• Published 18th Dec 2011
  • 4,649 Views, 72 Comments

A Tale of Two Ponies - Silicas

Luna is pregnant with a colt sired when she was still Nightmare Moon. What will come of this?

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Chapter 5: A Fresh Start

Chapter 5: A Fresh Start

Tantalus looked out from the edge of the Everfree Forest. Concealed behind a leafy bush, he scanned the valley in front of him. Three kilometers to the west, the stallion saw a quaint, candy-colored town nestled around a river. He found this quite confusing. The stallion recognized the area as the Everfree Valley; it had been a sight that he had awoken to each morning during his service to Princess Luna. However, something had changed the region vastly. The forest perimeter was far too close to the river and he was certain that the valley was relatively unsettled.

How – how long has it been? How many decades? How many centuries? Discord! How many eras? Celestia’s words replayed in his mind. The world you shall find will not be the same as the one you now leave.

Tantalus shook his mane and sighed. What he had suspected was clearly true: he had been unconscious for a very long time. He would have to start over from the beginning; he would have to start a new life here in this new Equestria.

The stallion trotted cautiously to the outskirts of the town. Near the edge of the forest he could see a small cottage with a garden and chicken coop outside. A framed sign was fixed to the door, which Tantalus approached and read.

Fluttershy has taken up residence in Canterlot for an extended period of time. If you need to contact her, please direct all correspondence to Canterlot Castle. This cottage is currently available for rent until her return. Please see Twilight Sparkle for details.

Tantalus leaned to look into a window. The inside of the cottage was nearly empty and a thin layer of dust coated what little furniture remained. After digging at the ground for a moment in thought, the stallion turned about and headed for the town’s center.

The stallion passed many buildings on his way to the town hall; almost all of them sported several stories, which surprised the stallion. There were also many ponies milling about the streets, the majority of them hauling goods to and from the town center. They seemed happy. As he passed a group of chatting ponies, he heard snatches of a conversation about somepony named Pinkie Pie. They were wondering why she had not yet done something; he did not catch what that something was.

Tantalus reached the town hall fairly quickly. The tall building’s interior was well lit by the windows which ringed its walls. To his left, the stallion saw a wide desk with several rows of cubbies stacked behind it. Each wooden hole was filled with scrolls. An earth pony was sitting alone at the desk, busily scribbling in a leather-bound ledger.

Tantalus approached and waited patiently. After several minutes, and a strategically placed cough, the brown-coated mare finally looked up from her work.

“Oh. I’m sorry; sometimes I get too focused on the numbers. A profitable city is a prosperous city, after all. Is there anything I can help you with, Mr…”

Tantalus looked around. “Uh…” He knew that it would be unwise for him to use his real name.

“Rooks,” he answered, after the ivory chess piece which adorned his flank. “Cobalt Rooks.”

“…Rooks?” finished the mare.

Tantalus forced a reassuring smile and nodded.

The mare smiled hesitantly in return before asking, “What brings you to Ponyville this fine day?”

Ponyville? That must be the name of this town.

The stallion made a mental note of the fact as he answered, “I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the library. That, and if your town has an inn that I could say at, I’d be very appreciative if you could give me directions to it.”

“Oh, no problem. The Books and Branches Library is just off Stirrup Street. You can’t miss it; it’s the big hollowed out tree with telescopes all over the balconies.”

Tantalus nodded; he had seen the road sign for Stirrup Street on his way into town. “And the inn?”

“Oh, sorry dear. I know there’s a few places around town that might be renting out some rooms, but we don’t have anything like an official inn. In fact, I think Miss Fluttershy’s property was recently put up for rent, and at quite a reasonable price too. I’m pretty sure that the librarian, Twilight Sparkle, is overseeing it now.”

“Uh… yes. Thank you very much. I suppose I’ll be on my way now. Thanks again.”

“One more thing,” added the mare before flashing a toothy smile, “please be sure to stop by some of our fine restaurants and other tourist locations.” Maintaining her overzealous smile, the mare batted her eyes.

Tantalus did not respond as he turned and exited the town hall. Trotting back down the road on which he had entered Ponyville, the blue-coated stallion looked for the intersection that crossed Stirrup Street.

As Tantalus opened the candle-inscribed door to the Books and Branches Library, he was greeted by gaze of a purple and green baby dragon. The dragon had been organizing books on a lower shelf and was now looking over his shoulder at the stallion. He rolled his eyes before turning and padding over to the door.

“Uh… Hello there,” the dragon said as he approached Tantalus. “Welcome to the Books and Branches Library. I’m Spike. Are you looking for a particular book, or are you just here to see Twilight? She’s not here right now.”

“As a matter of fact, I’m interested in browsing your history section,” answered the stallion as he took a step further into the library and began scanning the bookshelves. “I– I don’t really have anything conventional to pay you with, but I don’t think I’ll actually need to take any books from here. Oh, and I’m also interested in speaking with Miss Twilight Sparkle about the cottage on the outskirts of town. Do you know when she will be back in?”

“No, I don’t. She should be back before dark, though, if that’s any help.” The dragon glanced back at the self he had been organizing. “In the meantime, why don’t you come over here and we can look at some history books. Do you want ancient history of Equestria, or something more recent?”

“I’m not sure, actually. Can you find me a book on something since the banishment of Nightmare Moon?”

“Well,” said Spike, rubbing his chin, “I don’t know if we have anything that covers the last thousand years very completely. There is this one book about the Elements of Harmony, if that means anything to you, but it’s pretty vague. We really only have stuff on the last couple centuries here.”

Tantalus nodded at the mention of the Elements of Harmony; it seemed a good place to start.

Spike, seeing the stallion’s nod, offered, “If you’re interested in the Elements, you might just want to wait for Twilight to get back; she’s one of them, you know.”

“Wha-?” Tantalus gasped.

“Oh yah,” Spike said, turning around and waving a claw for Tantalus to follow him. “You see, Twilight is Princess Celestia’s student and she was sent here to Ponyville to make friends so that they could use the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon and turn her back into Luna.” Spike looked over his shoulder and asked, “Where have you been this last year?”

The stallion’s thoughts were a blur as he mumbled, “Uh… away. I haven’t been in Equestria for a very long time.”

“That’s cool,” said Spike. Facing forwards, he continued, “I’m sure Twilight would love to talk to you about that. While we’re waiting for her, is there any other sort of history you might be interested in?”

Questions flooded the stallion’s mind. Nightmare Moon returned? And was defeated? And my Luna came back? Is she okay? Is she imprisoned? Twilight Sparkle is Celestia’s student? When did that tyrant start taking an interest in commoners? What has changed? What hasn’t?

Tantalus’ thoughts converged in an instant. “Actually,” he asked, “do you have any books on Equestrian politics and society? I would definitely prefer more recent works.”

Spike jumped with enthusiasm. “Ooo! We have plenty on that. Twilight absolutely loves books on politics.” Spike leaned into Tantalus and whispered, “I think it’s because she spent so much time with Princess Celestia,” before he continued in a normal tone, “They’re just over here.”

Tantalus followed Spike to a bookshelf on one of the library’s walls. The dragon ascended a ladder and, after a moment of searching, began rattling of the titles of books. One caught the stallion’s ear.

Forgotten Equestrian Politics: Volume IV – The Solar Monarchy,” listed Spike.

“That,” said Tantalus, pointing his hoof at the thin tome that Spike had referred to.

“F.E.P. four?” repeated Spike, “Are you sure?” The dragon shook his head. “I shouldn’t have even mentioned it. The pony who wrote that was a total quack. Twilight told me once how it just goes on and on about how Celestia used to be this horrible tyrant or something. That she didn’t care about her ponies. As if! You don’t need to be an expert on history to know that the last thousand years have been a virtual paradise.” Spike further expressed his disapproval with the wave of a claw.

Tantalus, however, was not so quick to dismiss the work. He knew that Luna had been keeping journals in the years before she had eloped with him to become Nightmare Moon. Had Celestia found and read them? Tantalus would not be surprised if a millennium of separation from Luna had caused Celestia to surround herself with whatever her sister had left behind, but could it really be true that Celestia had taken their contents to heart? Perhaps the sun princess had come around after all.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Tantalus said, returning his thoughts to the library.

Spike reluctantly passed him the book. “It’s your time, I guess.”

Tantalus ignored the comment and asked, “Is it alright if I read it here?”

“Sure,” said Spike, “but can I get your name first? Just so I can tell Twilight I know who you are when she asks.”

“Oh. I’m sorry that I didn’t introduce myself; I’ve had a rather… hectic day.” Straightening himself and extending a hoof, Tantalus said, “I am Cobalt Rooks. Well met, Spike.”

Spike paused. “Uh… Well met to you too, Cobalt. Now, go ahead and find a seat and you can get to reading. Just don’t go up to the loft; Twilight and I sort of live there now.”

“I’ll remember not to,” assured Tantalus. Continuing, the stallion asked, “Now, how can I pay you? I don’t exactly have any money, but perhaps a bit of this will suffice?” Tantalus indicated the gold band encircled his left foreleg.

Spike once again looked puzzled. “Uh… This is a public library.” After a moment he clarified, “You don’t have to pay so long as the book gets back on time. And considering that you’re going to read it here, I don’t think that will be a problem.”

“Oh,” Tantalus said, ears laid flat in embarrassment as he carefully grabbed the book and located a seat.

Tantalus and Spike both looked up as the door to the library opened. It was just before sunset. The blast of cool outdoor air that rushed inside caused the candles that Spike had lit to flicker.

The stallion returned to the copy of Forgotten Equestrian Politics: Volume IV that he held in his hooves. His concentration, however, was interrupted when Spike greeted the new arrival.

“Hey, Twilight.”

Tantalus’ looked up at the mention of the mare’s name. Before him stood a striking young unicorn sporting a lavender coat and intense amethyst eyes. Eyes that now looked at him with a measure of real concern.

“Spike? Who is this?” asked Twilight, nodding a head in Tantalus’ direction.

“Oh, him?” Spike answered unconcernedly, “That’s –”

Tantalus interrupted the baby dragon, intent on introducing himself. “I am Cobalt Rooks, miss. I hope my being here is not an issue; I’m new here in Ponyville and I don’t have a place to stay yet. In fact,” he added, “I’ve been waiting to speak to you about renting out Ms. Fluttershy’s Cottage.”

“Oh,” Twilight said. The mare stepped further into the library and closed the door behind her with magic. “I suppose that’s okay. Fluttershy’s gotten a rather nice job up at Canterlot Castle that apparently pays very well. She’s decided to rent out the cottage for a small price. You have the bits to pay, right?”

“I’m afraid not, Miss Sparkle. I’ve been outside of Equestria for quite some time and I don’t have any bits.” Extending the foreleg with the golden circlet, Tantalus continued, “But I do have this golden band. Could we negotiate payment with it?”

Twilight’s eyes went wide as she looked at the band. “Where did you go? I’ve hardly ever spoken to anypony who has been outside Equestria! What was it like?”

Spike chuckled, mumbling, “Told you she’d love to talk.”

Tantalus halted for a moment as he tried to ignore the dragon. “Uh, I went to visit a zebra tribe. But please, will this gold be enough?”

“Huh?” Twilight said. She blinked. “Oh. May I see it?”

Tantalus straightened his hoof and levitated the golden ring to Twilight. The mare held the band in her magic for a moment, studying it closely.

“This… This is pure gold,” the mare said. She looked intrigued. “Did the zebras give this to you?”

“Yes,” Tantalus lied, sticking with the story that he had concocted while waiting for Twilight to return.

“Well, this looks to be worth quite a bit. How long are you planning to say in Ponyville?”

“For quite some time. I think it will take me awhile to get back on my hooves after having been gone for so long.”

“Okay,” answered Twilight with a short nod. “How about this: why don’t I just pay you now and then we can discuss Fluttershy’s cottage?”

Tantalus frowned. “Forgive me, but I think I would rather exchange this for money at a more … professional location. Just to make sure it is appraised right, you understand.”

Twilight Sparkle nodded. “You’d probably have to leave Ponyville to find anypony who could afford to pay you aside from myself. I happen to have quite a sum saved up; Celestia gives me much more each month than I can ever spend. Besides, I would rather like to take a closer look at this zebra artifact, if you don’t mind.”

“My,” said Tantalus, “how much is it worth?”

“About seventeen hundred bits, considering that it’s zebra-made and all,” Twilight answered, barely looking up from the ring.

“Uh… How much will it cost me to rent Miss Fluttershy’s cottage?”

“Fluttershy asked me to decide,” admitted Twilight. “However, she did say to keep it inexpensive if somepony who really needed a place to live wanted it. I think you fit that description. How does eighty bits per week sound?”

Tantalus smiled. “Superb.”

“Very well then.” The mare looked at her dragon. “Spike, round up the bits while I show Cobalt to the cottage.” Twilight opened the door and motioned for Tantalus to follow her. “It’s late now, so why don’t you stop back by here in the morning and so I can give you the money, show you around the town, and maybe introduce you to Pinkie Pie?”

“Pinkie Pie? I’ve heard that name. Who is she?”

“Oh. You’ll meet her eventually. It’s best that you don’t surprise her; she tends to freak out a bit.”

“If you think that is best, Miss Sparkle.”

Tantalus followed the mare out of the library and into the streets. He took a deep breath.

A new time, a new world, a new home, a new name, and maybe, just maybe, a new friend. Celestia’s voice echoed in the space between his ears. The world you shall find will not be the same as the one you now leave.