• Published 15th May 2020
  • 940 Views, 62 Comments

The Heart of a Derpy Ditzy - Derpybrony890

Derpy never had someone who loved her. So she always assumed she would be alone. However, a strange stallion enters her life, and everything seemed to change. Will Derpy ever find her happiness, or is her assumption correct?

  • ...

A Derpy Ending

I woke up the next day and smiled. I did it. I finally became a real mare. In more ways than I thought. I turned back and noticed Doctor still in a stage of unconsciousness, he still had a small blushing face, and I could feel that I had one too, but I smiled brightly. Last night was probably the greatest night ever. And I don’t think that anything, nor anypony, could make me feel like this ever again.

He shuffled around the blankets as his slumber left him, I could see that his eyes slowly opened, and he stared at me for a small amount of time. Before memories came back to his head, but he didn’t freak out one bit, I was honestly expecting him to remain calm, considering that it had been happening a lot whenever we slept together. I think he has been so used to it by now he just couldn’t do anything but smile.

“Hey,” He whispered.

“Hi,” I replied, softly getting up, “you okay?”

“Yeah, are you?”

“Yes, and I think I have never felt any better,”

We smiled a smile that I think was the first time after a long time, that I felt happy, purely happy. Sure, I may have felt like this before, but now, I think I know that I and Whooves have never been closer.

It may seem as if this went a bit fast, but the truth is, I think I was ready for this even before we decided to go out. I know that it was better because we are dating, but I knew him way before, and we have grown to know each other for so long, that I think we bottled all of the special emotions that we knew we had, and after finally coming together we realized that those emotions are still inside of us, and finally that bottle grew a leak, and it all poured out from there. If that makes any sense.

I noticed the sun was rising higher and that was when I realized: my parents and sister could be coming home any minute. And I knew that my face worried Doctor as well. And after a few more minutes, he realized the same thing.

“I should go then?” he said calmly, yet also a tad worried.

“Maybe, unless you want my parents to question why I have a colt in my bed,” I said in humor.

“Well, I want you to know something,” I stopped my laughter and put on an interesting face, along with a head swerve. “You don’t have to keep this a secret from them, they deserve to know what happened,”

I stared blankly at Whooves for a second or two, I wondered why he would think that it was going to be a secret, most colts I know would never want their marefriend (or anyone they slept with) to tell their parents about the night that they would never forget. And yet I could feel some sort of pleasure knowing that Doctor wasn’t worried about my parents taking him away from me.

“Oh that probably won't matter, they may find out anyway, you may not know of this, but my parents can always find something wrong with me or what I could have done, at least that is what they think,” I said causing a confused look on Doctor.

“You mean to tell me that they will know what we did even without giving you an explanation?”

I dropped my head, “Yeah, pretty much,” I said sadly.

“I’m sorry,”

“It’s okay, you should go now, I can handle them, they will come in and I can just say it straight, no matter what mood they are in,”

“And you are sure that they wouldn’t be in apprehension knowing their youngest daughter slept with somepony at her age?”

I only laughed, hard too, “Oh Doctor, do you realize that Daydream had over tons of colts who slept with her, more than once by the way, I think I will be fine,”

I saw a smile escape his lips and he laughed along with me, the sun came up and washed over his coat, making him look beautiful and for a strange reason, heroic. I took it no matter, but it was at this moment that I heard something, a group of ponies opening up the door. I gasped, “they’re here!”

“Oh! Um, should I go out the window?” Whooves asked in some panic

My words silenced, I couldn’t help but think, why should he have to leave, and I tell them, shouldn’t we tell them together? I stayed quiet for longer than I thought and saw a hoof come up to my face,

“Muffins? You blanked out on me there, what do you think? should I stay or should I go?”

“Stay,” I finally said, “maybe they won't believe me if I tell them alone, but maybe if you were there, then we could tell them together,”

His face blushed from the thought, but I could see in his eyes that he agreed with me, and we slowly went to the door. I opened it, and we left to see what horrible punishment they would do for me, but maybe they will hear me out with Whooves with me, surely they were in good spirits since they went out to celebrate for Daydream.

Unfortunately, I was sorrowfully wrong, for as soon as I saw their faces, I could tell that something must have happened, I also noticed that Daydream had on a face of disappointment, she was crying no doubt, and it looked like no one was in a good mood. Oh, this was going to be hard.

As soon as I left the last step of the stairs, their eyes fell on me, and I tensed up, but soon felt a nudge. It was then that I realized, Whooves was still here. I coughed and began to speak, “Uh, so how was the trip?”

“Fine,” my mother said in anger and hurt, obviously hiding something, “How was your birthday?”

“Fine,” I said, hiding my own secret. Doctor looked at me with a ‘really?’ face, that I tried to ignore, seeing as I wasn’t going to say much else, he decided to just step into the conversation.

“Alright, clearly this isn't going anywhere, so I am going to help this go along better. You two clearly realized that your daughter is pregnant and are completely disappointed in her and now you feel as if you are second-guessing about making her the favorite. There we settled you two, now for us. We slept together, and yes, it is in that sense, but honestly, if you couldn’t see this coming then you are worse at this than I am. And as you can see I am not that bad at this. I mean you can't even tell that your first daughter is pregnant after what? 8 months after she got pregnant? You really are the worst parents that could ever live! And another thing…”

I put my hoof on his chest and couldn’t believe so much could have been said from one pony, and yet he perfectly described everything in a matter of minutes! It amazed me so much, and it also made me smile, I love this stallion.

My parents grew a different emotion, a confused and jumbled emotion that could not be described. I guess they just couldn’t get any of his words processed at once, it wasn’t until a long time afterward that they blushed and felt uncomfortable. And it was then that we blushed too.

“Too much?” he said, I put my hoof on my face.

“Wait a minute, you two…”

“Yes,” I said with a fully reddened face.

We stayed quiet for a long time, but I could tell that many things were coming to their heads, most were about how bad they were going to yell at me for I bet, but they also had a blank stare. Which confused me.

“Okay,” I heard them say, and I stared with shock and disbelief.

“What?” I asked.

“Okay, that’s fine,” I heard my father say, and I almost wondered if this was a dream, and I was back in the safety of my bed, with Whooves right next to me. Yet I could tell that this was no dream. And I grew worried. Yet Doctor beat me to it.

“Are you serious! You say how disappointed (I believe) you are at Daydream for being completely stupid. And don’t give me that look missy, that was completely stupid for getting drunk and taking some stallion who was obviously going to take advantage of you,” he said to Daydream.

I wanted to make sure that this was all real, so I bit down my hoof hard. And winced from the pain, yep, this is my reality, why am I not surprised.

“We just want you to know that we aren’t against this, I mean you deserve to be with somepony you like, so you can just go back to what you were doing,”

We blushed and looked at my parents with confusion, and anger as well. For all my life, I had to be the one that was depicted as the "bad example" of the family, and yet here when I felt like I was going to get the worst punishment ever, they simply put it off as if this was just another occurrence that I would do! Though no regret was in my head, I still felt as if they were just pushing me off and expecting me to go away with Doctor and they can finally have the family they always wanted. Thinking this, I was furious, and Whooves was going to speak his mind out, but I beat him to it.

“Are you kidding me! You just heard that your daughter had sex! And you’re just shrugging it off like it is as if I just kissed him! Really! You really are the worst parents to have, I can't believe that I was scared to think that you would take me away from him. What now? Can I drink? Maybe I should go and take on smoking? Oh, I know! Maybe we should elope to Las Pegasus and leave you behind because apparently, I can get away with murder if my parents don’t care anymore! I hate this you know; I hate my life! And you want to know something, no matter how many times I say you are my mom and dad, you never looked like me, you never were nice to me, and you never appreciated me as a daughter! I can't believe I thought you were actually nice ponies! Before, when I was younger, I always looked up to you, but did you ever find me interesting in the slightest? No, you already had a daughter to do that, one that looks and behaves just like you. Maybe I am adopted, that was something that I had always believed. But now I think that maybe you may have taken me away from my real parents! Or you stole me because you thought I would be useful to be your servant. But you know what! I don’t care anymore! Go ahead! Keep me here as a prisoner, but know this, I loved you, but did you love me? Well, I’m still waiting for that answer, I have been waiting for 18 years.” I stormed to my room and didn’t even notice anyone else, I only cried in my bed, no one bothered me once. Not even Doctor. I just couldn’t help but feel sad. Why did I say that? was it true? Are they not my parents, or is it just me? More questions entered my head, but I didn’t feel like answering them.

I cried some more but looked to see the sun, and where it shined, it was bright and caused my one of my eyes to look down where I realized that there was something under my bed, and I looked down to see that it was the book of me and them... and the letter. I had wondered what was in that letter before, but I guess I never was curious enough to open it and discover what might be a potential hope for me and my parents. Until now.

I carefully examined the letter and dried my tears; I didn’t want anything to get wet. I began to read the letter, and as I did, my shock grew to 1,000

My dear little star,

By now you probably can never remember us, but here I am to tell you that this is your mother, and before you make assumptions, not your mother now, but your real mother. You must understand dear, what has happened was horrible and there was nothing we could do. I am sure that you are very confused, so I must remind you. You were the cutest, most darling little foal that I could have ever seen. And others may have mocked your eyes, but I didn’t mind, they looked just like your fathers. Ah, your father, he was an incredible stallion, the reason for your eyes, you would have loved him. Would have. I am afraid that war got the better of him. But I tell you that he was there when you were born, and his face showed so much cheer at the thought of being a father. Finally, we were a family. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to clear out of the bombs and… well, you are probably smart enough to know the rest. You were the most brilliant daughter and I loved you dearly and promised that I would never let you go. But I guess I broke that promise. You see, daddy may have been a great colt of war, but he also had enemies, enemies that wanted to take us away, separate us from him, and with his predicament, the only thing they had that was close to separation was you. I could no longer risk letting them get to you, so I had only one choice. I had to give you up. There was a mare I knew, one that I knew could give you a life, now before you tell me that she may not have been the best at it, I agree. But I knew that it was either her, or you were going to be killed, and I couldn’t bear to think that I let you go like that, your father would never have liked that. so, I gave you up. Please do not be mad, I had no other choice. You may get this letter later, or you may never get this letter, I expect it to be the ladder, just know that… I still love you, and that I wish to see you one last time, the only contact I ever did have was with a relative that saw you and wrote back to me, but she usually was busy when I needed her the most. It has been so hard to live alone, having to be moved from my home to Phillydelphia. It may be a small town, but I think that it will do. Especially in the green house that I live in, I had always loved green. I hope that you are doing well. And that you can move on from me.

I still love you with all my heart

- mother

Tears welled up in my eyes for a different reason, and my brain had been fully blown up, all I could think was I have a real mother, I have a real mother! My smile formed brighter, and I couldn’t hold it back anymore. Instinct made me come back to my senses. I didn’t really know what else to do. What should I do? Should I just forget this letter? Should I go for her? Maybe I can finally see if I belong there, or maybe I could just pretend that my parents aren’t jerks and that I live with her in my dreams? Could I really leave this all behind? It’s not like I have anything to leave behind. But Whooves, he would be crushed if I just left unexpectedly, and yet, it would be so romantic if he came for me… no, I can't hurt him like that, maybe I should just leave this all alone, why do I need to mess with something that doesn’t need to be messed with. But… what if she is still wanting me to visit her? Wanting me to come back to her? What if she is in trouble!? She may still be dealing with those enemies! I must come to her! I don’t care if I leave my life. I must know if she is still alive!

My decision was made, I brought out a few of my essentials. Hoping that someone could come and help me. I guess I got my wish.

“Muffins? Are you okay? You’ve been in here for a while, I wanted to come for you, but I knew you needed some time. Can I come in”

I had never felt so relieved that it was Doctor Whooves. “Yes, please, I need you to come in,” I said with happiness.

“Oh good, I was thinking that we co- uh, what are you doing?” he asked as I put a few things in a bag that I had found somewhere in my room.

“Doc, this is going to sound crazy, and I don’t expect you to believe me, but if you read this then you will understand what I am doing,” I said giving him the letter. He read it and his eyes bulged out, I had wondered if this was what I looked like when I read the letter? He looked at me with such shock and confusion, and I only nodded and began packing some more things.

“But, why do you feel as if this needs to be done today? what if this is all for nothing?” he asked.

“Doctor, I don't expect you to understand, you knew who your biological mother was, and I am sorry that she wasn't what you wanted, but I have a chance to see if I do have a mother that could actually care about me, right now I can only hope, but I can't get over the fact that she may still be alive while, here I am, yelling at my fake parents, I need you to understand and… if you want, you can come with me,” I said, desperate almost. I was worried that he was going to protest at first but no.


“What, I thought you were going to disagree with me at least,” I said a bit disappointed.

“Well… I mean, your right, I don't understand. However, I know that I want you to be happy, and if this hope brings you joy, then who am I to stop you. You have evidence right here, where she is, where she may live, and that she loves you very much. This all may be for nothing, but I didn't think about hope when I ran away in the first place, and look where it brought me, to run away again. But the second time, I looked out into the night sky and wished to find a place that could accept my past and not think me as some sort of pony who runs away from his problems. I had to live with guilt for years until I realized that I am needed where my heart tells me. And right now, my heart is telling me to go with you, and never become separated again.”

“But... what about everyone else? Do you think they would miss us? What about your friends? Don't you want to say goodbye to them?” I said quietly, hoping that rationality would clear our heads about things.

Doctor Whooves stood silent for a while, I knew I made him think. It is hard for me to think about who I am leaving, the only ponies that ever really took care of me were the ponies outside of my door. Perhaps my heart was filling my head with fantasies. It is natural to find yourself making such rash decisions without thinking about it. However, I never really was natural. So, while his silence remained, I began thinking about a plan that I could use. Okay, all the evidence is in the letter, which could help as a map, so maybe it wouldn't be too hard to find her. However, what is going to happen if she isn't there? Phillydelphia isn't the smallest of places, but I think I can find it. I mean, how many green houses are there? Celestia, I hope not a lot! I guess if I don't find her, then maybe I could come back? No, I don't want to come back, I just want to live with the people that care for me, and that is Whooves, and he should be in this conversation as well shouldn't he?

I noticed that his contemplating was done, but he didn't speak, almost as if he knew that I was thinking and was patient enough to let me finish. I love him so much!

"I think your right, it would be too rash to just up and leave, granted it is a fine hope to think that your actual mother is there waiting for you, but I think we need to figure out what to do if she isn't, so what do you propose?" Doctor asked.

I took a big breath, just so I could finally calm down after the major shock that was still running through my veins, "Here is what I think. We talk it out with everyone, tell them that this is happening, and go to Phillydelphia. When there we will do everything, we can so we may find my biological mother. However, if not, then I propose that we not come back."

"Not come back? You mean you would want to stay in Phillydelphia?" Doctor said, in much surprise that I would be making such a huge plan, "You do realize that it will be hard when we don't exactly have much on us already."

I smiled when he said that, "Whooves, hear me out. I would much rather live in a garbage can than a luxurious mansion if it meant you were by my side, no matter what happens, I know that I will never be happy here. They could try, but I think they could have tried from the start. They knew how I felt, I showed it. However, not once did they come towards me and ask if I was okay. Nopony did. Not until a certain stallion, who somehow knew exactly what I needed, even before I knew myself. I could never ask for another pony as grand as you, and I want you to stay with me for as long as possible." I said, before diving in and giving him a sweet, long, and loving kiss. He took it gradually, and we were in each other's embrace, before parting and smiling.

“Ditzy, I love you too. And don’t think I only said that last night just so we could endure our sexual feelings towards each other. I meant it. You have been there for me whenever I needed you, and now is my time to repay my debt. This plan you made is good, and I think it could work out, but I want you to know that even if it doesn’t, I will never leave you. Just as you have never left me. All of this sounds crazy, what we are doing, yet in some way, it makes sense to me. I may not be the most perfect stallion, but I know that if you are with me, then I never can do wrong, because you only see the good in me. I don't think this is crazy in the slightest, and if you think that your mother is still out there, then I want you, want us, to find her. This letter is old, but if you haven’t lost any faith in your mother, then I do not doubt losing any faith to find her. If she means as much to you as you do to me, then I will go to the ends of the universe if it meant that we could remain together.” he said with a big smile, and we embraced once more.

I finished my packing and put everything I could in my saddlebags, he helped me put that on my back and we headed out the door. My parents and Daydream were in the living room and looked at me with eyes of curiosity about what I was doing. I knew that they would oppose this, but some part of me knew that now since I had spoken from my heart, they would have some, whether it be small or somewhat big, faith and confidence in me to do this. I took a big breath and began.

"Mother, Father, (or should I say fakers), it has come to my attention that you never meant to have me. I have evidence here that says you did not steal me, which I am sorry for accusing you of, but took me in. This, however, does not excuse the fact that you never showed any attention towards me except through demands and or requests. I gave you chances, and this was not the first time that I felt compelled to do this. However, this little piece of paper has proven to me that there was someone else in my life that you kept away from me, someone that I needed the most," I displayed the letter and they gasped while Daydream looked confused. They read the letter and looked at me with such fear.

"We had no idea that this was here! She told me to make sure I gave you a roof over your head and to give you a life to live! You were never meant to see that letter until we thought you were ready," my mother said, finally feeling the need to get angry at me for reading a past I never knew I had.

"And when pray tell, did you think I was ready? when I was eighteen? Well, news flash, I am! Or were you never intending me to see this? and I stay with you forever so you can keep me here because you knew that nopony would ever want me for a job, just like you did with Daydream, only in a different, more despicable way" I could tell they were nervous, so I decided to run them dry.

"I don't need to know why you kept this from me, what you need to know is that I found it, and I am going to find my biological mother, whether you like it or not. You deprived me of the one thing that I wanted from a family, and that is love. Well, here in this letter is a mare who tells me why she gave me up, but still was able to say she loves me. I can make my own decision when I meet her myself, but she was the first parent who had ever told me that they loved me, and right now that is more than I could ever say to any of you. You can tell me you love me now, and tell me that you are sorry, but it won't forgive you for what you did, and what I became because of you. Because, honestly, I think you would be better off with just having one disappointment in your lives," I finished, pointing to Daydream, who shied away instantly. She was next and she knew it.

"And as for you, Daydream. I thought we were bonding when those two punished me, but afterward, I realized that you may have just had hormones causing you to think that if you were nice enough to me, then I would do anything you needed me to just so you wouldn't have to face the guilt that, maybe, you did something wrong and should have thought for once! I hope you fair well in college because I don't think that a mare who tortures her "sister" would look well in a place where ponies can be as rude as you. But mark my words, If you don't change the ways that you think, then you are never going to make it in the real world. And for that, I am sorry for you. I wanted us to get along, to find some way to bond over something that we never thought we could bond over, but you just couldn't deal with that fact, could you?"

"Alright! Maybe I was a big jerk to you, and maybe I could have not thought of you like a servant who could have helped with this," she said, rubbing her stomach, "but you can't blame us for things that you never said, if you would have finally spoken up to us, then maybe we would have started to feel like we could treat you like part of the family, but of course, mom and dad never thought that you were capable of running away, I remember they always talked about how they could use you for free labor and-"

"Daydream stop talking!" Daydream stopped immediately, and somehow, I thanked Celestia for how idiotic she was, but I knew I needed another answer. One that could change everything.

"Daydream, thank you for telling me," I said, and I turned to where I could see everyone that was sitting down. "I want you to know that I love you and that no matter what, I won't forget you," I was waiting for some sort of an answer, even if it was a declaration of why I should not go, but not a word was muttered, not even a "sorry". I knew my answer now, more than ever, I got up and looked at Doctor Whooves, who remained silent as I picked up my bags and headed for the door.

"Ditzy wait!" I heard, and hope rose inside of me.

I saw everyone come back to me, and suddenly I was combined in a huge group hug. it made me uncomfortable and confused. But I cried, nonetheless. They all looked at me with smiles, smiles that I had never thought I would ever see from three ponies when they looked at me, and I was ready to hear those words that I never heard.

"We don't love you," I stopped my smiling, feeling an empty void in the pit of my stomach, the pain, and anger that was returning as the words were processed. I couldn't understand how or why they would ever say something like that to a mare that they had tried so very hard to try and get them to say the opposite. The tears stopped, my anger grew more than I had ever begun to think, but my "mother" interrupted my thoughts.

"But we think your real mother does, and you should go find her and live a life we never were able to make for you, I hope you know that what Daydream said is not true now. Yes at first that is what we thought, but now I can honestly say that, while you never felt like a daughter to me, I still would think of you as part of this family,"

I slowly, but surely, began to understand. For some reason, thanks to the explanation, I felt a comfort in knowing that they were able to admit that they never found me as a daughter. Horrible as it may seem, now I have an actual reason to leave and never return. I embraced them once more, and I saw Whooves give me such a heartwarming smile, I was glad that they understood, and they even wanted to help me pack more than just my bags, so after a few more hours of fully packing, everything that was in my dressers, and everything I had gotten over time, from the things in the observatory to my Lunar Sky 6000, all of it was packed, and brought out to the next train that was heading to Phillydelphia, all of the bags containing memories of my childhood were being put inside of the train by went the father that I had once thought of demanding, and now feeling as if I saw the whole picture in a new light.

I saw Whooves, who, while I was packing, told his friends to come down to the train station, for it was an emergency, and he now was talking to the ponies that I immediately could tell were surprised at what he was doing. I went over, just to see if any anger was being presented, I knew that this group had a lot of tensions in the past.

"We just don't understand. How could you leave so suddenly? Are you two having a baby?" As soon as I heard that I felt like going back, but unfortunately, they all saw me, and I knew I was going to have to be a part of this conversation.

"No, we are not having a baby, honestly, do you think I could work that fast? No, Muffins here finally found her missing link to a childhood that she never thought she was capable of having." I smiled at Whooves and realized that all his friends looked confused, but they soon took to understanding, and they all smiled at me.

Atom came up to me, "Well I hope you find her, your biological mother I mean, I know that you may not have been as huge a part of our lives as Turner has, but we still liked the small contact, you show a lot of character, and that is admirable. You were the only girl to think of us, not as freaks, but as accepted individuals, I can't think of anypony who could be that wonderful."

Up next Bioluminescent stepped up, "I can't say much about you, but I always did wonder. And maybe if I wasn't such a socially inept pony, then maybe we could have bonded more, playing around like a group, keeping each other's secrets from everypony except ourselves, and finally talking to a mare. I never have, but thanks to you, I feel more confident than ever about that. This is all I have to say now." And he stepped back as I giggled.

Finally, Kindle came up, and he had on a red face, "I will admit, you fascinate me so much, and at one instance I would have loved it if I was the one you would be with. Because I honestly could not figure out why you, a mare with such an incredible personality and kindness, could be this bozo's mare. but now I think that you two were meant for each other, and I will always use you two for an example when I find somepony else," I began to grow sad that somepony had cared for me, but I knew that I never could have felt the way I did with Whooves than with anypony else. So, I hugged him tight and stepped away

"No matter what anypony says, I think you all are the greatest friends that 'Time Turner'," I said with a wink towards Whooves, "could ever have. And I hope that one day I will be able to find ponies who are as nice and incredible as you," tears grew in my eyes, but I stepped back before anyone could see, and I gave Doctor Whooves his chance to finally say goodbye.

"I never was able to stick to my friends, because they all felt as if trusting me was a hard thing to do. You see, I ran away when I was younger because of a mistake I made while lying a lot and making rumors. Off to Manehatten I went, and the same mistake happened, so I decided to run away from there as well. You could say that now with me running off again, I am always running. However, this is different. This time, I have somepony that I am following, not running from. I will always follow her, to the ends of the entire galaxy and beyond. But know this, I won't stop keeping contact, sure it may be long-distance, but I believe that with enough faith, and friendship, we can make it work. So here I end with a goodbye to all of you, the ponies who made me feel as if my entire life was worth it, just because of who I was.

I noticed the engineer was calling ponies for the train to Phillydelphia, and I nudged Doctor, causing him to realize that he only had a few more minutes. We looked back and they all nodded their heads as if saying their goodbyes through code. We smiled and repeated their movements, before laughing at the excitement of what we were doing.

"Oh, and just so you all know, my name is not Time Turner, it's Doctor Whooves!" Doctor shouted, causing his friends to look very confused, but knew that asking any further questions was no longer available, so they left the station, with many thoughts that they were going to share over game night. I was about to enter the train when I turned my head to see my former family. Despite what I had told them, despite what they did to me, despite what I had thought, I was going to miss them. So, I gave them one last hug and went inside the train with plenty of tears in my eyes.

it wasn't hard to find a seat, and I already saw Doctor saving a place for us. I sat near him and we bellowed in silence until I felt him laugh and direct my attention to the outside. Where I saw a certain pink pony with a bright blue balloon with a two-layered tier cake that consisted of muffins with bright grey frosting that contained my cutie mark and a banner saying "Congratulations on finding your real mother". I laughed, and so did Whooves, I realized that I wanted to give a hug to Pinkie Pie. Because even though she drove me crazy, she was there for some of the biggest parts in my life, but the train already started moving, and I saw Pinkie hold up another banner that came out of nowhere that said "I will try to tell Zecora about you in the future" and I grew pale. Surely, she must of... then how did she... I gave up, trying my best to keep that thought of wanting to miss the pink blob of excitement. Whooves was trying his best to figure it out too before we realized it would just be better to leave Pinkie Pie to be Pinkie Pie.

The silence grew again, and Doctor tried talking and striking up a conversation, but right now I needed to do some thinking. I had never done anything like this, and it was very confusing, I was trying to think about some part of the plan that could go awry, but also on what we should do if we never found my biological mother. And that was when I thought about adding Whooves into the conversation at this point.

“Um, are you used to this?” I asked.

“Well sort of, I am no traveler, but I do have some experience,”

“Okay, I only ask because, if there are any tips that I need to follow, then don't hesitate to answer, I don't want our plan to have any mistakes,"

"Hmm," Whooves said, thinking (probably for the first time) about how he usually traveled, "Well, just make sure not to go to heavy on expenses, we will need all of the bits we can contain, and I only have a few bits from the small jobs I took."

"Yes, and my "mother" and "father" gave me this bag that could help us out, but only for a little while. We are going to need to get some sort of wages to complete the plan. But for now, I only think the mission part is what is most important. after we get there maybe we could go and find some places that could hire us."

"That sounds perfect, almost like you," he said, getting into a romantic mode. I smirked at the idea.

"Well hello, Mr. Cheesy! So nice of you to return! I didn't know you took the train?" I said, causing us both to laugh like children. The other people in the cars looked at us with a strange stare. I knew we should keep quiet for a while, so as not to displease these ponies the entire train ride. So, I looked at the scenery as Ponyville began to become a distant memory. Sure I may have had a few good memories and a lot of bad ones, but it all got way better when Doctor Whooves came into the scene, all the past things that my head thought of was my fault, went away when he and I became friends, and soon I realized that my life would probably never have changed if Doctor hadn't of ran away from Manehatten. It was almost as if the entire time, we both knew where everything was headed, I knew the moment I saw him that he was going to be different, I just didn't put it all together because at that time I always thought nopony would ever want me and I would be alone forever. I think Doctor was the reason why I was able to finally go to the Winter Dance, he was the reason why I was able to speak up to the ponies who raised me, and he was the reason that I finally was able to love myself after so long of discriminating my whole self as nothing but stupid and incapable of being loved.

It amazed me how long it was since the first day I met him. Memories came back like a picture framed flashback, and I could recall the scenes from the first thought I had about him, to the first time he stood up for me to Shadow heart, to his confession and his finality of trust towards me, to the first time we slept together in a hammock that still lay in the now-empty observatory (though now I guess it really is just a treehouse), and so many more that made me smile. and close my eyes. The whole day was one big roller coaster as many more thoughts invaded my head, and Whooves noticed this too.

“You seem to be thinking about a few things, mind telling me what they are?” I heard him say to me, causing my eyes to open and smile at his face. his gorgeous face.

“Just thinking about the past,” I said snuggling and getting up to sit next to him, “And the future,” I began to yawn as the effects of the day began wearing me down.

“You're getting tired, had a long day and all that, I think we should take a little nap, what say you?”

He lifted my head and we kissed as the train moved on, and I felt myself leaving it all behind and taking what mattered to me. Everything I knew, everything I thought, was going to change. But somehow, I knew that the only constant from here on out was that Doctor would be with me through it all. and I smiled as sleep fell upon me.

And so, the train left my past in Ponyville and moved towards a future I never even thought I wanted.

Author's Note:

Welp, that is it. Nothing more. Nothing to resolve this entire scene, nothing to explain, no questions to answer. this is oh, so definitely the entire ending.

jk there is going to be an epilogue