I lean over and whisper to Shiny, “What is the scribe’s name?”

Shiny replies, “Mystic Quill”

Mystic Quill steps forward, “Your Majesty, I took the liberty of informing the in Castle school of Your invitation directly.”

I’m nodding and smiling, “That’s excellent. They can see the whole process right in front of them. Thank you, Mystic Quill.”

Taking the Proclamation in my magic, I read, “Be it hereby known to all . . . .”

It’s exactly what I asked for in legal format with decorations thrown in. I love it so I place it on the table and hoofmark it saying, “Let it so be recorded and done.”

Addressing the class, “And that, colts and fillies, is how an idea becomes law. If it were a more controversial law or had an international effect, I would publish it and invite interested parties to comment or argue a point before making the final Proclamation. Even now, if one of you objects to a field trip with treats, you can present a proper case for change and there is a chance that I will grant it.”

A young Earth Pony colt with a calm brown coat and tiger striped orange and black mane opens his mouth but several of the foals around him mob him and he doesn’t get a word out.

I mark and seal the invitations in rapid succession and turn them over to Shiny for delivery.

Facing the class, “Hello. I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but for simplicity you can call me ‘Princess’. Does anypony have a question they need answered or a case they need settled?”

I count twenty eight eager, attentive, and silent little faces.

I sweep my raised eyebrow ‘serious’ look across them, “If you don’t have any questions for me, I’m going to ask some of you.”

The Earth Pony with the tiger striped mane is quickly pushed to the front. He shuffles his feet and looks expectantly at me.

Putting on my best ‘I don’t eat Ponies’ smile, “What’s your name, Little One?”

He smiles back at me, “Trouble.”

Upping my smile game a notch, “Hello, Trouble. I’m Cadance. Your turn.”

Trouble looks around at his classmates and gets no help, so, “What do you do around here?”

This is going to be fun, “What most Ponies see is me sitting in that big chair over there telling everypony what to do. Want to try it?”

I make ‘come hither’ motions with my wing and his classmates give him a push so he strides purposely up to My Throne but the whole effect gets spoiled when I have to lift him to get into it.

Bowing, I ask, “What are your orders, Your Majesty?”

With a sly grin, he asks, “What do you think I should do?”

And with an outright smirk, I reply, “I think I should follow your orders, Your Majesty. Ponies can suggest how to accomplish a goal but choosing the goal is your job and nopony can take that job from you. You are the final answer to all questions.”

Most of the class is giggling now but Trouble has a plan, “Very well, I order ice cream for everypony, all they can eat.”

With an expression of deadly seriousness, “Your Majesty, I must advise against this path. If you send all of these foals home with bellyaches, their parents will be upset and mother love is one of the Great Forces that even a Princess shouldn’t trifle with. Perhaps we might order a dinner to be served after Court is done and parents invited. Then we could have ice cream for dessert.”

Trouble stands up on My Throne with one forehoof upraised and shouts, “Let it so be recorded and done.”

Turning to Shiny as much to hide my laughter as anything, “Captain Armor, can you please take care of the notifications?”

Shiny nods and turns to his aide, also hiding his laughter.

Facing Trouble again, I ask, “How would you like to see what Princesses really do that nopony hardly ever notices?”

Trouble nods so I motion with my wing for him to come down and stand next to me as I lower myself to the carpet. I pull him against my side with my wing and give him a strong dose of strength and protective emotions. He leans into me and I hear a soft ‘Wow!’ under my wing.

Smiling at him, “Do you feel that? That’s a Princess’s real job. As an Alicorn, I have a lot of magic. As the Princess of the Crystal Empire, I am linked to the Crystal Heart. Just look at my cutie. My heart, the heart you can hear next to you, directs the Crystal Heart. If ever this nation is threatened I can muster enough power to, as Captain Armor so eloquently puts it, blow Sombra away like a leaf in the wind. That is the first job of any Princess, I stand here all bright and hard not to see, saying ‘if I even think you might hurt my Ponies, you’re going home with a scorched butt’.”

There’s a look of total awe under my wing so I say, “Why don’t you go tell your classmates what it’s like to have a Princess for a friend then we can all take a break. After the break we’ll get into the serious questions.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” as Trouble scoots out to join the rest of the class. He’s mobbed as the teachers shepherd the class out to the hall and toilets.

Shiny has a broad smile, “I bet when they come back, they’re all going to want a turn under wing.”

And that gives me an idea, “Shiny, you’re brilliant. Get me a photographer. We’ll end it with a class photo under the wings of their Princess. We’ll make a book of all the classes and they can hang a big one on their classroom wall.”

Shiny sends a Guardspony off to summon the photographer as I stride vigorously around the Throne Room stretching my muscles. When the class returns, I am seated comfortably on My Throne.

With a mildly predatory grin, I address the class, “I hope you’re ready to go to work. We have two Ponies, both good honest Ponies that need our help. We will call them ‘Able’ and ‘Baker’, not their names at all but we don’t want to embarrass good Ponies so we’ll use these names instead. Able and Baker are farmers and neighbors with crops in the field. The problem is that being good farmers, they have ‘wasted’ no land and their crops run up to within one fencepost width of each other.

“Able has planted a crop that grows fast and he planted it early so he can get in two crops in one season. Baker planted a crop that grows slowly and is very finicky but sells for more. Able needs his crop to stay dry so the seed pods will open when he harvests his crop. Baker needs water on his crop soon or it will be stunted and not produce well. They ran together in the weather office when the Pegasi there told them that even if they could cut the rain fine enough to hold it to the fenceline, the water will still run under the fence. Then the helpful Pegasus in charge told them that their Princess might be able to direct the weather with more precision than regular Pegasi.

“Now talk it over among yourselves and give me some options,”

They huddle for several minutes while the teachers grin then Trouble steps out and faces me, “Your Majesty, could you cut the weather that fine?”

I smile and blow a tiny windstorm at him, “Yes, but there is a reason why I don’t want to.”

Trouble jumps a little when the wind hits him then smiles and goes back into the huddle. They gesture and rant for a while this time. Finally, several of them push Trouble back out toward me.

Bowing and looking nervous, he relays their decision, “Your Majesty, most of the class thinks you should go ahead and fix the rain so both farmers have a good crop.”

Smiling gently at Trouble, I reassure, “Do not worry, my Faithful Messenger, I would never fault you for the foolishness of the originators of this message. But I did mean what I said, I will not accept that verdict. There is one of me and many farmers. If I solve every small problem they stumble upon, they will rely on me instead of themselves and I will become the only solution for every problem. Eventually we will run out of me. So, what other solution might you offer?”

Picking his words carefully, Trouble continues, “Some of us feel that the Pegasi should bring the rain as carefully as they can and accept the loss of some of Able’s crop. He can plant another one and while he won’t have as much as two full crops, he will fare better than Baker with half a crop.”

I’m impressed by my young messenger, “Well said, My Faithful Messenger. Such is the method of many Royal decisions. But there are several defects that make it unacceptable in this case. First, it places all of the cost on one of the supplicants. Second, it places the burden of dividing the rewards on the weather Pegasi and they wouldn’t have sent the farmers to me if that were part of their job. Third and most important, it gives neither of the supplicants any incentive or education to keep them from doing it again. Now see if you can improve on this decision and come back to me.”

The resulting huddle is much quieter but no less intense. Then we have a celebration and Trouble strides purposefully forward to report it.

“Your Majesty, we have decided that Able and Baker should get together and work their combined crops in whatever way they decide will make the best crop then split the bits evenly,” he declares.

I’m really impressed now. Nodding, “That’s very good. In fact, I might have used that instead of what I came up with. I decided that they should work together to harvest Able’s crop fast enough to permit rain before Baker’s crop was harmed then Able had to help Baker with his harvest. But either way, they get a lecture about not communicating with neighbors only a hoof’s width away.”

I can see the photographer sneaking snacks from the tables being set up against the side wall so I bring all the students up on dais and line them up on either side of me under my wings with the Throne in the background. Shiny and Mystic Quill bracket the ends and the teachers are on the floor in front of us. I give the photographer a little help with the light and order pictures for Castle, scrapbook, and schoolroom. We also give the Photographer permission to sell the photos to the parents.

We have a very pleasant if slightly loud dinner followed by lots of ice cream. Everypony goes home happy though some have to be carried. Shiny, Mystic Quill, and I have a conference afterwards.

Shiny opens it with, “I want info on Trouble. When he gets a little older, the Guard wants him.”

I’m second, “I want to set that colt up with some advanced education. You can have a shot at him after that.”

Mystic Quill looks shocked, “I’ll be sure his sire and dam know. He’s my great grandcolt.”

Shiny and I echo, “It’s taken care of.”

In the following days we have a few more classes and some Ponies trickle in for Courts then the summer break arrives.

Shiny and I are resting in Celestia’s pavilion at the Summer Sun Celebration. We picked up the Hopper in Ponyville and I towed Shiny to just out of sight and let him glide in. Rarity has it decorated in sky blue, medium blue, and navy blue stripes plus glued on small pieces of cloth that give the illusion that the wings are fluttering. Shiny ended up having to teleport to behind the pavilion to land. Everypony was running around looking up from under him trying to figure out what he was.

Celestia is still giggling about it, “Cadance, you look good. And you’re fun to watch. As I understand it, you and Miss Rarity are going to fill Canterlot’s skies with flying Unicorns and make lots of bits in the process.”

With a nod to Shiny, “Our Guards are enjoying some benefits too. Shiny has become a terror on the training ground with his Hopper. He can see things and be places like never before.”

Celestia looks thoughtful, “Could he be as effective against an enemy?”

Shiny answers, “We are studying ways. Cady tells me the humans mounted weapons on theirs and dropped things on enemies. I’ve thought of putting Earth Ponies with crossbows in them and letting Unicorns teleport them above a battle. They could glide across the battlefield shooting as they go. I doubt they’d be able to do enough damage directly but they would certainly be able to throw more weight than Pegasi.”

There seems to be some kind of disturbance traveling across the Courtyard toward us. As it nears, the crowd parts to reveal Twilight and Rarity. Twilight is holding some papers in her magic and is in a true Royal Rage.

“Those sorry, no good, scum loving, useless sacks of rottenness! Look what they did!” as she waves some newspaper at us.

I grab the paper from her and behold a giant headline ‘Pregnant Princess Gives Birth To Entire Herd!!!!!’. Below is the class photo from our first ‘meet the Princess’ school visit with a caption ‘Princess and new herd flanked by Sire, Midwife, and Nurses’. I throw it in Shiny’s direction as I sit on the edge of the dais laughing too hard to stand. Shiny takes a look and leans against the pole holding the pavilion roof also laughing too hard to stand. Celestia snags the paper next and reads it carefully.

With raised eyebrow, she asks, “Cadance, did you really give birth to twenty something foals of various ages?”

I slow down long enough to say, “Twenty eight.”

The other eyebrow goes up as Celestia asks, “So you now have twenty eight foals of various ages and more to come by the look of you?”

Between gasps I say. “There are twenty eight foals in the picture. Count them.”

Rarity is losing her poker face but Twilight still has a full head of steam, “Are you going to let them get away with this!?!?” she demands of her brother.

Shiny just looks at me, so, “I want two full bundles of those papers. I want to frame one for my office and I’m sure all of the foals will want copies. Shiny will probably want some for his Guard buddies too.”

Twilight is approaching a dangerous level of pressure while Celestia is simply serene.

So I take a shot at calming Twilight, “It’s not like we can complain anyway. We gave the Photographer permission to sell the photos. And it might not even be him, one of the parents might have sold it or some Pony with an urge to prank.”

Yes! I’m feeling satisfaction from Celestia so I take it a step farther, “In fact, I think you should put a copy on Luna’s kitchen table so she can find it when she wakes up.”

With a subtle nod in my direction, Celestia tells Twilight, “Don’t bother.”

Twilight looks back and forth between me and Celestia and, if anything, gets a little more excited.

With a big grin I say, “Twilight, you don’t think I could do something like drop the Hopper right into the middle of her party and not expect some kind of reaction? I’m just impressed with the speed of her riposte.”

And Rarity loses it, sinking slowly to the pavement laughing.

Twilight is glowering at everypony in turn, “Was everypony but me in on it?”

I’m still giggling when I ask Twilight, “It’s the ‘Equestrian Enquirer’. When have they printed anything that wasn’t a joke?”

That did it. Twilight grabs the paper and looks at it again then starts giggling. Soon the giggles grow to full on laughter as she sinks to the pavement next to Rarity. The two prop each other up until the laughter passes. Celestia just smiles serenely and I take careful note of the byline.

Rarity was right, as usual. We have to rent another warehouse and hire a dozen more Ponies, including some carpenters this time, to fill all the orders for Hoppers. And none of the military orders have come in yet.

Shiny has the new, improved Hopper and has put it to good use. There is a group of Griffons that has been ‘on vacation’ in the Crystal Empire since shortly after it was reopened to the world. Two of them have been frequently ‘pleasure flying’ nearby when Shiny has been testing and training with the new parachutes. Then one of them got too close for Shiny so he teleported his Hopper to just above and behind the Griffon and dove on him. Some words that Shiny won’t repeat were exchanged and the Griffons have moved way back.

But there was another effect. A couple of weeks later a Griffon courier arrives with a letter from some Griffon dignitary named Lord Greyfeather. He will be coming to the Crystal Empire to inspect and possibly purchase some of these new technologies that we are developing. I send the courier to the cafeteria with a couple of Guardsponies while I draft a reply. Basically, I tell him to have his staff get in touch with my staff to work out a list of his wants and a schedule for our meeting.

Meanwhile, my belly is growing and I can feel movement!!!! There is life, wonderful, glorious, life in there. Walking is a little awkward because I can’t take long strides without my hind legs chafing but I can fly just fine. Most of the things my midwife/advisers told me to look out for aren’t happening so I’m chalking it up to Alicorn strength. I don’t have any morning sickness either, just an incredible appetite.

Within a week the courier is back with a letter informing me that international negotiation is Noble business and not for commoner meddling. Expect his arrival in a few months. I reply suggesting that he speak with Prince Shining Armor because I am going to be rather busy in a few months.

It takes a couple of weeks this time but the courier is back with a rather caustic letter informing me that Lord Greyfeather does not consider any individual without wings as worthy of his notice. He will be here in person in three weeks. Have all honors and ceremonies prepared. I carefully don’t reply but I do tell Shiny so he can be ready.

Shiny and I have one of our late night conferences about the coming meeting.

“Don’t worry about it Cady, Griffons are domineering jerks because it’s their nature. Short of a drawn sword, you can’t insult one enough to create an incident. Just match him demand for demand until you get what you want.”

I’m still worried, “This is my first time dealing with another nation as a ruler. I want every edge I can find.”

Shiny giggles quietly, “You’ve got a big one right here,” as he rubs my belly. “Griffons have a very male dominated society. Having your femininity rubbed in his face will ruin his game. Besides, remember that you survived a Celestia prank with all of your dignity intact. Twilight wishes she could say that. After earning Celestia’s respect, this Griffon is a pussycat.”

So I get my numbers and scenarios all neatly lined up and count the days until my international debut. It’s going to be a blast. And I can feel my little one, his hunger and his fire. My old life seems to be fading away into the distance as my new, exciting reality expands in front of me. I hope I never die because heaven would be a downgrade from this.

Author's Note:

I like to have music playing when I'm working on the computer. TV is too distracting and silence makes me want to get up and see what I'm missing.

Pink Floyd was on the rotation while I was going strong in the middle of How I Became a Princess and it just sparked a whole sequel in a flash.

The T rating is an experiment. If it's popular enough, I might go back and make a T version of Princess.

Comments ( 17 )

Thank you! AND MOAR!!!!

Hope 18+ version will be out soon, too.

The next story will necessarily include a birth so it's definitely going to be M. Who knows what else may sneak in before it's over. A goddess level mother could be a seriously dangerous Pony.

Honestly don't know what to say about this other than it was lovely and so much fun. So glad you decided to expand the story beyond your re-imagining of the original.

After earning Celestia’s respect, this Griffon is a pussycat.”

Did Shining just make a pun?

But will there be any pregnant sex?

No chance. Because of the basic nature of equine physiology, sex will probably cause the fetus to abort. Equines are either using birth control or sex is a once a year thing.

No Flurry Heart? I've also wondered what a momma bear Cadance would have done to T.S. and the Storm King's forces if the baby was threatened. Not to mention the improvements happening to the CE military industrial complex. :duck:

We getting more of this story? I want more for a fact. This story is very good.

I made a pretty nasty mess of the coming chapters while I was getting sick. Then I spent a couple of months in the hospital and several more in rehab. I came and tried to pick it back but got a major case of frustration and block. I have a whole new story coming out soon. When it is launched I will dive back into both of my unfinisheds.

I apologize for the delay but it is much better than the alternative.

This was a great add on and lead into the second half of the first story perfectly. I look foward to another sequel that leads on from here including "Cadence" learning the joy and pain of giving birth and raising a child from the perspective of the mother. As well as to see how well the "hopper" tech evolved and a very happy Scootaloo (if you get my meaning)

Thank you. It's not an orphan, yet. I have been both learning and relearning for the past year and change and plan to pick this back up soon.

Oh i'm sorry, you misunderstood me, what i meant when refering to Scoots it was refering to her finally getting to fly with the "hopper" invention Cadence has not Scoots' family status

"Orphan" refers to the story. In other words, I haven't fallen off the planet yet even though it seems like it sometimes.

Will you continue this? Please? Pretty please with a chocolate topping and sprinkles?..

Yes I will though I can't guarantee when.

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