• Published 15th Apr 2020
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Nine Millimeter Vorpal Sword - totallynotabrony

Being stationed all alone in the desert leads to boredom. Nancy wasn't quite bored enough to travel to another world and kill a local, but these things happen.

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Chapter 15

A sailor belonged at sea, but it was always good to have a port call.

Nancy had almost gotten used to Equestria, but visiting Mount Aris in the hippogriff kingdom gave her something else to see. Mostly, though, she just wanted to rest after the trip to get there.

The hippogriffs were good hosts. They seemed very Equestrian in that respect, friendly and charitable. Strange how this world seemed so black and white, with basically-good groups and basically-bad groups. That only made the contrast between the two stand out more, such as the gentle ponies of Equestria versus violent pirates.

At least the military forces seemed capable of fighting, though Captain Magnus had confided to Nancy that the battle on the way to the hippogriff kingdom was an extreme rarity.

“A brazen attack like that doesn't just happen. Something's changed.” He shook his head. “If I hadn’t instituted a new training program when I became Captain, we wouldn’t even be in this good of shape. And I haven’t managed to get this out to the entire guard yet, just the castle unit. Ultimately, I’d like us to be capable of all-encompassing defense, because unless the princesses help, we’re still vulnerable to powerful magic.”

“How likely are we to encounter...uh, powerful magic?” Nancy asked.

“Happens once in a blue moon. They usually go straight for the seat of power, though, and they aren’t interested in pirating. If they happened to be interested in money at all, then the castle treasury is more lucrative.

“So I try to focus on things I can actually do something about right now. Such as pirates.”

Meeting with the hippogriffs was quicker and easier than Nancy expected. Most of the conversation was about her, actually. She had the feeling they were probably going to lend naval forces to deal with the pirates anyway, but seeing the guard attacked on the way only quickened the process.

“So what do you know about pirates?” the Hippogriff King asked her. He and a few of his advisors sat in his office with Nancy and Captain Magnus.

After meeting a magical pony princess, Nancy was hardly phased by other royalty. Though, the way hippogriffs seemed to be able to transform their bodies for above and below water had caught her attention.

To the point of the king’s question, Nancy had done patrols off Somalia, but that was hardly the same thing. She had been taught about the history of the Barbary Wars, when pirates were actually a threat to isolated military vessels. Not so much once a fleet arrived and burned their hideout. She was not a Marine, but that was the reason their service hymn referenced the shores of Tripoli.

“I know that force is usually the only thing that stops them.” Nancy paused, thought of the usual conditions around Equestria, and added, “But maybe socioeconomic conditions might be a factor.”

“You saw the gold in the cargo hold on the airship we captured,” Captain Magnus said.

“Just thought I’d mention it.”

“It isn’t as if we’ll be slaughtering anyone,” said the king. “However they may have acted. Fair chance to surrender, fair trial.”

After her own brush with the Equestrian legal system, Nancy was going to take that with a grain of salt. Still, it was probably better than pirates believing their best chances were if they fought to the death.

They discussed a few of the finer points of the expedition, such as logistics, before adjourning. The king had given the guard delegation rooms in the castle, though it was smaller than the one in Canterlot so they had to double up.

Nancy had been roomed with Patina, which seemed logical enough. There was only one bed, but it was huge (king-sized?) and the room was nicer than any hotel she had ever visited. Owing to the nature of hippogriffs, everything was cool colors and ocean themed. Nancy caught herself humming Under da Sea.

Patina was quiet and subdued, which was a big enough change that Nancy noticed. After what they’d gone through, maybe that wasn’t surprising.

“Is something on your mind?” she asked, sitting down on the bed beside Patina.

At least Patina was upfront about it. “That was my first combat.”

Once, Nancy had been aboard a ship that had launched missiles into Syria. She’d observed a drive-by machinegunning of a pirate skiff near Somalia. Nothing had really prepared her for this. “It was my first time being right in the middle of it,” she admitted.

“Well, I was hoping I could ask you how to deal with it, but I guess we’re in the same boat.” Patina laughed at her own joke, even though she probably didn’t even think it was funny.

“We’ll be better prepared next time,” said Nancy, hoping it was true.

“It would be nice if there wasn’t a next time.”


Nancy had been trying not to think about what would happen when she eventually made it back to Earth, but for the first time wondered if she ever would. She had an out - she wasn't Equestrian and couldn't be expected to fight foreign battles other than to protect herself. But what if another attack happened? What about guards who might be ordered into the line of fire?

There was a knock on the door. Answering it, they found one of the castle stewards there. “The king has invited everypony for some entertainment, if you’d like.”

“Absolutely,” said Nancy. Patina nodded enthusiastically. No matter what kind of entertainment it was, it had to be way better than being alone with their thoughts.

Given that the above-water part of the Hippogriff Kingdom was an island, it was any direction to the beach. The group of visitors had been invited to meet with the king at the water’s edge.

“As some of you may have heard, the secret to hippogriff change of form is fragments of the Pearl of Transformation.”

He could have just said magic. That was what Nancy had suspected anyway.

The king smiled and held up several necklaces, which appeared to be made with some kind of small gems. “Who wants to go for a swim?”

That apparently excited most of the ponies, and it took Nancy a moment to realize what was going on.

“There’s nothing to it,” the king said. “It works on ponies, too. Captain Magnus, would you care to demonstrate?”

“Well, it’s been quite a few years, but I think I remember how,” he allowed. It was one of the rare times Nancy had seen his personality unlock, even a little. He accepted one of the necklaces and put it on. In a flash, his hindquarters transformed into a scaly tail, like a mermaid, or whatever ponies called them. He flopped awkwardly on the beach before managing to get into the water, but appeared much more comfortable after that.

“Her next!” Patina shoved Nancy forward.

Caught on the spot, but admittedly curious, she accepted one of the necklaces from the king. The jewel appeared simple enough, but it wasn’t as if magic usually had a big signature.

Was this going to work on a human? What would it feel like? What if something went wrong?

Nancy took a few steps closer to the water and put the necklace on. The change was so quick and easy that she hardly noticed it, until she fell into the sand, that is. However, she suddenly had a much bigger problem.

She looked down. “That was my only pair of trousers!”