• Member Since 26th Jun, 2018
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Lets Do This

We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!


On a visit to Equestria, Sunset Shimmer discovers she and Princess Twilight have an unexpected connection from their school days... so they go check it out together...

Set in the MLP/EQG timeline, following Mirror Magic and Forgotten Friendship, but before Spring Breakdown.

Now has a YouTube fanfic reading, courtesy of user Lonely Fanboy48. Many thanks!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

This was lovely, thank you.

We aims to please -- thanks, NJDB!

Such an amazing story. My first thought was that it was going to be Moondancer

multi-pathing refraction tricks

Completely unrelated to multi-modal reflection sorting, I'm sure. :unsuresweetie:

Nice slice of life story between Twilight and Sunset.

Totally unrelated... actually, it's closer to 5G MIMO antenna and beamsteering technology, especially when teleporting in urban areas with all kinds of obstructions and reflections. Because you know, sufficiently advanced magic is just like science...

Nice to something where you have Twilight and Sunset interact, and it not have anything to do with a thoroughly fucked over timeline.

Even if you did mention it, doesn't really count since this isn't marked as a sequel to that series.

"So I guess some good came out of you defeating Nightmare Moon after all?" Sunset smiled. "I wish I could've seen that."

Yes, because saving the world from eternal night and bringing back Luna just wasn't enough. :trollestia:

Cozy. Great story.

It's wholly mundane and unremarkable. Not only because it is consistently treated and framed as such, but also because eternal night wasn't so bad as seen in The Cutie Re-Mark.

Sunset's blowup in the room was powerful but pretty realistic. While she is a better creature, she still retains a lot of her bad traits, and thus much of her skewed perspective on Celestia and her teachings.

Good thing she came out of this visit realizing she had more in common with Sunset than she previously thought.


She even made pancakes for us, with little smiley faces!"

"You're kidding."

"Nope. True story. She said she enjoyed doing it. That it was a way of showing she cared." Sunset sighed. "I really miss that..."

A Royal Problem reference, nice.

The feels are real, especially since Luna was so close to returning, but Celestia couldn't make pancakes for one of the ponies she cared the most about.

An uncharitable perspective on Celestia and her teachings is no bad thing.


Needs a sequel where Sunset reconnects with Cadance, and they get together with Moondancer.

Awww :twilightsmile: very nice! Twilight and Sunset just play off each so well.

A feel-good "pals hanging out" story. Pleasant chemistry.

Nice story.
Great to enjoy a little Twilight:Sunset time - well done!

Such a sweet little tale. Thanks for sharing it.

Assuming that just because I know something, everypony else knows it, as well.

Oh, I've been there. Far too often, and I still do it...

In any case, lovely stuff, though it would have been nice to actually see Celestia at some point beyond an abstract awareness. Still, great character interaction between her prized students. Thank you for this.

It was home.

aww! loved this bit, really got that feeling of going back to somewhere you haven't been for a long time

"... like a Princess yourself?" Sunset suggested. "Like the world was full of possibilities, and all you had to do was reach out for them?" She waved a forehoof grandly. "Summon them? Command them to exist?"

ooh, i like this! really fun to explore the similarities between Twilight and Sunset here. being set apart my their proximity to the Sovereign will do that

"Oh, I'm sure I was absolutely insufferable for days after that!"

this is just a very adorable little anecdote!

"Voila," Sunset said proudly. "The one that didn't get away."

all the more precious!

"Maybe... next visit," Sunset said, uneasily. "I'm still finding my hooves here, so to speak. But yeah... I'd like to reconnect with her. And maybe try to make up for being such a lousy friend, back then."

ooh, i love that kind of story! i mean i just need more stories about Sunset and Cadance's relationship in general

It was... amazingly cool! She even made pancakes for us, with little smiley faces!

nice canon ref, and great emotional use of it

Sunset's eyes went wide, getting it. "She's all around us... watching us and protecting us... and listening to us..."

ooh, this is an interesting interpretation. deity-like, even!

"Oh, I've fixed this bed enough times to know what it'll take."

"Fixed it?"

"I'm the one who bounces on things, remember?"

ah, nice callback! and a really cute moment overall, i can just picture the two all cramped underneath that bed in my mind

"No. Assuming that just because I know something, everypony else knows it, as well. Even I didn't know the truth about the Vault at first. But eventually, I figured it out."

aww, i like this

Smirking, she allowed Twilight a six-second lead this time...

... and still beat her there, by a whole half-second.

and a very friendship ending! the idea of Sunset and Twilight thinking of themselves as time-displaced roommates is delightful, and this interpretation of their relationship to Celestia is fascinating! it's something i wish the canon itself had leaned more towards, but at least it leaves room for a lot of more interesting interpretations like this. a very sweet little tale, thank you!

Wow! Thanks so much for your kind thoughts, and very detailed feedback!
It helps immensely, hearing what works for readers. Much obliged!

This story was a callback in many ways to my first story on the site, My Little Student. In particular the room that Twilight and Sunset have in common. I really liked spending time in that room again, "discovering" new things about it like the paper fish. I have fond memories of that room from when I wrote about it in the original story.

Oh, and as far as I know, filly Twilight bouncing on things is totally headcanon. Still, it fits!

"Every time I came here, it's like I was being put on trial."

Sunset on trial, eh? Ehehehehe. :pinkiecrazy:

Silly in-jokes aside, this was a really fun exploration on what it really means for both of them to have been students of Celestia. Both raised in the same room, with the same general layout and belongings, except with a few differences, like Sunset's hidden box of paper fish. What I found I enjoyed most about this was how in character both felt the whole time... and how much like friends they felt like. There was an earnestness to Sunset that I could admire, and a level of appreciation on her part leveled at Twilight. It could be seen in the little gestures and actions, the way she's still so grateful Twilight showed her the path of friendship.

There were many canon touches in this story, like the pancakes, or Twilight's tendency to bounce around with tons of energy. There's also some fascinating world-building here in the form of Celestia using a pocket dimension to train and monitor her personal student(s). It lends her the slightest aura of omnipotence, but only within her watched over realms like the Vault. Outside she's just like any other pony, but venture inside and she can hear all, see all, know all.

Also I really like that even as out of practice as she is Sunset's still a faster teleporter than Twilight. Free popcorn indeed.

Great work here.

I love this story. Honestly, I had always wondered whether Celestia gave Twilight's Sunset's room or what.

I really love the stories which expand upon the really fucked up timeline of MLP - Sunset/Twilight stuff has always been contested and thought about - although my explanation was Sunset was way before Twilight like a decade or smth and then time dilation because of portal thingy.

Did Celestia plan this out? Who knows? Celestia is that one puppeteer behind the scenes that keeps messing up, kek. But it was really fun to read some Sunset/Twilight interactions - which is why I will be favoriting this. Thanks for writing!

edit: I just realized I favorited this months ago. Whoops.

I don't mind -- feedback is always welcome and encouraging, especially when a story has made a good impression. Thanks much for reading!

Howdy, hi!

I super enjoyed this bonding moment between Twilight and Sunset. It was just a super solid story about the two in their commonalities and differences. The small moments with the fishing and Luna story with the popcorn were just super fun. I can also appreciate the small nods to our other stories as I have read most of the "Not exactly friends" series. I do really enjoy how you characterize both of these characters in all of your stories.

My only complaint is that I think you should have written out the apology scene with Celestia. I felt that was a missed opportunity, but also understand that the focus was on Twilight and unset not the Princess.

Anyways, great read thank you~!

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