• Published 18th Apr 2020
  • 5,185 Views, 120 Comments

A Jedi's Journey - Postwarmonkey50

This story is set between “Star Wars Episode 6 and 7”, whilst also set between season 8 and 9 of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.

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Chapter 6: The Lost Kingdom of the Unicorns

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. Been busy with other projects. Hope you like this one.

As the sun rose, everyone gathered near the courtyard as they were able to gather their things for the long trip, even the Young Six, Celestia and Luna had packed their things for the long trip, for setting foot onto the ponies’ ancient homelands will be a great historical event for them.

‘Everypony got their things together?’ asked Twilight after she and Spike were able to get their things together. For Twilight was a handful of books and writing material, even some empty journals, with Spike carrying his usual gems.

‘We’re all good.’ said Rainbow Dash as she had her Wonderbolt Duffle bag, Rarity with her handful of suitcases, Applejack with both her saddle bags, Fluttershy with her animal feed in case she meets new animals, as well as a few clothes to dress up in case the places they go to are cold, with Pinkie Pie carrying her usual, Pinkie Pie things. Starlight and Sunburst also came along as they had their things ready.

‘You sure the school will be fine without us?’ said Applejack when she saw Starlight coming along.

‘Don’t worry Applejack,’ said Starlight as she looked at AJ ‘I asked Trixie, Maud, Spitfire, Big Mac and Zacora to fill in just in case things don’t work out well.’

Some looked at her with flexed eyebrows as they had concerns. ‘Wait, Zacora is teaching a class?’

‘Oh, don’t worry,’ said Fluttershy as she looked at them with reassurance ‘Zacora said that she was once a teacher where she came from. And thanks to her experience, she’ll make a fine teacher.’

Luke approached the group as he walked over to them. ‘Is everyone ready?’

‘Of course Master Skywalker,’ said Celestia as she stood near him ‘We’re just waiting for our train to take us to where we need to go.’

‘Actually,’ said Luke as he had something else in mind ‘We can always take my ship.’

Many were surprised by Luke’s offer. ‘Wait, we get to go,’ said Twilight, until she said with a loud squeal as she placed both her hooves against her cheeks ‘On your spaceship?!!’

Luke chuckled by Twilight’s excitement ‘Of course, so, shall we?’

All of them made their way towards Luke’s ship. As they boarded, Artoo had guided them to the storage area of the ship, where all of them had placed their luggage and supplies there. Most of them looked around and were a little surprised to see what it looked like on the inside.

‘Whoa,’ said Twilight as she looked inside ‘It’s far different from any ship I have ever seen.’

‘Although,’ said Rarity as she didn’t like the interior design of the place ‘It could use a little more redecorating.’

Spike sat down near a chair as he liked the seats ‘Nice comfy seats though.’

He accidentally activated the table, creating a holographic set of ships, surprising some as they watched. ‘Whoa, what is that?’ said Spike, gaining Luke’s attention as he smiled.

‘Ah,’ said Luke as he walked over and showed them ‘Maz told me about this. This is called “Cruiser Wars”, a strategy game that’s kind of, what do you call them, chess?’

‘Fascinating.’ said Sunburst as he observed the table.

‘It even has pod racing.’

‘Pod racing?’ asked the ponies.

‘Artoo,’ said Luke, gaining the droid’s attention ‘Would you help them set up a holo-net for the previously recorded pod racing games? And uh, show an old one of my father in it.’

Artoo beeped as he moved over and started to work on the holo-net on the table.

‘Now then Princesses,’ said Luke as he looked at Twilight, Celestia and Luna ‘Would you two mind coming along with me? I think you would want to see this.’

The Princesses walked with Luke as they headed towards the cockpit. As they approached the cockpit, Luke sat in the pilot’s seat, with Twilight sitting at the co-pilot seat, whilst Celestia and Luna sat on the passengers’ seats. They saw Luke pressing a few buttons, whilst Twilight was amazed by this. ‘Whoa, what are they?’

‘These happen to be the controls of the ship.’ said Luke as he showed them ‘They help control every part of the ship. Energy, Oxygen, Fuel, and so on. There are many types of ships. Ships like this sometimes require only a handful of people, but when it comes to ships that are bigger than two cities.’

‘There are ships that big?’ asked Luna whilst she was surprised by the discovery.

‘Indeed Princess Luna.’ said Luke as he looked at her ‘Ships that large require almost five hundred crewmembers to keep the ship afloat and flying from one destination to another. Some ships carry enough cargo and passengers from one world to another, as well as delivering supplies to an entire planet. But there are also ships that need enough officers and soldiers to defend it in case of an attack, as well as deploy many soldiers on a planet to garrison on in case of a large planet wide invasion.’

‘Interesting.’ said Celestia ‘I think we should ask Shining Armour to investigate those kinds of ships, I think he might find this interesting.’

‘Shining Armour?’ asked Luke?

‘Shining Armour’s my brother.’ said Twilight as she explained. ‘He used to be Captain of the Guard in Canterlot. But after he got married to Princess Cadance, he became Captain of the Crystal Empire instead.’

‘The Crystal Empire?’

‘An empire that consist of crystal ponies,’ said Celestia ‘A long time ago, an evil unicorn named Sombra tried to take over, but my sister and I stopped him, but in doing so, he cursed the empire, and it disappeared from the face of our world. But it reappeared a thousand years later. And thanks to Twilight and her friends, they were able to restore the empire back to its former glory and banished Sombra from it. Now he is banished in the shadow realms.’

‘I see.’ said Luke ‘So shall we be on our way.’

‘Of course.’ said Celestia as she realized that they need to go on their journey.

Luke activated the ship and primed its engines. As soon it was done, the ship automatically lifted itself up, turned around and flew into the horizon. But from the cockpit, the Princesses were impressed of how fast the ship was flying.

‘This is incredible.’ said Luna as she looked how fast they were flying ‘Truly this ship is a marvel beyond any zeppelin I’ve ever seen.’

‘It is indeed.’ said Luke as he placed the ship on autopilot. ‘We should be arriving at our first destination in an hour.’
‘Wait, that fast?’ said Twilight as she was surprised by its speed.
‘Indeed.’ said Luke as he looked at them. ‘Now then, all of you can join the others if you want. I think you’ll find what Artoo is showing you will be really interesting.’

The three princesses walked to the back to join the others. As they arrived, all of them were fixated on the screen as they watched in awe. For what they were watching, was pod racing, the one his father entered all those years ago. The Princesses were also growing interested, seeing how fast they were, trying to outrace the other. It was truly breathtaking for all of them. Even Pinkie had brought out snacks as all of them were eating popcorn whilst drinking soda as they watched the race.

An hour later, the announcer said ‘From the start of the third to final lap, Sabulba is followed closely by Skywalker!!’, causing every creature to cheer as all of them got excited.

When all of a sudden, Artoo turned it off, surprising them as some gave him the stink eye. ‘Hey, what’s the big idea?’ said Smolder as she wasn’t done watching.

Artoo looked at them and beeped a couple of times, with Luke coming up and said ‘Artoo says we’re here.’

Rainbow Dash was surprised to hear this ‘We’re here, already?’

‘Of course Rainbow Dash,’ said Celestia as she gained Rainbow Dash’s attention ‘Master Skywalker was kind enough to explain that whereas our trains and airships would take us days or a week, the ships where he comes from can travel within a mere hour or so.’

‘Whoa, cool.’ said Sandbar as he was surprised.

‘We’ll leave our things in the ship,’ said Luke ‘We’ll make camp tonight once we try to find what we’re looking for.’

‘Wait,’ said Silverstream ‘You’re not going to use the Force or anything?’

‘I will, but tonight. For now, I’m sure all of you are eager to explore this place after all.’

‘Of course,’ said Starswirl after he took a few unwritten journals with him, as well as a very old journal ‘To explore one of the kingdoms of the pony tribes would be an honor.’

‘Indeed,’ said Stygian ‘The legends had stated that if any unicorn were to set foot on old unicorn grounds, the way would be revealed to them.’

‘Ah just hope we’re allowed to cross over,’ said Applejack ‘Last ah remembered the tribes didn’t exactly see eye to eye.’

‘Not to worry Applejack,’ said Starswirl ‘After Equestria was founded I traveled to the three pony tribe kingdoms to ensure that the spell placed around them will not reject other ponies, thanks to the ones who saw reason.’

‘Then as an expert on the ancient kingdoms of the pony tribes Starswirl,’ said Celestia with a smile whilst she gestured him towards the ramp ‘You shall lead the way.’

‘I would be honored Princess Celestia.’ said Starswirl as he and his fellow pillars lead the way.

The ramp of the Ebon Hawk lowered, Luke and every creature walked out to find what they were looking for. But as they stood on solid ground, they noticed the fog was intensely thick, unable to see anything. But they noticed, it was only thick from where they were standing, but everywhere else was as clear as both day and night.

‘That’s strange,’ said Sunburst as he looked at both the fog and his surroundings ‘There’s only fog in front of us, but not the rest of the land.

‘Do you think the Unicorn Tribe created this?’ said Mage Meadowbrook as she observed it.

‘No way,’ said Rainbow Dash as she looked at it ‘Only the Pegasi can control the weather. The Unicorns can’t control the weather all that well.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Starlight when she heard Rainbow Dash say that.

‘Put it this way,’ said Spike as he explained ‘When Twilight accidentally swapped her friends’ talents, each of them couldn’t do things right for squat. For one thing, Fluttershy had Pinkie Pie’s talent and she felt scared and humiliated from trying to make others laugh because she doesn’t like being laughed at, Rainbow Dash had Fluttershy’s talent and she nearly got eaten alive, Rarity had Rainbow Dash’s talent and she nearly created the biggest weather disaster known to Pony kind, Applejack had Rarity’s talent and she kept making farmer related fashion instead, and Pinkie Pie had Applejack’s talent and she couldn’t even grow one apple tree.’

The Mane 5 groaned as they were reminded of their humiliated moment. ‘Do you have to bring that up Spike?’ asked Applejack.

Luke, who somehow got interested when he was surprised to hear what happened, decided to ask if they fixed the problem. ‘So if she accidentally swapped their talents, were you able to restore them?’

‘Sure did,’ said Twilight as she smiled, remembering that day ‘After I did, I realized what was wrong with the spell, so I finished it. And in doing so, I ended up ascending to Alicorn hood, gaining the title of Princess.’

‘I see.’ said Luke as he was intrigued ‘And I assume you achieved your destiny soon afterwards.’

‘Honestly,’ said Twilight ‘I was nervous of being a princess at first, but if it weren’t for my friends, I wouldn’t be where I am.’

‘Sounds familiar.’ said Luke as he chuckled, thinking of how his friends were able to help him achieve what he was destined to achieve.

‘So,’ said Ocellus as she took a closer look ‘If the Unicorns didn’t create the fog, who did?’

‘That would be the Pegasi,’ said Starswirl, much to the others’ surprise. ‘After Equestria was founded, I secretly asked Private Pansy and her fellow Pegasi to gather every cloud they could, circled them and covered the entire tribe’s kingdoms so that they would be safe from harm, to preserve our heritage and ensure that if Equestria was one day doomed, we would come here to learn of our mistakes as our ancestors once did, so that we could be better prepared for the future.’

‘So you shielded their kingdoms as a last resort?’ said Luke as he looked at Starswirl.

‘Indeed Master Luke.’ said Starswirl as he stood a few inches towards the fog. ‘Now let’s see if I can disable this spell.

Starswirl focused his magic through his horn and concentrated against the fog. With a great flash from his horn, the thick fog slowly cleared an opening, allowing them to enter inside the thick fog in order to reach their destination.

As they walked through, the fog behind them closed like a door. The moment they were in, most were in awe of what they were seeing, with Starswirl saying ‘Fillies, gentle colts, creatures and visitor. Welcome to old Unicornia.’

To say this place is a marvel would be an understatement. The buildings nearly represent Canterlot in all its glory, as well as many of the unicorn statues that were dedicated to Princess Platinum’s family. Besides the vegetation and vines that grew upon the walls of most of the buildings, they were distracted by the nature inside, the flowers, the animals and the running rivers and ponds.

‘Man, I gotta admit this about the Unicorns,’ said Rainbow Dash as she looked at them ‘They really know how to make a thriving city.’

‘Why thank you Rainbow Dash,’ said Rarity, as if she was still living among the place ‘I have to admit, our unicorn ancestors did great work in creating a peaceful paradise.’

‘Yeah, if it weren't for all of you bickering like foals and the Wendigos showed up.’ said Gallus as he ruined the moment, with Rarity staring coldly at him.

Rarity simply rolled his eyes as she admitted it bluntly, even if she didn’t like being told the truth now and then ‘Well yes, if you want to be so crude about it.’

‘As beautiful of a paradise as this place is,’ said Luke as he looked at the place ‘I am surprised that the ponies never considered visiting their old home once all three tribes made peace.’

‘Indeed,’ said Mistmane ‘But we think that they chose not to come back home, considering that the kingdoms bring too much painful memories of our past.’

‘Sometimes our past is horrible, yes,’ said Luke, knowing the feeling all too well ‘But sometimes the only thing we can do is look to the future and keep moving forward.’

‘Wise words indeed Master Skywalker.’ said Starswirl, as he too admitted into making that same mistake.

‘So where do we look for this there clue to the temple?’ said Applejack.

‘We should start looking around,’ said Flash Magnus ‘See if we can find any clues to the temple itself.’

‘Agreed,’ said Celestia ‘We shall take teams of four to find what we’re looking for faster.’

As planned, they went in separate directions to find their next clue. The Pillars went to the left part of the city, the Mane 6 went to the right part of the city. Spike, Starlight and Sunburst traveled northwest of the city with the Young Six in tow, whilst Celestia and Luna accompanied Luke as they went straight. The Pillars looked through most of the grander buildings, which were once the place of businesses. The Mane 6 looked through what appeared to be the Unicorns’ homes. The Young Six, Sunburst, Starlight and Spike looked at what appeared to be a Park of some kind, whilst Luke, Celestia and Luna continued down the grand street of the city.

As they looked around, Luke, whilst still keeping his focus ahead, asked Celestia ‘May I ask you something?’

‘Of course Luke.’ said Celestia as she responded.

‘Why did the pony tribes hate each other so much?’

‘That is…an uneasy question,’ said Luna ‘But I will answer however I can. If I may sister?’

‘Of course.’ said Celestia as she allowed her sister to tell Luke.

‘To put it simply,’ said Luna as she began ‘The Unicorns are in charge of Equestria’s magic, and once upon a time, they once raised the sun and moon before my sister and I came to be. The Earth Ponies are in charge of growing crops of food to their populace, whilst the Pegasi are in charge of the weather, creating rain, snow, as well as clearing the skies for sunny and moonlight skies.’

‘And I assume from what you told me about their leaders,’ said Luke as he looked at Luna whilst continuing to move on foot, or hoof in this case ‘I assume they didn’t see eye to eye?

‘In a manner of speaking,’ said Luna ‘The Unicorns mostly think they were better than anypony else because they can use magic, the Pegasi boast over them being special because they could control the weather, and the Earth Ponies didn’t like either side.’

‘I assume that the leaders’ second in commands were the only ones who saw sense in all of this?’

‘Indeed,’ said Luna as she acknowledged it ‘They were the only ones who realized what their mistakes were, and thankfully, the leaders sought reason and they eventually made peace thanks to their subordinates.’

‘And what of you two?’ said Luke after crossing what appeared to be a stone bridge ‘How did you two came to be?’

‘My sister and I became Alicorns since we were fillies.’ said Celestia when she felt she too needed to share a tale or two ‘I was able to raise the sun whilst my sister Luna raised the moon. When we encountered Discord, we weren't a match for his chaos magic at first, but after we discovered the Elements of Harmony in the Everfree forest, we used their power to defeat him by turning him to stone.’

‘After his defeat,’ said Luna ‘We built our castle above the Tree of Harmony, the birthplace of the elements themselves, to protect it and soon became the rulers of the land.’

‘But in time you were jealous that the ponies loved your sister’s day instead of your night?’ said Luke whilst remembering that part of the story that she told him.

‘Yes.’ said Luna as she felt ashamed over what she had done in the past.

‘The important thing is that you two are reunited,’ said Luke ‘And you’ve gained new friends along the way.’

Luna smiled, thinking about the times that many ponies tried to help her through her struggles. ‘Yes, I did.’

Shortly they stopped, and saw a large castle up ahead. ‘From the looks of this castle, I assume that this would happen to be the home of Princess Platinum.’

‘Indeed it is.’ said Celestia as she took a glance at the castle.

‘We will need to call forth Princess Twilight and her friends.’ said Luna, realizing that they need to regroup.

‘That will not be necessary’ said Luke as he slowly sat down on his knees, lowered his head and closed his eyes.
The two sisters stood there, watching as Luke kept his position, as if he was focused on something. The groups that were separate continued to search what they hope would be the clue they needed. That was, until each of them suddenly felt something, a presence of sorts. Each of them were surprised at first, then looked at the direction where they felt like a presence was watching them. And out of instinct, they ran towards the direction they felt the presence.

Sure enough, Luke opened his eyes and slowly stood up, with Celestia and Luna looking at him curiously. ‘What did you do?’ asked Luna when she was curious of what Luke was doing.

Luke simply smiled and said ‘Wait for it.’

Sure enough, The Mane 6, the Young Six and the Pillars, along with Spike, Starlight and Sunburst came from out of nowhere from different parts of the streets. Each of them were surprised than the last seeing each other.

‘Whoa,’ said Rainbow Dash when she was the first to see the rest ‘How did you…?’

‘I do not know,’ said Flash Magnus ‘We were busy exploring the Unicorn kingdom…’

‘Right,’ said Sunburst as he agreed ‘We suddenly felt a presence and were drawn towards this part of the city.’

‘How is that possible?’ said Ocellus as she too was surprised.

‘That would be of my doing,’ said Luke, gaining their attention ‘I simply used the Force to call all of you here.’

Many were surprised by the ability Luke has. ‘Whoa,’ said Twilight as she took a few steps forward. ‘How is that possible?’

‘Later,’ said Luke with a smile as he raised his hand to stop her before she could ask any further ‘Before we continue, we should rest up in there.’

Luke pointed at the Castle, much to everyone’s surprise.

‘Whoa,’ said Spike as he also took a few steps forward ‘That’s one amazing castle. And I thought the one in Canterlot, the Crystal Empire and the Castle of the Two Sisters was impressive.’

‘Indeed.’ said Luke. He raised his right hand and aimed it towards the Castle with his eyes closed. He concentrated for some reason. After about twenty seconds of silence, he opened his eyes and lowered his hand. ‘The Force is strong from within the castle.’

‘So we’re on the right track?’ said Twilight as she stood next to Luke.

‘I think so.’ said Luke as he took a few steps forward ‘The Force sometimes comes and goes, like it’s trying to test Force Users in order to help point them in the right direction.’

‘So should we search for the Castle?’ asked Luna.

‘We can try,’ said Luke ‘But if it gets late whilst we’re searching, we should see if there are rooms that we can use for the night.’

‘Luckily I can help with that,’ said Starswirl ‘After Clover the Clever was able to become a royal advisor to Princess Platinum, she was kind enough to show me around the castle. Even the Princess herself wouldn’t dare to deny me access.’

‘Because she respected you as the most powerful wizard?’ asked Pinkie Pie whilst she skipped next to him.

‘No,’ said Starswirl as he said ‘Because the last time I saw her father, the Unicorn King, I turned him into a frog.’

The ponies and creatures turned their heads to Starswirl and looked at him both stunned and surprised, even Luke was a little surprised whilst he looked over his left shoulder and quirking his left eyebrow.

‘What?’ said Starswirl as he shrugged his one shoulder ‘He had the gall to say that both my hat and my robe make me look fat.’

‘I…have no words.’ said Celestia as both she and Luna were surprised by what their former teacher did.

‘We…should probably get inside.’ said Luna, before things had become awkward.

All of them agreed and walked towards the Castle, in order to explore if there really is a secret entrance for the next clue to the temple.

As they went inside, they were greatly impressed by the tapestry and the interior of the designs of the castle was greatly impressed.

‘Amazing,’ said Twilight as she looked at the place ‘So this is what the great halls of the Unicorn castle looked like. I’ve never seen anything like this.’

‘Indeed,’ said Luna as she looked at her sister ‘I wonder why mother and father never told us of the old pony tribes’ homes?’

‘I’m sure they must’ve had their reasons Luna.’ said Celestia whilst wondering the same thing.

They eventually found a hallway that split in three different directions; left, right and straight. ‘We should split up and try to cover more ground.’ said Flash Magnus as he looked at the three different directions.

‘Same team as before?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook whilst she looked around.

‘That would be wise.’ said Somnambula.

All of them to different directions trying to cover more ground. However, Spike suddenly stopped and turned around whilst he saw something with widened eyes. What he saw, was the ghosts of Unicorn King and Princess Platinum, along with Clover the Clever, standing together and staring at three humans in cloaks, shrouding their faces. It looked as if they were speaking to them. The six of them walked in a different direction, with Spike following suit.

Gaining their attention, Luke, Celestia and Luna turned around and saw Spike leaving the group.

‘Spike?’ Celestia asked, with the dragon still walking, prompting them to follow him.

Spike saw the ghosts standing near a wall, with Princess Platinum using her magic to open the door. Sure enough the door opened and they walked through. Spike was surprised by what he saw.

‘Spike?’ said Luna, gaining his attention as he looked at them. ‘Are you alright?’

‘I think I saw something.’ said Spike as he looked at the wall again ‘I think that there’s a secret passage way through here.’

‘Are you sure Spike?’ asked Celestia.

Luke walked over and placed his hand against the wall whilst he closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes as he said ‘He’s right. This wall is hollow. Meaning that there’s a secret passage there.’

‘Yeah,’ said Spike ‘And if I had to guess, it can be opened by Unicorn Magic.’

‘Let me see.’ said Celestia as she stood in front of it.

She closed her eyes and focused her magic whilst she closed her eyes. Sure enough, the wall slowly opened, revealing a secret passage way as the wall was now completely lowered.

‘Amazing,’ said Luna ‘I did not know that they have secret passage ways in this castle.’

‘Kind of reminds me of the ones in Canterlot.’ said Celestia after she opened her eyes ‘Though we tend to have secret passage ways for a reason.’

‘Shall we proceed then your highnesses?’ asked Luke as he gestured the direction they should walk.

‘Indeed.’ said Celestia as she, Luna, Spike and Luke walked into the secret passage.

As they walked through, the passage behind them closed, allowing them to continue with their journey. They walked down the long halls to find what they would be looking for, when all of a sudden, Spike could see the ghosts again.
‘Is something wrong Spike?’ asked Luna as she noticed the way Spike was looking.

‘It’s just,’ said Spike as he tried his best to explain ‘Like before, I saw what looked like ghosts. Three in robes, the first Jedi probably, as well as the Unicorn King, Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever.’

‘The first Jedi must have asked the Unicorn tribes to hide part of their clue of the first Jedi’s Temple.’ said Luke whilst he understood what Spike was saying.

‘But still, why not simply give them the map that leads them straight to the Temple?’ asked Luna.

‘From what Luke described about the Empire,’ said Celestia whilst she remembered Luke’s tale ‘After the Jedi had fallen, the Emperor used the Temple as his own personal office that would give him access to the Jedi Archives, allowing him to find and strip every knowledge of every temple the Jedi had created for future generations.’

‘And if the Emperor were to find the temple here.’ said Luke whilst filling in ‘Who knows what would’ve happened if the Empire were to suddenly invade Equestria. Your world and every creature on it would be sold as slaves, as many other worlds have suffered the same fate.’

‘You make a good point.’ said Luna whilst she shivered a bit, thinking about some of the worlds that have fallen into slavery.

They saw a spiral staircase, which allowed them to take it whilst following the path. After going up a few floors, they were able to reach another doorway. Luke noticed the lever next to it, allowing him to pull it. Once he did, the door slowly opened, allowing them to walk in. As they got through, to their surprise, they were somewhat in another room, no doubt the royal Unicorns’ throne room.

‘This must be the Unicorn King’s throne room.’ said Celestia whilst she looked around.

‘Princess Celestia?’ said a voice, revealing to be Twilight and the rest of her friends, as well as the Pillars and Young Six, who have just recently entered the throne room’s entrance.

‘Whoa, how did you guys get here?’ said Smolder when she saw them.

‘It turned out that there was a secret passage that led straight towards the throne room.’ said Luna as she pointed at the passage they had just come through.

‘I see.’ said Starswirl as he looked at it.

‘Starswirl,’ said Stygian as he stood next to him ‘You’ve known the Unicorn Royal family for as long as any other pony has. How is it possible that they have created secret passageways without any of the Unicorn scholars’ knowledge?’

‘The Unicorn royal family tend to keep things to themselves.’ said Starswirl after he was done inspecting the passage way. ‘Remember, they had hatred towards the other pony tribes and they were afraid that if either chose to wage war, they created passage ways to escape from just in case.’

‘But what happened afterwards?’

‘That, Stygian, is a mystery for another day.’

‘Indeed,’ said Celestia ‘It is getting late, so I shall set the sun and we shall need to rest for the night.’

‘Then it’s a good thing that we brought some supplies and left it at the ship,’ said Spike with a smile ‘I saw this palace has a kitchen, so I’ll get started with the cooking.’

‘Oh, ah’ll help you,’ said the smiling Mage Meadowbrook ‘It’s been a while since I also cooked.’

‘Aye,’ said Rockhoof as he remembered ‘I still remembered that you once cooked for me and Stygian when we recruited you to help us fight the Sirens.’

‘Oh, I’ll help too.’ said Twilight as she volunteered. As soon as Spike and Mage gathered near her, Twilight teleported themselves back to the ship.

Luke was impressed as he chuckled whilst he said ‘Interesting technique.’

‘Princess Twilight makes a habit of doing this.’ said Luna.

Within a split second, Twilight teleported to them and told them ‘I already teleported Spike and Meadowbrook to the kitchen, so they’ll be able to finish up in half an hour.’

‘Good,’ said Luke whilst he also spotted a balcony outside ‘All of you go on ahead and get settled, I must meditate.’

As Luke left, the ponies watched him head for the balcony. ‘Man, for a guy who’s supposed to be a master, he sure does a lot of meditating.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Well he has to Rainbow,’ said Twilight ‘How else can he consult with the Force?’

‘Still, wonder how it works though?’ asked Ocellus.

‘Maybe we can ask master tonight?’ said Yona.

‘Sure, after dinner of course.’ said Pinkie, when all of a sudden, she pulled out a campfire and over fifty bags of marshmallows whilst she shouted ‘And maybe some smores!!’

Sure enough, thanks to Celestia, the sun had been set and Luna raised the moon, and everypony was lucky enough to find rooms, as well as blankets thanks to Rarity’s expertise. Though she wanted to call dibs on the royal rooms, she decided to let Celestia and Luna claim those rooms. At the same time, Spike, Mage Meadowbrook and Twilight brought in the food so that all of them could dine with what they have made. Luke sat outside whilst he was still meditating, until he felt a gentle push on his right shoulder. He looked and saw Ocellus.

‘Excuse me, Master Skywalker?’ said Ocellus ‘Spike and Mage Meadowbrook were able to cook the food, you’re welcome to join us.’

‘Thank you Ocellus.’ said Luke as he stood up and joined them.

Soon enough, after they were done dining, Rainbow Dash asked ‘You sure do a lot of meditating.’

‘Sometimes the path of the Jedi must remain on the path to light,’ said Luke after he placed his empty bowl aside ‘If we stray from the path, we doom ourselves in the darkness.’

‘And the Force,’ said Somnambula as whilst she wondered about something ‘What else can you do, besides lifting objects and for combat?’

‘Sometimes we use the Force to jump to higher platforms,’ said Luke as he tried to think of something else ‘The Jedi can also use them to see the future.’

‘Wait, see the future?’ asked Ocellus.

‘Yes, when a Jedi meditates, they tend to tap into the visions of the Force, allowing them to see the future, but one must learn to control those emotions, otherwise it would not work.’

‘So if you guys could see the future,’ said Spike after he was done dishing up for Celestia and Luna, whilst walking over to them to give them their food ‘How come you couldn’t see the future of where the Jedi would be wiped out?’

‘Kenobi and Yoda once told me that whilst the Dark Side grew, it clouded their vision, blocking them from seeing the future.’
‘That would make sense,’ said Celestia ‘If one would block one’s vision of seeing the future, then their enemies would gain an advantage over their adversaries and their enemies.’

‘I’m curious of how the force works.’ said Sunburst, wondering of how this works.

‘Let me show you then.’ said Luke, taking them by surprise.

‘Whoa, you can do that?’ asked Smolder.

‘Indeed.’ said Luke as he sat down with his legs crossed and placed his hands on his knees. ‘All of you gather in a circle, close your eyes and I’ll show you.’

Sure enough, all of them did. They all sat in a circle with Luke, slowly lowered their heads and closed their eyes.

‘Concentrate. Clear your thoughts of any distraction. Breathe.’ said Luke to them.

All of them cleared their thoughts of any distractions. They slowly began to take deep and calming breaths whilst trying to clear their thoughts from any distractions. Though Pinkie nearly wanted to giggle, Twilight had to remind her that she should at least restrain herself for just a few minutes, or in this case, an hour.

‘The Force surrounds all of us, it allows us to feel anything out there,’ said Luke whilst keeping his eyes closed ‘It surrounds all living things, like they are part of us, from the ground we walk to the air we fly or the path we follow and allow to guide us.’

They continued to keep their eyes closed, not wanting to make a single noise. Luke spoke to them as he wanted to make sure that all of them could feel what he feels. He noticed the Force had flowed through them, which made him smile, knowing he was on the right path.

‘Feel the water as it flows down the river.’

Sure enough, they could feel every drop of water from any part of the river. More importantly, they can also feel it from the ocean.

‘Feel the wind as it blows in the direction it wants to go.’

They could feel the wind and noticed how they were blowing in what direction it wanted to go.

‘Feel the creatures as they move on the ground and fly in the air.’

They could feel the tamed, wild and ferocious animals that wander throughout the world, doing what they were meant to do.
‘And most importantly…feel the life of every bit of civilization around you.’

Sure enough, to their surprise, they could feel every creature throughout Equestria and beyond. They could sense the Ponies, Griffons, Hippogriffs, Yaks, Dragons, Changelings, Kirin, Minotaurs and every kind of creature throughout all of Equestria. All of them were amazed that they could feel so many out there.

Sure enough, they opened their eyes sharply as they were taken by surprise. ‘This, is, amazing.’ said Starlight as she was taken by surprise.

‘Ah…ah could feel them, every creature and pony from all over Equestria.’

Celestia walked over to Luke as all of them were able to stand up as she said ‘This is truly a great gift the Force has granted you. If you would wish, we would like to learn more about this.’

‘I would be honored to teach you Princess Celestia.’ said Luke whilst he bowed.

However, Luke suddenly turned his head to the thrones, as if something had called out to him. Not just him though, surprisingly everypony and creature turned their head towards it, which held partial surprise looks to their faces.
‘Uh, you guys feel that too, right?’ said Smolder.

‘In a way, yeah.’ said Gallus.

Luke walked over to the thrones and did a thorough inspection whilst the others walked on over to see what he was doing. Luke noticed something as he watched the thrones. He found what appeared to be a button underneath the right armrest. He pressed the button, causing the ground underneath the thrones to rumble.

The ground from which the thrones were standing on suddenly split themselves in two, revealing a passage way going underground. ‘So the passages were hidden under the thrones?’ said Mistmane when she got a good look at it.

‘It would seem so,’ said Stygian, who then turned to Starswirl ‘I do not understand though, I thought that there would be no more secrets ever since the kingdoms united and formed Equestria.’

‘Perhaps the First Jedi asked them to keep it a secret since they first came to this world.’ said Luke whilst he observed the entrance.

‘Then let us make haste.’ said Luna before all of them entered underground.

Following like last time, they used the lanterns to lit their path towards the passage way. The next part was a trap that was the same as last time, but this time they learnt well, and Twilight was the one who volunteered to go and used her shield to shield herself towards the other side to shut it all down.

Soon after that, they were able to reach the next door, with them sensing another dark presence in there. But it felt like two individuals in there, implying that there were two instead of one. Slowly they opened the door, whilst also taking a peek inside.

‘I don’t see anybody.’ said Rockhoof as he was the first to take a peek.

‘That’s because these fellers don’t reveal themselves until the time is right and all.’ said Applejack as she poked her head in next.

‘We’d better be careful,’ said Yona as she also took a peek ‘Yona no like spooky place like this.’

‘Hey, at least this one’s not on fire.’ said Sandbar, remembering the time he and his friends were going through a haunted house on Nightmare Night set up by the Mane 6, until a few mishaps happened that they didn’t want to remember.

‘Let me lead the way.’ said Luke as he volunteered to go first.

As he walked through, he slowly looked around, not knowing what he might expect. At first it was going to be another stone guardian trap, but instead, the darkness kept growing stronger and stronger with every step he took. He stood at the center, whilst still observing his surroundings. But the moment Twilight and the others could see his face, Luke, out of instinct, jumped away and landed on both his feet, trying to see who’s responsible.

He saw two figures approaching from the darkness. One was a man, wearing a black cloak and hood over his face, whilst wearing a strange kind of mask, the other, was a man in red/yellow outfit, as well as wearing a black hood as well, but his mouth was covered by something metallic, whilst he had blue markings over his eyes. They stood at the center of the place, with Luke recognizing them. They were none other than Revan and Malak, the two fallen Jedi, who led their part of the Jedi and the Republic against the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars, and responsible for the destruction of the Jedi during the Jedi Civil War, as well as paved the way for three of the galaxy’s most evilest Sith Lords.

‘Who are those two?’ asked Smolder.

‘Uh, Smolder?’ said Silverstream, gaining her dragon friend’s attention ‘Maybe we should ask him after those two are gone?’

‘Strange,’ said Luna as she looked at them. ‘The one with the blue marks over his eyes, I can sense evil from him. But the one in the mask. I can sense both light and dark in that one.’

Luke took a deep breath and pulled out his Lightsaber, whilst both Revan and Malak pulled out theirs. Spike called out ‘Uh, Luke, do you happen to know how to use two Lightsabers, don’t you?’

Luke looked at him with a flexed eyebrow and asked ‘Why?’

Spike tossed him a pair of Lightsabers, which Luke was able to catch. When Luke looked at it, he saw that it was the same Lightsaber that the ghost of Ajunta had. Luke looked at him as Spike said ‘Figured you might need them just in case.’

‘Spike.’ said Twilight as she scolded him ‘You took those without permission.’

‘It’s alright,’ said Luke as they looked at him and noticed he was smiling ‘When this is over, I’m gonna find him a large gem.’

Spike couldn’t help but smile at Luke’s offer.

Luke placed his Lightsaber away and used Ajunta’s instead, by connecting them together and turned it into a double bladed Lightsaber. He stood in position, preparing to strike. Luke slowly took a few steps forward, as did both Revan and Malak. Revan prepared to use his Form 6 maneuver, otherwise known as the Nimian, with Malak doing the same.

Luke made his move and twirled his makeshift double bladed Lightsaber, with Revan jumping over whilst trying to strike from above, but as Luke twirled his Lightsaber, he also blocked it at the same time. Sure enough, both Revan and Malak attacked him from both sides. Revan and Malak continued to strike on both sides, but Luke used his Lightsaber to block both of their attacks whilst they tried to get around him at the same time.

‘Man, look at him go.’ said Sandbar.

‘And I thought Luke was impressive when he fought with only one Lightsaber.’ said Flash Magnus whilst he was amazed the way Luke moved.

Both Revan and Malak continued to fight Luke, trying to gain an advantage, but thanks to Yoda’s training, Luke was able to move around them like water. As Revan tried to strike, Luke kicked Malak in the face, making him collapse on the ground.

Luke jumped like an acrobat to his left and used the Force to throw a rock towards Revan, but he easily sliced it in two. Revan continued to fight Luke until Malak joined in and continued the duel between the last Jedi and the Lords of Sith of old.
As they fought, Luke kicked Revan aside as he slid on the ground, with Luke jumping a bit backwards trying to dodge Malak. Luke stood in position and held his position whilst Malak attacked once more. Malak continued to strike left and right, but Luke successfully blocked them from both sides and pushed him away, whilst Revan came back into the fight as the two Sith Lords continued their duel. Malak and Revan tried to get past him, but it wasn’t enough to make Luke lose his defense. As Revan tried to strike, Luke used the Force to push him away, flinging him against the wall.

Malak backhanded Luke, making him fall on his back. Malak tried to strike Luke down, but Luke was quick on his feet and lifted himself up and landed on his feet, with Luke trying to strike back as Malak also blocked him from left to right. As they fought, Malak ended up standing up kicking Luke in the gut, but Luke was able to overcome it and jump further down, with Malak following suit. The two of them continued to clash their sabers, until Malak sliced the makeshift double bladed Lightsaber in half, separating it in the process. Malak grabbed it, but Luke was able to overpower him and throw him against the wall, with Luke jumping towards him.

As Malak crashed against the wall, Luke jabbed both Lightsabers in Malak’s gut, making him grunt in the process, killing him as the pain was too much for him. Luke pulled the Lightsabers out and landed back onto the ground, with Malak falling flat on his stomach, with the ponies surprised when they saw Luke being able to overpower Malak. Luke turned around and saw Revan slowly standing up, with smaller rocks rising all around him, showing that his power of the Dark Side is growing stronger by the minute. He pulls out his Lightsaber, ready for another go on Luke, with Luke preparing for a fight himself.

As they slowly walked around in a circle, Luke and Revan kept their focus on one another. In an attempt to reach out to him, Luke tried to speak to Revan.

‘I know who you are Revan,’ said Luke ‘I know you were never a Sith.’

‘You know nothing of me.’ responded Revan, maintaining his anger.

‘I know you were once an honorable Jedi,’ said Luke, remembering Master Yoda’s stories. ‘I know you and Malak were once the most compassionate Jedi who cared for the people of the Republic. When the worlds were threatened by the Mandalorians and the Jedi refused to act, you two brought what Jedi you could and led the Republic against their clans. But by the time power consumed the both of you, the two of you ended up leading a Jedi Civil War, turning Jedi against Jedi, and led the destruction of the Order whilst the survivors were forced into hiding, and the two of you turned into Sith Lords. That was until Bastilla, a powerful Battle master, captured you and altered your identity so that you wouldn’t remember who you were, erasing your past of who you once were.’

Many were surprised to hear of Revan’s origins. ‘Whoa, is he serious?’ asked Rainbow Dash whilst she was surprised.

‘From the sound of his voice, ah reckon he is.’ said Applejack whilst she was fixated on the battle.

Luke continued to speak as he said ‘But overtime in your altered state, you formed companions and friends to fight for the greater good of the Republic. You fought the Sith through different parts of the galaxy, and in time, Malak, one who thought you were dead, made you remember who you are. But instead of going back to your Sith ways, you continued to follow the path of the Jedi, saved the love of your life and aided the Republic in defeating Malak and the Sith. But as you regained more of your memories, you remembered that there was a far greater danger out there, so you left the galaxy to face down the danger and never returned. But in time, you were reincarnated and tried to make good for the galaxy. After that, you died and you became a legend ever since.’

‘I do not remember that life,’ said Revan ‘All I remember was that the Jedi were weak. Where were they as the innocence suffered whilst the Mandalorians laid waste to innocent worlds. I did what I had to do to defend them. And when that wasn’t enough, only power would make sure that all of them would stand in line.’

‘That is not true,’ said Luke ‘You formed a lot of companions over the years. Do you not remember who they were? Bastilla Shan was among them. But who were the others?’

Revan stopped in an instant, for that brief moment that the light inside of him woke up. He told them who they were and what they were.

‘Carth Onasi. He was a valiant soldier for the Republic. He led his troops with honor and strife. He even reunited with his son after he thought he died during great battle. Then there is Canderous Ordo, a great Mandalorian warrior from Clan Ordo, who united the other clans to fight against the Sith and restore his clan’s honor.’

They were surprised that Revan remembered the first two, but continued to tell Luke who the others were.

‘Then there’s Jolee Bindo, an old hermit who became a grey Jedi after his emotions got the better of him when his wife died. He was an old grump, but he had a kind heart. Then there’s Mission Vao, a Twilek who had been abandoned by her brother and left for dead. But after she came along, she found her purpose in helping the Republic, alongside Zalbaar, a Wookie from Kashyyk who reclaimed his honor and helped free his home from slavers.’

Pretty soon, Revan slowly lowered his guard, as did Luke with Revan continuing talking about his companions.

‘Then there’s Juhani, a Jedi Padawan who was consumed by the Dark Side when she struck down her master, but I was able to help redeem herself from her pain and darkness, I even let her accompany me so that she could find her light. Then there’s HK-47, a robotic droid who was designed by the Sith to fight alongside me, but found a new purpose in fighting for the Republic. Then finally, T3. I missed it so much since he was gone. Always being there by my side and always helped us overcome our problems no matter what stood in its way.’

Revan then removed his hood and slowly removed his mask, revealing his face. A normal human, but with normal eye colors, and no longer yellow like the Sith’s. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he said ‘They never did stop believing in me.’

‘Neither did my friends.’ said Luke as he had a smile of his own.

Revan couldn’t help but smile. He walked over to Luke and used the Force to take Malak’s Lightsaber before he faded from existence. Revan stood close to Luke as he held onto both the Lightsabers and his mask.

‘Very well done.’ said Revan as he gave his mask and Lightsabers to Luke. Smiling with relief, Luke accepted the Lightsabers and mask, with Revan placing his right hand on Luke’s shoulder. ‘You truly are the best of us. No go…restore the balance to the Force, as the chosen of the Jedi of old did before.’

Within moments, Revan disappeared, now finally resting in peace. Luke only smiled whilst he held onto the new momentums in his hands. The ponies and Spike, along with the Young Six moved closer towards him whilst some of them were amazed by what happened.

‘That was amazing.’ said Mage Meadowbrook.

‘How did you calm him down?’ asked Fluttershy.

‘I reached out to him, as many Jedi do to those who fell to the Dark Side.’ said Luke.

‘If you don’t mind me asking Master Skywalker,’ said Princess Celestia whilst she was curious ‘Who exactly were Revan and Malak? Were they well known in the Jedi Order?’

‘In a way they are.’ said Luke.

‘From what your master told you?’ asked Luna.

‘Let us continue with our goal,’ said Luke as he gestured to the door ‘I will explain along the way.’

As Luke led them to their destination, realizing that it was another long hallway, he told them of what he knew about them.

‘Long ago, after the Great Sith War,’ said Luke ‘The Mandalorians were an ongoing warrior race who were always at war with each other and everybody else. They had enemies everywhere. The Republic, the Jedi Order, the Empire and the Sith, all who fought the Mandalorians to a standstill. Realizing that the Republic was in danger, Revan and Malak urged the Jedi Order to help the Republic put an end to the war, but they refused.’

‘Refused?’ said Rarity whilst she was surprised ‘Why in Equestria would they refuse to help the Republic?’

‘Remember,’ said Luke ‘The temptation of the Dark Side can exist in anyone, and the Jedi, fearing that their Order would suffer the same fate as their predecessors during the Great Sith War, they chose to stay out of it. Revan and Malak on the other hand, both of the Jedi Knights, refused to sit aside and allow the innocence of every world to suffer. They eventually gained the aid of half of the Jedi Order and fought with the Republic Fleet and armies on the front lines. Sure enough, the Mandalorians surrendered, only to discover that they were secretly led by a Sith Emperor.’

‘Let me guess,’ said Rainbow Dash as she was boasting ‘They went over and kicked their butts?’

‘Not exactly,’ said Luke, much to Dash’s disappointment ‘When they confronted him, the Sith Emperor corrupted them, and in time, they were succumbed to the Dark Side, and soon after that, the Jedi they gathered also fell to Darkness, and ended up leading a Jedi Civil War.’

‘Jedi vs. Jedi?’ said Flash Magnus ‘And I assume that both sides lost?’

‘In a way,’ said Luke ‘After they were corrupted, they searched all over the galaxy for a powerful Force Weapon known as the Star Forge. But Bastilla, a Battle Master sent by the Jedi Order and secretly led a Jedi Task Force, were sent to capture Revan when they realized that there was still good in him. But during that time whilst his mind was being wiped by the Force, the remaining Jedi that served alongside Revan and Malak after they were freed from their corruption, were exiled and banished from the Jedi Order, and they were forced to both surrender their Lightsabers and cut their connections from the Force.’

‘But weren’t they given a chance to redeem themselves?’ asked Mistmane.

‘No,’ said Luke ‘The Masters from back then were clouded and blinded by arrogance. Because of that, they refused to act and wanted to leave the galaxy would die, for fear of the Dark Side clouded their judgment of helping and saving others.’
‘So what happened to Revan after he was captured?’ asked Spike.

‘Revan was given a new identity and a different life, with his connection to the Force being cut. But Malak knew Revan was still alive and he never stopped hunting him, for the dark Jedi that were still loyal to him, as well as a handful of Sith, continued to hunt him mercilessly. Whilst he was unconscious on a Republic Cruiser ship filled with Republic soldiers that Bastilla and her Task Force Jedi were on, Malak discovered their location and he sent a Sith Frigate filled with Dark Jedi to kill him when his location was discovered.’

‘So how did they escape?’ said Rainbow Dash, clearly showing a hint of excitement on her face.

‘Both Carth and T3 woke him up,’ said Luke ‘They were able to escape, with Bastilla still fighting them, but many of her Task Force Jedi, even the Republic soldiers were all killed during the raid. They were able to evacuate in an escape pod on a planet below them. But whilst they were on the surface, Revan’s fighting ability, minus the Force, slowly came back. His instincts were sharper and his care for his newfound companions helped strengthen his resolve. They had to undergo many trails to help set him on the right path. Soon enough, they were able to free Bastilla when she was captured.’
‘How did they ever escape the planet?’ asked Rarity, seeing that she too was interested in the story.

‘They were able to gain an audience with a powerful crime lord, where they met Canderous Ordo, a Mandalorian warrior who was reduced to being a bouncer after his clan had been broken apart. With his help, they were able to escape the planet aboard the Ebon Hawk…’

‘Wait,’ said Sunburst as he realized something ‘You said the ship that Revan traveled in is called the Ebon Hawk?’

‘Yeah, why?’ asked Luke.

‘And what’s your ship called?’ asked Starlight.

‘The Ebon Hawk.’

Twilight then asked ‘And how long ago did Revan live?’

‘About three thousand years ago.’

Some were taken aback by what he said, with Spike shouting ‘Your ship’s that old?!!’

‘Maz discovered the ship.’ said Luke ‘She said that the ship had been abandoned and also in partial ruin. But she was somehow able to put it back together and made it better than ever.’

‘Is she some sort collector?’ asked Rarity.

‘Sort of,’ said Luke ‘Maz was once a pirate, and she’s nearly as old as Master Yoda. She saw a lot of action and is considered to be among the best. She even helped the Rebellion more times than I can count. She even helped me try to find a way. She may not be a Jedi, but she knew the Force.’

‘Interesting,’ said Celestia. ‘Would you like to continue Revan’s story.’

‘Of course.’ said Luke. He cleared his throat before he continued ‘After they escaped, they went back to the Jedi Temple on Dantooine. Coruscant and Tython may have been the base and home of the Jedi for centuries, but wherever the Force reaches out, there are always more temples to test those who are worthy to walk the path of light. From there, Revan continued his Jedi training, and became a Jedi Sentinel, Jedi who are focused on both the Force and their Lightsaber combat. The Jedi Order assigned him to find the location of the Star Forge.’

‘The weapon that y’all wanted to find from the beginning?’ asked Applejack.

‘Indeed.’ said Luke ‘Whilst he traveled, he gained the trust of the Grey Jedi Jolee and during his journey into discovering the location of the Star Forge, Revan helped his companion through their troubled times, helped them focus on the future, and became better people. But during their travels, they encountered Malak, who revealed Revan’s identity and helped him refresh his memory. During that time, Revan remembered bits and pieces of his old life. But instead of returning to the Dark Side, he stayed with the Light, revealing that his will was stronger when resisting against the Darkness.’

‘Were they able to defeat Malak?’ asked Luna.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘After they discovered the location of the Star Forge, the Republic sent their fleets to destroy it whilst Revan fought Malak. It was a horrific battle, but in the end, the Republic won and Revan struck Malak down. But with the Jedi Temple on Dantooine destroyed, the Jedi were once again forced to go into hiding.’

‘And what of Revan?’ asked Starswirl ‘What became of him?’

‘After Malak’s defeat, Revan regained more of his memory, and discovered that there was a far more greater evil that proved to be more dangerous than anyone could’ve imagined. So he asked his companions to stay behind and help protect the Republic, whilst he went off alone, never to be seen again.’

‘Wow, that’s some story.’ said Smolder.

‘Right,’ said Luke ‘It was thanks to both Revan and the Exile, the Jedi would be on better terms with the galaxy and brought a new age.’

‘The exile?’ asked Celestia.

‘Another time,’ said Luke ‘For now, our prize is up ahead.’

They continued to walk down the hall until they were finally able to reach their destination. Finally, they were able to reach their destination. The layout was the same as the previous tomb they’ve been before. But instead of being surrounded by books, they were surrounded by melee weapons, from every civilization since their beginnings.
Rockhoof investigated the axe near him as he said ‘Amazing.’

‘Are these…?’ asked Flash Magnus as he looked at one of the shields that caught his eye.

‘Weapons from other worlds since the youth of their civilizations.’ said Luke whilst he looked around.

‘Aw, no books?’ asked Twilight as she felt disappointed and sad at the same time.

‘Do not easily discard what you see before you, Twilight Sparkle,’ said Luke ‘Knowledge and history can come from all appearances, shapes and sizes, no matter how worthless it may seem to others.’

‘Indeed,’ said Luna ‘Every bit of history is important.’

Luke went to the coffin and opened it. He saw another mummified Jedi, and noticed he had a different double bladed Lightsaber, differently designed with markings, as well it had the color yellow when he turned it on, then turned it off whilst he placed it on the back of his belt.

Luke found another cylinder that contained their next clue. He opened the cylinder and the scroll whilst looking through its contents.

‘What does it say?’ asked Yona.

‘It says right here,’ said Luke whilst he told them ‘After the Pony Tribes left their homes, the first Jedi went to their abandoned homes and hid clues to where the Jedi Texts should be. We know that they placed it here, in the home of the Unicorn Tribe. The scroll says here they placed the next clue in a spot where ponies ruled the clouds and the skies.’

‘Old Pegasopolis.’ said Rainbow Dash as she remembered ‘That’s where the Pegasi used to rule before they moved.’

‘Ah, I know the place,’ said Flash Magnus next ‘That’s nearby where my old Legion comrades had a base before they disbanded it.’

‘But how are we going to land there?’ asked Somnambula ‘Old Pegasopolis doesn’t have solid ground.’

‘Actually they do,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘If it’s anything like the Wonderbolts’ Academy, the clouds should surround a large mountain up top, enough for Pegasi to have solid ground in case their magic would fail.’

‘Ugh, don’t remind Yona,’ said Yona whilst she suddenly had chills up her spine ‘Yona not got over what happened last time Yona was on clouds.’

‘Uh, you do realize that it was both Cozy Glow and Tirek’s fault that magic all over Equestria was drained, right?’ said Gallus.

‘Yeah,’ said Smolder ‘And that idiot chancellor thought we were to blame. I mean, come on, do we look like creatures that can drain magic. None of our races could do that for like, ever.’

‘But I assume that this Tirek you mentioned, has the ability to do that?’ asked Luke.

‘He’s the only one as far as ah know.’ said Applejack.

‘Indeed,’ said Starswirl as he remembered the history well ‘Only Tirek’s kind has the ability to do that, but they abandoned the Dark Arts long ago.’

‘Then we’ll head to Pegasopolis first thing in the morning.’ said Luna ‘When all of us have the strength for the day to come.’
Everyone agreed and walked out of the tomb. But as Luke exited last, he heard a voice say ‘Stay on the path, Skywalker.’
He turned around and could’ve sworn he heard Yoda’s voice. He shook his head and walked out of the room, not wanting to disturb the dead any further. All he knows is, that the Force is guiding him closer to his goal, for he could feel it as he sensed it was getting stronger.