• Published 19th Apr 2020
  • 9,692 Views, 81 Comments

Just a Bartender - ThatWritingDragon

When you get displaced to a rather colourful world as a sociopathic ex-Yakuza who can control matter, you really don't have alot of jobs. Stuck as a cafe owner in a ponyland, read as he suffers because he doesn't know the social norm.

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1- Start


Overhaul is someone of the past.

Kai Chisaki is someone in the present.

Overhaul is a sociopath and a child abuser, who runs a yakuza gang called the Hassaikai. He was a male human who had both of his arms blown off. Leaving him being basically quirkless and due to this, was sent to his untimely end.

Kai is a dark amber stallion with a dark auburn mane and gold eyes who runs a cafe in Canterlot. He is supposed to be seen as polite, nice and inviting to his paying customers. Despite his rather warm personality, he doesn't have many friends. Well... friends, he wouldn't exactly call his.

Chisaki is a male human who can do things Kai couldn't, like shapeshift, murder, steal, kidnap and all those illegal things. Things a regular nice earth pony called Kai couldn't and shouldn't do because Kai is a good normal pony.

Me? I was your regular cosplayer who got dragged into this mess because I had to buy something. But that isn't the biggest elephant in the room, the biggest elephant in the room is the creature screeching in my soundproof basement. My eyes watched as it struggled against its bonds.

I blinked and grimaced when I realised how wrong it sounds. I yawned and grabbed the scalpel that laid on the tray next to me. It was like the first few hours it tried wasn't in vein, as if forgetting that no matter how loud it is, it still wouldn't be heard. Geez, i know that this world is so much more... naive but are you serious?

You'd think that after the first few minutes it'd understand the fact that the room was soundproof.

My look turned a bit worried when the screeching got a pitch higher and I wasn't able to hear anything from it for a few moments. Did- did it just burst my eardrum? I placed a pinkie into my ear and let out a sigh of relief when I didn't feel anything wrong. While I could heal it, I'd rather not deal with something so delicate, it hurt a crap ton when I fixed it. I winced and rubbed my ear, I could still feel the pain from when I tried to give myself super hearing.

Spoilers, it hurts. Like a lot.

Now, I know why you're questioning why I even have a screaming insect in my torture basement. Well... honestly, I myself didn't know either. It was supposed to be a simple workday but nope! I have to deal with a possible infestation.

Do you know how dirty insects are?

"REAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Well, there's the pitch I know. I rolled my neck in annoyance when it began to alternate between a pitch I knew and the pitch I couldn't hear. My grip on the scalpel in my gloved hand tightened as a thought entered my mind. The possibility that this was a signal that could bypass my soundproof walls worried me.

I'm a patient man, I knew when to give chances. Even to insects who don't deserve it, I still know when to give chances. Believe it or not, I don't like bloodshed. It's disgusting and annoying to clean, so I tend to try and not get into many conflicts unless necessary.

(Which somehow is everytime but that isn't the point.)

A few moments passed and I could feel my grip getting even tighter when it still continued to screech, this waiting game was beginning to get... annoying. I tsk'd and slammed a hand to the table it was resting on. I couldn't stop the glimmer of satisfaction that entered me when its jaw clicked shut almost immediately. That's it, about time it shut up.

It's clear blue eyes stared right into mine as the table began to slowly shift until it was completely facing me. I rolled my neck and sat down on a conveniently made chair behind me. I continued to eye it with a slight sliver of interest. I haven't begun my interrogation and while information is good. A small part of me is rather interested in what makes it tick.

I leaned onto my gloved palm as I tried to see the pros and cons of each decision. Covered fingers slowly twirling the sharp blade around my nimble fingers. There wasn't a lot of info about these insects and I checked from that abandoned watchtower to the Canterlot library. While I could've tried to check the Canterlot archives, I'd rather not get caught. That'd lead to a criminal record which would then lead to me on a watch list.

The movement from my hand stopped when I noticed something move near my sight. The sharp metal whistled through the air and pierced into an elongated tongue and into the wood. It must've been trying to unlock the bonds, I couldn't help but wonder why it hadn't done so sooner. Then my irritation began to rise at the audacity, didn't they know that I was thinking!?

"Annoying, piece of..." I grumbled as I stood up from my chair and I drew close with a glare. I made a decision, my gloved fingers reaching over to lightly place my palm against its snout.

A burst of glee grew when it flinched before staring at me with fearful eyes. It started to slowly relax, probably thinking I was going to finally end its suffering. I did the complete opposite.

It was a slow process, something I purposely did. Its eyes shot open, mouth about to scream before a muzzle made from it's own black chitin formed around its snout. My lips pulled up into a smile, it tugged even wider when it began to writhe in pain. "This is what'll happen when you show me such a pathetic display of escape." I pulled my hand away, to reach onto the squirming tongue that flailed outside its maw.

The tips of my fingers dug into the flesh as I pulled it from the blade, the glove making it a bit too hard to grip but it was nothing I couldn't do. I pulled my arm back before I began to wrap it around its own maw.

It was messy, something I just realised when the wiggling tongue came a bit too close to comfort. My glee was then ruined when it sprayed its disgusting blood on me. I tsk'ed once more and gripped it tightly, with a quick thought. The wound began to slowly heal and the muffled screams continued to grow louder.

Now, I'm sure you're asking what a creature is doing in my basement. I wonder that myself too, like a few moments earlier when I first strapped it down when it attacked me. Like, I'm just a simple bartender. Who the heck attacks the dude who just made you your drink a few moments a while ago? I didn't even poison the drink or anything, I don't poison anyone’s drink. That's just rude, besides I could potentially lose my business when they survive.

But that isn't the point, I'm here to talk about how I got the screeching thing. So sit down, grab some food and relax because we're gonna start this journey from the complete start.

This story starts on that one fateful night a year ago. Where I was graced by the presence of one of the heavenly sisters, Princess Luna.

Author's Note:

So yes, the chapter is also made short for a reason. Don't worry the next chapter will be atleast 1500

First chapter of the rewrite! So yes, i hope i can make this better.

EDIT (9/6/2020): Fixed it up.