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Chapter 5: Los Santos


Fluttershy gasped and got up from her bed.

"Oh, I was dreaming that I killed someone," she said. Suddenly she realized that it wasn't a dream. Blood on her top clothes is evidence. She headed to the kitchen where Trevor was frying eggs with something red. Fluttershy didn't know what is this.

"Good morning," she said.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?"

"I am just still in the shock about yesterday."

"No worries, someday you will use it. Anyway, breakfast is ready." With those words, both sat at the table and began eating. Fluttershy looked at the red things and took a bite.

"Mmm, that's delicious!" she said.



"You said that you don't eat meat."

"I-is that meat?" Fluttershy pointed to the red thing.

"Yup, it is bacon," said Trevor. Fluttershy was shocked. She ran to the toilet and threw up. Soon she sat on the couch. Her skin was pale. Trevor approached her and said:

"Sorry about this."

"No worries, I did not know that it was meat," said Fluttershy. Today was a boring day, so Trevor asked:

"Hey, girl. Maybe we can go to Los Santos and I will show you the town?"

"Oh okay. That will be great." With those words, both got in the truck and headed to the city.

"So what will we do when we get to the city?"

"First of all, I will greet you to Franklin," said Trevor, turning the truck to the left. Soon they arrived at 3671 Whispymound Drive, Vinewood Hills. Trevor & Fluttershy approached the door and knocked.

"I am coming," someone said. Then the door was opened by a black man in a blue shirt and jeans.

"Hey, Franklin!" shouted Trevor.

"Sup, Trevor," said Clinton. Then he looked at Fluttershy.


"Good morning, I am Fluttershy."

"Nice to meet you. So why are you here?"

"What? I can't just visit my friend and ask him about who is he doing?"

"Nah, come in." With those words, both entered the building. Fluttershy looked around and was surprised to see expensive and modern furniture.

"Wow," she said.

"Yeah, I also was surprised when I moved in here," said Franklin. Soon they sat on the couch and Franklin asked:

"So Trevor, where did you find Fluttershy?"

"She was lost here. I decided to take care of her. I taught her how to use guns and how to protect yourself," told Trevor.

"Wait really? Man, how was she doing?"

"She is a fast learner. On the next day, she first killed a man." Fluttershy looked at another direction, while Franklin said:

"Trevor, you know that you are the really bad father?"

"C'mon. That man tried to kill me with his minions, so she saved my life," claimed Trevor. "BTW, how is it on your new job?"

"Nah, homie. I am just working as a taxi driver. Still better than someone trying to shoot you," said Franklin.

"Heh, anyway would you like to come with us? I want to show Fluttershy the city."

"Nah, sorry homie. I am waiting for Lamar. He said that this is important."

"Okay, bye. Come on Fluttershy." With those words, both of them exited the building. After 1 minute Lamar entered the building.

"Wow, homie! Why you didn't tell me that you live in a big-ass house! That's so cool!" he admired. Franklin just rolled his eyes and said:

"Just did some work," he answered.

"Who is that girl was with Trevor? Is that her daughter?" asked Lamar pointing to the door with his thumb.

"No, she was lost and Trevor decided to take care of her," said Franklin.

"She is very hot, homie. I wonder if girls from her place are as sexy as she. Anyway, look at this." He passed to his friend a brochure. Franklin looked at it and then to Lamar.

"Homie, what is this?"

"That's a camp. You hadn't taken a break from your job. You are an employee of the month. I am sure that the boss will give you a break for at least 2 days." Franklin thought to himself. What Lamar said was true. He was very exhausted by the town life and crime, so he said:

"Okay nigga, where is it?"

"Oh yeah, that's my man. C'mon Franklin. We will have a good time." Soon they were heading to Franklin's workplace to ask the boss for the break and then they will be in the camp. Meanwhile, Trevor was showing Fluttershy famous places, pubs, strip clubs, etc. Soon they arrived at Vanilla unicorn.

"Well, there we are. That's my place. C'mon."

"Unicorn? Hmm, that's sounds interesting."

"Yeah, if you will find sexy girls interesting." Fluttershy blushed. Soon they entered the building and she saw women in bra and panties dancing around the pole. Her face became red like a tomato and she covered her eyes with arms. Trevor grabbed her by arm and took her to the manager's office.

"Oh God, why these women do that?" she cried out.

"Well, some of them want money, other ones - happiness, third ones - hell knows," said Trevor. Fluttershy opened the minifridge, but then the rotting corpse fell from it.

"Aaaagh!" she screamed. Trevor looked at the corpse and pinched his nose.

"Yack! That explains why there was a stinky smell there. I totally forgot about him." Fluttershy looked at Trevor with horror in her eyes.

"Y-you did it?"


"You are a monster!" shouted Fluttershy. She tried to run, but Trevor grabbed her by arm.

"Don't touch me!" Fluttershy released her arm and ran away.

"Wait!" said Trevor. He came out of the building, but he didn't see her.

"Shit!" Trevor got in his truck and started the engine. Then he began searching for Fluttershy.

"Hey girl, where are you?" But he didn't receive the answer. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was running through the town. Soon he hid in the alley and breathed heavily.

"Hey chica!" someone shouted. Fluttershy turned around and saw two men approaching her. "You look nice," said one of them. Fluttershy walked to the road, but the other man grabbed her by arm.

"Hey, c'mon don't be so shy. Hey, buddy, hold her." The first man approached her and grabbed her, while the second man tried to kiss her. Fluttershy headbutted him and then did the same to another man.

"Ouch, that's really hurt, you bitch!" shouted the first man, holding his nose. Meanwhile, the second man shook his head and tackled Fluttershy to the wall.

"Now bitch, you will pay for it!" The man tried to take off clothes from her, but she kicked him in the balls. Man squeaked and fell to the ground holding his little friend. In the meantime, the first man recovered from the headbutt and charged to his enemy. Fluttershy dodged his attack and he fell to the trash can. Fluttershy gasped and instantly ran away. Soon he found the bench and sat on it. Soon she recognized this place. She met Trevor there.

"Hmm, it was predictable for you to run here," someone said. She turned around and saw a man with a walking stick. He wore a checkered shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers.

"What do you mean? You know me?"

"Not exactly. It seems that you aren't keen on technologies, are you?"

"Not really, I just use the phone for calls or searching info, but who are you?"

"Call me Lester. Can I sit there?" Fluttershy moved to the edge and Lester sat on the bench.

"Well, judging by your face, I think that now you know the real Trevor's character. Angry, cruel, sociopathic cannibal."

"Yeah, he just did a lot of horrible things, but I can't blame him for this. He had a bad childhood," said Fluttershy looking at the ground.

"Yeah, I know his story. Anyway, listen to me. You think that everything is peaceful and when you see something bad, you are trying to fix this. But girl, you can't repair everything. Some things can't be fixed. You need to accept it or you will end up on the cemetery or asylum," said Lester. Fluttershy wiped out tears from her eyes and said:

"Yeah, I know it. It is just hard to accept."

"No worries. On the first steps, this is hard, but then it becomes easier and easier. Now I should leave you. Wait for Trevor." With those words, Lester got up and began walking away, when suddenly Fluttershy asked:

"Wait, do you know Trevor?"

"Yes, we are just acquaintances." Lester disappeared behind the building, leaving Fluttershy in her thoughts. Soon she heard a familiar voice.

"Phew, finally found you." She looked up and saw Trevor.

"Listen, I know that you think that I am psychopath, and you don't want to see me, but I want to help you. If you want, I can buy you the tickets for the plane."

"No worries. I accept you as you are. Now let's go home." Fluttershy headed to the truck, leaving Trevor speechless.


"Hi," said Tracey.

"Hello," said Main 7 in unison.

"Can I sit there?" Pinkie moved to the side and Tracey sat down.

"Hi, I am Pinkie Pie, but you can call me Pinkie."

"Sup, my name is Tracey."

"You are more polite than your father," said Rarity.

"Pff, don't expect more from the bank robber."

"What?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, my father is a retired bank robber. But he went on the pension," said Tracey.

"And he killed people?" asked Sunset.

"Yup." That really scared girls.

"No worries, he kills people only in extreme cases."

"Okay, BTW my name is Twilight Sparkle. That's Rarity, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, and Rainbow Dash."

"Nice to see you," said Applejack. Suddenly Tracey's brother approached girls.

"Yo, Tracey, where did you put my "grass"?" he asked.

"It's under the bed."

"Why do you need the grass?" asked Sunset.

"Well, I smoke it. Name's Jimmy." He lifted his arm for a handshake.

"Hi, name's Pinkie Pie." She shook his arm.

"Yeah, I heard you talking," said Jimmy. Then he walked away and Tracey said:

"Yeah, that's my brother." Tracey pointed to the boy. Suddenly they heard the car. Soon they saw blue Baller and two black men came out of it. One of them was wearing a green cap and a black T-shirt, while another one was a hatless and blue shirt.

"Oh yeah, we are here, nigga," said the man in the green hat.

"Really, homie? I expected a little more," said another one.

"C'mon dude. Maybe we may catch some hot cheeks on our dicks. Anyway, I will talk to the administrator, while you grab our staff." With those words, the man headed to the main cabin but stopped when he saw Main 7.

"Hey, girls. How are you doing? Wanna have fun?"

"Fuck off!" shouted Tracey.

"Okay, chica. But if you change your minds, I will be near." Then the man approached the main cabin and entered it. Suddenly they heard:

"Sorry girls, he's always acting like this."

"No problems," said Twilight. Then Main 7 introduced themselves.

"Wait, I know you. You are one of my father's friends," said Tracey.

"Yeah, I know you, Tracey."

"So what's your name?"

"Franklin Clinton."