• Published 11th Apr 2020
  • 3,824 Views, 677 Comments

A Band of Misfit Losers Hunt the Undead - Rune Soldier Dan

Ongoing adventures of college kids and public educators fighting horrors beyond human ken.

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Rollercoaster of Fanservice (monster-of-the-week, cheesecake)

Sunset Shimmer had played her share of video games, but never quite expected to run into her own convenient chest-high wall in the middle of a battle. She dove behind it, shielding her eyes from the radiant glow by the Ferris wheel.

Adagio was already there, and already bitching. “‘Let’s go to the new theme park,’ you said. ‘Unwind after that vampire in the theater,’ you said.”

She pointed to the yellow woman in the distance, though dared not look. “‘Get attacked by a valley-girl succubus with hypnotic tits’ somehow didn’t come up!”

Sunset chanced a peek, though nothing had changed. Yellow and pink fluttered on bat-like wings, now landing before Vinyl and Octavia. Vinyl fell easily – Octavia swung her purse, but the demon dodged and used the motion to ram Octavia’s face between her breasts. Her fear was immediately replaced by blushing adoration, and the pair began snapping pictures alongside a horde of others.

“Take good pics, m’kay?” Vignette Valencia twirled, launching herself back to the air. “Then like, comment and subscribe on Instasnap and MyStable! And don’t forget to check out my merch. Won’t cost much, just your souls, m’kay?”

“We love you, Vignette!” Rainbow Dash screamed, hustling after her with phone raised.

Vignette turned and blew a kiss, posing for a fresh round of pictures and gracing Sunset with a steady view. The she-demon was naked except for a black thong. Her breasts were hidden in a PG-13 glow, yet that didn’t change how drop-dead beautiful they were.

Sunset had to get a picture. She began drawing her phone.

A strong peach arm yanked her back into cover. Sunset tried to stand, but the arm held fast and Adagio slapped her hard across the face.

Applejack muttered from the side. “That didn’t work when we tried it on Twilight.”

“Second time’s the charm.” Adagio shrugged.

Sunset kept struggling. “Let me go! Those are the most perfect breasts in the world and I need to take pictures and find her on MyStable for more pictures and buy her merch and…”

She blinked. Then blinked again, with a clearer mind. “Oh.”


“Maybe it’s both the slap and breaking eye contact?” Sunset mused, then shook her head hard. “Whatever. How the heck can we take her out like this? Twenty friggin’ meters and a good smack later I still really, really wanna see her tits.”

“That, my dear, thirsty friend...” Adagio paused to theatrically touch up her lipstick. “Is where I come in. We’re gonna hash things out one predatory, hypnotic temptress to another, right up until I knife her in the ribs.

Applejack grunted. Instinct leaned her to peek out over the wall, though she caught herself in time. “That’s a heckin’ big gamble. If you’re wrong, she zaps you into being a brainless social media slave faster than you can say ‘fox in a hen house.’”

“We could always slap her,” Sunset offered.

“Chillax babe, it’s me.” Adagio gave Applejack a quick, firm kiss on the lips and rose to a crouched stand. “Sexy siren extraordinaire. I know all the tricks, magic and otherwise, and how to get around them.”

She did – in fact, it was a survival skill for sirens to not fall for each others’ hypnosis. You needed a slippery, focused mind and utter self-assurance in your own beauty. You were the seducer, never the seduced.

Adagio stood, ignoring Sunset’s last warning. She climbed over the wall and began waking towards Vignette’s mob.

...Sexy Vignette. Busty Vignette. Damn-near naked Vignette.

But Adagio didn’t look so bad herself. Summertime weather had put her in short-shorts and sandals, with an exposed-belly shirt and sleeveless jacket. All at the height of fashion, and honestly it was far sexier to leave some things to imagination. The dear little demon was trying too hard.

Adagio stuck out like a sore thumb, the only bystander not frantically taking pictures or tapping her phone. Vignette floated down before her, smirking with anticipated triumph.

“Whasup, bitch?” Adagio smirked right back, though had to squint. The light of Vignette’s breasts were like two suns, hazy and hot.

The succubus loudly cracked her gum before responding. “Not much, babe. Just trying to get trending, m’kay?”

“Demons care about social media?”

“Who do ya think invented it?” Vignette yawned and stretched, jiggling her majestic twin suns. “Speaking of which, if you could, like, follow me on all the grams, that’d be...”

They weren’t so bright now that Adagio was used to them. Lovely, grapefruit-sized yellow glows.

Adagio bit her lip hard, not looking away. Not wanting to.

“...Real cool of you, m’kay? If I get a million subs I’ll take a poll and post either throat or feet pics, so smash those likes!”

Mother of Celestia. Adagio fumbled with her phone, dropping it twice in her haste. Vignette fluttered elsewhere, and Adagio joined the mad scramble to keep up.

The others had watched, careful to squint their eyes against even the vaguest details.

“Celestia damn it,” Sunset growled.

“Any idea where Wallflower got off to?” Applejack asked.

Sunset crouched down behind their wall, pulling her friend to do the same. “No. For all we know she’s in the crowd.”

“Maybe. One way other another, we can’t leave Daj like that.”

“I hate to say it, but we need help.” Sunset scratched the back of her neck, embarrassed despite it all. “We have to at least call this in so Mom and the others know what’s up.”

Applejack nodded. “You sit tight and do that. I’m gonna run up and try to drag Adagio’s dumb ass back here. I figure I’ll be okay so long as I don’t look at Miss Titty.”

“That seems like a really bad idea,” Sunset groaned.

“Which is why you’re calling for help in case I get the stupids.” Applejack gave her a quick pat on the shoulder and swung over the wall. Nice and easy stride, stetson tipped low on her brow. She locked onto Adagio’s lower half and walked over to lay a hand on her shoulder.

Faster than the eye, Adagio’s right foot hooked behind Applejack’s and kicked. Applejack landed back-first on the ground, hat flying and her mind aware that she dun goofed.

“Vignette! Vignette!” Adagio called upwards. “This is one of the monster hunters, and the other is behind that wall!”

Applejack grit her teeth as Vignette descended. Squared her courage and stolidly reminded herself that two yellow hotties in her life was plenty. She wasn’t the best girlfriend, but she wasn’t no low-down cheater.

She stood, glaring daggers into Vignette’s breasts. She locked a fist and swung heavily, going right for her pretty little face.

Somehow, the hand slowed as it drew near. Applejack couldn’t help it, it was instinct. The natural, right motion, settling down to grope gently at the glowing orbs.

Vignette winked, and Applejack trembled at the knees. She had to get a picture. She grabbed for her phone, but it was too late – Vignette had already taken off back the way she came. Applejack gave chase, alongside Adagio and all the others.

The hypnosis worked best with surprise. The redhead behind the wall fell easiest of all – a shocked gasp, eyes on the glowing breasts, and then the pictures start snapping. This girl was lucky, already with her phone out and at the ready.

Vignette Valencia laughed cruelly behind her hand, and the human dupes cheered. Honestly, she could act like a dog and they’d still be in love. A horde of willing slaves, just waiting to be drained of life. Right after they shared her fame to all their social media friends, of course.

She was still laughing, right up to the point a metal bat hit her square in the stomach. Breath left her in an “Oof!” and she doubled over.

The damn thing was silver. She felt woozy and sick, and was still hunched over when the second blow hit the back of her head. Vignette went down, groaning as the holy metal began sapping her tie to this world.

Her boob lights began flickering – Vignette slapped them, and they stayed on. For now. She rolled over, bathing her aggressor in their glow.

It was a small, green girl in a stained white T-shirt. She looked scared, but the baseball bat was still held ready in her hands.

“Stop!” Vignette screamed. The bat came down again. This time as more of a hard bump as the girl hesitated, but the silver still did its work.

“Get her!” she cried, but her dupes just kept snapping pictures.

“I’m hard to see on a good day,” Wallflower mumbled. “And they only have eyes for you, so I think it’s like that doubled. Or something.”

She brought down the bat again, this time on one of the breasts. It squished and deflated with a noise like a pin-pricked balloon.

Vignette snarled, showing razor teeth entirely out of place on a human. Yet she could do nothing else as the bat nudged her once again. Ethereal mist encroached on her vision – the first sign of her being yanked from the Earth.

“You can’t take me out for good,” she growled. “All you can do is banish me for a time. I shall returOW!”

This blow came down harder, and right on her head.

“Oh, good,” Wallflower said, perking up a little. “I think I’d really lose it if I ever had to kill someone.”

Vignette howled, though the noise became distant in her ears. “Damn you, why!? How!? I’m a succubus for Discord’s sake, I’m the sexiest thing in the universe! How can you resist my power?”

The bat swung one more time. It was enough.

“I’m asexual,” Wallflower said. “I literally don’t give a fuck.”

“The opening of Equestria Land was marred today by a currently-unknown social media influencer who instigated a flash mob as a publicity stunt. No injuries were reported, and strangely all photos of the event had heavy sun glare due to the time and location. The day went smoothly aside from that, and Equestria Land can continue to expect both local and traveling crowds throughout the summer. Mayor Ma’am further clarified any claims of ‘monsters’ were very silly and that–”

Sunset clicked off the radio.

A fun day, aside from that terrifying (albeit sexy) fifteen-odd minutes. The group just did not have the cash to make Equestria Land a routine affair, so they made sure to get their money’s worth. In the park when it opened at eight, out the minute it closed. Time in the sun had given them all fresh tans and a sense of contented exhaustion.

Sunset glanced in the mirror. Applejack and Adagio both sat in the back, dozing with their fingers interlocked. So was Twilight in the seat to her right. Wallflower… well. Wallflower shared her seat with a giant stuffed penguin, manatee, and Shetland pony, so it was kind of hard to see.

“You okay back there, Wallflower?”

“You bet!” Sunset saw her grin beneath the pile. “Thanks for winning all these for me!”

“You earned it,” Sunset said. Those prizes had taken combined efforts and too much money, but such was worth it for that smile.

Author's Note:

(In case you haven't seen it, Vignette Valencia is from the Rollercoaster of Friendship special.)

(And yes, the theme park in that episode is called Equestria Land.:ajbemused:)

Idea suggested by Enclave2277. It was a good one! And credit to Ice Star for letting me steal the “I’m asexual, I literally don’t give a fuck” line.

Feel free to drop off any chapter suggestions via the link here. And thank you for reading!

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