• Published 21st May 2020
  • 2,234 Views, 93 Comments

Memento Mori: The Last Days on Equestria - Bronie312

A human in Equestria, who befriended a couple of mythological creatures, discovers the fact that he's going to die.

  • ...

Aftermath: The Letter.

Dear Family,

If you're reading this, then it means I'm with you no more. I wanted to express an important phrase.

Thank you.

You are the ones that supported me from the first time since I arrived at Ponyville, you were always there for me and you never left me when I needed you the most. It's my fault we got separated for a while, but now... I feel like I've finally done something right. Even more, we became a group, a band. A family. We reached the top together and we helped each other as much as possible.

Thanks to you, I got a place I could finally call home, I got friends, I got a family... It is all thanks to you that I discovered my purpose in life. You gave me a life to live and I lived it as best as I could.

Unfortunately, life's not always nice with everyone and there it has to be a time, in which, you must go. My time has come to an end and I couldn't be happier than I am right now.

One final advice, dear family. Don't let my death become the weight on your shoulders. And, always, live every day as if it were going to be the last one.

I love you all. I'll always treasure the beautiful and epic moments we lived together in my heart because the body may die, but the soul is eternal. And my soul will be patiently waiting for you to join.

Thank you all for giving me a life to live. Goodbye.

Sincerely, your friend, Frank Frederickson.

Author's Note:

Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is it. One last chapter for this extraordinary story you've supported. Thank you.

Comments ( 24 )

My heart strings, oh how I loved this! Also, just to add some more emotion to this, take a listen to The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd, it perfectly fits this.

Okay, I'll listen to it. And thank you for reading my story.

No problem! I enjoyed it very much and can’t wait to read more like it!

Good story.
but without specifying that this is not an analogue of an Earth disease, people who know about this disease from personal experience can..
well, you saw what it can lead to ..
P.S. more or less well-founded non-repetitive criticism is more often useful than not..

I feel emotion again *happy tears*

I'm glad you enjoyed my story. Thank you for commenting about my story, now I know I did a good job writing it. You could also check my other story called: "The Night of Truth".

I very well will your I hope you keep up with the stuff you love and make awesome stories. Stay awesome man :)

I'm thinking about it, but, by now, I'll rest a while to recover my imagination, creativity and inspiration.

take as long as you need my friend.

Actually, I'm writing a sequel to "The Night of Truth" but I'm still waiting for a friend to check it and tell me if I have to do any kind of modifications.

you should do a prequel of this story

I think the best for this story is to be left as it is. Its own magic can't be ruined for a possible "bad" sequel or prequel.

In the game destiny 2 there's a handcannon in the game called ace of spades one of the main characters die shot by there own gun so you have to hunt down the killer And retrieve the ace of spades and when you get the gun killing a enemy and reloading gives a perk wich gives a few extra damage bullets (7) and the perk is called "memento Mori" now knowing the name means the weapon has so much new meaning

That's a very curious fact, indeed.

No worries. It was a good story!

Really? Anything else you say about the story - despite the songs' issue -?

Just some editing issues, nothing that was too bad. The idea was good and it had a pretty decent flow up until the song breaks.

Yeah, I know. I screwed it up, don't have to remind me.

My apologies if my criticism seemed a bit harsh.

Trust me, I've received worse.

Fuck me, if your job was to make people sad for the main character, you did your job perfectly. And on that note I have one thing to say to you.

Fuck you (I say this to everyone who makes me cry from stories)

You made me laugh - also, I understand you said it jokingly -, so you've earned a follower.


I Think i need a hug :fluttercry:

Here *Hugs him* Did you like it?

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