• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 1,973 Views, 19 Comments

Tummy Wubs - Somber Concerto

Fluttershy walks through a portal, finds herself at the home of a man named Dyllin, and she REALLY wants tummy rubs.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

I might continue this if anyone is interested.

"Angel Bunny, what's wrong?" Asked Fluttershy, worried. He seemed more frantic than usual, stomping his paws and pointing towards the Everfree Forest. "You saw something weird in the forest? Okay, show me where." She said confidently, following the little bunny into the woods. She saw a purple glow coming into view, and upon closer inspection, it seemed to be joined by a wavering sound, almost like unicorn magic but not quite. Once it came into view, it seemed to be a portal, swirling with many shades of purple, plum, and lavender. She stuck her hoof into it, immediately proving to be a terrible idea as is it began to pull her in. A gentle tugging at first, but it steadily became stronger. "What the- ahh! Angel! Help me! Anngeeel!" And with that, she was sucked all the way into the portal.

After falling through the portal, she found herself facing a large house. It was strange and big compared to equestrian houses. Even the door seemed large to 4-foot-Fluttershy. She turned around to find that the portal had disappeared. She began to panic, hyperventilating, and almost crying as she thought about Angel and all her other creatures being left alone, and her friends not knowing where she had gone! She took a deep breath and came to the only logical conclusion: knock on the door.

"Hello?" Asked Dillan, wondering who in the world would knock on his door at 9 PM. He looked down to see a small yellow and pink pony quivering on his doorstep. "Fluttershy?!" He asked in disbelief, wondering if he was just dreaming.

"Ho-how do you kno-know my nn-name?" Stuttered the pony, scared and perplexed how this.. thing knew who she was!

"Because your Fluttershy! Are you okay? What are you doing here? How did you get here? How is this even possible?!"

"I-I stepped through a por-portal and I go-got ss-sucked in! Now I d-don't know how to get back!" She began to cry, frightened by the creature.

"Oh, please don't cry! I still have so many questions, but that can wait. Come in, please!" Fluttershy hesitantly stepped inside, still sniffling quietly. "Can I get you something to drink, or maybe something to eat?"

"we-well I am a bb-bit hungry. But on-only if it's nn-not too much t-trouble."

"Okay, how about mac & cheese?"

"What's that?"

"Pasta with cheese on it."

"I've never tried either. I've never even heard of pasta."

"Would you like to try it?"


"Mmm! That was delicious!" Said Fluttershy, taking a final bite of her mac & cheese.

"I told you it was good." Said Dillan, astonished she had never eaten something as basic and delicious as macaroni and cheese. Fluttershy smiled in delight, distracted from her current dilemma for the time being.

A few hours later:

Fluttershy was curled up on the couch, watching what he called the TV. It was amazing, a bunch of tiny lights that make moving pictures! She had become more comfortable around Dyllin in the past couple of hours, having become friends. She began to feel a slight discomfort in her abdomen. It began to worsen, her tummy began grumbling loudly, loudly enough for Dyllin to hear. "Are you okay?" He asked, knowing she could not have been hungry as she had eaten a whole box of mac & cheese.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." She wanted to tell him the truth, but she was very shy about this sort of thing. But the pain was only worsening, and her stomach kept making noises.

"Fluttershy, your obviously lying, what's going on?"

"Nothing! I'm fine!" She hated lying to him, but she really didn't want to say anything. At this point, it hurt so bad she didn't even want to move. Dillan got up from his seat and knelt down beside her.

"Fluttershy, I just want to help you." He reached out and gently began to stroke her fur. He swiftly moved his hand over her belly.

"Ow!" She squeaked, completely giving her self away. She clutched her stomach with her hooves and curled into a ball.

"Oh, sorry! Fluttershy, you poor thing! Why didn't you say anything?"

"I'm sorry, I just really didn't want to! I just don't like talking about that kind of thing." She said sadly.

"It's okay. But next time say something, I could've helped you! I can still help you. I have some antiacid if you-"

"NO!" He was immediately cut off. "Sorry to yell, just no more human stuff! That's why I'm in this mess in the first place!" Her tummy gurgled more, her delicate pony digestive system protesting the highly processed human food.

"Okay, then what do you want me to do?"

"Umm... If you don't mind, I'd like some tummy rubs." She said that last part so quietly it was hard for him to hear. She blushed, her cheeks turning a shade of rosy pink.

"You want me to.. rub your tummy?" He asked, not sure if he had heard right.

"Mhm." She replied before curling back up again, a sudden wave of pain hit her. "Mmm!" She squeaked.

"Okay, fine." He said, very cautiously placing his hand on her tummy. He very gently rubbed her belly, slowly moving his hand up and down. Her fur was soft, but her belly was not. It was taught and bloated. He felt bad for her, she must have been in a lot of pain for her, Fluttershy to ask him, a stranger, to rub her tummy.

She closed her eyes and smiled as she relaxed a bit. It seemed like this was somehow making her feel better, or at least it was calming her down. "Could you press a little harder please?" He did as she said, and in doing so he felt many hard lumps in her tummy. He rubbed them, attempting to alleviate them. "Ow! Not there, not there!"

"Sorry!" He instead switched to rubbing up and down slowly, but with a little pressure. She burped loudly, the lateral motions having pushed some of the gas in her stomach upward. He chuckled a little.

"Eek! I'm sosososososo sorry! I'm disgusting!" She sobbed, covering her face with a blanket.

"What? Fluttershy, it's okay! It was just a burp! You have to get it out somehow."

"No, you don't understand! That's disgusting and I shouldn't have let it out! Please stop talking about it!"

"Fluttershy, calm down! You have a bad stomach ache and your bloated, the only way you'll feel better is if you let it out! You can either sit there crying in pain or get over it and feel better. Okay?!"

"Okay." Said Fluttershy, slowly pulling the blanket off her face. He kept rubbing her belly for about half an hour, she burped a lot more and even farted once. But she was really embarrassed about that, and Dyllin laughing didn't go over so well, but it was all okay in the end. By that time she was much softer, but she was still a little tight. After half an hour she still wasn't feeling perfect, but Dillan was getting tired of it, so he gave her some camomille tea, assuring her it would only help. She felt much better after that.

He put her in the guest bed and laid down in his own bed. It was about one AM by now. Just before he fell asleep, she came in and asked him where the bathroom was. He told her and she came back a minute later to ask how to use it. He wasn't quite sure how a pony was supposed to use a toilet, but he told her to just sit on it, hoping she would figure it out without making a mess. He fell asleep soon after, hoping she wasn't in too much pain still. He couldn't wait for tomorrow. He actually kind of liked giving her tummy rubs.