• Published 17th Dec 2011
  • 2,552 Views, 94 Comments

Waking up in a new world - finesthour

This is a self insert story of me entering the My little pony world. Be noticed that I am a huge bro

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Waking up in a new world chapter 15

Darkness. It surrounds my entire being. Not only on the outside, but inside as well. It may be night in Ponyville, but the moon shines within my heart as well. I could feel the growing pang of pain within me. I missed my home. I missed my mothers face, I missed my dog. Hell, I even missed my abusive father. I missed almost everything about my home. Equestria was great and all... and sure, I had a lot of fun here so far. But I really don’t belong here, and everyone knows it. I can pretend I do, but I don’t. I want to be back with my own kind...

These thoughts echoed within my mind, forcing the idea of sleep to leave in all instances. Who could sleep with all of these negative emotions? I rolled to my right side to see Fluttershy on the opposite bed. She was sound asleep, her little chest puffing outwards every so often. A small smile crept across my lips, and I felt my heart warm. She was just as adorable asleep as she was awake. Warmth spread to my cheeks as my gaze on her intensified. I looked closer at her mouth, and noticed that she was actually mouthing something. I had an inward battle at this point, do I eavesdrop as she vulnerable or decide to just keep my gaze. Either way I knew I was being creepy, so what did I really have to lose? I slowly peeled the small blanket off of my lap and stood up, the wooden floor freezing my feet.

Being as quiet as possible, I tiptoed toward Fluttershy’s bed. I could now hear her peaceful breaths from this point, knowing that I could be in a great amount of trouble if I was caught. I went into a crouching position and placed my hands on the edge of her bed. I pulled myself closer until my head was beside hers. Carefully, I lowered my ear to her mouth, curious to see what she was mumbling.

At first, she was just mumbling gibberish, much to my dissapointment. But within a few moments, I began to comprehend what she was saying.

“G-gary...” She whispered. Panic shot through me, as if I was electrocuted and the volts were spreading throughout my system. I almost jumped backwards to get away, but I noticed that her eyes were still closed. Relief washed through my body at this point, the thought of her waking now evaporating. Then, the thought of what she said crossed my mind. Why was she whispering my name? Curiosity had overtaken my brain once more, and once more I leaned close to her mouth to hear more of what she had been saying. As if time repeated itself, she mumbled incomprehensible sayings, but I began to understand. I heard the words,

“Please don’t go... don’t leave.” The eyebrow at the right side of my face rose at this point as a realization went through my mind. She was dreaming about me... in that way? A part of my brain wanted to wake her up myself to ask her these questions, but the logical section stopped any ideas of such. That course of action was idiotic, and I knew it. If she caught me listening to her as she slept, who knows what could happen?

Not wanting to chance my luck any further, I raised myself to a standing position. I turned around and began to tiptoe away, careful that my actions would not be heard at this point. I had already crept on her while she slept, I don’t need anyone else hearing me. With each step however, the floorboards creaked, showing signs of age. With each creak, panic shot through my chest. If Fluttershy were to wake up now, I would be in a massive amount of trouble. Lord knows how she would react to it.

My bed was close now, just a few more steps and I would be home free. Just a few more, two more steps, one more...

“Uh, Gary, are yah awake?” My veins now instantly turned to ice. I was afraid to move a muscle. I doubt I could anyway. I had completely forgotten the chance of waking Applejack as well. I stood completely still, ready for the punishment of creeping on a friend. But nothing came. I scanned the room in the darkness, but couldn’t see anyone. Was Applejack even in the room? Even though the room was dark, I couldn’t see a single sign that there were more ponies in the room. I felt myself calm down, each muscle now relaxing. I scanned the room once, no Applejack in sight. I chuckled within myself and the thought that I was crazy set in. I was just hearing things, that’s all! I put my hand on the bed, stretched my leg toward the bed. Soon, my body was completely on top of the small bed, my task of sneaking completed. I had not been caught! I sighed and laid back on the pillow at the head of the bed and smiled to myself. I felt accomplished that I hadn’t been caught! Suddenly, I heard once more,

“Gary... please wake up, I need yah.” My body shot up to a sitting position. I know I was not hearing things. That was Applejacks voice! My eyes scanned around the bedroom, but no Applejack. Was my mind playing tricks on me? Then to answer my question, I felt light hit my eye as the door to our room was opened, Applejack’s hoof on the handle. She looked worried and tired, with made my heart slightly sink in my chest. What had made her so sad? I called out to her with the smallest voice I could,

“I’m awake Applejack, what’s wrong?” She responded with a hoof swaying backwards, which must of been a signal for me to come outside. Once more I sighed as I stood up, the floorboards creaking under me. I found it amusing that moments ago I was afraid to walk around the room, and now I was being called to do so now. I felt that everything was amusing now a days, don’t I?

Once I was across the dark room, I turned my head back to see Fluttershy sleeping. I smiled softly as I walked away, saying a silent prayer for her to have a nice dream. I stepped outside of the room slowly, closing the door with the same speed.


Fluttershy’s eyes opened the second that the door opened. She stared at the door that had just held Gary there moments before. She had a small smile on her face and whispered out loud,

“I saw you, you silly filly...”