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1-9: Sunrise on Diagonal Shopping

Author's Note:

Well, here's part 1 of the shopping trip. Thanks to roflcopter koality, Amanda, and The Man From Another Time for pre-reading this.

The Google Docs version is here.

My Discord server where you get notified this has updated is HERE!

Chapter 1-9: Sunrise on Diagonal Shopping

Professor McGonagall finally coughs after about an hour eating lunch.They spent that time learning other things previously mentioned plus the fact the portal is currently in a ruined castle, and that Equestria and Britain share similar governing styles. “I’m sure we could go on like this all day, but I have limited time to get you all through Diagon Alley.”

With some sighs of disappointment from the Weasleys and Grangers at not getting to learn more, the rest all make noises of agreement. Princess Celestia turns to look at Philomena before recasting the Eagle illusion on her. “Can you flame yourself like five feet to the left, Philomena?”

Philomena chirps in agreement before doing so, coming out of her own flameport still disguised as an eagle. Celestia hums in thought at the result. “Do you have the Floo powder for us all to take it back to the Leaky Cauldron while Philomena meets us in the back courtyard?”

Molly looks in the pot before nodding. “There’s enough for us to all go through, but we’ll need to buy a refill afterward.”

The rest of them nod in understanding that they’ll have to make an extra stop before one by one going through except Philomena, who flameports over instead. It doesn’t take long for the whole group to get back to the entrance of Diagon Alley.

Once there, McGonagall points to Gringotts. “Our first stop is there at Gringotts, safest place in Wizarding Britain, where you can store your wizard money or exchange gold, gems, and British notes for wizard money. One gold galleon equals 24 and a half British pounds1, 17 silver sickles, or 493 bronze knuts. 1 silver sickle is 29 bronze knuts.”

Lightning raises his hand. “That seems rather convoluted. Why such odd numbers?”

Professor McGonagall just shrugs and raises her hands as she leads them towards the bank. “Our ancestors were, in their determination to be as un-Muggle as possible, sometimes idiots and those focused on keeping things pure and old haven’t let reforms happen.”

Molly Weasley just nods to that as they pass through the doors. “Who is going with which parent? I’ll keep a watch on any extra kids with mine.”

Princess Celestia points at Twilight. “You go with Lightning, Dudley, and Petunia. Make sure they only take a few Galleons. I’ll go with the rest of the Crusaders. That leaves the Grangers with you, Professor McGonagall. That sound good to you all?”

Receiving head bobs all around, the group split up into five after McGonagall gives Lightning’s key to Twilight with instructions on how to use it.

Lightning’s group is surprised to be doused with water as they approach a counter. 2Shivering, he tries to listen in on the chatting goblins while Twilight chats with the clerk. Unfortunately all he can make out is something about a spirit following before Twilight shakes his shoulder. “Lightning, they need a blood sample to reactivate your account.”

Blinking, Lightning silently places his left hand on the desk so the goblin can draw blood. After a moment humming as he waits for the results to appear, he finally nods at the results. “Mr. Sunrise, your blood test confirms you were once Mr. Potter. I would get the non-human traces checked out. They are stronger now than when you were last tested as an infant.”

The four are slightly stunned at that news before Twilight manages to shakily bob her head. “We’ll be sure to do that Sir. Thanks for the help.”

“Good.” The goblin then nods stiffly in response before surrendering the key back to Twilight while calling out, “Griphook! Please take Lightning Sunrise and company to vault 687!”

A goblin rushes over and bows. “Yes Sir!” He then moves towards one of the tunnels. “This way! Hurry! Time is Money!”

Quickly following along behind through a narrow plain hallway, they soon come upon a torch-lit chamber with two other entrances, both just wide enough for the minecart tracks passing through the chamber.

Already suspecting they won’t like where this is going, those worries are justified when Griphook whistles and summons a minecart. Watching him get in front, the rest sit behind the goblin in the passenger benches with varying levels of regret.

This regret of course soon turns to fear for Twilight and Petunia and excitement for Dudley and Lightning as the minecart starts moving and picking up speed through the twisting narrow passages.

After this exciting ride, the minecart comes to a stop in front of Lightning’s vault, with Twilight and Lightning both a little hoarse from screaming, one from fear and the other from excitement, respectively. Meanwhile, Dudley slightly chuckles as he holds his shivering curled-up mother. Griphook just nonchalantly exits the cart and points to a keyhole, “Vault 687 is there.”

After a few seconds, they all manage to exit the cart, and Twilight shakily hands the key to Griphook who unlocks the vault. “Remember, Lightning, take only a few Galleons for Dudley and yourself for spending money. A-Aletia is footing the school supplies.”

Nodding, Lightning takes only about a couple of dozen Galleons from his vault before stepping back so Griphook can close and lock the vault. He then, alongside Dudley and Twilight, gets back into the minecart.

Petunia pauses as Griphook gets in the cart before getting in herself. “Is there any way you can slow this thing down, please?”

Griphook just smirks at her as the cart starts moving. “One speed only!”

However, the trip back up is actually noticeably slower than the trip down, leaving their nerves much more settled.

Arriving back at the station, Griphook is the first one out of the cart. He immediately turns back around to face them and gives a mischievous grin and dark chuckle. “For certain definitions of one speed.”

Petunia gets out and gives Griphook a shaky curtsy. “Thank you for going slower on the way back up.”

Griphook looks back at her as he leads them out into the lobby with a glare that says to shut up. “Slower? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Taking the hint, they remain silent as they exit back out into the lobby, where they meet the rest of the group. Princess Celestia walks over and hugs Lightning as he approaches. “I see you survived the minecart ride. Did you get what you need?”

Receiving nods from him, she lets Lightning go. Professor McGonagall, meanwhile, starts heading for the exit. “Next on our list should be robes, I think. That could take a while with the tailoring needed.”

Princess Celestia nods back as she starts ushering them towards the door. “I brought one of the outfits Rarity tailored for her to use as a blueprint for tail and wing slits. If you plan to visit Equestria, I’d recommend you get those modifications done as well.”

Dudley winces slightly while exiting Gringotts at remembering how he ruined one of his shirts. “It was not pleasant having wings rip my shirt or the feeling of my tail being forced up over the back of my pants and underpants.”

Petunia just shivers as they walk along. “I’m glad Rarity was able to tailor them into our current clothes.”

Entering Madam Malkin’s shop, Molly Weasley ponders their words. “It can’t hurt, I suppose, and, thanks to Sunset here, aren’t quite as poor as we used to be.”

Emma agrees to that, “It will do Hermoine some good to have some friends.”

Princess Celestia pulls the outfit out of her saddlebags just in time for Madam Malkin to wander over and look them over. “I see there are the eight of you dears here going to Hogwarts? I recommend one of you stays while the rest get supplies. This large group might take a bit.”

Princess Celestia gestures with the outfit in her hands. “Can you do the modifications present in this spare pair of clothes with all the things you make? Otherwise, I know a tailor willing to do so.”

Madam Malkin looks askance at Professor McGonagall and, upon receiving a nod, takes the clothes and starts looking them over. “Beautiful cloth…, are you expecting to put your robes on a dog or something, dear? It’s beautiful work in how the slits seem to vanish when not being used, but why do you need them?”

Princess Celestia sternly looks at her. “Can you do so? Otherwise, I’ll have my tailor do so.”

Madam Malkin looks at the seriousness in her face before nodding. “I feel like there’s something I’m missing, dearie, but I can do so. It will cost you a couple Galleons extra per set of clothing, however.”

Princess Celestia nods. “That’s fine.” She then turns to the others and asks, “I’ll stay here with the eight being fitted if that’s ok with you?”

Molly Weasley holds her hand out, “I’ll take my children to the bookstore to get their books. With all of us we’ll be able to lug those heavy things.”

Petunia raises her hand, “Twilight, Spike,, and I can go to the apothecary. Professor McGonagall, is there any reason we have to buy our telescopes in Diagon Alley?”

Professor McGonagall puts a hand under her chin as she thinks. “Not really beyond the ones sold here are pre-enchanted to always see through clouds. Otherwise you’d have to pay for them to be enchanted. Why? And that leaves the Grangers with me to go to the general store.”

Princess Celestia pulls out her money pouch and starts handing out galleons. “Non-magicals must have better telescopes given we have better ones back home. Do you think 50 Galleons will be enough for each shop, Professor McGonagall?”

She hums as she takes the money offered, “Better make it 100 for the bookstore, but otherwise, this should cover everything.”

Handing out the suggested extra 50 Galleons to the Weasleys, the groups soon split. Madam Malkin counts the children present. “So that will be five girls outfits and three males...or 4 of each? I’m not sure what to make of the girl(?) with purple hair and eyes.”

Princess Celestia puts a hand under her chin and thinks. “Is there anything preventing a girl from wearing trousers at Hogwarts? If there isn’t, I’d recommend seven male outfits and one female? The one you mentioned plus Lightning there could be considered, for lack of a better term, advanced metamorphmagi.”

Madam Malkin shakes her head. “Nothing except tradition dear. So that’ll be seven male outfits and one fem-”

Hermoine interjects at this point, having looked at who she was with. “Please make that eight male outfits. I’d like a skirt as well, but something tells me I’m going to want a couple of pairs of trousers.”

Sweetie Belle raises her hand, “I wouldn’t mind a skirt either if that is ok.”

Madam Malkin nods in understanding as she flips the open sign to closed. “My assistants can take one of you at a time while I can service someone on my own. Eight of you should take about 2 hours and a bit together.”

Roughly a bit more than two hours later, the group exits to meet the rest of the group in front of the shop. McGonagall checks her watch. “Hmm…, it’s 3:30 PM. Do we check out the pet shops, Treacle’s trunks, or Ollivander’s Wand Shop?”

Petunia hmms as she thinks. “You said Ollivander’s was probably going to take the longest, right? We might as well check out the pet shops.”

Dan smiles and nods at that suggestion. “That sounds like a smart idea. A cat will be easy to explain away.”

Lightning adds, “I would like an owl.”

Princess Celestia just shrugs in acceptance and leads the way to the shops. Seeing Petunia and Dudley following the Grangers into the Magical Menagerie, she floats over a couple of dozen Galleons to her. “So you can get Dudley a pet of some kind.”

Princess Celestia then follows Twilight and the CMC into Eeylops Owl Emporium.

There she witnesses Lightning exclaim over meeting a bright snowy owl. She also sees Apple Bloom with a small hissing Madagascar Owl. Sweetie Belle’s owl, meanwhile, seems to laugh as she returns with it, and Scootaloo’s just looks fierce with its faux horns.

Princess Celestia smiles at their enthusiasm as she approaches the counter, paying for the five owls and their things and having them shrunk by the clerk.

Leading the way out, they find the other group exiting as well. Hermoine is holding a big orange cat in her arms while Petunia is facepalming at the fact that Dudley is petting a giant European Eagle Owl hybrid3 that is hopping along beside him. “What happened to getting a cat or toad Dudleykins?”

Dudley just shrugs as he resumes petting it. “Guardian over here just seemed like it would protect things like I want to. Worst comes to worse we can have it spend time with Lightning.”

The cat meanwhile looks interestedly at Ron, or more specifically one of his pockets. “Why did you get a cat that wants to eat Scabbers?”

Hermoine just gently squeezes said cat a little more in a hug. “Crookshanks is naturally going to be curious about your ‘new’ pet rat.”

Crookshanks just hisses at Scabbers before wiggling free of Hermoine’s arms, resting on the ground. Princess Celestia chuckles at seeing the cat lick his front paw. “I don’t need to be Fluttershy to tell that he’s had enough with being hugged for now. Well, onwards to Treacle’s Trucks!”

Molly Weasley just leads the menagerie towards the store while watching amusedly as Crookshanks follows beside Hermoine like he was on an invisible leash. Once inside she approaches the counter and pulls out 8 galleons. “I’ll take one of the student trunks with the standard four enchantments.”

Next, Emma approaches the counter and orders a very similar trunk while holding out 8 Galleons.

Lastly, Princess Celestia regally approaches the counter. “How much are your top-of-the-line trunks, and what do they include?”

Dylan blinks for a moment before inclining his head. “They are 130 galleons each m’lady. They include everything a traveling wizard needs to live their life plus the standard four. They’re my pride and joy after hearing about an unknown witch who went to Hogwarts with one back in the early 1900s. I still have never been able to replicate hers, but I can link a Floo network between them if you buy multiple. It won’t work at Hogwarts, however.”

Princess Celestia hmms for a second before pulling out her bag of galleons and starts counting. “I’ll take six designed to look like the standard trunks.”

Dylan pulls out some parchment and a quill. “Where should I have these delivered. This order will take a bit to calibrate.”

Princess Celestia finishes counting out 780 galleons. “You can deliver those to 11 Magnolia Road., Little Whinging, Surrey.”

Dylan scribbles that down. “Expect a night delivery as that’s a muggle area. Thanks for your patronage.”

Princess Celestia nods back as Ron and Hermoine get their trunks. “Now time for our wands which might take a while.”

  1. 24.65 British Pounds at the time of writing to be precise. We checked. - Dusk
  2. Apologies. Whatever was in the water forced us to restart our viewing spell. Events are to the best-guess of our autorecorder. -Noon
  3. An identification spell stated it was a European Eagle Owl crossbred with a White Tail Eagle. -Noon
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