• Published 28th May 2020
  • 2,575 Views, 8 Comments

The guy she'd kinda be into. - Arial_Dreemmurr

Being the first one to arrive at the band rehearsal she finds herself singing a song to pass the time. Unbeknownst to her, her friends are at the door to hear every word.

  • ...

From a guy that she'd never be into, to a guy that she'd kinda be into!

Author's Note:

Song from the first chapter: https://youtu.be/14Bo3NhhVhU

After another boring school day, Rainbow Dash entered the rehearsal room finding she was the first one to arrive there. "I'm the first one again, huh?" She shrugged it off and closed the door behind her.

She got to the coat rack and put her jacket on there. She walked over to her guitar and started getting it ready, turning the tuning pegs and testing its sound with quick taps by the strings of all the high and low notes. Feeling satisfied with the sounds she got a smile.

"Just how I like it." She looked over to the clock and continued her wait. She heard the sound of a kick from outside and looked out the window seeing exactly what she expected.

There were a few boys from the class above her kicking the ball on the field. One of these boys was Soarin, her partner in a school project they were assigned to do a few weeks ago. And like the last couple of days, she felt her cheeks turning bright red again.

She never really expected herself to fall for someone like him, or for any boy for that matter. She had more important things to do than thinking about boys. Love was just never her thing.

But once she started the project with him she felt herself being excited to see him in class every day. She didn't know why at first but it wasn't long before she knew for sure she was in love. She tried to ignore it at first but she couldn't help but crack a smile thinking about him.

And right now, she was at the window looking dreamily eyed at that same boy. Her heart was beating faster than any work out could manage to do and she only felt her cheeks getting brighter as time flew by.

Seeing her reflection in the window a few seconds later she knew her friends couldn't see her like that. But the only way she could let go of those strong emotions was to let them out freely. She thought of a song she heard not very long ago and got her guitar ready. It was just a minute or two and she could hear her friends coming at any time. She was pretty sure she wouldn't get caught.

She started playing the melody on her guitar and she began.. As she sang the lyrics of the song she felt herself smiling more and more. Even when there were no lyrics she felt herself humming along with the guitar.

The pase of the guitar quickened and she felt herself move with the cheery lyrics. She felt her energy increase throughout the song and couldn't help but do a small dance as she continued playing.

Once the chorus started she automatically started blocking out all other noise aside from her and the boys playing outside her window. Thanks to this, she didn't realize what was at the door.

Sunset just arrived from her last class and was ready to walk in when she heard a familiar singing voice. She looked through the small window and saw Rainbow Dash in the middle of a song. She also noticed the big smile and blush around her face.

Curious to what she was singing about she hid under the window and put her ear at the door listening to the lyrics. She was a bit confused at first. Mostly by the tone and lyrics. She never expected to ever hear Rainbow Dash, the cool tomboy, sing what sounded like a love song.

She listened closely to the next lyrics trying to find out who she was singing about, with Rainbow Dash still oblivious to the fact someone was there to hear her.

The energy of the song got up as the chorus started again. Dash's excited energy forced her to do the same as last time, with Sunset there now too to see all of it.

While she sang the chorus again, Sunset listened closely for any hints to who it was. With not much success.

As Dash cracked another smile, she continued with the last parts of the song.

Sunset was now, more than before, interested in who she was singing about. She heard someone in the hallway and saw Apple Jack and Pinkie.

"Shhh.." She pointed at the door and signed for them to not be seen through the window. They gave her a quiet nod joining her under the door window.

Apple Jack looked at her a bit confused but also very curious. "What is all this mystery about?"

"Yea, what are we doing?" Pinkie looked pretty excited about knowing why they were hiding like this.

"It's Rainbow Dash." Sunset explained. "She's in there singing some kind of love song and I need to know who it's about."

Apple Jack just laughed. "Rainbow Dash? Love song? Are ya sure that's Dash?"

"I wanna hear!" Pinkie squeaked excitedly putting her ear to the door. Apple Jack did the same not believing the words she just heard out of her friend's mouth. They heard her continue.

As the lyrics got more relatable for her, she started improvising some of them. Adding some of her own emotions into it. She felt the blush both increasing and decreasing as she expressed her emotions freely.

In one of the last and slow parts, she looked back at the window where the boys were still busy playing their game. She moved over to the window, watching them play, as she kept singing.

Meanwhile, at the door, Apple Jack and Pinkie looked extremely surprised while Sunset tried to spot who she was looking at.

"Wow.." Pinkie spoke in disbelief followed by Apple Jack.

"Ah didn't believe ya before but ah still can't believe it, even now." She looked just as surprised as Pinkie. She noticed Sunset trying to look through the small door window. "Who is it?" She was curious too now.

Pinkie heard more steps and noticed the other 3 band members making their way to the door chatting. She gave them the same sign as Sunset did earlier and they hid with them under the door window.

Twilight gave them a confused look. "What's going on?"

"Just listen." Sunset moved aside and let the other 3 look themselves. They saw Rainbow Dash at the window wearing a dreamy smile on her face.

"Why is she at that window like that?" Rarity asked pretty confusedly.

Apple Jack started explaining. "When I and Pinkie got here we heard her singin' a love song about someone. We're still figuring out who it is."

Rarity showed a look of complete shock. "Are you serious?" Rarity pushed them away to take a closer look. "I need to see this!"

Fluttershy quietly spoke up. "Isn't it bad to spy on her like this?"

"Shh!" They got her quiet before spying again. Fluttershy just decided to go along with it also curious herself.

Rainbow Dash leaned against the window with the same dreamy look. The next few lyrics were much slower and she felt herself blushing again as she was singing them.

She eventually noticed them packing up and quickly hid under the window so they wouldn't see her. They left the field walking past her window and disappeared from sight. She let out a love-filled sigh and the blush slowly disappeared from her face.

As she sang the last couple of words the others sat patiently, waiting for her to spill it. "Let's hear it.."

That guy that I'd kinda be into...


Everyone got closer to hear her say it.


"Oh come on!" Rarity yelled frustrated. Sunset quickly covered her mouth but it was already too late..

Rainbow Dash heard the yell behind the door and went to investigate. She opened the door to find her friends sitting on the ground in front of her with innocent smiles on their faces.

They stared at each other in silence before they got up. Seeing from their faces and just catching them spying on her she tried her best to hide her nervous face. "How much did you all hear?"

Rarity still had an excited smile on her face and didn't try hiding it. "Enough to know that you're in love!" She got a curious look now. "Now tell us, who is it? I need to know!"

"W-What??" She tried her best to play it cool only half succeeding. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

"No need denyin' it Dash." Apple Jack followed. "You're bad at lyin'. It's pretty obvious."

She wasn't going to give up that easily. "I just told you! I'm not in love!" She felt her face turning red again and quickly tried to hide it, but with no success.

"You know you don't have to hide it. It's normal to feel like you do." Fluttershy gave me a nice smile.

Rarity cut in again. "Who is it anyway?"

"No one.." She tried once again to deny it but after seeing everyone's unconvinced face she changed her answer. "That's none of your business."

"Well, of course, it is!" She smiled at her. "As your friend, I should help you with these things! And I simply can't let something as big as this soar by!"

"W-What are talking about!?" Seeing the smile on her face she knew she already had stuff planned.

"We could start with a make-over! I'm sure I have something you'll love!" She looked very excited about the idea.

On the other hand, Rainbow Dash already hated it. "No way! No make-overs!"

"You may say that now, but once we're done you'll thank me." She said proudly.

She wasn't up for it. "I said no!"

Sunset cut in with a question. "You still haven't told us who it is yet."

Pinkie nodded in agreement looking pretty excited herself. "Yea! I wanna know!"

"I.." She found herself falling quiet. She didn't want to tell them but she knew she couldn't get out of it anymore. "Fine! If you all want to know so badly.. But this will stay between US! I don't want anyone else knowing!"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" They all said at the same time excited to hear it.

She let out a sigh before continuing. "It's Soarin." She looked away from her friends ready for them to say something about it.

Rarity was already jumping from excitement. "This is all so perfect! I always knew you two were cute together!"

Dash just looked at her confused. "What!?"

She got a grin. "I've seen you two interact in the school project a few times. I could've guessed you two would become a thing sooner or later."

"You don't know that yet! I don't even know if he likes me back!" Dash quickly put her hands on her mouth not meaning to say what she just said.

"Won't know 'till you try it~" Rarity replied still with a grin.

She just rolled her eyes at it. "How do you even expect me to do that!? I can't just walk up to him."

"Why not?" Apple Jack asked a bit confused. Rainbow knew she was the kind of girl to just walk up to someone and get straight to the point.

"I just.." She tried to get her thoughts into words before just blurting something out. "I just can't do it ok!?"

Fluttershy quietly spoke up. "I know it may be a bit scary and you're probably nervous and all, but even if it's not the same for him you two still get to be very good friends after that." She gave Rainbow a smile causing her to crack a smile too.

Twilight smiled at her too. "Exactly! You have nothing to worry about! I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Oh-oh!" Pinkie put her hand in the air and answered her question. "You could trip in front of him, you then stand up trying to forget the bad opening but then find yourself sweating like crazy because you're so nervous and when you eventually do ask he rejects you and you say that you're fine when you're not and then you start avoiding him because of the heartbreak and your friendship will be gone never to be found again!" Rainbow Dash had a face made of only fear before running off. The others looked angry in Pinkie's direction with Pinkie oblivious to what she just did. "What?"