• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 1,367 Views, 5 Comments

A New Life - mjk 705

I do not own the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.

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The Next Day

I woke up from my hay bed, and walked out of the barn, noticing the sunrise.

"Wow." I said, admiring it's beauty.

"Ah' guess yer' an early bird too, huh?" I head Applejack's voice say behind me.

"Yeah." I said.

"About what ya said to Raibow last night," she started "I wanna ask ya somthin."

"Oh no, here it comes." I thaught. "Yea?" I asked

"Ya didn't see that she was the fastest one here on a poster, did ya?" I knew that there was no way I was going to get away with another lie, so I had to tell her about the show, the bronies, and everything else I could that she asked about.

"...I just never wanted to tell anypony here about it because...."I was almost starting to cry "I DIDN'T WANT ANYPONY HERE TO THINK THAT I WAS SOME SORT OF CRAZY MONSTER!" and with that, I ran as fast as I could. I could hear Applejack telling me to stop, but I continued to run. I didn't know where I was running, but I didn't care, not at the moment. After what seemed like a good 20 minutes of running, I stopped to catch my breath. I looked around me, only to see trees. Trees everywhere. How I managed to avoid bumping into one, I had no clue. I took some time to notice the trees weren't apple trees.

"Wait, I'm in a forest...in Equestria...uh oh..." I knew that I was in the Everfree Forest. I hid in a nearby bush when I heard a noise. Soon, I heard that somepony was calling my name. I made a hole through the bushes. Much to my surprise, it was Spike who was calling my name. I guess Applejack must have told Twilight and the gang as soon as she could.

"Mason! You out there?" He yelled out. I looked to see if the other 6 had followed, but I didn't see them.

"I'm right here, Spike." I said, coming out of the bush

"There you are." he said. "Twilight, Applejack, and the others wanna talk to you."

"Even though I know just about everything about them?" I asked


"Ok then." And with that, Spike and I left the forest behind. (much to my surprise, I wasn't even that far in)

"Cmon, they're waiting at the library." he said as soon as we got to Ponyvile.

Twilight's Library

"Ya' didn't have to run off like that, sugarcube." said Applejack

"We don't think you're a monster, silly!" laughed Pinkie.

"Thanks, Pinkie," I said "And your right Applejack. I didn't need to run off. sorry about that."

"It's ok, sugarcube."

"I know I should have asked you this earlier, but how exactly did you get here?" asked Twilight

"Ok, but you're not going to believe me." I warned

"Alright I guess." said Twilight

So I told them everything about it. Honestly, if I was going to stay here, I'd probably tell stories for a living!

"...and after that, POOF! I ended up here." I concluded

"So you don't know if Discord is still in your world?"

"I'm pretty sure he's still here." I said. Soon after, Spike burped out a green flame that left a scroll. Twilight used her magic to open the letter and read it.

"C'mon girls, were going to Canterlot! and Celestia wants you to come with, Mason." said Twilight as she put tthe scroll aside.

*One Train Ride to Canterlot Later*

When we got off of the train, I took a look at the outside of the castle, or atleast, what I could. I swear, the place was huge! Compared to the Empire state building, this thing was still huge!

"Is something wrong, Mason?" asked Twilight, taking me out of my gaze

"No, Iwas just...you know."

"Yea." It took a while, and some asking of the gaurds, to get to Celestia. I had seen Shining Armor on the way, but he looked busy. When we found Celestia, she was in front of a big door.

"Princess Celestia, we came as quickly as we could!" said Twilight. Celestia turned aroud, seeing as she had been looking at the door for some reason. Almost as if she were studying it.

"Twilight!" she said. She took a look at me. "So, you're Mason. Twilight told me quite a bit about you."

"It's an honor to be here." I said.

Celestia opened the door she had been studying with her magic, and I was amazed. It was the room that contained the Elements of Harmony.

"You 6 stay in here." said Celestia "Mason, follow me please." She took me into the room, and closed the door behind me. While we were walking through the hall, I couldn't help but look at one of the windows, only to notice Discord wasn't on it. He wasn't on any of them. When we got to the end, She opened the door that gaurded the elements, and opened the box that contained the elements.

"You know what these are, correct?" she asked

"Yea, the Elements of Harmony. Why?" I asked. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't like the feeling I had.

"I'm afraid that Discord tricked you." said Celestia

"What do you mean?"

"He tricked you into coming here, so that he could escape Equestria, and stay in your world!"

"I knew something was up when he sent me here." I said "Wait, can you take me back to Earth? Then Discord should end up back here."

"I'm afraid I can't."

"Great, just great." I said. I was enranged at the fact that a being of eternal chaos and disharmony was in my world. What's more, is that there was no chance of going back to Earth, meaning I was stuck here. Normaly, I woulnd't have minded that, but in this situation, I wanted to get back as soon as possible. The fact that Discord manipulated and tricked me to come is what really filled me with anger. Now I was getting serious

"If there really is no hope of me getting me from here to Earth, Discord is probably going to atleast get involved with the Navy or something because of the kind of things he does. And if that happens, there's probably going to be...oh no." I didn't even want to think of what he was doing. I swear, I was more enraged more than I have ever been in my life. My home, my family, my WORLD. All of it was probably suffering from Discord right now.

"Celestia, unicorns can move things to another area with magic, right?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I have a plan. Get the Elements to those 6, and I want each and every single unicorn in all of equestria to get in ponyvile. Oh yea, I want you, Cadence and Luna to come too. I'll explain everything else there." I said, making myself seem like a genuis seemed to calm me down.
