• Published 21st Dec 2021
  • 7,205 Views, 301 Comments

Starting Over As A Friendship Bomb - Carmine Craft

Peter Westmoore was a responsible college student, and for his efforts, he is rewarded with a one way trip to Equis! If only he knew what that was. It will be quite the experience, as soon as she can get her hooves under herself.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Engaging in Recreational Activities

Arrrrrrrrrrr-- 'I mean I, why do I keep defaulting to third person?' I woke up in a rather instantaneous fashion, my features still pulled into a mild scowl.

"That… was weird." I mumbled, before shaking off my thoughts about last night's dream. I rolled over into my belly, stretching out like a cat beneath the sheets. 'Wait, when did I get under the covers?' I wondered as my neck popped pleasantly.

Shrugging, I slowly wormed my way out from beneath the sheets, careful not to mess up the bedding too much. I emerged beside the pillow, and bit back a groan of annoyance as light streaming in from the window stabbed at my sensitive morning eyes. I flopped back with an 'eep!' Which sounded far too adorable for me to keep the habit, and blinked repeatedly, staring dumbly at the ceiling.

Once my vision was restored, I was finally able to sit on the bed properly. What I saw confused me. 'Since when am I a restless sleeper?' I wondered. Half of the blanket had been kicked off in the middle of the bed, the sheets were all kinds of rumpled, and peeled off the mattress in the top right corner, only one of two pillows was still on the bed itself, the other was nowhere to be seen.

With another shrug, I lit my horn, willing the sheets to straighten with a glow of blue magic-- my horn dimmed, glittered, and popped three times in quick succession as I was reminded that I really wasn't that good at moving things with my eye poker.

Fighting gravity was difficult enough, fighting elastic banding was apparently even harder. I sighed dejectedly. "Why must the waking world fight me so?" I moaned, my head lowered. I got over it quickly enough, and spent five minutes slowly inching the damn fitted sheet back over the corner of the mattress.

I stood in the middle of the bed, watching each of the four corners warily. When the linens didn't spring up to consume me and trap me in a bag like I half expected, I got to work on dragging the blanket back up the bed. Once more, the forces of friction and gravity prevented me from taking the easy path, and so I grabbed the corner in my teeth and heaved. The blanket sailed up onto the bed, cockeyed but fixable. I tipped off the bed, hitting the ground with a thump and a groan. "Hello again, ground, I thought we agreed not to see each other after the hospital."

I rolled over, massaging my sore shoulder with a hoof for a moment before hopping back onto the bed. "I made it this far, I'm not stopping until I actually have this done." I was committed at this point, nothing would stop me; not my reduced stature, nor lack of functioning magic, even the forces of the universe would not stop me from making this bed.

In the end, the sheets were straight enough, the blanket was slightly off, and I still was missing a pillow, but the bed got made.

"Alright, Argent one, furniture zero!" I cheered, before realizing I must have looked like an absolute moron. I looked around, abashed at my odd behavior, but fortunately the other beds were empty.

With my embarrassment on the retreat and riding high on my victory over inanimate objects, I trotted down the stairs in search of my hosts. I found the library empty, and no one present in the kitchen or loft, so I apparently had the tree to myself. Checking the basement proved fruitless as well.

"Darn, I wanted to do magic…" my ears drooped in disappointment as I returned to the kitchen. Looking up I saw a plate on the counter, and some folded paper sitting atop it. I hopped into the chair and carefully pried the note open with the edges of my hooves. It didn't contain anything I didn't already know. Well, probably, I assumed it mentioned how they were out of the house at the moment, and possibly even what they were doing, but since I still couldn't read anything it was just gibberish and squiggles.

"It's getting really annoying being illiterate. Hmm, I wonder if I can teach myself to read?" Looking at the top and bottom of the pages, I memorized the characters that I hoped represented my pseudonym and Twilight's name. "Maybe with these as a reference point I can just reason out the rest of their alphabet? So long as it's similar to mine anyway… it should be, our spoken language is the same." Between the two of us, I had a decent chunk of the alphabet. Probably.

"Alright, well, I've got options now, at least. I could spend all day trying to teach myself how to read, or I can go outside and wander pony town. What's this place called again? Wait, it was Ponyville right?" Upon realizing that now not only was I talking to myself, but also asking the empty room questions, I decided that fresh air would do me some good. "Although the air inside of a tree has to be pretty fresh, right? I'm doing it again…"

My stomach growled, reminding me that I had just woken up. "Mmm, breakfast first, then I can go wander." I pulled the sandwich they left for me closer and took a bite, pleasantly surprised by the taste of egg!

After breakfast, I left Golden Oaks, mildly annoyed at just how easy it was to open the door. 'that's what I get for assuming… but still…' After doing a quick circle to memorize the buildings, and realizing that I lived in a tree, and that's a pretty good landmark in and of itself, I began my wandering in earnest, choosing to head south, as it was as good a direction as any, and it looked like a fair bit of town sprawled that way.

I passed a small store that had a giant couch and feather for a sign, "probably a general store?" I thought aloud, but wasn't interested enough to actually stop in and check it out. Not having money of any kind was a major factor in the decision.

All in all, lots of ponies were scurrying about, more than I would expect on a weekend. If it was the weekend anyway… 'note to self, find out what day it is-- actually.' I meandered down the path a bit more, looking for someone who wasn't busy hanging decorations or running some errand. "Scuse me!" I called after a goldenrod coated, orange maned mare with a couple carrots displayed on her flank.

The mare slowed down to let me catch up with a smile. "Hey there little one, new in town?"

I nodded. "I'm staying with Twilight at the library. On an unrelated note, could you tell me what day it is?"

The mare informed me that it was the ninth, and a sunday, and that her name was Golden Harvest. She then launched into recommending a bunch of things for me to check out in town. Around the time her nearly identical green haired sister, Carrot Top showed up, I decided to excuse myself as the amount of ponies gushing about how cute I was had exceeded what I could put up with.

I pivoted around a decorative fountain and beheld another strange store. Probably a store, anyway. It appeared to be a massive gingerbread house, decked to the nines with candy cane support beams, frosting in pleasing patterns on the roof, and topped with what appeared to be a giant cupcake with three giant candles. The frosted chimney was purple and trailed off into several branching shoots, each letting out a bit of smoke or steam. I stared at the giant confection. Or… what looked like a giant confection? I blinked, and rubbed my eyes when that didn't work. The building remained unchanged, aside from the customer trotting out the front door with a box of donuts balanced on his back.

My face scrunched up in confusion as I got a closer look. Even just a few steps away, I couldn't tell if the building was made out of Candy or not, but I could see the multitudes of colourful cupcakes, cookies, cakes and other treats in the windows. 'Okay, so it's probably, almost certainly a store, and not some weird mirage, a bakery if I'm not mistaken…' I was a little too weirded out to make any closer observations, and got back on my way, exploring the town.

Venturing eastward past the gingerbread store I came across a rather large, tower-like building, stretching taller with every tier. There was a lot of traffic here, and I could see Twilight talking to a light grayish amber coated mare, who's mark took the shape of a scroll tied up with a blue ribbon. I almost walked up to them, but It looked like Twilight was in a somewhat important conversation with the silver maned bespectacled mare.

Assured of where my host was, and not wanting to interrupt, I decided to keep wandering semi aimlessly. After a few minutes I just synced up with the traffic flow naturally, but I kept an eye out for landmarks so I wouldn't lose myself in the throng of ponies.

It felt like an hour had passed, and I think I had made at least one full circle of the town, passing the purple circus tent imitating structure that made up Rarity's home and workplace. 'I wonder if she's in right now, or busy with whatever holiday is going on.'

Once again on the southern fringes of the town, I found myself walking into what had to be a park, filled with benches, shady trees, a few picnic tables, and a smattering of playground equipment spread throughout. Everywhere I looked, at least one filly or… whatever you call a young male horse was running, jumping, flying through the air, or using said playground structures with looks of glee and laughter.

I sat there at the entrance to the park, watching the children run around and play with their friends. I was met with the paradoxical whimsy of wishing I was young like them, ignorant of having to make rent, their only concerns being having fun, and at the same time realizing that I was indeed as young as them, and not being too thrilled about potentially reliving my school days.

With a shudder, I pushed the circular thoughts aside and turned around, intent on going back to the library to decipher the written pony language so I could read for fun.

As I spun around, I found myself face to face with a little yellow filly just taller than I was, her big orange eyes staring intently into mine. "Hey thar!" The redhead greeted me in a thick country accent when she realized she had my attention.

Unfortunately, this still took me by surprise, and for the second time that day, I considered how to kick the habit of letting out little adorable squeaks of distress. The earth filly didn't seem bothered by me scuttling back from her, and continued her introduction. "Ah’m Apple Bloom, what’s yer name? Are ya new around here? Ah haven't seen ya in school. Where did ya live before here?"

I looked at the child and briefly wondered why she thought we would be in the same school, then I remembered that I had to look up a smidge to make eye contact and threw that question in the dumpster. 'How exactly do I keep forgetting I got turned into a child?' I wondered internally, while trying to sort out how I felt about the whole interaction.

Eventually I landed on a patient smile and returned her greeting, if only to be polite. "Uh, hi, yeah I'm new around here, I'm Argent." I told her about my stay at the library, and this prompted her to talk about her residence, that being the farm to the south, whose apple orchards kinda wrapped around that entire half of the town.. Said Sweet Apple Acres, as it was named, which I'm fairly certain I've heard before, was bigger than the entire town as well, and provided a kind of buffer between Ponyville and the forest of horrors known as the Everfree.

"I've heard that before…" I muttered as soon as her explanation wound down. "Right, the hospital!" I exclaimed, waving my hoof awkwardly in an attempt to snap my nonexistent fingers. "Apparently I was found somewhere in there. Do pe-onies. Ponies, do they go in there…" I trailed off, as the child had a look of sheer terror on her face.

"You were tha filly ma sis brought back outa there?" she questioned. "What were ya doin in those spooky woods? Were ya chased? Was it a manticore? An ursa!?"

"Yes? I think, wait, your sister is Applejack?" At her affirmation I nodded. "Then yeah, as for the rest, I have no idea. Now, leaving that all aside, is there something you wanted, or am I just blocking the way in." Not that there was much of a fence mind you.

"Oh, weeell, ah' jus' noticed you were new an' all, and, uhm, ah' like your… hair thingy, It's pretty." She gestured vaguely at my forehead, prompting me to cross my eyes.

"Oh, uhh, thanks? It's not a decoration though, it's my horn." I pushed my mane out of the way to better show off that the crystal was indeed rooted in my head.

"Really, wow! Ah' didn't know a unicorn's horn could even look all sparkly like that. So, you can do magic?" She took a step closer, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"Uhh, kinda?" I glowed my horn a bit, twinkling noises and warbly blue magic dancing around its angular facets. "I'm kinda new to the whole magic thing. Twilight has been teaching me, but I still can't even pick things up properly."

The filly oohed and awed as I tried to twirl a leaf on the floor. "Well, ah' can't imagine how hard it must be to do the lev-i-tay-shun," She enunciated carefully, fighting with her accent around the longer word. "Stuff, but it sure sounds neat. Hey! If you have a crystal horn, does that mean you're a crystal pony?"

'Another kind of pony? How many are there anyway?' "I… don't think so? Maybe, but I don't know anything about them, so…"

"Ya mean they didn't teach ya about 'em in yer old school?"

"No…?" I shook my head, before glancing up at the sky. I still wasn't very good at gauging time by the sun, plus I hadn't checked beforehand to have a reference point. "I feel like we may have gotten off topic, I'll just be heading back, you enjoy yourself--" I rambled as I extricacted myself from the situation, circling around the yellow filly so I could leave. 'Screw it, let's find some books so I can learn the reading.'

"Wait!" Applebloom cried, a hoof outstretched but just barely not touching me, I flinched back an inch. "Tha- that's not what I wanted ta talk about either… what I meant to say is, do you wanna play a game?"

'...okay world, I know I made the mistake of reminiscing on simpler times earlier, but that doesn't mean I actually wanted to hang out with kids…' Before I could come up with a reasonable excuse, I made the mistake of looking directly at a little pony who's expression of hope quickly wilted into sadness as the seconds dragged on. "Iiiiiiiii-yes, yeah, sure, what sounds fun? Tag? Charades? Cards? Comeonpleasedon'tmakethatface." I pleaded before tears could form. Seeing kids cry was one of the worst things in the world in my opinion, and I wasn't sure I could handle a pony child doing so.

And again, her mood flipped on a dime, from gut wrenchingly sad, which is downright painful to see on an adorable little plush worthy pony, to dancing in joy. "Awlrigh'!" She cheered in her charming drawl, pumping a hoof in the air. "Let's play hide an' seek!" She booped me on the nose. "You're it, get countin'!"

"I thought you said hide and seek, not tag!" I complained, shaking my head vigorously before sneezing. With a weary sigh I laid down in the grass and covered my eyes with my hooves. My ears twitched and swiveled, independently following different sets of steps in a way that left me completely clueless as to where she had gone, and made me sorely miss my undervalued stationary ears.

Upon shouting out "ten!" I sprang to my hooves with surprising agility. I spun in a circle, scanning each corner of the park methodically-- 'hold on…' I turned back a half step. The filly herself had actually done a great job hiding, she was completely hidden by the shrubbery, I hadn't even heard the bush rustle, but her giant pink bow stuck out like, well, a giant pink bow in a bush.

Still, I didn't want to make her feel bad, so I hummed a random tune as I casually trotted around the park, making a show of looking behind trash cans, up the slide, and under rocks she couldn't have possibly fit under.

As the tune devolved into the jeopardy theme, I decided I had let the round go on for long enough, and meandered back toward the quietly laughing bush. I sat down beside the accessorized bush, and let out a long, contemplative "hmmmmmmmmmmmm." Then I reached over and tapped her shoulder. "Found you."

"Darn! Ah' was sure ya wouldn't find me." She stomped out of the bush in mock anger, a smile on her face. I laughed at the display, but the laugh sounded too much like giggling and I cut myself off. With effort. "Jus' you wait, Ima find you in half tha time!" She boasted.

"Oh reeaally~?" I sang, circling the filly. "Because I already have my spot picked out, and I don't think you’re gonna find it." I challenged, looking pointedly at a bench over her shoulder before mimicking what she did to me. Ponies' faces scrunch up all kinds of funny when you boop their nose. She tried to huff indignantly as she turned around, but I could just make out her stifled laughter.

As soon as the count started, I was off, sprinting like a kitten suffering from the zoomies. I slid along my belly under the bench, kicking up a large cloud of dust with my hooves and making quite a racket. It kicked at the leg of it for good measure before I quietly tip toed -- tip hooved? -- over to a nearby tree.

'Alright, weird hoof grip abilities, don't fail me now!' I silently pleaded, rearing up and plonking my front legs on its trunk. With a hop and a heave, I hung from the bark, before carefully lifting one leg and plonking it down again. Now that I was hanging from them, I was able to more easily feel what it was like to grip things with my hooves, and I gotta say it's weird as hell. For starters, it didn't really feel like I was grabbing with my hooves, but rather something in them was pushed out and suctioning to the surface or something. It also felt vaguely magical, so that was something to 'look' into later.

I clambered onto the first thick branch I could find, and hid amongst the canopy, with my tail in my mouth so I didn't leave any obvious clues hanging around like she had.

"Two, one!" Applebloom shouted, confidently turning and strutting toward the bench. She knocked on it with a hoof. "See, told ya ah woul-- huh?" I clamped my hooves over my mouth to keep my laughter from escaping, as the little filly circled the bench three times, and even checked inside the trash can next to it. She then ran around the park at random, doing much the same as I just had, but with much more seriousness.

'Hehehehe~ my plan works! No one ever looks up!' I cackled trying to keep myself from tumbling out of the tree as the rolling laughter sought to knock me from my perch. 'Man, why am I so into this? Did I really miss schoolyard games this much?' I didn't dwell on that too much, opting to just enjoy the game while it lasted. It was nice, to have a little mindless fun after the week I had, even if I wasn't awake for most of it.

I cackled quietly as Applebloom went to ask other foals in the park where I might have gone, and they all pointed in different directions.

Soon, the sun had passed its zenith, and the filly had, coincidentally, chosen the tree I was hiding in to sulk under, panting from her run around the park. She sighed, and got up to leave, but before I could wonder if maybe I had taken things too far, her back legs shot out, connecting with the base of the tree and sending a tooth rattling vibration up its trunk, shaking the canopy. This also had the likely intended side effect of getting me out of the tree.

I laid on my side, struggling to get air back into my lungs after the fall knocked the wind out of me. The country filly booped me on the nose, again. "Foouund you~" she giggled, dancing in victory.

"Ow." I huffed, rolling onto my belly with a wince. "How do you-- geez you're strong." I pushed myself into a sitting position, rubbing my sore side. "Alright, what gave me away?"

"Your horn was glowing!"

'You traitorous noggin stick!' I mentally growled, glaring at my crystalline growth.

"It was a pretty good spot though, ah' never woulda found ya up thar! If ya hadn't given yerself away, that is." She complimented, bumping shoulders with me as she trotted off.

"I should hope so, I was banking on the fact that no one ever looks up, but I guess you proved me wrong." I sighed, following along like a good little playmate.

"Ya wanna go again? Ah've got a real good spot in mind this time!" She asked, looking over her shoulder at me as we walked back to the center of the lot.

I considered trying to excuse myself to go back to the library again, but… "heck yeah! This is fun!"


< ◇ >


I spent the entire afternoon hanging out with Applebloom, enjoying the moment and playing silly games that I hadn't since grade school. At some point I might berate myself for acting like a child, but games are games, no matter what age you are.

I never again tried to hide too high up when playing with her, and vowed to remember to never do so again, being knocked on your ass isn't fun. Fortunately, we switched to tag after the third round. Unfortunately, while I was much better on my hooves than I was before, I had nothing on a natural born earth pony, who never seemed to run out of stamina.

I was trailing behind the happily skipping filly, wheezing for my life but still doggidly trying to tag her back. Once more, I tripped over my own legs, but this time I didn't get back up, I just lay there, sprawled out in the grass gasping for breath.

"Ya good?" Bloom asked, peaking into the top of my vision. I waved off her concern and closed my eyes, continuing to wind down. The grass beside me rustled, and when I looked over, I found that she had rolled onto her back beside me. "That was fun."

I nodded. "Yeah." I said softly, having finally found enough air to spare for words.

"Argent, are you here?" The voice of my host came.

I rolled over onto my stomach and waved a hoof in the air to get her attention. The mare trotted over happily, smiling down at the two of us. "So this is where you've been all day?" Her voice spoke more of genuine curiosity than anything negative, but my ears still folded back. "When we got home and you weren't there, you had us really worried, didn't you read the note?"

'Starting to wish I could have.' "No… sorry?" I tried.

Twilight just smiled at me as sye settled into the grass next to us. "It's fine. All it said was that we would be out of the house for a little bit, and that you should have started on your readings. But, I can forgive you this time, since you were making a friend." She nodded at the earth filly next to me.

"Howdy Miss Twilight! Argent an' I was jus' havin fun, she's really good at hide n' seek." Applebloom complimented, but I paid that little mind.

"Really now?" The unicorn asked politely, getting an enthusiastic nod and brief retelling of all my spots; the tree, on top of one of the play structures --which thankfully didn't end in another rude reintroduction to the ground, just her shouting "found you!" At the top of her lungs half the park away -- even my attempt to change spots constantly, eventually she caught me sneaking back to the original tree, which is where we switched to tag.

"Sounds to me like you two had a lot of fun." She summed up, and I found myself agreeing, in a much calmer manner than the earth filly. "Well, after a day like you had, I bet you're hungry." I nodded, actually somewhat surprised that the question wasn't answered by my stomach, as was the running cliche.

I bade farewell to Applebloom, and went back to Golden Oaks with Twilight. "I know you must have been bored, all alone in the library." She began, getting me to turn from looking down the path to up at her. "And I'm not mad!" She quickly assured me. "We were just worried, is all, looking around town for a few hours. You're not in any trouble, but a note of your own would have really been appreciated."

"Sorry, I just wanted to learn my way around town…" I sulked.

Twilight gave me a tap on the shoulder. "I already said it was fine. You were just out having fun, although reading a little might have made tomorrow's lesson easier. Spike should be back home making dinner for us,"

Conversation fell off at that point, and we made it back to the library in short order. We spent a few hours doing the quill exercise again, where she assured me I was getting better, but I couldn't see it. After a quick dinner, I went up to the loft to sleep. Having spent all my energy for the day, I drifted off quickly. 'I wonder if that Night Strider will still be there?'


< ✶ >


As soon as Spike and Argent went up stairs, Twilight once more descended the steps into the basement. Looking left and right as if expecting someone to jump out at her, the unicorn pulled the cover off a blackboard in the corner and flipped it over. Various chalk writings and drawings littered its surface, along with a few pages tacked on with putty. Admittedly, it wasn't much, but this little board held her gathered research on the little filly up the stairs.

Twilight didn't quite agree with keeping all this a secret from her, but it wouldn't do Argent any good to be scared, it wouldn't be good for anyone really.

The study was still in its infancy, so only the most obvious anomalies were listed. How she switched tribes had sparked her research, but the details piled on quickly; from how her magic would change colour at the drop of a hat, to how the highlights in her mane, tail and body would all fluctuate in saturation to coincide with her change in demeanor. A stack of papers detailing her unique horn makeup sat on a nearby table. And strangest among them all, how when the filly yawned a tiny rainbow would form for a moment, and it wasn't just for show, either.

Twilight picked up the prime example, a brightly coloured glass in her magic, examining it from all angles once more. At one point it was just an ordinary cup, but something about it had fundamentally changed. The unicorn was still waiting on that delivery before she would have the proper equipment to learn more about it.

"Where did you come from?" Twilight asked the blackboard, tapping chalk against her chin.

Author's Note:

And here we have the latest chapter decently sized and right on time!

Honestly, I'm amazed I was able to get this done so fast, so I hope it doesnt dissapoint!

Also, this is the first chapter I've posted since I got my Patreon up and running!

My current job makes it difficult to keep to my self imposed upload schedule because they cant keep my hours straight, so if any of you are feeling generous and wanna help out a steadily improving writer, please consider donating a little.

Do or dont, Ill still be working on this story, but you do get some cool perks if ya do, like access to chapters before anyone else, before my editor even!

Anyway, I've rambled enough, click on the funny coloured word up there if you wanna check out the patreon page, or the one down here, they lead to the same place, so take your pick.

Bye, have an awesome week!
Carmine Patreon!