• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 3,907 Views, 75 Comments

A Herd of Ponies and Ungulates - StatiZkyZ

Six ponies and six familiar creatures from a faraway land interacts in Equestria.

  • ...

The Champion of the Meadow and the Animal Caretaker

Though she was unconscious when all the champions met Princess Celestia, Pom had been informed on what's going on. The idea of meeting a complete stranger did put some... fear in her, though ever since she met the other champions and helped to save Foenum, she's not as shy as she used to be. Sadly, that doesn't mean she's completely willing to do it. Though of course, with her sheep dog puppy around, some extra motivation is always provided. Every time Pom slows down during her walk, a nudge to her rear would come.

The place Pom is supposed to go is a place just outside a town, and she noticed the simple dirt path she has been following leads into a line of trees. After a quick walk through it, courtesy to her puppy constantly giving her a boost, the lamb finds a large clearing with flowers, waterfalls, and what it seems to be wooden fences encircling it. It's quite a well treated property, so it must belong to someone. In fact, from how green the grass is and the flowers around, it almost reminds her of home.

"Stay wi' me, lad." The sheep said in her accent. The last thing she wants is for her dog to run away in another world and getting lost, that would be her scariest nightmare.

Eventually she found the entrance around a fenced grassland, and she saw a flock of animals. There's some ducks, birds, raccoons, and other creatures that's not predators. In the middle of the crowd, there's a yellow pony with a long pink mane, enough that it's noticeable from a distance. This made Pom stop in her tracks. Animals she can probably handle, since they can't talk back, but ponies? It won't be like talking with her fellow sheep kind. Of course, in that moment, her dog nudged her forward again.

"P-Puppy! D-Down! Sit!" She almost stumbled on her legs from the unexpected push, but because she said that, the yellow pony noticed her, and approached the lamb. Okay, stay calm...

"Oh, hello there." The pony greets her with a soft voice. "A-Are you the one that... Princess Celestia said will come to me...?"

Wha...? No bone crushing hug? No rapid kisses on the face? Oh, who is she kidding, only Paprika does that. Still, that gentle and soft voice... There's someone that's actually as timid, or maybe more timid then her? This eases the lamb slightly, but not enough to make her not tremble every so often at the pony's presence.

"Y-Yes... M-Ma name is Pom." The sheep tries to give a smile.

"Pom?" The pony looks away briefly, remembering the name of the champion she's supposed to meet. "I'm... Fluttershy."

Fluttershy might not be as shy as she used to be before she knew Twilight Sparkle, but she still has that side of her when meeting a complete stranger, especially since they're from a faraway land. In this case, she never met someone as shy as Pom, so she's being extra careful and taking things slow. There's an ice breaker though, as Fluttershy notices a puppy next to Pom's side. It's wagging it's tail and panting with it's tongue out at the pony.

"Oh, is that your... puppy? It looks so cute!" Fluttershy bends low to get a closer look on said puppy. For a second, Pom's stomach flipped, fearing that he'll attack Fluttershy as it does to most strangers. Thankfully, such a case didn't happen, and it amazes the young lamb. Her puppy doesn't just let anyone touch him...

"Uumm... Y-Yeah, they kynd of are, I guess." Pom flashes a smile of her own, though not without avoiding eye contact. That requires a bit more confidence then she has right now. Though she watches Fluttershy rubbing her hoof gently on the puppy's head, making him more excited the usual, his tail wagging even faster.

"I don't get to take care of dogs most of the time, except my friend's dog." The pegasus even managed to get the puppy to lay on his back.

That reminds the lamb of where she is. This fenced grassland has a lot of other animals living in it. Is this pony taking care of them all by herself? She must be quite the animal whisperer, compared to her who can barely control what her dogs do. Not only that, it's not only one kind of animal Fluttershy can seem to tame.

"Ye... Ye live here? With all th' animals?" Pom asked, something she herself is surprised. Her starting a conversation with a stranger? The fact that Fluttershy is quite gentle and loves animals seems to warm her up with the champion of the Meadows.

"He he, no, I live... further down the road." Fluttershy said, she herself slowly warming up to Pom as she keeps on playing with her puppy, gently of course. "This is an animal sanctuary that I take care of."

"There's sure a lot o' thaim here... Not like in Foenum." Pom said. As far as she knows, only her sheepkind have a pet of some sorts, the Sheepdogs. Not sure if the Reine Winter Sprites counts, especially since Velvet treats them as her servants.

"Oh? You have this puppy though." Fluttershy said as she looked at the puppy, pulling her hoof back. Some curious animals are looking and approaching the little sheepdog. Though he doesn't really mind it, Pom instinctively covers one side with her hoof, only to slowly retract it.

She gives it a thought, her relationship with her sheepdogs are... pretty interesting. They are protective pets for the lambs, but hers does more than protecting her, they saved the world. The young lamb herself can barely keep herself from fleeing when she sees a predator in a distance, let alone a fighter. Even though she somehow managed to get brave enough to face a predator, she's not that strong. It was thanks to her sheepdogs that she's able to defeat even large predators. They're more than just a pet for her. They're like... her heroes.

"Well... it's a long story, but... they changed ma life." Pom said. "If it weren't for thaim, I wouldn't be standing 'ere."

Hearing that, Fluttershy turns her attention to the lamb herself instead of her puppy, making Pom move her head back, startled. The mare had something in her mind, something... familiar, something that she herself had gone through.

"...Did.. t-they saved you when you became a... champion?"

That question brings Pom back to when her journey started. It all started when that dumb council of Baaaaah for once, didn't vote when the world needs them the most, while they have been voting for the most unimportant things before. Just because Pom shouted her opinion on the importance of choosing a champion, they all choose her because she speaks up. Her journey started then, and her sheepdogs helped her defeat a lot of predators along the way, eventually saving Foenum with the help of the five other champions.

"Y-Yes... it's a horrifyin' journey t-tae leave my town tae... save the world." The lamb's legs shake as she tells a short version of her story. "I... don't know how I did it, honestly... It's all because of my sheepdogs."

The lamb chuckles at the memory as Fluttershy listens. The mare smiles at Pom's words, because it also brings up some of her own memories.

"...Huh, that's... quite familiar." Fluttershy noted.

"Eh? What is?"

"Your story." Fluttershy slightly turns her head so that her mane is partially covering her face from Pom's sight. "It... starts like mine."

Another... reluctant individual who's tasked to save the world? Or, that's what Pom thought, at least. From what she had heard, Equestria is a fairly peaceful place, the predators never reached here. That doesn't rule out a new threat that she never heard of though, the lamb might be shy, but she's not naive. Especially after what she went through. However, just as they're about to speak again, growling can be heard from Pom puppy. It seems that he sees something behind Fluttershy, and the pony turns her head to look as well.

Is that... Is that...!?

"Oh, Harry~ Did you and Angel bunny finish--"


Pom's surprisingly loud yell startles not just pretty much everyone, but even herself. The animals that were around her and Fluttershy scatters away, making the mare fall on her rear. Pom's youngest sheepdog runs towards the bear, barking. Surely, this one doesn't look like the one in Foenum, but a bear is a bear, a predator. Trying to stop her puppy from getting hurt, the lamb runs forward quickly, and although she ends up tripping and falling flat on her face, she manages to grab her puppy's collar with her mouth, stopping him almost within the reach of the bear.

Strangely, to Pom's surprise, the bear didn't react aggressively. Instead, it seems to shy away, taking a step back as if it's... surprised? However, that's not the only thing that happened. A white bunny, slightly smaller then her pup, is on the bear's shoulder until it jumps down, and stares at the dog fearlessly, as if it's ready to hold it's attack. Do predators and non predators have a reverse role or something in Equestria?

"S-Stay, boy...! Sit!" Pom ordered through her half muffled mouth, pulling her puppy within the safe reach of her hooves.

"A-Angel!" Fluttershy herself quickly tries to stop the staredown that might end up turning into something worse. With her pupils smaller then they normally are, the mare stares at Pom and her puppy who's still barking at Angel and the bear. It's only when the big predator shows no sign of hostility that the sheepdog calms down, making Pom let out a breath of relief. Her heart felt like it was about to lunge forward too.

"I'm so sorry! S-So sorry!" The dog's owner is quick to apologize several times.

"It's... only trying to protect you... r-right?" Fluttershy herself is slightly panting from the sudden adrenaline rush she got briefly. Thankfully she understand most animal's behavior, including dogs, and concludes it just wants to protect it's owner. Though, as soon as she said that herself, Angel bunny takes his position next to Fluttershy, crossing his arms. He's less than pleased when he's greeted by 'a brat of a puppy', to put it in his words if he can speak.

Pom looks up to the bear, who looks... dejected. Now that's something she didn't expect to see from a predator. Though, seeing that bunny seems to be Fluttershy's pet, and it was with the bear, the lamb is quick to put two and two together.

"Y-Ye... own a b-bear too?" She asked with a shaky voice, to which Fluttershy nodded.

"D-Don't worry, Harry is... a nice bear." The pegasus does her best to show a comforting smile.

To follow up to his owner's words, Harry waves with his fingers... oh gosh, the claws! Pom almost covers her head with her hooves, but it seems her puppy doesn't react as hostile as before. Sheepdogs have the uncanny ability to tell when someone is no longer a threat, so that's a good sign. This does calm the Champion of the Meadow, just barely.

"S-Sorry a-about that... b-bears aren't always nice tae me a-at home." Pom let out a sigh in relief. "They are... predators."

"Predators can be good too. Harry never hurts anypony." Fluttershy tries to gently rub the tip of Pom's hoof in an extra effort to calm her down. "S-So does Angel..."

Good predators? At Foenum, predators are crimson black creatures that come forth from The Hold that will attack any ungulate on sight. Pom herself has lost count how many predators she defeated, or rather, survive, before the most recent predator crisis is solved. It's only natural she reacted like that when she sees a bear, and so does her puppy.

"I'm... just scared of thaim. they are why Foenum need c-champions." The lamb revealed, eventually able to stand on her shaky limbs.

"...Do you have to... get out there by yourself, until... you meet the other champions?"

"H-Huh? How did ye know...?"

Fluttershy then looks away from Pom, and she notices that Angel bunny is standing near the tip of the mare's pink mane that almost touches the floor, grabbing it gently.

"I... have to do that too... I was all alone, w-when... something happened... Equestria was attacked by... c-creatures that can change to ponies. I was so scared of them, but... I have to h-help somepony..." Fluttershy shies away from Pom slightly. Creatures that can shapeshift? That does sound scary...

"O-Only after I m-meet my friends... I'm brave enough to face it... well, sort off." As if he heard a cue, Angel puffs his chest forward proudly while closing his eyes, making Fluttershy chuckle. "...Angel helped me a lot to face... anything that's trying to harm me o-or my friends."

It's not only the rabbit, other animals start to flock around the pegasus too. Ferrets, birds, Harry the bear, and even some porcupines. Not only that her story sounds familiar, how she got plenty of pets helping her reminds Pom of her sheepdogs coming to help her anytime she needs them.

Two reluctant fighters with a group of animals helping them.

"...Wow. I've never met ye before, but we have so much in common." Pom smiles, even when a hint of nervousness is still in her.

"I... guess we do." Fluttershy agrees. "And, looks like even the animals agree."

To Pom's surprise, Fluttershy's animals all show a cheerful face when they get close to her. What's more impressive is her protective puppy completely lets it happen. Even Harry is allowed to get close. Angel, on the other hand, seems a bit more reluctant. His face looks like he doesn't want to interact with the puppy. Not that he got a choice, though, considering the moment the little sheepdog saw the bunny, he went straight for him, giving the bunny a lick.

"Sorry about him, he, uh... does do that from time tae time." The lamb apologizes. "Especially if... they..."

Angel, at first, doesn't like the idea of some other creature's hoof wiping dog saliva off his cheek, but when Pom does it, his expression changes. Something about her hoof feels... so caring. Of course, not the same as Fluttershy's touch, but it's somehow familiar. A genuine smile comes across the bunny's face, silently thanking Pom. The pegasus also seems to notice this. Usually there's only one other pony then herself who's presence and touch can make Angel happy.

Two protective and clingy pets feeling comfortable at the presence of someone else.

"Pom. We might be... strangers, but I think, when even our animals know to get along well, we... will to." Fluttershy smiles.

Animals, for the lack of better words, don't worry as much as Ponies or a Lamb from Foenum. If someone has a rotten soul, they'll sense it and warn others to avoid them. Likewise, when someone has good intentions, they'll feel safer around them and be less tense. There's nothing in between. Even Angel who seems to be demanding, ultimately cares for Fluttershy and values her even more than his own life. Yet there he is, taking a step closer to Pom, who's standing right in front of Fluttershy. Gently tapping her hoof with his paw, he seems to be giving her a chance for introductions

At the same time, Pom's puppy shows his trust for Fluttershy by laying on the grass in front of her, something dogs do to say that they mean no harm. When the mare offers a hoof, he gives it a quick lick, acting all friendly. Such an impressive feat of gaining the puppy's trust incredibly quickly is unheard of, even the other champions take some time to get close to the puppy. That's what she realized when her sheepdog already takes a liking to Angel bunny.

"I think ye are right. Animals are a-amazing, aren't they?" The lamb said. "W-Without thaim, neither o' us will be here, together, tae know each other."

"They really are." Fluttershy nods. "Nice to meet someone who's... like me, Pom."

"Likewise, Fluttershy." As Pom responded, one of Fluttershy's raccoons takes the initiative and rubs itself with one of Pom's legs, and the girl doesn't mind. In fact, she sits down on the grass, letting Fluttershy's animals get close to her, even Harry. Though the sight of a bear getting so close to her is something she has yet to get used to, the lamb knows he means no harm.

"So, do you think it's okay if I fetch some tea? I'm sure everypony loves that." Fluttershy offered, to which Pom nods.

"Oh, that would be magical! Er, I mean... great!"

Thus, as Fluttershy throws a picnic in the sanctuary, she and Pom spend the day simply talking to each other. They talk about each other, about the animals, about Equestria, about Foenum, and about their adventures. They smile and laugh at each other, and most of all, they have become friends. If either of them went back a few years ago and tell their past self about how they can become friends this quick, no one would believe them. It's all thanks to their pets that opened the road for their journey, and to allow new bonds to form.

Though, at the back of Fluttershy's mind, she can't help but wonder the following impossible scenario. If Angel and Pom's puppy were to fight, who'll win? Nah, of course Angel would win, he can launch his opponents to the air with a punch!

Meanwhile, Pom is wondering if Angel can stay on his feet when her puppy barks at him...

Author's Note:

Not gonna lie, Pom's Scottish accent is a bit tricky to write.

No fighting between these two, I'm afraid :derpytongue2: