• Published 10th Apr 2020
  • 4,740 Views, 308 Comments

Hearts Beat - mushroompone

A chance encounter at a rave leads to Twilight making an unlikely friend

  • ...



I moaned softly.

Even filtered through my curtains, the morning sun was too intense to open my eyes. I rolled away from it and pulled my blanket higher.

"Twilight…" she said again, this time like a little song. I could feel her breath on my face, warm and gentle.

I moaned a little louder. "No… five more minutes…" I yanked the blanket all the way over my head.

"Hey." I felt a hoof on my shoulder. "Twi."

Sort of serious.

I pulled the blanket down slowly, and snuck one eye open.

There, right by the side of my bed, stood Vinyl. Her mane was a mess. She had bags under her eyes. She was squinting into the morning sun. She looked, generally, like a sleep-deprived mess. But she was smiling.

"Hey, there she is."

Vinyl began to pull away, her grip behind my head loosening.

When our lips parted, I kept my eyes closed, desperately trying to keep the fluttery feeling in my chest alive.

At last I opened my eyes. I’m sure they were as wide as dinner plates. Vinyl’s were sort of dark, focused, a little intimidating; even in the dim light of the kitchen, they sparkled with a deep determination I had never seen before.

Her horn brightened. A cloud of blue magic began to pour from its tip.

“What are you doing?” I asked softly.

The magic surrounded me, wrapped me in a warm and tingling embrace. Before I knew it, I was swept off the stool. I let out a small gasp.

Vinyl was cradling me, looking down at me with that same focus and near ferocity. “Don’t overthink it, Princess,” she said.

She walked slowly, her mind focused on her magic. I just stared up at her face the whole time, watching the little motions of her eyebrows, her lips, as she held me tight and carried me up the stairs and--

My eyes were open now. "Oh. Oh!"

Vinyl chuckled. She was grinning, a real, genuine smile. "So, funny story--"

"Did we--" I put a hoof over my mouth. Then, in a harsh whisper: "did we sleep together last night?!"

Vinyl gave me a look which said 'disappointed, but not surprised'. "Not great for my self-esteem that you can't remember, but I'll let it slide. Anyway, funny story--"

"Oh, Celestia!" I struggled into a sitting position, holding the blanket up to my collarbone. "I-- are you-- I mean--"

Vinyl held up one hoof. "I hear you. Your mind is blown. But you're really gonna wanna hear--"

“You’ve only been single for a week, Vinyl!” I hissed. “How could we do this?”

My heart felt like it was being strangled by a boa constrictor. The very thing that I’d so cavalierly damned other ponies for, I had now committed. Getting together with a pony who had barely even broken up with her previous love… of four years. Not exactly infidelity, but uncomfortably close to it.

Vinyl opened her mouth, then seemed to consider what I’d said. “Okay! I hear that, that’s something we might want to address in the future, but right now--”

“What?!” I demanded.

Vinyl’s eyes went wide. She bit down on her bottom lip. “Well… so, this morning, I woke up and I thought ‘gee, wouldn’t it be nice for Twilight if I fixed her some breakfast?’ So I went downstairs and--”

“The kitchen’s on fire?!” I guessed. My breathing was ragged.

“Whoa,” Vinyl sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped her foreleg around my lower back.

My wings puffed at her touch.

“Twi, everything’s okay,” Vinyl said.

“Is it, though?” I asked.

Vinyl sighed. “Two of your friends are here.” She looked at me with a sort of part-smile, part-grimace that said ‘please, please, please let it be okay’.

My heart dropped into my hooves. “Di--” I swallowed. “Did they see you?”

She opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by a pounding at the door.

“Twilight? You in there?” Applejack’s voice. She sounded… confused.

“Is everything alright, darling?” Rarity’s voice. Very concerned.

“Oh, no…” I whispered, burying my face in my hooves.

“I’m sorry,” Vinyl whispered back. “I didn’t think there was anything wrong with--”

“Shush!” I hushed her. She looked a little hurt. “Sorry. Just… stay here. Please."

Vinyl climbed up onto the mattress and sat there, looking oh-so casual. Like she belonged there, almost. I could hardly take my eyes off her. Somewhere, in the back corner of my mind I was just shouting 'Vinyl is in my bedroom!' over and over and over again.

I rolled clumsily out of bed and managed to make it to the door. Though I never had before, I found myself wishing my bedroom door had a peephole, or even just an unusually large keyhole.

It did not, so I manually unlatched the door and opened in about an inch.

On the other side of the door stood Rarity and Applejack, each looking confused and concerned in approximately equal measure.

Rarity did a sort of double take. “Oh! There you are, Twilight.” Her face crumpled from shock to relief. “Are you alright?”

I squinted at her, and hesitantly opened the door another half-inch. “What makes you think I’m not okay?”

“We heard you go runnin’ upstairs without sayin’ hello,” Applejack said. “Are you sick or something?”


So they hadn’t seen Vinyl.

“Oh!” The gears in my mind were spinning, but not near fast enough. “I was just… just…”

Every nook and cranny of my normally working mind was either bruised or occupied. All I could think about was the way she had held me. The feeling of her hooves along my spine, gently cradling, while she kissed me again and again and again…

Rarity pricked an ear expectantly. “Just?”

“Fixing my mane!” I blurted. “I just-- I had some really bad bedhead and I… wasn’t ready for visitors!”

Nailed it.

Applejack’s eyes narrowed considerably. “Right…”

She sort of stretched up a little bit in an effort to see the bedroom beyond me. I stretched up to meet her height and block the view with my own head.

“Goodness.” Rarity put a hoof on her chest. “Our apologies, Twilight. It’s very rude to interrupt another mare’s beauty routine.”

“Oh, no! No, it’s--” I stopped, cleared my throat. “Er, well… just, uh, give me a few minutes and I’ll come right down.”

I closed the door gently, with what I hope was a convincing smile plastered onto my looming face until the very last second.

With the door closed, I whirled about and pressed back against it.

I looked at Vinyl, then nodded to the window. Escape!

Vinyl shook her head vigorously, pointed to my wings, and pointed to her bare back. Hell fucking no!

I closed my eyes and rocked my head back against the door.

No way out.

I skittered to the side of the bed and put a hoof on Vinyl’s shoulder. “I don’t know how long they’ll be here. Do you have to pee? Scratch that-- if you do have to pee, you can use--”

“Twilight,” Vinyl said softly. She put her hoof on my cheek, and I swear my knees actually knocked. “Why don’t I just go down with you?”

“Because!” I hissed. “I’m-- I’m not ready!”

Vinyl sighed, a little knowing smile on her lips. “Twilight, they're your friends. I mean, it's not like we did anything wrong."

I whimpered and shuffled my hooves impatiently.

"Or I could stay here and pee in a jar until you're comfortable," Vinyl said. More of a tease than anything else.

"Really?" I asked softly.

Vinyl looked at me. "Yeah. Yeah, of course."

"Thank you!" I just about tackled Vinyl in a hug. "Thank you, thank you!"

Vinyl patted me on the back. She was laughing a little, which I felt more than heard. "Hey, I'm your guest, right?"

I held her away from me. "I'll get them out of here as quick as I can, okay?"

"Deal," she said.

I gave Vinyl one last squeeze, then scuttled back over to the door.

I pulled the door open slowly and cautiously, looking both ways for any signs of my unexpected guests, then ventured into the hall. The door clicked quietly shut behind me.

A little sigh of relief snuck out.


Just relax!

You have nothing to hide. Just find out what your friends want, and get them out.

Piece of cake.

I paused there in the hall to compose myself. Head held high, impeccable posture, an easy-going smile… and a mane without the tell-tale knots in the back.

Hm. Ironic that I'd forgotten to check my mane in the mirror.

My magic was still pretty spotty, but I managed to tug my mane into what felt like a normal shape.

I took one deep breath, let it out. Then another.


Down the stairs.

Not too fast, Twilight. They'll know something's up. Not too slow, either!

"There y'are," Applejack said. She strangely looked a lot like I felt: trying to act normal when she knew better.

"Hi!" I said. Perhaps too cheerfully.

It's so hard to tell if the things you're doing are crazy… everything feels suspicious when you're anxious. Breathing? Suspicious. Blinking? Suspicious. Heart beating? Suspicious. Don't even get me started on walking and talking.

The girls were examining the cutie map curiously.

"Twilight, have you ever seen the map do this?" Rarity asked.

Gosh, how had I missed it? Rarity and Applejack's flanks were both pulsing and glowing, the images of their cutie marks swirling about the miniature castle on the map.

A wave of relief washed over me.

They were here for the map! Of course!

"We think it's stuck," Applejack said. "Just been spinning around like this since we got here."

I took a few steps closer, coming to stand between my friends, and placed my hoof on the table. "Huh. That is weird."

"So you haven't seen it do this before?" Rarity asked. "I was worried you would say that."

"What do we do? Should we stay here until--"

"No!" I blurted.

Rarity and Applejack glanced over their shoulders at me. They both had a similarly sensitive bullshit meter, to the point where they honestly looked like each other's reflection.

I swallowed. "Um… well, maybe the friendship problem is just so close that the map is confused! Did you see anything fishy outside?"

Applejack turned to look at me, leaning back against the table's edge. "I'm seeing something fishy right now." Her jaw was set. Her lips a tight line. Oh, gosh…

"Oh, Applejack," Rarity scolded, giving her friend a playful jab in the ribs. She then glanced at me. "Darling, are you sure you're alright? I know enough to know when you're stressed. You can tell us if something's wrong, you know."

"I'm fine!" I insisted, although I get the feeling it wasn't incredibly convincing. "Let's just focus on the friendship problem, okay?"

Applejack looked at me.

I looked back at her.

Her eyes searched mine for a hint of mistruth.

I tried to think only about how thirsty I was.

"Alright…" Applejack murmured. "Well, do you think this has anything to do with your, uh… injury?"

I put a hoof up to my head. "My concussion? As far as I know, the map sort of… has its own magic. It shouldn't need me to work."

"Is Spike home?" Rarity asked. "Maybe he has a problem we're meant to help with."

Was Spike home?

Had he been home when…

"He's fine! Just sleeping," I said.

"Well, then, what's new with you?" Applejack asked. "Anything problematic?"

She laughed heartily, as if this were simply impossible. As if I, Twilight Sparkle, had not and could not make a choice that was widely considered poor.

I wondered how, in the more than five years she had known me, Applejack thought I couldn't make a mistake. I mean… she'd been a part of several.

Rarity joined in on the laughter a moment later. "Unless having a bad hair day is considered a friendship problem, I sincerely doubt it."

My hoof went to the back of my head unconsciously. I couldn't help but remember the way my head had rocked backwards against the pillows, over and over…

"Yep! No problems, here!" I agreed. "Why don't you two go check outside?"

But Rarity was looking past me, sort of over my shoulder.

"Rarity?" I waved a hoof in front of her face.

She leaned around it. "I didn't think Spike liked tea."

I scoffed. "He doesn't. What makes you--"


Oh, shit.

I whirled around.

Two mugs of tea, long cold by now, sitting on the corner of the kitchen island. Abandoned for bigger and better things, I suppose you could say.

"Oh! Th-that's…" I looked back at Rarity. "Hot cocoa?"

Applejack said nothing, just went stalking towards the kitchen.

I thought about stopping her, then thought how guilty it would look if I did. I watched in a sheer panic as Applejack examined the liquids in each mug.

"Actually," I said, my voice climbing in pitch, "last night I did give Spike tea because-- because I enchanted it to help him sleep better!"

"With a concussion?" Rarity asked.

"It's tea!" Applejack exclaimed. "You're lying to us!"

"No!" I shouted. "I mean-- yes?"

Rarity and Applejack's faces contorted in precisely the same way as they leaned closer to me: thoughtful, confused, suspicious.

"Yes?!" Rarity repeated incredulously.

"I mean, no! I'm not lying, I just--" I cleared my throat. Then cleared it again. "I'm just--"

Think, Twilight, think!

If only I didn't have this damn concussion, then I'd be able to--


I clucked my tongue. "Y'know, with my concussion, I've just been so forgetful."

Applejack set her jaw. "Really?"

I looked down at a particularly bland patch of floor to my left. "It's… it's a symptom."

Applejack looked to Rarity for confirmation.

Rarity nodded.

"Well, alright, I guess--"

"Darling, that's awful!" Rarity rushed to me and wrapped me in a gentle hug. I gave her a half-hearted pat on the back with one hoof.

"So… who's here, then?" Applejack asked. "Pinkie Pie? Fluttershy? I know it ain't Rainbow."

Rarity backed off a bit, holding me away from her.

"It's, uh…" I scratched the side of my head with one hoof. Just stare at the ceiling, Twi. The answers are there. "Y'know, I can't quite, uh… remember."

A look of abject horror washed through Rarity, then Applejack.

"You don't know who is in your home?!" Rarity looked as if she may just pass out.

"Rarity, please," Applejack murmured. She looked up at me. "Uh… think you oughta be gettin' back to the doctor, then?"

"Ah…" I waved one hoof. I have absolutely no idea what I meant by this combination of actions.

"Well, we'd better get you to bed," Rarity said. "And we can check for a guest while we're at it."


At that point, I may have just short-circuited entirely. It felt as if whatever fragile truss had been supporting my brain's delicate functions had fractured completely. I may as well have been trying to perform a spell with a popsicle stick instead of a horn.

Despite this, I opened my mouth to try to respond. "Uh--"

"Yeah, I think we'd better," Applejack agreed. Her tone was so dark, though, it almost sounded like a threat.

She took off at a brisk trot. Rarity wrapped one hoof around my shoulders and started to walk me toward the stairs. Lucky for me, I didn't have to pretend I was having trouble walking.

"You know, I really can handle this myself!" I called after Applejack.

"Nonsense, Twilight," Rarity said. "Let us help you to bed."

Applejack reached the top of the stairs and made a beeline for my bedroom. She was true to her element. That mare could smell the truth a mile off.

"Oh, Applejack, I have a guest room just around--"

Bur Applejack was already turning the knob.

Vinyl was laid across my bed like a starfish, staring up at the ceiling, humming softly to herself. She looked really peaceful, I thought. For a second, I could see the young Vinyl, splayed across her foal-sized bed and learning about the magic of music for the first time.

That moment ended as soon as Vinyl realized that it wasn't me opening the door.

She shot up straight and looked right at Applejack and Rarity, her eyes wide. The eggshell-white hue of her coat drained away to a color far more pure and sickly. She was totally mute.

It took a second for my brain to kick on.

"Oh, my--" I faked some laughter, hoping it came out more genuine than it felt. "Vinyl Scratch! Where did you come from?"

Vinyl blinked and slowly raised a hoof to her chest. Me?

I smiled wider and raised my eyebrows as high as they would go, nodding first to Applejack, then to Rarity. Play along!

"Where did I come from?" Vinyl repeated. She chuckled, too, a sound just as alien as my laughter. "Where will I go? Where did I come from… right?"

Rarity cocked her head. "I'm sorry, are those the lyrics to--"

"Vinyl!" I exclaimed, trotting over to the bed with as much confidence as I could muster. "Wow, I-- I've just been so forgetful since my concussion! When did you get here?"

"Uh…" Vinyl looked up at me for guidance, of which I could give her none. "I… forget?"

All in attendance were silent for a moment.

Needing to break the tension, I laughed uproariously. "Oh, Vinyl! That's-- you're so funny!"

Vinyl looked sidelong at me. Her eyes seemed to beg silently for some sort of direction. Though I gave her none, she started to laugh along with me. It was kind of like listening to an old fairground ride start up.

"It's a little bit funny," she said. "The feeling inside. And it's-- it sure isn't something I can easily hide!"

"Why in Equestria are you rhyming?" Applejack demanded with a stomp of her hoof. She quickly recoiled. "Nevermind, don't answer that."

I gave Vinyl a confused look. Why are you rhyming?!

She stared at me helplessly. I don't know!

"Vinyl, darling, when did you get here?" Rarity asked. Though her language was polite, her tone was stern.

Vinyl's mouth was just sort of hanging open. I thought I could hear a low, sustained sound from deep in her throat… something like a very, very long 'uh'. And she was sweating, too; I could see the sheen on her forehead from here. It was already starting to mat her fur-- I mean, shit, how fast can you even work up a sweat like that?

I cleared my throat.

Vinyl whipped her head over to look at me.

I wiggled my eyebrows. Well?

She stared at me with the energy and presence of a trout in the dead of winter.

"Wasn't it last night?" I prompted through grit teeth. "That you got here?"

The trout blinked, but did little else.

"For tea?" I gave her a little jab in the side.

Vinyl swallowed. "There was tea." She looked back at Applejack and Rarity. "Tea for two and two for tea! Y-you could say…"

"Quit quotin' show tunes!" Applejack stomped her hoof again. "Y'all better start telling me the truth or so help me--"

"Applejack, that wasn't a show tune," Rarity gently pointed out.

"I don't give two bits!" Applejack shouted. She trained her gaze on me. "Twilight, come on. Just tell us the truth! I'm the element of honesty, for fuck's sake!"

Rarity nodded slowly. "A-and… if you two could be a little be more generous with your information, then maybe--"

"Not the time, Rarity," Applejack said plainly.

Rarity made a sound of utter disgust. "The map called me, too, Applejack."

I scoffed. "Are you calling me a friendship problem?"

"Well, what in the name of Tartarus is goin' on here?" Applejack demanded, gesturing wildly to both me and Vinyl. "Sure don't look like friendship to me!"

I could actually see the shiver travel up Vinyl's spine. "Uh… maybe I should go."

I turned to look at her. "Vinyl--"

"I think perhaps you should," Rarity said. "It seems we need to have a talk with Twilight."

Rarity and Applejack gave me duplicate withering looks.

I folded my hooves over my chest. "What if I don't want to talk, hm?"

"Twilight, come on," Vinyl said, putting a hoof on my shoulder. "Friends come first, okay?"

I looked at Vinyl for a moment. Her eyes were soft and warm. She seemed entirely serious.

I sighed. "Okay."

Vinyl nodded, then stood to leave.

Rarity and Applejack did not seem moved by Vinyl's priorities. They each took one step away from the other, creating a space barely wide enough for Vinyl to squeeze through on her way out. She couldn't even toss me an encouraging glance over her shoulder.

Applejack kicked the door shut with her back hoof.

"Listen, girls, I--"

"What did she do to you?" Applejack asked. Her voice was darker and deeper than I'd ever heard.

My heart stopped for a second. "I-- what? What do you mean?"

"Did she hurt you?" Rarity asked. Her eyes were fixed on mine, deeply sincere.

I looked at each of them, back and forth from one gaze to the other. Were they serious? They thought Vinyl had… done something to me? Something to hurt me?

I shook my head. "N-no! No, Vinyl didn't do anything to hurt me."

Applejack cocked her head. "Pinkie swear?"

"Cross my heart," I said.

Rarity arched her eyebrows expectantly.

I sighed deeply. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," I recited, even adding the proper eye-poking hoof motion at the end.

Applejack let out an enormous sigh of relief. She came to my bedside and sat next to me. Rarity followed suit.

It was weird to think that they were sitting where Vinyl and I had… you know.

I wondered how many times I'd been sitting where other ponies had done the deed.

I quickly stopped wondering.

"Well, for Celestia's sake, what happened?" Applejack asked.

I looked down at my lap. "I told you, I've been having trouble remembering stuff and--"

"Twilight, we aren't going to be angry," Rarity said.

Applejack scoffed. "Speak for yourself. Better be something damn stupid for you to lie to us like that, Twilight."

I kept staring at my hooves.

What were they going to think?

That the papers were right, that I was a homewrecker all along?

That I was some kind of chaser? A swinger?

No. Come on, Twilight. Be rational for once. They're your friends. They love you, and they won't jump to conclusions.

"I…" I swallowed hard. My eyes were still trained downward. "I slept with Vinyl."

The room went quiet. This must be what a black hole feels like, I thought. A terrible feeling all over your body and not a sound to be heard, all of it sucked up and compressed into nothingness.

Rarity actually chuckled softly. "Well, yes, I could have guessed as much. You two are about as subtle as a pride parade."

I blushed fiercely.

"What's got you so upset?" Applejack asked. I could tell she was trying to be competing, or at least accepting, but she tended to sound aggressive even then.

"Upset?" I repeated. For a moment, I could hardly find the words. Then, like a waterfall, they came tumbling out. "Vinyl's only been broken up with Octavia for a week. I mean-- what if I did that? What if I ruined that?"

I wasn't crying, exactly. Just sort of shaking,on the edge of tears.

Rarity and Applejack looked at each other, trying to process this new information. I think Applejack may have shrugged.

"I'm sure that's not true," Rarity said, rubbing my back with one hoof. "I think you should give Vinyl and Octavia a little more credit than that, for goodness's sake."

I moaned softly and put my face in my hooves.

Applejack chuckled lightly. "Sounds like you were Vinyl's rebound. No shame in that."

"Her rebound?!" I lifted my face from my hooves.

Rarity clucked her tongue. "Applejack!" she scolded.

"It's true!" Applejack insisted.

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Don't listen to her. I'm sure you and Vinyl shared something very meaningful."

I made a sound of disgust and put my face back in my hooves, this time to disguise the growing blush.

"Rarity!" Applejack hissed. "You sound like a gotdang after school special!"

"At least I'm saying something nice, you ruffian!" Rarity spat back.

Now it was Applejack's turn to roll her eyes.

I sighed. "Why did I do it?" I mumbled.

"Hm?" Rarity leaned in closer. "Why?"

I flopped backwards onto my bed, my forelegs and wings splayed out to my sides.

I looked over at Rarity. "Yeah. Why would I do that? I knew she'd only been broken up with Octavia for a week."

Applejack and Rarity exchange another look, then laid down on the bed on either side of me. I had to close my wings a bit for them to do so.

Applejack shrugged. "Because you like her?"

I slowly turned my head to give Applejack a withering stare.

She held her hooves up. "Hey. I'm just sayin'. You don't sleep with a mare 'cause you think she's ugly."

"But--" I sighed. "But Octavia--"

"But nothin'," Applejack said. "All that Octavia stuff is Vinyl's problem, not yours."

Rarity made a sound that I could only interpret as 'bad take'. "I think what Applejack means to say is that this is complicated, and you should really be focusing on what you can control."

Applejack scoffed. "I meant exactly what I said!"

"Oh, would you--" Rarity reached over to smack Applejack upside the head, but Applejack batted her hooves away.

I laughed wearily as their slap fight played out over me. At least they weren't mad at me, I guess.

Applejack relented and allowed herself to be smacked once, very gently.

Rarity let out a small gasp. It seems she hadn't intended to hit Applejack at all.

Applejack merely folded her forelegs over her chest and stared up at the ceiling.

"Y'all talked about it, right?" Applejack asked.

I looked up. "Talked about what?"

Applejack shrugged. "About sleeping together. I mean, before, after, it doesn't rightly matter. But you talked, right?"

Don't overthink it, princess.

"Uh… we were maybe planning on talking about it. This morning," I said.

Rarity sighed. "You must have at least thought about it, Twilight."

"Thought about what?"

"Well, are you datin' her, or was this a one-night stand?" Applejack asked.

"Eugh!" Rarity squealed. "Applejack, don't be crass!"

"I'm callin' it what it is!" Applejack insisted.

The two continued to argue, each propped up an elbow and whisper-shouting things at one another.

I looked over at Rarity. She, I'm sure, felt certain that this was a blossoming romance. Perhaps a perfect romance, one that was meant to be, one that would last forever. But that wasn't because of me and Vinyl, it was because that's how she saw the world, especially when it came to love.

I rolled my head to the other side and looked up at Applejack. She was more realistic--perhaps even too realistic--about the elements of dating. A kiss is just a kiss. Sex is just sex. But… well, even she had finally found herself a partner.

My eyes turned to the ceiling.

I remember it. Being a filly, that is. I remember staring up at the ceiling like this, oftentimes trying not to cry, and just quietly wondering why. Why I was so stressed. Why I had to study for that test. Why I needed to be successful at everything so badly.

Why I was so lonely.

And, now, I have the chance to not be lonely.

Don't I deserve that?

Rarity and Applejack ceased their arguing very suddenly. Their flanks were pulsing again, the cutie map telling them that their job was done.

They looked at me.

"We fixed it?" Rarity asked.

"How in the hell did we do that?"

I sat up. "Thanks, girls. I didn't know how much I needed to talk to you about all of this."

"But, Twilight--"

"Darling, what did you decide?" Rarity asked.

I looked at them. Really looked.

Deep in there, in each of them, was this little spark of hope that I would do it. It was buried under a lot of rationalizing and logical explanations, but it was there.

I think sometimes you just want your friend to get the girl, I guess.

"Well," I said, getting to my hooves, "unfortunately, that's for me to know and you to find out."