• Published 22nd Aug 2012
  • 11,571 Views, 225 Comments

Geoverse Part Two: To Love Is Human - GeodesicDragon

With the help of his best friend, and a rather eccentric scientist, Geo begins planning his return to Equestria to be with Twilight Sparkle — who is making plans of her own...

  • ...

Preparation (Edited)

Author's Note:

I'm sorry this took so long to edit; other things took priority.

I eventually managed to regain my composure, and told Ace everything about my trip to Equestria. I was expecting him to raise his eyebrows when I got to the part about Twilight, but he listened to the whole story with a smile on his face.

Once I'd finished, he nodded excitedly. "That was a fantastic story!" he said loudly. "I can see why you are so keen to get back; you make her sound like the most fantastic pony there."

I nodded. "Yeah," I replied. "She is."

"The question is, though, can you get him there?" John asked.

"Of course I can!" Ace replied. "I just need to finish building this stabiliser, and then I can try to open a new portal."

"A stabiliser?" I asked.

Ace sighed. "My first portals weren’t so great," he said. "I couldn’t keep 'em in one place, and they went all wibbly-wobbly — which is dangerous, because you’d be sucked into the edges if you touched them, and then turned to mush. That's why I need a stabiliser."

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, you couldn't keep them in one place?" I asked, a trace of annoyance in my voice.

"Exactly that," Ace said flatly. "The portals opened in random places around town, but only for a few seconds." He thought for a moment, then suddenly snapped his fingers and crossed over to his desk, which was still littered with various pieces of paper that he began rifling through. "Where did you say you were shot again?"

"James Street," I said, wondering what he could be getting at.

Ace threw random pieces of paper on the floor as he continued to sort the pile. Eventually, he picked up a piece and read it, crossing back over to me as he did so. "Ah, yes. My records show that one of my portals did appear in James Street on the same night you were shot," he said, waving the paper in my face. "It would appear you ended up falling into it when the bullet struck you."

My jaw dropped. "So you... I mean it... " I was unable to speak, the shock was too much to bear.

"So... it was your experiment that sent Geo to Equestria in the first place?" John said, grasping my shoulder.

Ace nodded. "It would appear so," he said. "Although I can't explain how he was able to come back." He scratched his chin for a moment before exclaiming suddenly.

"What?" John eyed him curiously.

"I've just realised that I'm not the first person to visit another universe!" Ace cried. "Dangit, I worked my butt off for this!" John and I rolled our eyes, and he chuckled. "Oh well, Geo seems like a good guy. And if I can at least be the first scientist to visit another universe, chances are he'll let me take the credit anyway."

He and John both turned to look at me, the shock on my face still apparent. John snapped his fingers in front of my face, which brought me back to reality. I blushed slightly before turning to Ace.

"If we help you build this stabiliser, will you help me return to Equestria?" I asked him. "You have to believe me when I say that I would be willing to do anything to get back."

Ace grinned. "Of course I will," he replied. "I'm very keen to see this world for myself, so I hope you'll let me tag along."

"It's your machine." I nodded. "Of course you can come."

Ace's grin got wider as he clapped his hands together. "Excellent!" he said gleefully. "But, before we begin, it goes without saying that both of you need to sign a little something for me."

He handed John and I a copy of what looked like a contract, with print that was difficult to read without the aid of a magnifying glass. Taking a copy of the form for himself, he began to read it at a rate of speed that reminded me of Pinkie Pie.

"I, your name, understand that, by entering the laboratory of Dr. Ace Sorou, I forfeit the right and/or privilege to take legal action against Dr. Sorou in the event of bodily harm, lost limbs, transformation, change in mental health, or any combination of the above as a result of drinking chemicals and/or being shot by plasma energy, light energy, particle energy, atomic energy, gravitational anomalies, or any combination of the above. I further note that I will not press charges if I somehow turn in to a goat, pony, chicken, lion, tree, minotaur, dictionary, or any other vegetable, mineral, or animal that I am not meant to be."

John and I glanced at each other as he continued speaking, not even pausing to draw breath. Yep, definitely reminds me of Pinkie.

"I sign this legally binding contract and/or enter Dr. Ace Sorou’s laboratory under my own volition without any outside influence affecting my judgement, be it coercion, blackmail, drugs, alcohol, or other. By entering Dr. Ace Sorou’s laboratory, I will keep all activities within the laboratory a closely guarded secret, and will not tell anyone who has not signed a similar contract with Dr. Sorou about anything going on in the laboratory. My signature below is my agreement that I have read and understood all of the above."

He looked at the two of us and held out a pair of pens, his grin now threatening to consume his face. "So, if you'll just sign at the dotted line, we can finally get started."

John and I looked each other and shrugged, signing the contracts with an air of nonchalance about us. Ace took the contracts and put them on his desk with the other pieces of paper. "OK, gentlemen, let's go." he said, rubbing his hands together.

John and I cracked our knuckles and stretched ourselves.

"Let's do this," I said, looking Ace in the eyes. He nodded, and motioned for us to follow him. As I passed his desk, I glanced at the photo of Twilight on the table and picked it up so I could kiss it. "Soon, Twilight." I whispered. "I'll be home soon."

I put the photo down as I followed John and Ace, a look of determination etched firmly on my face.


"So what's the plan, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You heard what Pinkie said," Twilight replied. "Geo is trying to come back to Equestria, so I might as well be there to welcome him when he eventually shows up."

Rainbow Dash and the other five exchanged worried looks.

"But, Twilight," Applejack said. "Ya don't know how long it'll be before he comes back, sugarcube; it could be days, months or years before ya see him." She lowered her head, and her voice. "He might not even come back at all."

Twilight stopped dead in her tracks and turned round, her eyes narrowed. She glared at Applejack, who flinched.

"Don't say that!" she shouted. "He will come back to me, damn it, I just know he will! How dare you doubt him, Applejack!"

Applejack lowered her head even further. "I'm sorry, Twi," she whispered. "I don't mean ta upset ya, but at the same time... you have to accept that I might be right."

Twilight sighed. "I know." she hugged her friend. "I'm sorry for shouting at you, Applejack, it's just... I'm finding it hard to cope."

Applejack returned the hug. "No, sugarcube," she replied. "I should be sorry. Yer right, I shouldn't be doubtin' Geo like that. He's a good man, an' I know he's tryin' his hardest ta get back ta ya."

Twilight smiled.

"But, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said. "When he does finally come back to you, who's to say he'll even arrive in Ponyville?"

Twilight broke away from Applejack and scratched her chin.

"I was wondering that myself, Pinkie," she replied. "But I have a feeling he'll arrive at the same place he did the last time."

"You mean that forest clearing?" Pinkie asked.

"Exactly." Twilight nodded. "It's the only possible place."

"Pinkie's right, Twilight." Rainbow Dash looked amazed as she said those words. "What if he does arrive in another part of Equestria?"

"Then he'll do his best to find me," Twilight said flatly. "Nothing will keep us apart, Rainbow Dash. Nothing."

Rarity coughed gently, attracting Twilight's attention. "So, darling, let me see if I've got this right. You mean to tell us that you are going to camp in that clearing until he comes back and you are in his arms?" she asked, unable to keep the concern out of her voice. Twilight nodded, eliciting a gasp from Rarity. "But what if Applejack is right, and you're waiting there for a long time?"

Twilight furrowed her brow. "I don't care how long I am waiting for," she said through gritted teeth. "As long as I am there when he gets back, I would gladly wait until the end of time if I could."

Rarity opened her mouth to reply, but the glare she was getting from Twilight made her think otherwise.

Rainbow Dash puffed her chest out and flew up to Twilight, hovering just a few inches away from her face.

"If you think I'm just gonna let you do this—" she began.

"R-Rainbow Dash is right, Twilight," Fluttershy said timidly. "It's far too dangerous out here. M-maybe we should go back to—"

Rainbow Dash waved her hoof in the air. "I wasn't finished!" she said gruffly, at which Fluttershy let out a small squeak and blushed. "I was going to say that if you think I'm gonna let you do this waiting thing all by yourself, Twilight, then you've got another thing coming." She lowered herself to the ground.

"You'd wait with me?" Twilight asked.

"Heck yeah, I would!" Dash replied proudly. "You're one of my best friends, and I am the Element of Loyalty."

Pinkie Pie stepped forward. "I'll wait with you as well, Twilight!" she beamed. "We'll have the world's longest camping trip!"

"But what about the Cakes?" Twilight asked. "Won't they need your help over at Sugarcube Corner?"

"Oh." Pinkie thought for a moment. "Ooh, I know! I'll do my work at the bakery like normal, but I'll come here every night to spend time with you! It'll be like having lots of sleepovers!"

Applejack sighed. "I'd love ta stay with ya Twi, I really would." she drew a hoof into the dirt. "But I can't just leave the farm." Twilight nodded, and Applejack grinned. "Havin' said that, I sure as hay ain't gonna let y'all starve. I'll come by every day with food for ya."

"And I can't leave the Boutique, darling," Rarity said glumly. "But I will make all three of you the most gorgeous tent you've ever seen in your lives! Oh, and sleeping bags!"

"Thanks, Rarity." Twilight nodded, then looked at Fluttershy.

"I can't leave my animals," she said. "But I can see to it that the ones in the Everfree leave you all alone."

Twilight smiled. "Thank you, girls," she said, tears beginning to form. "I really appreciate this. You're the best friends ever."

"You deserve happiness, Twi." Applejack gave her a hug. "And we'll do whatever it takes ta see ya that way."

The other four ponies joined the hug, squeezing Twilight tight. They stood in silence as they appreciated each others company.

And in the eerie stillness of the Everfree Forest, the only sounds that could be heard were the quiet sobs of a desperate unicorn.