• Published 19th May 2020
  • 780 Views, 14 Comments

MLP: Crystal Girls - RedPegasus

Sunset Shimmer has crossed the mirror into an unknown world, but she has not ended up in the place we all know. This time the battlefield, it's Crystal Prep

  • ...

A Strange Place

... little by little, Princess Twilight comes back to consciousness. Slowly opening her eyes her vision is blurred.

"Twilight?" A voice speaks. "Twilight is you? Wake up."

She hears a voice, a voice she knows very well ...

"Spike? What are you doing here?" She responds, managing to focus her sight. "You should not-"

Her phrase is cut off because when she manages to get up enough and focus her eyes, she sees a dog, but, somehow, it looks familiar.

"Spike? Are you a… dog?"

The dragon, now a cub, looks at his body, his paw and turns around trying to see his back. As much and more confused than his, sister mother tutor.

"I... thinks so..." he replies before looking at Twilight again. "But ... I have no idea what you are ..."

At the phrase, Twilight raises her, hands ... and looks down at her body. Immediately the surprise forces her to exhale a scream that reaches the entire campus.

All the young high school students stop what they are doing to look at the girl. The princess for her part does not notice them, too absorbed in her fingers, hands, arms. And when she grabs one of her legs, the air is gone and she has to take quick breaths.

Spike next to her sees her almost as concerned as she does. "Twilight, you have to calm down."

Twilight needs to take a deep breath, and then she stands on her hands and knees "... what does the rest of me look like?" She asks still scared.

Spike looks unsure of how to respond. "Like you, but ... without being you ... does that make sense?"


A voice suddenly yells, scaring both of them. The two look up and see a young woman dressed in Crystal's uniform, her hair is light pink, and freckles adorn her cheeks under her eyes.

The girl looks at Twilight sternly, putting both hands on her waist, "What are you doing?" She questions him with an annoyed gesture.

Twilight can't answer, still too shocked by everything she sees. "What ... what are you? Who ... what am I ...?"

She whispers under her breath and the girl doesn't listen to her or ignore her.

"Sparkle I don't have time for your nonsense." The freckled girl claims. "Where's your uniform?!" She asks, raising her voice, clearly more upset.

"My uniform…?"

Spike hits Twilight's knee with his paw and when she looks at him he points her around.

It is then that the princess realizes that in front there is a large, clean and tidy campus, full of beings equal to what she is now.
All of them wearing a unique outfit.

The princess turns to see herself, seeing the light blue blouse and purple skirt, as well as the boots on her legs.

The girl looking at her seems to be holding back her anger. His shoulders are shaking. "Sparkle ..."

The princess realizes the girl's temperament and becomes nervous. "Um, I… I think… I forgot… hee…"

She gives the most awkward smile and the effect on the girl is hers stifling a frustrated scream and then smiling happily.

"oh well it doesn't matter ~ you better go to the dean so I can give you one~" She comments with a sweet and singing voice, just like her smile and holding her hands together in a tender way. "Because I don't have time to spend with you!"

Now she screams with a voice and an expression of fury.

The princess before such a reaction can only shrink.

"I swear, I hate the day Sunset Shimmer asked me to watch over you."

That said, the girl only walks away with a hasty step.

Twilight on the other hand remains confused, until she notices something.

"She said, Sunset Shimmer?"

Spike looks at her extremely intrigued. "Twilight, how was that… well, whatever, I knew your name?"

The princess is puzzled. "... I don't know Spike, but she said she knew Sunset Shimmer. Maybe she's a minion. Sunset could have told her about me."

After that thought Twilight takes a look around. Behind her she sees a glass wall in which she is perfectly reflected.
When she sees herself, she gets upset and approaches, trying to place her hands on the reflective surface.

"But ... what am I now?!"

When she wants to touch the surface, her hands go through her and she almost falls, but Spike uses his teeth to hold her by the blouse and pull her back.

That and her own momentum help her back up, but she falls back to sit.

"Twilight! What happened?!" Asks worried the now puppy.

The princess looks incredulous, stands up on all fours again and gently touches the wall, watching her hand go through it.

"Here must be the other side of the portal."

"But ... what is it 'here' exactly?" Spike asks, still intrigued.

Seeking to find an answer to that question, Twilight turns away, walking on all fours, moving far enough away to have a view of the place.

She is surprised to see the huge structure. "It's like ... a castle. It's almost as big as Canterlot's castle. ... what will Sunset Shimmer do in a place like this?"

Uncertainty makes her serious. Spike follows her closely, but after seeing the building, he turns to look around, and touches Twilight's arm, and when she turns to see him, he points around.

The princess turns around, and notices how almost all the young people of the place are watching her, some curious, others seem annoyed, some of them end up shaking their heads and go back to their business.

"I think that's not how the new you-"

The dragon, now a dog, does not finish his sentence because his partner rushes to stand up and smile nervously.

Eventually everyone forgets about her. But Twilight makes a deep observation.

"They are bipeds."


"they walk on their hind paws, named, legs." The princess explains. "There are beings in Equestria like minotaurs that walk that way."

The puppy looks at its paw and thinks of something.

"... Twilight, if the portal transformed you into this, you think Sunset Shimmer ..."

The thought arouses the girl's concern and she looks around again.

"... how will I find Sunset Shimmer in this world ...?"

After a moment of doubt, Twilight looks back at the large building.

"... I must find the crystal heart. ... no matter what happens ..."

With that said she tries to walk, but stumbles and loses balance at every step.

When trying to climb the ladder, she ends up falling. Spike accompanies her and looks at her worriedly.

Still she doesn't give up, and she stands up, slowly gaining more control, and looks at the door.

She remains there for a moment and forces her head, places her hands at her sides.

"My magic ... doesn't work ..."

"It's normal, you don't have a horn anymore ..." says the cub.

The princess touches her forehead with the fingers of both hands and sighs. She struggles to keep her balance as she opens the door and walks in, followed by her now puppy.

The interior of the apparent castle is even more surprising than its exterior. The structure perfectly cared for in every corner. Flirting so neat that it seems to shine in the sun. Each furniture and decoration perfectly aligned in the place make the interior look very impressive.

"This castle ... is huge! ... more than that ... I can't imagine what kind of pony could live in this place."

As she talks, she approaches the banners hanging on the wall to see her illustrations, and then she sees a trophy case.

"The ruler of this place must be extremely powerful ... I can't imagine what Sunset Shimmer does in a place like this."

The now puppy also looks around, but he notices something different that points to his partner.

"Yeah ... I don't think this is a castle. Look there."

The princess looks more around. Now she focuses on the young people walking around the place. Thus, she notices that in the large corridors there are locker lines, and that each young man carries with him, backpacks, briefcases, books and pens.

The princess is silent as she processes this vision. "This place is ... a school ...?"

"It reminds me of Celestia's school." Says the puppy. "Only… much more, um, crystal clear."

The princess is lost in words. "... but if it is a school ..."

"Hey you!" A male voice yells, interrupting the girl.

Twilight sees a pale-skinned young man with spiked black hair approaching, wearing sunglasses, and a band on his left arm with the word 'monitor' written on it.

He approaches her with a countenance that seems to want to be serious and authoritarian, and with the same authorship he stands in front of her. "where's your uniform?"

The princess is a little puzzled, looks at her clothes and smiles nervously. "Uh, ah, my uniform? Ah I think, I mean, I couldn't bring it, heh heh ..."

The young man lowers his glasses and looks at her curiously, but still looking to look severe. "Hehe, the great Twiight Sparkle, breaking the rules, I have dreamed of this day."

The boy takes out his phone and takes a photo, right after that he takes a notebook where he writes something down and hands the paper to her, he does it with a gesture of hitting her chest, but without hurting her, just enough force to push her back.

"Now listen miss." He erases his smile and looks at her with a gesture of trying to be serious behind his dark glasses. "Don't think that by being the favorite of Sunset Shimmer you will get rid of complying with the school rules. Now, I suggest you get a uniform, or go home. And that I don't see you around here without it, capichi?"

The boy looks straight at her, and before leaving he points to her eyes and then to her, in a gesture of 'I watch you', he steps back, until he stumbles over another student causing them to almost fall. The other student looks at him in annoyance, he just smiles apologetically, and when the other one leaves, he keeps making the waking gesture as he walks backwards.

Neither the princess nor the cub seem to understand what they saw.

"What has happened?" asks the puppy.

The princess decides to look at the paper she handed her. It has written, 'detention. from 15:15 to 16:00. Room 202 '


Spike thinks a little more. "That guy also mentioned Sunset. And he called you ... 'her favorite'?"

The princess remains serious and thoughtful. "... Sunset Shimmer did something to this place ... it's like ... if everyone here obeyed her, she is ... it can't be ..."

"Twilight ... I think finding the heart will be more difficult than we thought ..."

Princess Twilight lowers her head, that thought worries her. "We can't give up. Come on Spike."

She begins to walk, stumbling slightly but with each step dominating the movement,

Spike follows her. "So what is the plan?"

The princess thinks for a second "well, I've already been struck twice for not having the, 'uniform'" She makes a quotation mark with her fingers. "So the first thing will be to get one. Also, wearing a uniform will serve to mix me up and not attract so much attention."

"Sounds like a plan." The little dog speaks. "... but where will you get a uniform from?"

The princess stops and talks to her cub. "Well, that pony ... girl? SHE said to go talk to the dean. So, we'll do that. We just have to find out where to find her ..."

With that dubious thought, she continues to move forward, receiving a couple of glances from some students, although none of them says or does anything more than see her for a moment and then follow her own.

The atmosphere begins to make her extremely nervous. She sees a student girl approaching walking in the opposite direction, and gestures to stop.

"Um hey, excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt you but ... could you tell me where to find the dean?"

She smiles nervously, but kindly. The girl for her part, just frowns at him and passes her by.

"Don't bother me Sparkle."

Twilight sees the girl leave and worries quite a bit.

Keep walking looking at each student looking for a less severe face. She is not very lucky.

A semi-high-pitched voice is heard nearby. "And you better take my place in first class. You know I hate the sun hitting my eyes."

The princess is intrigued and sees two girls, they are younger than the students she has seen around the place.

The first one has faintly pink skin, slightly grayish purple hair, styled with a pair of stylized buns behind. She is on her back, looking at another girl her age, with whitish almost cream skin, light blue hair.

The latter looks concerned and somewhat intimidated by the other. "Yes Suri, I'll make sure to keep it for you."

"Very well. Take my books, and don't waste time."

Says the girl with purple hair, named Suri, as she leaves some books in the other girl's hands and closes what is apparently her locker.

"I must attend to Mr. Winter, so I'll go later. Now go, don't waste time!"

She demands from her before turning and walking around a corner.

Twilight sees the light-haired girl sigh and carry that girl's books as she walks in the opposite direction.

With some concern, she approaches her, walks a bit hastily to reach her, and being behind her speaks softly.

"um, hey, excuse me ..."

The little girl with light blue hair turns her head and when she sees Twilight she tenses a little, while turning quickly. "Mi-Miss Twilight! Um, what ... what do you want? Can I help you?"

Twilight looks doubtful. "Um yes. Sorry, are you okay?"

"S-Sure, why wouldn't I…?"

She asks uncertainly, and the princess worries a little more.

"Sorry, I saw you before and it seemed like you had problems with that ... girl."

"Um, Suri? No, it's ok. I just follow her orders as I should."

"as you...?" Question the princess. "Why should you obey her?"

"Because I'm her assigned assistant." The younger girl answers, slightly unsure.

"assistant ... assigned?"

Spike is also confused by the scene. "I don't get it, did she help you to be born or something like that?"

To the fright of both the dog and the princess, the young girl screams and throws all the books on the floor.

"the-the-the-the dog spoke...!"

She steps back a couple of steps looking with some fear at the canine.

The Princess looks doubtful and somewhat nervous. "Um ... yeah? He ... shouldn't be talking ...?"

The blue-haired girl stands in fear for a few seconds, before looking at the books on the floor and starting to pick them up in a hurry. "I-I'm sorry. Um ... okay, I know your dog is helping you, just ... well ... you was able to make him talk that's... amazing, Miss Twilight."

She congratulates her, but her smile continues to be fearful.

"… well thanks…"

Twilight takes a couple of books and hands them to her.

The girl takes them and holds the stack of books with both hands. "Um, well… do you need anything else from me?"

The princess takes advantage of the moment "oh yeah, well, could you tell me how to find the dean?"

The younger girl seems surprised and intrigued by the question, again there is a little silence.

"It's ... on the first floor, on the west side, straight down the hall ... you can see that the plaque is next to the door."

She responds, shyly, but without hesitation.

"oh great! thanks so much."

Again there is a pause, and the princess seems to be uncomfortable again. The other girl takes a step back.

"um, well, if that's all I ..."

"Oh yeah, uh, sure. You can go. Um, hey, what's your name?"

The younger one seems to hesitate a bit before responding. "I'm, Coco Pommel."

The princess smiles kindly. "Nice to meet you, Coco Pommel."

"Um ... likewise. Um, if you don't need me anymore ... I should go ..."

With another step back, Coco turns around and walks in a hurry.

Twilight by her side sighs and looks tired.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Spike asked worried

"I don't know Spike, I don't know what happens in this place, I don't know how to find Sunset Shimmer or the Crystal Heart, and time is running out ..."

Spike approaches and sticks to his partner's leg. "Don't worry, you'll make it. You always manage to fix things."

"I hope so ... come on, now we know where the dean is. Maybe when I have the uniform I can solve some things."

The princess and her assistant cub hurry to find some stairs.

~ Crystal Girls ~

Meanwhile, on the first floor of the large building. A girl with violet skin, purple hair tied in a high ponytail is seen.
She keeps some books in a locker and then takes different ones. After which, she closes the locker, adjusts her black glasses, and checks her phone for a moment.

She remains a little serious as she walks down the hall, and continues to check her phone, making her way up the stairs.

In that a male student comes running from behind, and by looking at the clock on his wrist he does not see the girl in front, he ends up colliding with her and throwing her to the ground, he also falls on his back.

The scene gains a few glances from the youngsters around, some even looking concerned.

The boy in question complains about the blow, and looks annoyed as he sits up slightly, accusingly looking at the girl he crashed into.

"Hey, look where you are going, damn it!"

He claims, but his anger is replaced by fear when the girl he collided with gets up to sit, and turns his head to see him, with a serious look.

"Tw-Twilight Sparkle!"

The girl continues to look at him seriously, and with a reproachful tone speaks to him.

"It seems to me that I should be the one to say that phrase."

She stands up and the boy is intimidated when she turns to face him directly.

"Is it possible to know what you are doing? How can you hit people and throw them like that?"

"I-I'm so sorry! Twi- ... Miss Twilight! I just had to return these books and the classes are going to start and-"

"there is no excuse."

She interrupts him curtly and continues talking and looking reproachfully. "You should better control your schedule. Also, it's not allowed to run the hallways."

"y-yeah-yeah ... I'm ... sorry."

There is silence as she crosses her arms and continues to look at the boy. "Well, I think the right thing here is for you to pick up my books."

"ah y-yeah! ... right away."

He begins to take the books off the floor, under the pretty stern gaze of the girl in glasses.

While this is happening, the princess and her canine companion have already climbed the stairs and reached the floor.

"well, the first floor" The princess speaks to herself. "West Side."

With that said she turns around, heading down the hallway opposite the other purple-haired girl.

The student finishes collecting the books and gives them to the girl with the glasses, who takes them without flinching.

"and my phone."

He gets a little upset and immediately looks for the device, takes it and delivers it after cleaning it a little on his clothes.

"You better not have broken it." She picks up her phone and looks at it for a moment before turning around and putting it in her pocket. "I want to get to my classroom before the bell rings. So I won't betray you to the principal. But this had better not happen again."

At the end of her sentence and without giving him time to speak, she already begins to walk again.

"Y-yes Miss Twilight. Th-thank you very much Miss Twilight!"

Twilight starts down the stairs, and he hurries to collect his own books before leaving, still in a hurry. At the somewhat stern gaze of some, and the slightly mocking laughter of others.

Downstairs, Twilight hears a tune, her phone is ringing, she picks it up and answers with a smile.

"Hi Sunsie!"

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Here a new chapter, I am liking this idea.
Well, I just wanted to mention, no doubt you will have noticed a slight, but significant change that I have made to the plot that the original movie had. It was a sudden idea that I thought would give this fic more charm.
I hope you liked it.

And, I have a question, in my country, the entrance floor of a building is called the ground floor, and the upper floor of that is called the first floor, but I know that other places are called the second floor, so, tell me in the comments if I should correct that.

Thanks for reading and I hope to have the next chapter soon.
We read us soon