• Published 1st Jul 2022
  • 2,156 Views, 94 Comments

Your Destined Partner - Mare Of Mystery

Will Princess Cadance succeed in finding the destined partners of these hopeless romantics, or will she go broke trying?

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Chapter 1: Sunburst

The throne to the crystal place was occupied by Princess Cadance, happily sitting with a small scroll of diplomatic importance as she signed and sent it off with one flash of her horn disintegrating it into thin air. Alongside her, was her loving husband, Captain Shining Armor who had an anxious look on his face. Unlike most days where he stood proud as his position as the captain of the royal guards, he had something on his mind.

"Cadance, we need to talk."

"Yes, is something the matter dear?" she glance at him, curious about his concerned look.

"It's about this advertisement you put up in the morning papers." Shining explained, pulling up a newspaper he poofed into his possession, "It's this one over here."

The part of the page he made her look at was just a few paragraphs down from the front page, just on the bottom left corner with bold lettering: Your Destined Partner

But instead of worrying with him, Cadance went on chuckling away from Shinings face, "Hehehe, you mean that? No worries, just advertising my services to the Crystal Empire and the rest of the Equestria. You know my business as the Princess of Love?"

Shining brushed up on the idea, "So it's just like your usual counseling sessions?"

She shook her head, "No actually, it's a process that requires a very potent spell Twilight created using her noggin of hers. I was always fixing testy relationships, preventing divorces, or giving advice on love. Never in my life, have I been able to perfectly match two ponies up and form the perfect couple. That's until today! I've placed the advertisement just yesterday, and I'm anxious to get both stallions and mares to come crawling to me!"

"That seems fine, but..." Shining shoved the newspaper upclose to her face and pointed at the fine print with his foreleg, "What's this part about payment of 20,000 bits for failing to find their match? We have taxes to cover! Royal guards and staff to pay! Do you know how many diapers Flurry fills in a week!?"

"Oh, you worthy about that? I just put that there to entice ponies. She answered with the brightest smile on her face, "Besides, there's like a 0% chance I'll ever find a pony that I can't locate the perfect match too--"

"Excuse me, Princess Cadance?"

From the front of the long carpet that stretched along the path of their throne, a familiar voice came calling to her attention while approaching at a snail's pace. To her and Shining's surprise, it was a pony that they least expected to arrive at their throne room without being summoned.

"Sunburst?" said Cadance, dumbfounded to see their Royal Crystaller approaching willingly to their throne room. "What a surprise, what can I help you with?"

"You can do it, right?"


"The paper...I saw it," he brought out a copy of the tabloid from his bag and pointed at the advertisement, "You can find ponies destined partners?! Is that correct!?"

"Ahh! So our first pony to discover the perfect match is our dear friend Sunburst!" Smiled Cadance, squealing from her seat, "While I do have the magical prowess to do just that, let me ask; Why are you so eager to know?"

"You know me, I just can't refuse to witness a brand new spell myself. And...my mom won't stop haggling me on when I'll find myself a nice mare to settle with," Sunburst cringed before cautiously asking, "Is the process safe by any means?"

Cadance answered. "It's completely safe! Let's get this over quickly, I have a meeting in half an hour."

Contempt by her confidence, Sunburst silently nodded as Cadance prepared to light her horn a faint glow. In just a split second began to form what appears to Sunburst a pink magic circle just below him, with multiple symbols forming the shape of a heart where he stood at the center of it. His heart began to race, seeing the magic circle pulsating a brighter pinkish glow.

'Woah! This is incredible!" he gawked at the amazing magic circle that was below his hooves.

Still concentrating on her powerful love magic, Cadance gave Sunburst a heads up to gain her attention, "Sunburst, the moment I induce the circle, your destined partner will appear right in front of you! They may be confused as to why they're summoned here, but I will do the rest. Are you ready!?"

"I can't wait to find out who it is!" Sunburst beamed as his face began to stare anxiously.

The bright glow fluctuated in brightness and began to fill the room and ended with a small explosion. It wasn't big enough to warrant any harm, just sparkles flying off everywhere and disintegrated into thin air. Sunburst took precautionary measures and covered his eyes with his left foreleg, patiently waiting for the light to die down and see...

"It's!" As Sunburst was ready to see the perfect match for him right in front of him, he found himself dumbfound instead, "...It's no one? What does this mean your majesty?"

"N-Nonsense!" rejected Cadance, sounding in denial of her unsuccessful attempt, "Maybe the receptions here are bad? Perhaps it'll take a couple of seconds for them to appear. Can you wait for a few more seconds?"

5 minutes later...

The three in the room waited for nearly 5 minutes as Sunburst anxiously waited for his results, sitting on the floor with a lot on his mind. This long period of silence filled the room with an awkward air, with Shining Armor biting his lowered lip and Cadance patiently waiting for somepony to show up. But nopony showed up...

"I-I don't think anypony's coming Sunburst," he had to give it to him, head lowered from the heartbreaking news.

"Are you telling me, that not even the Princess of Love can find my destined partner?" Sunburst's eyes were somber, sighing from where he stood, "...Aww man..."

Shining Armor didn't like the idea, but he was willing to comfort his best friend as he gently walked over to him and gave him a nice head pat, "It's alright soldier, you'll have your chance to shine one day. I guess we'll have to comply with the rules of the advertisement and give you your money. Cadance if you would...Cadance?"

He was shocked to see Cadance's mouth wide open as she felt a shiver down her spine, it was unlike her to be frightened like this out of the blue. Shining can even hear her hyperventilated breathing as the sweat beads started forming around her forehead area. Something inside her wasn't sitting right.

"No...impossible...that can't be right!" she stuttered, panicked as ever, "I probably made a mistake, that's all!"

She quickly poofed up a large scroll that reached to the floor as she scrambled to skim through it. The amount of ink written in it was an essay-sized piece of work that could pass as a bill in Canterlot. Her magic dragged the scroll down. This frantic gesture made Shining and Sunburst worried for her well-being.

"Honey? Should we give Sunburst his-"

"How!?" she cried out loud, tossing the scroll aside, "I did everything right! How is it that I can't locate his destined partner!?"

"Cadance!" he tried once more to get her attention, to where Cadance turned her head to Shining Armor, "I'm sorry that it didn't work, but I believe you owe Sunburst some money."

"This wasn't supposed to happen!" murmured Cadance, before cringing up a smile to Sunburst, "I'm so sorry Sunburst, I guess your too complicated for me to locate a match for you. Shining Armor will pay you upfront with his salary because you two are such good friends!"

"Huh!?" gasped Shining as he heard his wife insisting he pays up, "Hold on a minute! I didn't expect I would be giving him bits!"

She lowered her mouth to the level where his ear was and whispered, "I didn't expect this to happen! Just give him the money!"

"I refuse!" Shining stood up to his wife as he whispered back at her, "I'm saving for the limited-edition deluxe copy of-"

"JUST DO IT!" she shrieked up her royal Canterlot voice that shook the room, causing Sunburst to jump up for a second.

Remembering the horrid experience he had the last time she used her Canterlot voice caused Shining to shake his legs, "As you wish, honey-buns! Sunburst, follow me!"

Shining gestured to Sunburst to follow him to a nearby hall as Cadance was left with the mess of the large scroll and tension rising from her head. How could she be defeated so easily? perhaps she did cast the spell incorrectly and it came out as nothing, or maybe that Sunburst is destined to be with no pony at all? Nevertheless, she isn't going down without a fight. She quickly brought out a blank scroll and a quill pen as she scribbled down an angry letter to Twilight about this issue.

"I'll just have to make Twilight increase the effects of the spell. "

Meanwhile elsewhere...

"Hey! Come on their bro!" Thunderlane was hesitant to tell off his little brother pestering him on the seats of a train cart, "Why do you even care about that kind of stuff!? You're in grade school!"

"I know that, but I just want to see if there's a filly worthy for me!" Rumble answered with a pout.

"Well, aren't there any fillies in your class you find attractive? Perhaps I can give you a few pointers-"

"No! Because every time I try to talk to them, they always ask me about you!" Rumble interrupted him, "It's always 'What did your brother do yesterday?' or 'is your brother free to show off his flying skills.''

"Oh...I see..." cringed Thunderlane, "But why do you need me? I have canceled my training sessions for this."

"Because I need a legal guardian to see the princess, it's all over the advert!" his tiny forelegs propped up a newspaper he kept to the empty side of the seat as Rumbled shoved it in front of Thunderlane, "You can even get bits if she can't find my match! You know how many things I can get on the one-bit menu at Hay Burger with that money?"

"Alright little bro, I might even give it a shot myself." Thunderlane was content with trying out the spell, "I wonder too who my perfect match is..."