• Published 12th May 2020
  • 347 Views, 1 Comments

"My Beginning Form; Chrysalis" - QueenCartoony

"Equestria has the most love I have ever seen"

  • ...

Chapter 2

"Okay my children, you can come out now"

When hearing this, a buzzing could be heard shortly before the sound of hooves and glass came into contact. This made the Queen turn around. Even if it was pitch dark outside, her kind was born with night vision and could see it was her "children" outside of the window.

Chrysalis walked briskly across the room and opened the window a small bit.

"You two," she pointed at two of the Changelings, both wearing dark helmets looking made for combat.

"Guard this window! But you, come here."

The Changeling on the far right came slowly more and more into the window as the Queen opened it. After the normal looking Changeling came to the floor, the Queen turned around.

Queen Chrysalis stopped her movement at the bed, letting her hoof rest on her nearby victim.

"This is a corpse my child. It is the thing that holds our much needed thing to live, love. But where is the love stored exactly my child?"

"I-in the heart" said a female voice. This was the female changelings first time out of the hive. She remembered what her mother had said about Equestria and how horribly they would treat her if she was ever seen. The mare shivered a bit, wanting to hurry and follow in her Queen/Mothers orders.

"Correct, and how should we obtain the heart?" Questioned the Queen.

"By killing them and ripping their hearts out."

"Gooood my child. But after you have finished the deed you will question 'what will I do with this filthy pony corpse?' Well, you will bring it back to the hive, right to Mommy" Chrysalis said, smiling devilishly.

"Okay" said the mare, looking back at Chrysalis and giving back an innocent smile.

"Now, you know what part comes up next right?"

The mare nodded, already saying what she had been taught. She moved her head upward, facing the queen and said "I will change into the pony and live as the pony, and unsuspiciously bring my brothers and sisters here and take over this town."

Queen Chrysalis brought up her weirdly shaped hooves and clapped the together in joy for a bit.

"Ohh yes my child, that is exactly what I taught you, now why don't you do that for me now?"

The Changeling mare said an Okay before stepping back a bit and closing her eyes. Some time after a green flame emerged from her horn, slowly making it around her and changing her colors from the darkness of dark grey and dull green to
fuschia and pink. In the back of the head, the mane turned from spiked out grey pieces to fluffy, cotton candy looking lock. Lastly her eyes changed intirely. It had changed from blue to white and grew a pupil, turning the same color as her mane.

After the transformation was complete, the mare opened her eyes one at a time. She looked down and picked up her hoof, examining it.

"Yesssssss! That is so wonderful my child! You have mastered the art of Changing! I have another task for you. I want you to make a "friend" and feed on their love, then signal me when i'm ready. Also to remain unseen and not bring any suspicion you will have to know the ponies name. Your pony is Berry Punch and you are known as the town drunk, is this all understood?"

"Yes my Queen, thank you I will do as told!"

"That is wonderful, but before you go, I have something to give you" said the Queen before pulling out her meal she was having before, giving it to Berry.

"This is yours now, you can feast on it however long you want. But do not show any other pony because they will surely have you known to the Royal Guard as quickly as possible" said Chrysalis, remembering the time she forgot to say that and causing 4 royal guards at her front door.

Berry Punch nodded her head and started chewing on the raw heart, wanting to get sweet fresh love from it.

Across from the mare, Chrysalis started her horn up, using her magic to close the giant slit in the real Berry Punches stomach and carry her. Chrysalis looked up at her child and said goodbye. The Queen got to the window and first stepped her back hooves out, then slowly crawled backwards. She bonked her head into the wall, forgetting she had to move her head.

"Ow!" She exclaimed, dropping the pony and immediately feeling her head.

The Queen stopped after some time, picking up the body again and this time moving her head out along with her hooves.

A loud thud came out and the sound of trotting slowly declined.

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