• Published 29th Apr 2020
  • 1,579 Views, 41 Comments

The Sound of Music - Jinzou

Ever wondered why ponies randomly break out into song? Twilight does.

  • ...

The Only Chapter

Twilight pushed open the doors to her castle with a yawn. Another great Winter Wrap Up completed. This made the fourth year in a row it was made in time due to her diligent leadership. They had sang the song and everything!

"Hey Twilight! How was it?" Spike greeted, running over to her.

"Another flawless one." Twilight responded with some pride.

"Let me guess, you guys all song a song about it." Spike snickered.

"Of course. It's traditional now. And it makes the whole process go quicker and makes it more fun." Twilight lectured.

"But how does that work?" Spike asked.

"What do you mean?" Twilight questioned.

"Well like, how do you all just... break into song at the drop of a hat? Like, that's never happened to me, but happens to you all the time."

Twilight blanched. "Well, I mean you've had your moments when you've sung."

"Well, yeah." Spike retorted, dismissing Twilight's rebuttal. "But that was different. When you all wanted to exile Thorax, the song I sang was almost all improvisation, as you could probably tell. Same thing when you were singing before and after being told to go save the Crystal Empire. And then the time I sang to Rarity during that one Hearth's Warming with the Winterzilla, well the entire walk home I was planning on the music and the lyrics. But when you, or any other pony sings, it's like you all magically know the words and are able to sing in harmony with each other without practice."

Twilight froze in place. She had no idea. It was just something... that happened. It never felt off, just kind of like somebody had magically put the words in her mind.

"Spike, take a letter."

Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm happy to report as your student that Ponyville had another perfect Winter Wrap Up. There was a song and everything!

But upon speaking with Spike after the ceremony was complete, he pointed out that perhaps bursting out into song with everyone around you also knowing the lyrics and being able to harmonize perfectly was perhaps a little odd. I never questioned it until now, but ever since my first Winter Wrap Up in Ponyville, I've seen this happen quite a lot.

I was hoping you could shed some light onto why this occurs.

Sincerely yours,

Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight nervously paced back and forth, wondering why an intelligent pony like her had never seen what a weird occurrence this was. And it all started when she moved to Ponyville. Could it be related to the Elements? No, that wouldn't make sense. It likely wouldn't affect anybody but her and her closest friends. Besides that, the Elements had been returned to the Tree of Harmony, so that had to rule them out. Some kind of magical energy hanging around Ponyville? No, she would detected it long ago if so, and she had burst into song in Canterlot too on several occasions. Well maybe...

Twilight's inner struggle was cut off when Spike poked her in the shoulder, waving a scroll in front of her. Twilight levitated it in front of her and opened it up, expecting a long and meticulous answer defining exactly how this magical phenomenon worked. Much to her chagrin, the letter was actually pretty short.

Dear Princess Twilight

While I can, and would have no difficulties explaining this to you, Luna much insisted on explaining this to you herself. She actually looked pretty giddy about it. Nobody has ever asked her before. Luna will be visiting you in the Dreamscape tonight to give you your answer.

~Princess Celestia

"What?! But that's... that's not an answer at all!" Twilight complained. "This question is gonna keep me up all night anyway!"

Spike sighed. "Me and my big mouth." He set out to make some chamomile tea for the neurotic alicorn, who otherwise truly would be on this subject for hours.

Twilight found herself in the Crystal Empire's library. Sunburst had pointed out some fascinating history books he had thought Twilight might enjoy. And enjoy she did. It turns out there was a point in history before the Crystal Heart, when ponies had primarily defended their empire with-

"Twilight Sparkle." A familiar voice rang out.

Twilight whipped her head around to view the Princess of the Night in her fully majesty. "Princess Luna!" Twilight gasped. "But what are you doing here in the Crystal Empire? And what about Celestia saying you were going to tell me about the fact we all magically break out into songs? What's that all about?"

Luna gave an uncharacteristic smirk. "I was waiting for somebody to figure that out. I'm honestly surprised it took as long as it did. You see Twilight, my job is to protect the dreams of ponies from darkness. To save them from nightmares. But there is not a nightmare every night. And even thought I can pass from dream to dream quite easily, I may not always find them if there is one. But you see Twilight, on nights without much to do, I have been known to get bored. Watching the dreams of other ponies can only be entertaining for so long, especially if they are..." Luna looked around the library. "Maybe a little dull."

Luna paused, her smirk growing bigger as she let the dramatic tension build.

"So, to finally answer your question, I do it! I've always loved singing. After Celestia and I lost our parents, she sang to me every single night for the longest time.. Hearing the song was like a warm embrace."

Twilight's jaw dropped.

"But.. why? And how? A-a-and... isn't that sort of... not the best use of your powers?"

Luna gave off a slight chuckle.

"Well, why is easy. I do find it more entertaining to come up with songs for the ponies to sing than sit on my flank and watch Spike dream of making a house out of ice cream. It makes the work hours fly by. As for how? It's simple enough to plant an idea firmly in the subconscious, to be drawn out whenever a certain event triggers them. For example, for several nights prior to the day the Cutie Mark Crusaders received their cutie marks after redeeming their schoolyard bully, I could sense Diamond Tiara's growing hostility toward her mother. I realized things would eventually come to a head, especially after she was planning to run in the student senate. I had much fun planting those songs in hers and the CMC's subconscious. Celestia even helped me come up with some of the lyrics.

"Oh, and as for it being a misuse of power? I would disagree. It has hurt nobody, and if at all, ponies seem to like it. There were no complaints when Ponyville was singing their little 'Winter Wrap Up' song. Believe it or not, Celestia came up with that one on her own."

"B-but what about the ones you couldn't have seen coming? When my friends and I were attempting that escape room, how could you know of that?" Twilight retorted, desperately trying to find a hole in Luna's logic.

Luna shrugged. "Well for one, you dreamed about the escape room the night before, and quite honestly Twilight Sparkle, while you are indeed quite powerful and reliable, you're rather... predictable. Besides, there were no nightmares that night."

Twilight blanched, not knowing quite what to do or say. Then she remembered what her scaly assistant told her earlier.

"What about Spike? He's never had a moment like that."

Luna shrugged again. "His dreams are usually about food, they make me hungry. So I avoid his dreams."

Twilight's brain completely shut down. "So, for all the moments when... What about when Celestia sang to me before I became an alicorn? Was that also a part of your boredom? That moment meant so much to me..." Tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.

"Oh no, of course not Twilight Sparkle. Celestia made that song up herself for you, and sang it on her own volition. While I may do it for cheap thrills, I would not taint such a pure moment for the sake of entertainment. I do not meddle in Celestia's dreams. When she sang for you, as well as when Celestia, Cadance, and myself sang to you after the dignitaries arrived from Saddle Arabia, those were both genuine songs we made for you."

Wiping her tears, Twilight asked a final question. "What about Cadance? When I found her in the caves below Canterlot, she sang a song with me. If you knew she was down there, why didn't you do or say anything?"

Ah yes, well..." Luna cleared her throat. "That wasn't actually me. I had nothing to do with that. I do not trifle with Princess Cadance's dreams. Usually."

Twilight opened her mouth, but words refused to come out. She was going to have to take her time to puzzle over this epiphany.

"Princess Luna, I think I'd like to wake up now." She finally muttered.

"Would you like me to fashion a song for you later when you think about this?" Luna asked innocently.

"Princess Luna..."

"Offer going once." Luna replied, hiding a grin with her hoof.

"Princess Luna." Twilight replied in a more forceful tone.

"Going twice..." Luna snickered.

"Princess Luna." Twilight almost growled.

"Oh fine, Twilight Sparkle, you have my words you will not sing a song tomorrow." Luna smiled, putting extra emphasis on the last word.

Before Twilight had the chance to ask for more clarification, she found herself thrown into the world of the waking.

And so it was from then on, whenever Twilight heard a pony singing a song out of nowhere, she thought of Princess Luna.

She also started singing about it a week later.

Author's Note:

This is my first attempt ever at a one shot. Comments welcome.

Comments ( 41 )

That was pretty interesting, a fun way to ponder why ponies tend to break into song so often, although it is probably down to harmony... Helping them singing in harmony.
Can I pitch an idea? Twilight spills the beans, Starlight catches wind and lo and behold every dream is everypony singing the "Sound of Silence" since Luna has been not focusing on her duties.

Aside from a few periods instead of question marks, and at least one bit of dialogue with quotes absent, this was pretty good.

This is wonderful -- a great "explainer" one-shot, and it makes a lot of sense, given Luna's mischievous nature. There's a few typos here and there, which are easily corrected and don't detract from the story.

Nice work!

That's not a bad idea. That's actually pretty brilliant.

Oh shoot, I'll give this another once over tomorrow and hopefully fix all those.

Thanks a ton! I wrote this while decently sleep deprived (Went in for far too early a shift at work and lost some good sleep because of it :twilightblush:)
But I'll give this another run through tomorrow and fix those.

Luna Memetic?

The thing that always puzzled me about people being puzzled about people breaking into song for no reason, is, just how psychologically socially abused are they that they cant even raise to the level of plantation slaves? then again, most of the singing crews on the buses here are returning from a night on the town, so are drunk.:trixieshiftright:

I do miss the old guy with the spoons though.:derpytongue2:

That sounds like a pretty good story right there. Also, I might just be too sleep deprived right now, but I can't tell what you're trying to say about plantation slaves. :applejackconfused:

I wonder if Twilight noticed unusually long pauses in Cadence's song, which was when Chrysalis was singing in the duet.

I always thought that idea was hilarious, but for the purpose of fanon, there was something there. Twilight wouldn't act so nonchalant about Cadance singing otherwise.

Cute little one-shot!

This was a fun fic, with pretty natural back-and-forths. While I do like the introspection of pony life, the cultural aspects within, and the social norms I noticed a way this could've been done a touch better. So Twilight seems to think that Luna put the exact lyrics into the minds of the ponies, but the way Luna put it made it seem like it was closer to an inkling. Like an idea left to marinate in your thoughts that eventually blossoms into, in this case, a song and dance. Maybe not the exact same idea for every pony, as their thought, and I guess 'marination', process is different, but Luna could make it different in such a way so that it develops into the desired song. On that thought, I'm glad Luna and Celestia only put ideas into their subject's heads about songs, and not some sort of thought manipulation.

That being said, again, this was a very fun read and didn't leave much to be desired. A nice contained story with a perfect last line.

Aw thanks! It was my first try at one, and I'm actually surprised it's gotten as much attention as it has.

Thanks for you input. I originally did plan it being Luna straight up putting the exact words into ponies' minds, and that's how they all sang the same words together, but I like you take on it.

Ok Funny though I prefer the "Heart Song Magic" idea, that it is a magical compulsion where Harmony magic causes minor reality warping effects. Then it's related to Pinke's powers and also can rope in non-ponies. Some fics use a "Heart Song" as a bit of comedy relief though people's reactions to them. A Dresden Files crossover fic had one where the ponies in human form trigger one in a cafe and one guy spends the next 5 mins after trying to figure out how he pulled his Saxaphone, which was in a storage unit, out of his backpack during the song.

The Heart Song theory would probably make more sense in-universe, but I just had this idea stuck in my head and knew I had to write it.

Luna shrugged again. "His dreams are usually about food. They make me hungry. So I avoid his dreams."

:moustache: What are you talking about?

She also started singing about it a week later.

:twilightangry2: LUNA, CURSE YOU!

To be fair, we only see his dreams once, and they were about ice cream. And showing Rarity an ice cream house he build for her.

Dudes got simple, but respectable dreams. :moustache:

Really? What episode?

Oh god, I'm not even sure. I think it's from "It's About Time". The crazy one where Twilight meets herself from the future.

Yup! Thanks! I loved this one. The paradox where she causes the problem she's trying to solve? :rainbowlaugh: What's the name of that paradox anyway?

Bootstrap paradox.

I believe grandfather paradox works as well but don't quote me on that.

That's it, the bootstrap paradox! The grandfather paradox is a conundrum in which a time traveler kills his grandfather (or any other ancestor) before his father (or mother or another ancestor in his lineage or even the time traveler himself) is conceived, thus preventing the existence of the time traveler.

This was a cute concept. But you seeeeeeeriously need to have it edited, good Lord.

Ooh yeah. That's right.

My theory has always been that the world was normal reality like we live in. Then... Discord happened and completely turned everything into chaos. Then, after his defeat, the world and reality in general was left.. kind of messed up. The moon and sun didn't work. It's possible that the world wasn't even a planet any more. Weather didn't work. The dominant race were rainbow colored ponies and other remnants of nutty chaos. And then, over the centuries, these races just... evolved to their environment like any species would, each finding and filling some niche. The universe is kind of.. broken and shattered, and the wild music that seems to pop out of nowhere with everyone unable to resist going into full song and dance numbers might be another way that the universe is just... broken.

That's... I actually really like that theory.

In my theory, there's no evidence of whatever things were like before Discord. No records or archeology would have survived something like that. Discord might have even planted the seeds of his own destruction as the universe in complete, uncontrollable chaos might have spawned the Elements of Harmony just by chance out of chaos alone. Or maybe they were created by... some.. built in mechanism that the universe has because it's laws were just being bent so much, and there's some... self correcting mechanism. Something like that would be interesting to play with. If the elements could completely repair the universe and bring it back to what it was. But that would mean... the elimination of Equestria.. ponies... etc.. since all the races in the world would be the distant relatives of those few who survived the chaos years without going insane. What was the universe before the chaos years? No one can ever know.

So what, there's some greater force than Discord that works with world balance? I mean, I like where you're going with this, but don't the elements only exist because ol' Swirlybeard planted a tree?

Who knows where this could go. Maybe that's a legend or made up story to make things make sense, like our modern religions. Maybe fact. Who knows? How can you really explain a universe that fell into some kind of complete chaos and then... somehow solidified into some kind of... reality with the cracks still in it? I don't know. It would be up to imagination how this played out. It's fun to think about. So many possibilities. And what if it started happening again? Maybe even this... universe reverting into chaos, and then falling into some sort of... order... in a way... could be a natural process. Maybe even Discord could have been a product of a natural process. Kind of like the theory of "The universe goes into a big crunch.. which turns into a big band and expands till it can't expand any more, then retracts and goes into another crunch to repeat the process.." Maybe there's some sort of... way that the universe just... re-makes itself endlessly. Like it's an evolving thing. My imagination is going crazy at this point. I just know someone is going to see these posts and there's going to be fanfictions now. Haha! I want credit! Haha! Realistically, I'm probably not the only one who's probably thought of this. I'm sure that if I looked, SOMEONE out there has thought similar, if not the same things.

My brain is too goop right now to process all of this, but it definitely seems interesting. Why don't you have a whack at writing this? You obviously seem very creative. And I mean, it is your idea.

Adorable! I love the idea of Luna doing this lmao. What a great way to have an universe explanation, and I appreciate Twilight pointing out all the "flaws" in it as well. Love me a dash of meta in my comedy fics. May as well address it before like, 10 different people in the comments can xD.

Thanks! I just went with what felt natural, and am honestly pretty surprised it's got the reception it has so far. :twilightblush:


Sometimes the best thing a writer can do is go with their gut instincts lol. My most popular story was made much the same way, and it's a one-shot as well. Just be that way sometimes :derpytongue2:.

Brilliant story lol

You're welcome. It was a pleasure to read it. I can imagine Luna and Celestia writing songs together and Luna singing them while in other ponies' dreams!

Gotta pass the time in some way :trollestia:

"Let me guess, you guys all song a song about it." Spike snickered.

Considering you are asking a pony the question is quite redundant...

Twilight nervously paced back and forth, wondering why an intelligent pony like her had never seen what a weird occurrence this was.

Probably because she is a pony herself, and as such didn't even realize it.

I do not trifle with Princess Cadance's dreams. Usually.

I wonder why... Actually no, I don't.

Huh, I didn't see that coming.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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