• Published 14th May 2020
  • 5,627 Views, 50 Comments

Hay is for Horses - Holy

Sunset has been in the human world for so long she's almost forgotten the taste of her favorite food, but an encounter with a few of Applejack's hay bales incites an uncontrollable urge within her to indulge in her old pony pastime.

  • ...

The Good Stuff

The evening breeze gently brushed through the trees and through the hills of Sweet Apple Acres, eventually blowing Sunset's hair across her back as well. Gravel crunched beneath her feet as she made her way off of the farm, though a little quicker now than her usual stride. The normally peaceful stroll back now had Sunset breathing heavily and her entire body on edge as she wished she could trot again without looking suspicious. Sunset's stomach twisted with every glance over her shoulder, expecting to have to cover for her strange posture. Thankfully her glances didn't reveal anyone there to catch her in the act.

Sunset's heart pounded as she squeezed her arms tighter around her core, making sure her score was still snugly secured in its hiding place. Memories of snatching snacks out of the convenience store when she first arrived in this world rushed back to her mind with the familiar feeling. She looked over her shoulder one last time to make sure she was alone on that long driveway out of the farm. The long curve away from the farmhouse was completely empty, and a quick crane of her neck over the surrounding hills revealed nothing but more apple trees. Stopping for a moment on the grass, Sunset finally decided it was time to indulge in her sinful urges.

A shaky hand reached underneath the leather adorning her chest to grab her prize. The anxiety building up in her torso was quickly replaced by a giddy excitement as she felt the familiar prickle of her score: a lump of hay.

Sunset pulled out her score and held it in both hands as if it was an injured bird. Her eyes shot around the farm one last time; Sunset's mind raced with potential consequences before she realized Applejack probably wouldn't even care. Sunset chuckled at herself and shook her head. She wasn't in Canterlot anymore and no one would miss a little swiped hay here, she told herself to quell the final bits of nervousness nipping at her. It's not like Applejack was going to be upset at her for swiping a handful from one of the bales, though... the rest of the kids at school wouldn't be so forgiving with the horse girl teasing if this got out. Sunset rolled her eyes at the memory of those playful pranks and the endless jokes at her horse history that only just finally died down, but with those wonderful strands finally in her hands Sunset can hardly bring herself to care about anything else.

A long, heavy sniff of the hay in her hands sent chills down her spine and a satisfied sigh out of her mouth. Sunset's entire body shivered at the thought of finally indulging in that savory snack again. So many sour days in her youth were brightened by that savory taste of warm, seasoned hay fries with a massive helping of ketchup and she couldn't wait to experience the rush all over again. Sunset knew if she was never concerned about her weight, a plate of delicious hay fries would be she ever ate and back in Canterlot it almost became an issue a few times. A sadness overcame her at the realization of how many years it'd been years since she enjoyed her favorite dish, but another quick whiff of the hay in her hands was enough to bring a bright smile to her face with giddy anticipation.

Sunset looked down at the lump and then looked up in thought of all the ways she might try it: A little at a time? No, she wanted a good mouthful... All at once? No... she wanted to savor it and definitely didn't want to have to risk going back to the barn for seconds, as much as she wanted to just drag a whole bale off the farm with her. The dry grass wasn't baked, fried, or seasoned either, but trying recipes at her apartment was time that Sunset didn't know if she could wai through. Her mouth was already salivating as hard as it possibly could and she grew fidgety in place with every passing second.

With another quick glance around the driveway to make sure she was alone, Sunset leaned her elbows onto a nearby fence to support herself, ready for the intense pleasure to wash over her entire body at the first taste. Not wanting to waste anymore time, Sunset smashed her face into the handful of grass and took a generous chomp out of it. Bliss her body with the smell so close to her nose and the chewy texture filling her mouth. A bright, happy smile came over her face as she chewed into the first bites, letting out an audible moan as the joyous nostalgia flooded in.

Sunset's excited chewing slowed as her smile gradually faded. The sharp prodding on the inside of her cheeks was manageable, but something felt... wrong. She chewed a little longer, wincing as her softer human mouth organized the strands into more comfortable areas. She did her best to savor every little bite as the flavor flooded into her mouth, but her stomach churned as the taste began to form in her mouth and at the back of her throat. Her tongue had a complete picture of the object in her mouth now, and her ecstatic anticipation slowly turned into uncertainty with each rotation of her jaw. Sunset coughed and brought a hand to her mouth to keep it in; her body reeled with a sudden disgust and yelled at her to spit it out.

As her teeth crunched the blades into a more palatable form, the ugly truth was finally revealed: the taste on her tongue was like sun-dried dirt and dead leaves. The sweet feeling of eating warm hay fries on a quiet afternoon vanished from her mind, replaced by memories of accidentally getting a mouthful of dirt on nasty falls or crunchy leaves making their way past her lips after getting lost in a massive pile her and her friends raked up last fall. Sunset's throat refused to open to allow the awful taste any further, and with a dissatisfied groan she let the pile of brown mush slide off of her tongue and down into the grass below her.

Sunset shook her head, her eagerness quickly washed over with disappointment as she looked at the rest of her meal in her hands. "Stupid omnivore taste buds..."

Her leather jacketed crinkled up as she slouched forward onto the wooden fence. The nostalgia drained out of her and left behind a somber yearning for her life when she could enjoy the disgusting livestock feed she was holding. Sunset tipped her palm over, letting the little strands fall away and catch the wind to fly away like all her pleasant memories fading towards bittersweet. Part of her mind screamed not to waste it, but the last thing she wanted was more of the taste that was currently poking at her gag reflex. Sorrow built up at the back of her throat as she stared out past the hills towards the encroaching darkness with a somber sigh. Sorrow for the life she used to have and all the little things she grew up loving. They were all literally in another world now, somewhere she knew she'd never belong in anymore.

Sunset leaned down to rest her head against the fence and stare across the rolling hills of apple trees before her. The little brown sticks finally settle into the grass a few yards away from her as she silently contemplated if trying to cook or season them would somehow make them better. She sat back as her mind desperately tried to find a reason to hold on, to keep them in her life somehow, some way, but as her mind projected the different tastes of her ideas into her mouth, she had to hold back another gag. Her stomach churned at the idea of having that nastiness in her mouth and if she was being honest, she thought she might rather actually have a mouthful of dirt instead.

A soft sigh left Sunset's lips and she turned around to face the last rays of the evening sun as they peaked over the apple trees. A sun not controlled by Celestia beaming down on the world she'd spent a good portion of her life in now. The hay sprinkled around the green grass was another loss to add to the list from her old life. Sunset's mind wandered towards her journal; Twilight wouldn't mind a quick visit to raid the Ponyville restaurants, would she? The urge still nipped at her mind despite her unsettled stomach. Sunset shook her head with a knowing smile as she pushed herself off the fence. Night was drawing closer and a sudden hay heist probably wasn't a great idea for a school night.

Sunset's mind drifted back toward her friends and all the strange restaurants they've explored around Canterlot. Her thoughts had urged her toward the portal like a magnet drawing her in, but Sunset took in a long, deep breath and cast the hay heist out of her mind. Instead she looked through her internal list of the endless unique human foods her palate had the luxury to once enjoy. As much as she missed her old favorite, Sunset knew she had plenty of new ones to pick from in her new home. Her elaborate binging session that would put most dragon hordes to shame would have to wait... for the weekend probably. Though it'd take a miracle to get the memory of that awful concoction of dead plants and dirt to leave her mind now.

Sunset spit out one last time to get that awful taste off her tongue, then let off a low chuckle at her own ridiculousness of her petty thievery. "I think I'll just order some Chinese instead."

Author's Note:

Not my best work, but it was a fun little request to see if I could make something decent in the realm of comedy.

Comments ( 50 )

It's actually pretty funny. Good job Holy!

As someone who'se baled hay before: that's accurate to what its like to have hay in your mouth.

I'd say that this was pretty darn good. :twilightsmile:

....i don't know how i feel seeing this in my stories feed nor if i like the feeling

This was a nice slice of cute!

This is adorable!

human foods her palette had the luxury to once enjoy - palate

I always felt like hay would be the human equivalent of a staple food you eat because it's cheap and keeps a long time. Not something to look forward to eating.

I do love a good "Sunset misses her old digestive system" short. Fun stuff throughout, though maybe a touch melodramatic. Still, I'm not the one whose nostalgia crumbled apart in my mouth like so much dry grass. Thank you for this.

Never underestimate the power of fry oil, salt, and ketchup. Especially ketchup.

A few hours later, Twilight gets a message from Sunset there is an emergency and Twilight needs to open the portal RIGHT NOW! Then cue Sunset rushing in and raiding Twilight's pantry.
Ehhhh, best human example of that one I can think of would be a turnip. Hardy, easy to grow in large amounts, decently nutritious, and yet no one will ever admit to actually likening them.

For Hay, it seems closer to potatoes, another hardy, nutritious crop, but one that becomes a stable of most dishes and is fairly well liked, if not exactly loved. Just one of those things every enjoys without being something anyone goes nuts over (Unless you are Rincewind.)

Sunset..... an actual Hayburger is just one portal jump away :facehoof:

Nice to see you doing well :pinkiehappy:

Yep. That is what I expected would happen.

As they say, "Hay is for horses, you dumb motherfucker"

It's probably for the best she didn't manage to swallow it down, as I'm sure things would've only gotten worse from there if she had. :rainbowlaugh:

They don't have wheat grass juice?

Stupid library feature on this site is bonkers. Took three tries to get it in the right one.

Oh, and this was adorable.

"I think I'll just order some Chinese instead."

How appropriate, as I'd imagine that a dish of bamboo shoots might get her closer to the taste of hay than she expects.

In any case, fun little story. Kudos.

Depending on the type of hay the taste differes.
Basic straw hay meant for ground cover is often Chemically treated to make it taste bad to just about every thing. But feed hay is usually Alfalfa which is actually kind of sweet, while Clover tastes like Dried Spinach to me.

Hilarious, and yet also kind of sad at the same time. Poor Sunset.

This is the best kind of Sunset story. Somber, yet somehow upbeat.

Can't wait to see her actually head back to Equestria and steal some hay. :rainbowlaugh:

Oh my. Lol. Poor Sunset. :pinkiehappy:

The dry grass wasn't baked, fried, or seasoned either, but trying recipes at her apartment was time that Sunset didn't know if she could wai through

- "wait though" ?

oh, yeah , sad .. more sad for me than comedy, actually .... but for actual comedy I still have whole site, if i want it ...
Nice to see you around, Holy.

This is funny, but there is also a good lesson:

Sometimes the things we like can change. And would should accept change rather than live in the past.

Also, you shouldn't eat hay, you silly bacon hair.

Just get a scented candle, sunset. You dont have to eat it to get a nostalgic feeling.

This is just hilarious, great comedic story! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I enjoyed it: I always like to think on how Sunset's palate developed from becoming an omnivorous species instead of a more-or-less strict herbivore (given some of the products they use in baking, such as eggs, or the fact that they have potato chips, since real-world equines can't eat potatoes due to them being part of the nightshade family, which is particularly toxic to them). I'd put this as a great companion to A Taste of Meat.

I can't even begin to describe how wholesome, yet extremely humorous this whole fic was! It's definitely believable in the aspect of ponies turned to humans going crazy for their past species food types after a while! As well as how you made this fic being as sweet as can be! Hope ya didn't mind, but I did a little audio thingy for this fic! I couldn't resist!

Audio Thingy!: https://youtu.be/cLwiv4CY0Jg

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment!)

Such a cute story. I have no doubt that Sunset can't help her long tendencies sometimes. Even as a human.

Glad to see you're giving comedy a try. Maybe it'll cheer you up 😊. Keep up the good work.

Like potatoes.

I was deployed with only access to MRE's for quite a while.

The weirdest thing I wanted most when I got back ... Fresh mashed potatoes.


I certainly don't mind. Thanks a ton for the reading! I'll be sure to list it on my page with the others.

This was a treat.

Nice work.

Lesson for Sunset: Human taste buds and pony taste buds don't work the same way.

That cover pic is adorable.

Sunset tipped her palm over, letting the little strands fall away and catch the wind to fly away like all her pleasant memories fading towards bittersweet.

My favourite line. :pinkiesmile: (Congrats on publishing your 50th story!)


It is clear what Baconhead really miss is home. Considering she has an active portal near the school, what stops her from visiting Equestria for a weekend?
As far we know, she was never officially banished and anyway Celestia has forgiven others (Luna, Discord) for worse offences .

I enjoyed this comedic story.

Dawww, poor Sunny.

And yet people look forward to instant ramen or french fries

Personally I prefer to directly chew grass.

aww poor bacon head lol
she can never eat hay again

Awwww I feel bad for Sunset. She just wanna eat hay :fluttershysad:

Not bad haha, poor Sunset.

This was brilliant. X3

Sunset...try a dandelion leaf
They taste good and work for humans and ponies!

I remember when i did that once
Sigh perhaps i was a brony so early in life

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