• Published 28th May 2020
  • 2,289 Views, 114 Comments

Beyblade: Metal Masters - New Harmony - Mkchief34

Equestria's Representative Team New Harmony, consisting of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Shining Armor, and Fluttershy, enter the Beyblade World Championships alongside Team Gan-Gan Galaxy.

  • ...

Prologue, Part Five - Number One!

As both Ray Striker and Galaxy Pegasus clashed against each other, Gingka and Masamune stood strong and fast, calling out to their respective Beys in support. As Ryo and his group approached, Twilight and the rest of the Equestrians watched closely, Rainbow Dash in particular. Her first match against Masamune had ended in a sudden defeat, and she felt eager to return the favor the next time they battled.

"Hey, Rainbow?"

She turned to Twilight, who looked at her curiously.

"You okay? You just spaced out there."

"I'm fine." Rainbow replied as she took out Sonic Raptor and held it in her palm, watching the Bey flash with the sunlight. "Just thinking about my first battle."

"You'll face Masamune again sometime, I'm sure of it." Twilight smiled. "You;ve got to train hard for that, okay?"

"Okay!" Rainbow cheered quietly as she returned to watching the battle. As Striker side-stepped past one of Pegasus's charging attacks, Gingka's eyebrow furrowed in frustration. Since the battle began, Masamune had been dodging most of Galaxy Pegasus's moves, and only attacking in short bursts. It was clear to him that he was waiting for something to occur on Gingka's end, and whatever it was…

Gingka wouldn't let it happen, not at all.

"Go now, Pegasus!" he called, and Pegasus began another wild charge towards Striker.

"Heh, trying that move again? Not gonna work!" Masamune boasted.

"Don't count me out just yet!" Gingka retorted. As Striker prepared to sidestep once more, Pegasus sharply changed course, impacting hard against Striker. Masamune growled, realizing Gingka had wanted him to dodge so he could change Pegasus's course and attack Striker accurately.

"Striker! Let's go, pull back!" Masamune called, and Striker moved to the edge of the Stadium.

"Take 'em down, Pegasus! Time for our Special Move!" Gingka cried. As Pegasus launched itself into the air, Masamune responded by calling out his own Special Move.

"Pegasus Starbooster Attack!"

"Lightning Sword Flash!"

As Striker focused its power into one point, Gingka's bey coated itself in blue energy as the image of the Pegasus Face Bolt appeared. As it hurtled down with meteoric force, Striker charged forward as its horn coalesced with purple bolts of lightning.

The two Beys then collided, their Bladers crying out in support. As the blasts of energy connected, a massive explosion resounded through the park, along with fierce gusts of wind mixed with dust. As the debris cleared, everyone present gasped.

Both Striker and Pegasus had stopped spinning in the center of the stadium, a clear Sleep-Out for both Beys. As both Bladers gasped and slid down to retrieve their partners, Masamune awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.

"You think we got a little carried away?" he chuckled. Gingka looked around at the surroundings and gave off a laugh as well. Their battle had blown the leaves off of trees, sent rocks everywhere, and generally damaged the once neat and idyllic park in about every way possible.

"Maybe we did." Gingka laughed, and Masamune laughed as well. "That was intense!"

"Well, glad I lived up to your expectations!" Masamune smiled, shaking Gingka's hand. "This doesn't mean that I'm still not the strongest Number One Blader! I will beat you one day, Gingka!"

"I'm looking forward to it!" Gingka nodded.

"I think we should call it a day." Ryo sighed, though he couldn't hide his proud smile he gave to his son. "Let's retire for now and let both Beys get some proper rest. Can you manage that, Madoka?"

"Sure thing!" Madoka replied, giving a nod. "Let's all head to the Bey Pit for now, and I'll get to Striker and Pegasus's repairs right away!"

"Right!" the group chorused. As they headed back into Downtown Tokyo, Chi-yun watched them leave with a small frown.

"Gingka is quite strong, but I think he can be beaten." he mused. "Come on, Lacerta. Let's head back to the Embassy. We've got some training to do."

The Bey in his hand, Thermal Lacerta WA130HF, flashed in the light, as if agreeing with him. As she leaped away, Twilight turned around to glance at Chi-yun's previous position. Seeing nothing, she hurried to catch up with the group.


Once the group made it to Madoka's combined home and workshop, it took a surprising amount of time to find seats for everyone. Eventually, Madoka settled Team New Harmony upstairs as she saw to repairing Pegasus and Striker, while Gingka, Masamune, Ryo, Hikaru, and Kenta remained downstairs.

"So...what now?" Masamune groaned, scrunching his brow in annoyance. "I didn't come all this way just to sit around and talk."

"Patience, Masamune." Ryo replied. "Once Pegasus and Striker's repairs are complete, we'll see more battling on your part. For now, just relax."

"If you say so." Masamune replied with a slight air of disappointment as he sat down and crossed his arm impatiently.

Then, Gingka noticed a sheet of paper had been slipped under the door, bearing a seal of a golden tiger bearing a five-pointed star. He bent down to pick it up, and upon seeing what was written, gave a "hmm…" of thought.

"What is it?" Kenta asked. Gingka handed the jade-haired boy the paper, and as the others crowded around, Ryo smiled in the background.

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock, come to the Chinese Embassy at the Grand Restaurant Plaza, and wait for our arrival. We will proceed from there."

"Chi-Yun Li of Team Wang Hu Zhong."

"That's interesting." Masamune frowned. "What's Team Wang Hu Zhong? And this doesn't exactly sound like an invitation to a lunch date, if you get my meaning."

"You're right." Gingka nodded. "Whoever this Chi-Yun might be, he or she must've known we were here. Why is that?"

"Well, I guess we'll find out tomorrow." Kenta said. At that moment, the doors opened, and a bulky boy wearing red and black with a beanie, carrying a massive burger in his hands, strode in.

"What's going on tomorrow?" asked Benkei Hanawa.

"I think Gingka's been challenged to a battle at the Chinese Embassy at the Grand Restaurant Plaza." Kenta said. "It's kinda strange."

"I've been there." Benkei shrugged happily. "It's a section of the city full of so many great Chinese restaurants. I guess that's how the name came to be."

"Well, whatever happens we'll be there." said Madoka as she came downstairs, handing Masamune and Gingka their fully repaired Beys. "Anyway, look at the time guys. We should get to bed."

The others looked out to see that the sun was going down, and the colors of the sky were turning from blue to a pale orange. As Masamune followed Gingka and Madoka upstairs
to the guest room, Ryo and Hikaru brought Team New Harmony to a parked SUV for the drive back to the WBBA HQ, while Kenta and Benkei headed to their respective homes.

However, as they all departed from the Bey Pit, Jason and his team of Bladers watched from across the street.

"So...what now, Jason?" asked Dan Resumo, the boy wearing the dinosaur-footprint shirt.

"Let's head back to the hotel, I guess." Jason replied. "Not like there's going to be any more action on their part tonight."

"Agreed." said Shura Atakori, who loosened the bandanna on his arm slightly. "I'm beat from all that walking we did."

"Not that it hurts to stay in shape, Shura." Rei Mirahami, the older girl of the group, shoved him playfully in the arm. Then, a yawn alerted them to the last member of the group "You okay, Caitlin?"

"Yeah, I'm just sleepy." said Caitlin Price, the younger girl. "Are we gonna go?"

"Yep. Let's move everyone." Jason nodded. As the five of them walked down the street towards the waterfront hotel they were staying at, Jason wiped the sweat from his brow and pulled out his Bey, Strider Zinogre UW145WB. Bearing the image of the mythological thunder-bearer wreathed in energy on the Stone Face, the power of lightning was sealed within the Bey. He could feel power radiating from within it.

Jason rubbed the small Lodestone which comprised the Stone Face, and gave a smile, as this was a way of reassuring himself for whatever would come next.

"Once the World Championships begin, we'll get right to work." he thought quietly, placing his Bey back in its pouch. "And we'll save our future while we're at it…but..."

"Seven and a half years may have passed...but time isn't on our side. When the Star Fragment inevitably falls and creates the ten Legendary Bladers...we'll be there to face it with them."

Author's Note:


I also redid the parts for the other Shogun Steel beys for Team Remnant Dawn, and Zyro and his team's Beys have and will remain the same for now.

Anyway, next time - Gingka and Twilight battle Chi-Yun and Mei-Mei, and a recently-arrived Tsubasa battles Shinobu Hiryuin.