• Published 13th May 2020
  • 1,751 Views, 28 Comments

Dressing The Part - Future Regret

Fluttershy loves her new authentic leather jacket, Rarity less so.

  • ...


The sun had just begun to crawl up from underneath the horizon, bathing Equestria in its warm rays. The light cascaded over the treetops of the Everfree Forest, casting a long shadow that crept all the way up to the stoop of a cottage.

In the cool morning air, Derpy idled, zig zagging as she struggled to wrangle her eyes on the receiving address while at the same time maintaining her elevation. She strained harder and for a single second of clear vision saw that the package in her saddle bag was for Fluttershy.

“AHA!” Derpy beamed, only to look up and see that she was plummeting into the shrubbery that gathered beneath one of the cottage’s windows. “Oof.” Furry critters dashed out of the hedge and screeched at her in fury. She bore a sheepish smile at them and they turned away in indignance. Her posture deflated, but she still shuffled her way to the door, knocking on the wood three times.

There was a cacophony of claws scratching across the floor and the disgruntled chirps of oversleeping songbirds. The door creaked open an inch, and the mail pony held a pen in her mouth expectantly, but there was nopony there. Confused, one eye drifted downwards, where it spotted a scowling rabbit. Derpy mustered as cheery a smile as the writing utensil would allow.

“Hello, thir. Can you thine for thif packeth?” Spit launched from her mouth. The bunny threw the door shut in her face, causing her muzzle sag into a frown as the echoes of the slam finished reverberating through her skull. The door began to move again and the pegasus hastily resurrected the beaming customer-friendly expression that had shattered moments ago, hoping it would mask the irritated look in her eyes. Fluttershy emerged in the doorway.

“Angel!” She said in a stern voice that was still as quiet as a whisper. A few birds flew out of her frazzled and tangled mane. The bunny folded his arms, hopped further into the cottage, then turned around to give the mail pony one last look. He let his eyes drift around out of sync, then - with a mute snicker - hopped out of sight. The pen in her mouth began to groan under the weight of her grinding teeth, and she forced herself to exhale “That is not how we treat our guests. You apologize to Miss Hooves this instant.” Fluttershy looked down, around, and underneath herself, but the rabbit was gone. A nervous, thin grin spread across her face. “I’m so sorry about him, he’s just been a little cranky since… uhm… since...”

While Fluttershy rummaged around in her brain for an excuse, Derpy had set the pen aside and was digging in her mail bag. Pulling out a brown package, she sat back on her haunches and held it out towards Fluttershy. The pegasus kept stammering until she noticed the box in her face.

“Package for you, from Griffonstone.” Derpy’s voice chirped, bubbling artificially. She was painfully mining a chunk of enthusiasm deep in her soul to keep the chipper facade up until the end of the transaction.

“It’s here!” Fluttershy gasped, taking the package and rocking it against her chest in elation. “It’s finally here.” She inhaled deeply and contently, then saw the mail pony’s eyes spinning around in their sockets dully, a clipboard hanging out of her mouth, and the pen in an outstretched hoof.

“Sorry,” Fluttershy gulped, tossing her head in a masterful way so that her long, pink locks covered most of her face like stage curtains, while at the same time leaving a space in between them to take the pen in her mouth and sign the paper. Derpy’s strained smile flickered. She put the pen and the clipboard back into her bags and took off. Nearly veering into a tree, she leveled out and soared away into the open sky.

Fluttershy didn’t realize she had been holding her breath until the pegasus was off the property without incident. The air deflated out of her and she shut the door, turning to the package. Angel reappeared as she tore the brown paper apart like a ravenous beast. A shred fell onto his face, but he didn’t break his stare of irritation and disgust.

“It’s about time that I became more assertive, so I went out and got the most assertive clothing on the continent. Nopony is as confident as the griffins.” She reached into the garbage and pulled out a shiny, black, leather jacket with her mouth, showing it to the curious crowd of animal onlookers beside her.

They froze, save for their jaws, which dropped in unison, and they began to quiver in fear as Fluttershy donned the gleaming jacket. Angel, with his ears sagging and tears budding, covered his mouth and was petrified as the rest of the animals scurried past him and out of the room. Fluttershy had finally finished battling the stiff clothing in time to see the tails of the slowest terrified creatures vanishing from sight. She turned to Angel in confusion.

“Angel? What’s wrong?” Her hooves scooped him up and held him. The bunny opened his mouth but nothing came out, his unblinking eyes locked on her lapel. He just shook and hyperventilated under the pegasus’ puzzled gaze. Squirming out of her grip and dropping to the floor, he darted out of sight.

“Oh my, this really is intimidating.” Her face contorted between an expression of worry and of satisfaction, settling into a slight smile as she looked back down at the jacket. The highlights and shades created beautiful, shifting contrasts as she moved in the morning sun. “I really must show Rarity, she would love this.”

She finished doing her morning chores, leaving food around and cleaning up for the cowering animals. Trotting out the door and shutting it behind her, she walked towards the heart of Ponyville. Normally, the slow pace would have suited her, but she was just so excited to reap the local fashionista’s praise that she ended up taking to the sky.

Even in the chilly dawn’s atmosphere, the combination of the climbing sun and the wind-resistant jacket protecting her skin made her feel comfortable. An unconscious smile broke across her face as she glided down to the front steps of Carousel Boutique. “Now, now, Fluttershy, don’t try to make her too jealous. We wouldn’t want to bother Twilight with another friendship problem,” she said, giggling as she touched down.

Fluttershy licked her hoof, polishing up parts of the jacket, and patted her windswept mane back into position. Fighting her grin from widening any further, she closed her eyes and exhaled to compose herself. Her body relaxed and she went to knock on the door softly. She stopped, shaking her head, and gave three sharp, confident raps, splitting the otherwise peaceful silence of the morning.

Rarity groaned from inside the boutique, turning over in her bed. “Mnnnghhuh? What was that? Mmm, I must have dreamt it. How horrid.” She began to drift back into a doze when another knock resounded through the building. Her sleep deprived eyes snapped wide open, revealing bloodshot veins that complemented the purple bags that hung under them. “Oh, sweet Celestia, why at this ungodly hour would somepony be knocking at my door? Please, have mercy and spare me just five more minutes of sleep.” She rolled over, covering her ears with a pillow, choking on ugly dry sobs. “Why me, WHY?”

Sniffling, she took a deep breath, composing herself. “No, no, this won’t do, you have a customer. You must simply go out there and face them, as a professional. And a lady.” She pulled herself out of the bed and into the kitchen, quickly warming up some old coffee in a mug. Shuffling towards the front of the boutique, she banged her hoof on a dress rack. She murmured a few muffled curses before one final shamble to the door and twisting the knob.

A disheveled Rarity emerged from behind the door, levitating the mug. She had a magenta eye mask resting above her horn that matched the violet bags sagging below her eyes. Eyes watering, he stretched her cheek muscles to tighten up a smile. “Ohhhh... Fluttershy... how lovely of you to visit so early in the morning,” She wiped her face, sipped, and looked up at the pegasus. “Perhaps you could-”

Rarity’s eyes bulged and the coffee fell to the ground, sending scalding black fluid flying in multiple directions. Fluttershy ducked as Rarity spewed the drink out of her mouth, fell back onto her haunches, and skittered her way backwards until she hit a wall. She flew over to Rarity’s side and wrapped a wing around her, and Rarity’s pupils shrunk and her muzzle twisted in disgust as the jacket pressed against her.

“Oh goodness, are you alright? What’s wrong, Rarity?”

“F-F-Fluttershy?” The words barely came out of her as she struggled to pull away from the jacket.

“Shhhh, yes, Rarity, it’s me. You’re okay,” she said as she pulled Rarity tighter into her loving embrace, causing the unicorn’s cheeks to bulge.

“FLUTTERSHY!” Rarity gasped. The wing hug loosened out of the shock and Rarity fell away from her, scrambling, seething. “What in Equestria are you wearing?”

“Uhm…” Fluttershy’s rigid posture began to crumble as tears welled below her eyes, on the precipice of drizzling down her cheeks. She sniffled, confused and devastated. “My new jacket?” She bit her lip, shaking as the stifled sobs racked her insides.

Rarity couldn’t help but soften her tone out of pity. “And what, darling, is the material?”

“‘Leether?’ ‘L-Layther?’ I - I don’t really know how to say it...” Her cracked composure shattered, choked whimpers spilling out of her. Snot and tears dripped on the jacket and her forelimbs as she covered her face. “I - I don’t know what I did but I’m SOOOOOORRRRRRYYY!”

Rarity got up and consoled her in the same way one would comfort a leper. “There, there,” She said, lightly and reluctantly patting her around the leather jacket. The sobbing had broken down into incomprehensible gasps for air. “Just take that horrid thing off when you can and bathe yourself in the upstairs restroom.”

Fluttershy gathered herself enough to nod and slinked her way up the stairs, shuddering and shedding the jacket as she went. Rarity wretched as she levitated it off of the ground, allowing it no closer than five feet away from her. She put it into the kitchen trash, covering it with pieces of the shattered mug and the filthy rags she used to clean the coffee, mucus, and tears from off of the floor. Taking the bag out, she went out to the boutique's dumpster, hesitated, then went to a neighboring establishment’s and tossed the bag in. When she returned, Fluttershy was waiting at the top of the stairs, her ragged face far more battered than Rarity’s sleep-deprived one.


“Just a moment, darling!” She said, trying to muster as much of a bright attitude as she could before walking out of eyesight. Her expression sunk into a grave one as she pulled out her fainting couch, then upon further consideration, grabbed a bucket from the utility closet. “All ready for you, dear!”

Fluttershy slowly descended the stairs, and obediently followed Rarity’s gestures to the couch. The unicorn could feel her muscles cramping as she strained to maintain a smile.

“I’m so terribly sorry how I reacted, Fluttershy.” The turquoise eyes began to dance with moisture. “It’s not your fault.”

The moisture kept building. The corners of Rarity's mouth wavered from exertion.

“I - It’s not?”

“No, darling, it was the jacket”

“I don’t understand…”

“Leather is...” Rarity exhaled. She proactively lifted the bucket with her magic, tilting towards Fluttershy. She locked gazes with the pegasus, one pair of eyes filled with painful truth and the other pair filled with painful ignorance. She gulped. “The dried skin of animals.”

Fluttershy shot up, her eyes wide with terror, and the bucket shadowed the movement. She opened her mouth, and Rarity hid behind the pail. She closed her eyes and winced as the sounds of horrified vomit reverberated into the bucket and jostled it in her magical grip. The flood finally began to slow down and Rarity peeked from behind the half-empty container.

“This is going to be a friendship problem, isn’t it?”

Fluttershy answered with a catatonic stare.

“...I shall fetch Twilight.”

Author's Note:

Hey. I have to retype this because I screwed up. Yay. As always, I love any form of critique or correction, so throw em in the comments. Check out "UGH!" if you really want to make my day. I think it's a bit better than this one, personally. Check out "Dust" if you are filled with self-loathing.

Probably going to be my last story due to technical difficulties. For a while, anyway.

Anyway, stay safe, all.

Comments ( 28 )

Wow..... though would they really be this disturbed by it? Fluttershy is a given, but what about the majority of the pony tribes?

Rarity is put off by a little leather? Does she not know how all that silk in her shop was made? Definitely don't tell Fluttershy.

Even in the chilly dawn’s atmosphere, the combination of the climbing sun and the wind-resistant jacket protecting her skin made her feel comfy.
"comfortable" ??
You may consider going over this, for any further mistakes?
Otherwise it was a engaging story, I enjoyed reading ..

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer's like, "I don't see the issue here."

Derpy bore a sheepish smile at them and they turned away in indigence. Her posture deflated, but she still shuffled her way to the door, knocking on the wood three times.

Indigence means poverty. Indignance or indignantly seems to be what you want.

The flood finally began to slow down and Rarity peaked from behind the half-empty container.

Should be spelled peeked.

This story made me laugh. While I don't think Fluttershy wouldn't know what leather is, her general meek attitude makes this super funny.


“...I shall fetch Twilight.”

Similarly, given Twilight uses parchment, which is also from dried animal skin, she'll also have no idea what's the problem. :twilightsmile:

Also curious how other animals know what's leather.


Similarly, given Twilight uses parchment, which is also from dried animal skin, she'll also have no idea what's the problem. :twilightsmile:

I mean... gotta use those Background Ponies for something...

Given that the ponies in the show itself are demonstrably not vegetarian (checkout the banquet in the episode "A Bird in the Hoof," where Applejack is about to eat a ham sandwich, or another episode where Rarity is choosing between pate and caviar at a Canterlot social function), even if they do make a lot of substitutions, I'm not sure what the big deal is for Rarity.

Granted, with Rarity, she might not know what pate and caviar actually are other than something rich ponies eat at parties, but Applejack should darn well know what sliced ham looks like, since Sweet Apple Acres raises pigs (presumably to dispose of apple leavings and other organic trash). And keep in mind that the Cakes thought that ham sandwiches were perfectly acceptable luncheon fare to serve Princess Celestia, and they were a nervous wreck the whole time for fear of offending her during her visit!

That's just it - the other animals shouldn't know what leather is. Regular animals do not treat people who wear leather any differently than they treat people who wear anything else, and if Fluttershy, who is in tune with animals, failed to recognize leather, then her animal friends most likely wouldn't recognize it for what it is either. The only one who might arguably know what leather is would be Angel Bunny, and he's enough of an asshole to not care that his mistress is now wearing some other animal's skin.

For that matter, Rarity shouldn't recognize leather for what it is unless she has encountered it before. Otherwise she would probably think Fluttershy's new jacket was suede (fake leather) or some form of vinyl or plastic...

“AHA!” Derpy beamed, only to look up and see that she was plummeting into the shrubbery that gathered beneath one of the cottage’s windows. “Oof.” Furry critters dashed out of the hedge and screeched at her in fury. She bore a sheepish smile at them and they turned away in indigence.

Heh. So, I'm picturing the animals all wearing peasant's rags and shoes with their toes poking out of them.

AHHHH CURSE YOU FOR POINTING OUT MY LACK OF REAL WORLD/HORSE WORLD KNOWLEDGE lol, but thanks for the feature and corrections all the same.

I definitely didn't know until you made me look it up lol. Thanks for that. We can just pretend I did and that it's all the cruelty free kind.
I appreciate it, thank you.
This is my bad. You can blame too much Austraeoh in my brain for this - in that universe Equestria is vegetarian, which you have to admit makes sense. I did think about the Rarity recognizing leather and toying with a bit about pleather, but I scrapped it. I just figured Rarity is a fashion expert and she'd have heard of foreign clothing styles. Mayhap I should have clarified a tad more what was in my head.
LOL maybe another story idea - Fluttershy's cottage is just a halfway house?

No idea

As a completely unrelated note, what would be your opinions on a jacket made out of human leather? I'm trying to diversify my wardrobe on this troubling times, and I'm looking for an exotic and intimidating garment.

If i were writing this story i would make fluttershy become creepy pinkie and treat the jacket like one of her animals. Its animal skin, right?:pinkiecrazy:

Good job haha :rainbowlaugh:made me crack up quite a couple of times

Interesting take on this. I don't think that Flutters would be as upset as that, Rarity, perhaps, but not Flutters. She deals in "death" everyday to feed her animals that happen to be carnivores. And I've read stories of her putting down animals that needed to be released from pain.

However, you handled the premise well, and I enjoyed the story. I'd be interested in how Twilight would solve this friendship problem. Fanfics allow for a wide range of thought experiments for which I'm grateful. You get a thumbs up from me!

I have no problems with the idea of Equestria being mostly vegetarian, even to the point where most of the ponies don't even know that they are capable of digesting meat and might be put off by the idea of other ponies doing so, or using leather and other animal based products. And the resulting horror such ponies go through each time they find out just what whichever totally essential convenience they simply can't do without just happens to be made from animal byproducts (such as glue and anything made using glue - which is a lot of things at their demonstrated level of technology deals with). Not to mention certain perfumes and other cosmetics that also used animal byproducts at that level. Which I figure that the majority of the populate remains blissfully unaware of.

Heck, I've even used the varying levels of veganism, from passive, personal choice vegans to proactive militant vegans in the backgrounds of some of my own fics, and have suggested that there's a secretive society of vegan revisionists who are attempting to rewrite history in order to suppress the knowledge that, not only can ponies eat meat, there are also situations in which they should eat more protein in order to stay healthy and alert. Such as any pony that regularly lives in high altitude environments such as mountains and/or clouds. It would really go a long way towards explaining some of the goofy behavior we see in MLP ponies in Canterlot and Cloudsdale…

That said, the necessary part is the protein, which, since ponies aren't obligate carnivores, they can get via the right combinations of certain plants if they go through the trouble to do so.

Odd bit of trivia (that I'm currently having touble finding the link to): There was a judge in the Old West who once had a pair of shoes made from a criminal he had executed. He apparently had it done to serve as a warning for other would-be outlaws to behave themselves while they were in his jurisdiction.

In my humble opinion, would've been funnier if Fluttershy had known exactly what leather was made from and was completely nonchalant about it.

Rarity: "Don't you know it's made from the skin of animals?!"

Fluttershy: "Well, yes. It's even stated in he catalog which animal the skin came from; apparently different animals have different skins that are better for different things."

Rarity: *Jaw drop, mouth agape*

I mean, remember, this is the pony who feeds fish to ferrets, takes care of wolves and bears (apex predators), and in the comics watched on in utter fascination as two monsters fought each other, and then one killed and ate the other. If any pony would have been capable of wearing leather, it'd be Flutters. :raritywink:

Flutters: "Ooooh, this jacket really IS intimidating! I can't wait to try it out when I go to the market! That mean ol' pegasus stallion won't be cheating me on the cherry tomato price today!"

10233970 I can actually see her doing this to boost her confidence. Maybe she took a page from Sunset?

10233355 I‘M honestly more comfortable with human hair being used as fabric than human skin.

I’m dying

Thank you

I was kinda hope the jacket would has some kind of enchantment to increase the aggressiveness of the wearer. But, well, the story would lose comedy tag that way.

absolutely love that ending, well done!!

clicked on the story cuz of fluttershy dressing like she was in Redline, was not disappointed at all, love it:heart::moustache:

Man, that would have been a nice curve ball. To be honest it'd be super easy to change the ending too that also. I actually read this comment quite a bit ago but do to the tech problems I was facing couldn't really respond. I thought about writing another, alternate ending chapter, where that happens but meh. You're more than welcome too though if the desire hits you. Really, there's alot of ideas for the ending in the comments that are as good if not better than the one I through on there.
Such as this idea - could make a nice few hundred word epilogue.

Kinda want a sequel where somepony finds out what vellum or parchment is and thinks Twi is a serial killer.

From the creator of Cupcakes, comes to you: Books

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